Berks County Will Abstracts 1821-1825

1733-1760      1761-1765      1766-1770      1771-1775      1776-1780

1781-1785      1786-1790      1791-1795      1796-1800      1801-1805

1806-1810      1811-1815      1816-1820      1821-1825

NOTE: The dates represent the date that the will was written and the date the will was proved. These records are not in chronological order.


BUTZ, SAMUEL, Longswamp.
February 8, 1821 - August 31, 1821.
Children: Peter, John, Catharine wife of Jacob FRYER, Susanna wife of Joseph DeLONG, Esther wife of David WEYER, Maria wife of Daniel VOLK.
Son Peter devised farm in North Whitehall, Lehigh County at £900.
Son John devised farm in Longswamp, at £325.
Exrs: Son Peter of North Whitehall and son John of Longswamp.
Wit: David DeLONG, John FENSTERMACHER and Jacob RAUCH, Jr.
Codicil dated June 4, 1821.
Wit: David DeLONG and Jacob RAUCH, Jr.

DUNDOR, JACOB, Heidelberg.
March 5, 1821 - October 31, 1821.
Children: Jacob, John Adam, Christian, Margaretha wife of John KLEIN and John.
Exrs: Sons Jacob, John Adam and Christian.
Wit: John GEIS, John GERHART.
Codicil dated August 8, 1821.

EBLING, SIGMOND, Heidelberg.
July 22, 1821 - August 11, 1821.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Children: John (devised the farm), Jacob, Barbara, Anna Maria and
Catharine, and son Henry deceased whose son John gets £5.
Mentions also George, a son of his dau. Barbara LEININGER £10.
Exrs: John PALM and Peter.
Wit: Jacob HOFFMAN and Frederick LEININGER.

FOHRER (FORRY), GEORGE, Tulpehocken.
June 2, 1821 - August 6, 1821.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children: John, Catharine, Jacob, Eva, Michael, Daniel, William, Barbara wife of Simon GOODMAN and George.
Exrs: Son Jacob.
May 13, 1822 letters granted to Christopher LEISS and John SHARFF.
Wit: Peter KEISER and Philip SEYLER.

HOCH, MARIA, widow of Rudolph HOCH, Maiden Creek.
Children: Isaac, John, Daniel, Abraham deceased, Jacob, Samuel, Maria deceased wife of Jacob STEIN, Susanna wife of Andreas FEGLEY, Esther wife of Daniel YODER, Elizabeth wife of George STITZEL, Magdalena wife of Peter DUNKEL. Mentions also Eva (born DIEL) the wife of his deceased son Abraham.
Exrs: Sons John and Isaac.
Wit: Samuel KAUFFMAN and John KAUFFMAN.

April 19, 1821 - October 15, 1821.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Children: George, Elizabeth FISHER, Magdalena, Catharine, Sarah, Sybilla, Susanna, Jonathan, David deceased who left a son George.
Exrs: John BACKENSTOE, Jacob LOOSE, and Valentine and Philip HIMMELBERGER.
Wit: Jacob MIESSE and Jacob STAM.

HEINRICH, JOHN, Heidelberg.
April 1, 1821 - April 27, 1821.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
Children: Jacob, George, Elizabeth, Hannah, Christina, Maria, Sarah, Nancy and Catharine.
Exrs: Wife Magdalena and son-in-law David WENRICH.
Wit: John WAGGONER and John ROLAND.

January 22, 1808 - August 9, 1821.
Children: Catharine, Susanna, Elizabeth, John, Samuel, Abraham, and Daniel.
Exrs: Son Abraham and son-in-law Jacob HILL.
Wit: John WINGERT and John ECKERT.

KERN, PETER, Whitehall Township, Northampton (Lehigh) County.
January 17, 1810 - July 7, 1821.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children: To Joseph, Jonas, Peter, Daniel, Thomas and Julianna £1000; to Salome £400.
To grandson John, son of Julianna, £100.
Exrs: Sons Jonas and Joseph.
Wit: Samuel SIEGER, Jonas SIEGER.
Codicil dated Hamburg, October 26, 1817.

LEISS, PETER, farmer, Tulpehocken.
December 20, 1820 - January 6, 1821.
Provides for wife Barbara.
Children: Peter, Henry, Anna Maria wife of John FILBERT, and Margaretha wife of Martin GERHART.
Exrs: Sons-in-law John FILBERT and Martin GERHART.
Wit: John SEIBERT and Philip SEYLER.

LANDIS, JOHN, SR. Colebrookdale.
May 11, 1821 - June 1, 1821.
Provides for wife Maria.
Children: John, Henry, Molly wife of Jacob GILBERT, Anna wife of Jacob HENRICH, and Elizabeth wife of Thomas MOLL.
Exrs: Sons John and Henry, and son-in-law Jacob GILBERT.
Wit: Daniel GULDIN and Jacob FEGLEY.

September 22, 1821 - November 5, 1821.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
Directs that his 2 boys shall have plantation in Albany which he has in company with Peter SCHWENK and George SCHWENK.
Other children not mentioned.
Exrs: Joseph MILLER, a brother.
Wit: John MILLER and Christian CREUTZ (who being a drunken worthless man did not appear).

January 16, 1821 - November 10, 1821.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Mentions dau. Esther, but there probably were other children.
Exrs: Son Samuel OHNMACHT, Jacob BREUTIGAM and wife Elizabeth wife.
Wit: Samuel OHNMACHT and Carl F. EGELMAN.

November 7, 1821 - March 17, 1821.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children: John, Susanna, Esther, Abraham, Jacob, Catharine, Magdalena, and Maria.
Refers to David, Joseph HARRIET and Benjamin DELKAMP as children of his dau. Susanna.
Testator selected friends Abraham ANGSTADT and Jacob BOCK who are to select a 3rd person to settle all disputes that May arise among children out of will. Children shall be bound to their decision.
Wit: Henry RUPPERT and Jacob YODER.

RUTH, ADAM, Heidelberg.
June 16, 1819 - November 30, 1821.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children: Adam devised the farm in Heidelberg, 214 acres; Margaret, Barbara and Christina devised farm of 118 acres in Heidelberg.
Exrs: Son Adam and friend Samuel ADAM.
Wit: Conrad STOUCH and Isaac ADAMS.

SIEGFRIED, JOHN, farmer, Maxatawny.
February 20, 1817 - May 28, 1821.
Provides for wife Gertraut.
Farm of 177 acres to son Daniel, also 12 acres of woodland in Maxatawny, which farm was purchased from Henry SIEGFRIED, also 19 acres in Weisenberg, Lehigh County, for £2800.
Mentions also son John SIEGFRIED.
Gives to wife Gertraut 5 acres which he got from Jacob SCHWEIGER and Edward YOUNG.
Mentions also dau. Magdalena wife of Peter TROXEL, dau. Maria wife of Jacob ALBRECHT, Catharine wife of John BIEBER, Judith wife of ---- SCHLAUCH. Refers to grandchildren Catharine SCHLAUCH and Joseph SCHLAUCH, children of Judith.
Exrs: Wife Gertraut and son John.
Wit: Henry GRIM and Reuben GRIM.

SEYFERT, JOSEPH, Tulpehocken.
September 30, 1816 - August 7, 1821.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children: Benjamin, Joseph, Philip, Sarah, John, Jonathan, Samuel, Simon and Elizabeth.
Exrs: Sons Jonathan, John and Benjamin.
Wit: Daniel HIESTER and Joseph HATZFIELD.
Codicil dated May 3, 1820.

January 25, 1810 - March 10, 1821.
Children: John, Jacob, Christina and Elizabeth.
Directs that 2 daus. who are married to John and Jacob MEYER shall receive nothing.
Exrs: John and Jacob.
Wit: Valentine MOSSER and John ECKERT.

October 20, 1821 - November 2, 1821.
£100 to the Church at New Store, in Amity.
To brother-in-law David RICE'S children, as follows: Valentine £300 and to George and Abraham each £200.
To my brothers John, Philip, John Adam BAKER and sister Elizabeth DEARTH remainder of estate if demanded within 10 years.
Exrs: Jacob FRANCIS and George MOSER.
Wit: Daniel RHOADS and Gabriel PREIZ.

DERR, JOHN, Amity.
December 1, 1820 - March 1, 1821.
Estate in 3 shares to sons Samuel and George and dau. Dolly.
Exrs: Son Samuel and son-in-law Henry GEORGE.
Wit: John SCHEIRER and Jacob BECHTEL.

September 29, 1820 - January 22, 1821.
Provides for wife Anna Elizabeth.
Remainder to 3 children: Solomon, Anna Maria and Catharine.
Exrs: Friends John REYER and Christian BATTORFF.
Wit: Peter ANSPACH and Jacob BAKER.

February 1, 1819 - June 13, 1821.
All estate to wife Sarah during life.
Afterwards to be sold and divided among 5 children: Jacob, Isaac, Susanna, Margaret and Daniel.
Exrs: Friends Francis KRICK and John MULLER.
Wit: Christian GAUL and Jacob HUFFERT.

ECK, JOHN, Rockland.
March 25, 1801 - June 20, 1821.
To wife Maria Eve all real estate, 107 acres, during life. Afterwards to be sold and divided into 8 shares: sons Joseph, John, dau. Catharine wife of Francis UHLEIN, dau. Maria wife of John MATHES (in trust for her children), dau. Elizabeth wife of John UHLIN, Magdalena wife of Peter KESS, son Peter and dau. Maria Eve wife of Christian OHRENDORFF.
Exrs: Son Peter and son-in-law Peter KESS.
Letters to son Peter, the other renouncing.
Wit: Daniel FREY and Paul GROSSCUP.

November 25, 1820 - April 7, 1821.
All estate to wife during widowhood.
Children Hannah and Mary.
Exr: Wife Elizabeth.
Wit: John SANDS and George BOONE.

November 27, 1817 - January 12, 1821.
Executor to sell land in Salisburg Township, Lehigh County and all other real estate and divide between my 4 children: John, George, Abraham and Catharine wife of Abraham MERTZ. The portion to dau. to be paid to her children in equal shares except that Mary shall not have any of it. Sons Jacob and Isaac have had their share in land.
My other children, not named, had more or less their shares advanced to them during life and for other causes I have excluded them.
Exrs: Son Isaac and relative Jacob R. GRIESEMER of Oley.
Letters to Jacob R. GRIESEMER, the other renouncing, but on September 26, 1823 withdrew renunciation.
Wit: George MASTELLER and George BOONE.

May 27, 1821 - June 12, 1821.
To sons George and John my two tracts in Cumru, about 95 acres, for £530 of which they shall have £50 each for their portion.
Other children: Philip, Martin, Jacob, dau. Rebecca wife of Jacob WEIDEMAN, Elizabeth wife of Samuel PICKENS, Catharine wife of George MILLER, Eva wife of John NAGEL and Polly wife of Wm. BECHTEL. Provides for wife but does not mention her name.
Exrs: Sons Philip and George.
Wit: John LAMBERT and Johannes YOUNG.

GERNAND, JOHN, Maiden Creek.
August 22, 1818 - March 21, 1821.
Provides for wife Maria.
All estate to son John and dau. Catharine, wife of Daniel MAWRE.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law Daniel MAWRE.
Wit: John HUY and Jacob HUY.

March 10, 1812 - November 7, 1821.
All estate to wife Catharine during life, afterwards to be sold and money divided among children, not named.
Exr: Wife.
Wit: Wm. FOLK and George BOONE.

Probated April 15, 1824.
All estate to be sold and divided between sisters Maria and Magdalena.
Sister Catharine and brothers Daniel and William to have nothing.
Exr: George OYSTER.
Wit: Joseph SPECHT and Ludwig FOLK.

HINE, HENRY, Exeter.
February 22, 1814 - March 1, 1821.
Provides for wife Barbara.
Son Henry my land in Exeter, 65 acres, also 5 acres woodland in Alsace, subject to prior provisions for wife.
Remainder to sons John, Samuel and Jacob £1 each, they having been advanced. To grandchildren, Samuel, Reuben and Hannah DIETER, children of dau. Catharine deceased, £1 each.
Remainder to wife and son Henry.
Exrs: Sons Samuel and Jacob.
Wit: Ellis LEE and Thomas CHERINGTON.

HOMAN, HENRY, Reading.
April 26, 1821 - October 27, 1821.
To wife all estate during widowhood, afterwards real estate to be sold and divided into 8 shares, to sons and dau., viz: Henry, John, George, Elizabeth wife of John SEITZINGER, Catharine wife of Jacob MISSEMER, Anna wife of Christina SPONG, Sarah wife of Joseph SCHWARTZ and Margaret HOMAN. Son Henry to have all hatter's tools.
Executors to pay interest to Christina wife of Samuel HOMAN which was bequested to her dau. Catharine HOMAN by her grandmother Anna REITMEYER.
Exrs: Wife Magdalena and son Henry.
Wit: John HAHN and Henry HAHN.

January 2, 1819 - February 22, 1821.
To wife Elizabeth house and lot in Reading during life and to grandson John BEVERLY after her decease.
Grandson also to have stage wagon and horses.
To dau. Magdalena, wife of Samuel BEVERLY, my corner lot adjoining to where I live.
Remainder to said dau. and grandson.
Exr: Wife Elizabeth.
Wit: Joseph ALLGAIER and Henry HAHN.

January 14, 1809 - March 8, 1821.
All estate to wife Lydia during life.
Afterwards to be sold and divided between Catharine WILLIAMS and children of Mary, widow of Daniel WILLIAMS.
Exrs: Thomas JACKSON and David JACKSON, Jr.
Wit: Joseph JACKSON and Evan EVANS.

HILL, JACOB, Richmond.
September 3, 1821 - October 3, 1821.
To son Frederick the plantation where I now live, about 150 acres. He to pay following legacies:
To son Ephraim £1000;
To dau. Ester wife of David DEWSHER £1000;
To dau. Anna £1000.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To son Benjamin the plantation where he now lives, 50 acres.
To son David the plantation where he lives, 105 acres.
To son Ephriam my plantation in Schuylkill County, 184 acres.
Exrs: Sons Benjamin and Frederick.
Wit: John HERBINE and Benjamin ELY.

HAYER, ADAM, Reading.
September 5, 1821 - October 8, 1821.
Executor to sell and divide money among all children, viz: George, John, Jacob, Daniel, Elizabeth wife of Wm. McNEAL, first giving my granddau. Elizabeth HAYER, dau. of son Jacob, £20 for services rendered to me.
Exr: Son George.
Wit: Nicholas FURCKEL and H. M. RICHARDS.

HEIST, MOLLY, Reading.
February 8, 1821 - February 14, 1821.
To children of Henry HEIST of Kutztown £100 due me from said HEIST.
To George son of Conrad FRY 4 shares in Farm Bank of Reading.
To Catharine BAAB, Elizabeth wife of Jacob PHILIPE, and John son of Henry SPENGLER articles named.
All remainder of estate to German Lutheran Church of Reading.
Exr: Wm. SCHOENER, Esq.
Wit: Matthias S. RICHARDS and George MACHEMER.

May 21, 1821 - June 23, 1821.
Provides for wife Eleaner.
Divides estate among children: Jacob, William, John, Elias, Hannah, Mary, Elizabeth and Esther.
The shares to daus. married to David LUPOLD and Matthias SHIVELY to be in trust.
Exrs: Son Jacob and son-in-law Eli TRAGO.
Wit: William BAIRD and William KERLIN.

KLEIN, DAVID, Maxatawny.
March 12, 1821 - May 4, 1821.
Provides for wife Catharine.
After 10 years son Jonathan to have tract where I now reside.
After 10 years remainder to be divided among 6 remaining children: Catharine, David, Christiana, Benjamin, Gideon and Leah.
Exrs: Frederick BOBBENMOYER, Christian LOOKENBILL and Jonathan KLEIN.
Wit: Reuben KLINE, Jacob GRAEFF and Jas. DONAGAN.

April 23, 1821 - July 31, 1821.
All estate to wife Barbara during life.
After her death to be sold and divided into 3 shares: To son John, dau. Sharlotte, and the 2 children of dau. Magdalena. Sharlotte's share to be held in trust for her 3 children.
Exrs: Wife Barbara and son John.
Wit: John DAGEN and Henry BETZ.

September 6, 1820 - January 22, 1821.
All personal estate to be sold and money divided among children of my brother John KINTZEL and children of my sister Magdalena who was married to Jacob MILLER, Catharine who was wife of David MERKY and Anna who is wife of Christian LEHMY.
To my cousin Sarah MERKY my undivided half in tract in Bethel, 12 acres, during life and afterwards to devises of present estate.
Exrs: Nicholas ECKERT of Lebanon County.
Wit: George SCHNEIDER and Jacob BAKER.

MARTIN, CATHARINE, widow of Peter, Colebrookdale.
December 1, 1813 - July 25, 1821.
To dau. Catharine, wife of Peter STELTZ, £125 in advance.
To grandson Joseph STELTZ ten-plate stove.
To granddaus. Catharine and Salome, daus. of Abraham REITENAUER, articles named. Remainder in equal parts to daus. Catharine and Elizabeth, wife of Abraham REITENAUER.
Exrs: Son-in-law Peter STELTZ, Jr. and Henry BOYER, Esq.
Wit: Peter STELTZ and John RICHARDS.

MOHR, CONRAD, Robeson.
May 20, 1821 - June 1, 1821.
Devises all property held in partnership with brother John MOHR to said brother, except £50 to each of his brothers and sisters, not named, except Elizabeth the youngest whose share is to be paid to John RICHARD. Her son refers to the "other sister as widow Wendel".
Exrs: Daniel and John MOHR, sons of brother John.
Wit: Michael GROFF and George MOYER.

June 1812 - May 12, 1821.
To son John my plantation in Cumru.
All remainder divided among 3 sons and 5 daus.: Abraham, Daniel, John, Catharine wife of Martin RIEGEL, Elizabeth wife of Abraham KISSINGER, Mary wife of John GARBER, Susanna wife of Daniel BITTING and Eve wife of Frederick KLEIN.
Exrs: Son Abraham and son-in-law John GARBER.
Wit: Henry SASSAMAN and George NAGLE.

REED, JACOB, Tulpehocken.
July 1, 1818 - April 16, 1821.
Provides for wife Margaret.
To son John Jacob my plantation on which I live in Tulpehocken, 150 acres, for £1600.
Son John the small tract of land, about 5 acres.
Remainder to be sold and divided: To dau. Magdalena wife of Jacob STUB, dau. Elizabeth wife of Peter WOLD, dau. Eve wife of Michael FISHER, and dau. Mary £500 each.
Exrs: Wife and son-in-law Jacob SHITZ.
Wit: Benjamin REED and George LECHNER.

April 29, 1817 - Codicil June 1, 1821 - Probate June 19, 1821.
To wife Phebe all estate during life.
Afterwards to be sold and divided as follows:
To son John £50;
To son Peter £100;
Remainder divided among my children: John, Peter, Catharine wife of Jonathan RHOADS, Barbara wife of Thomas BULL, and Elizabeth wife of Jacob OX. Mentions that his wife was dau. of Bernard BEELER.
Exrs: Wife Phebe and Evan EVANS.
Letters to EVANS.
The widow renouncing.
Wit: John GEORGE and Jacob BRUNNER.

SMITH, CASPER, Hereford.
February 9, 1821 - November 8, 1821.
To wife Susanna house and other lands during life.
To granddau. Maria SHORP, dau. of Anthony, £100.
To son John and dau. Mary all real estate on death of wife.
Also to dau. Mary £100.
Mentions having conveyed plantation to son-in-law Peter ECK and wife Susanna.
Exrs: Wife Susanna and son John.
Wit: John DALLEMAN and George BOONE.

December 22, 1820 - November 22, 1821.
To sons George, John, Jacob and daus. Magdalena FLOWER, Maria ECKROTH and Margaret SWARTZ 50 cents, each having already received advances.
Remainder to son Joseph.
Exr: Son Joseph.
Wit: Daniel BACHMAN and Benjamin PARKS.

WOLLEBER, LOUISA, widow, Tulpehocken.
April 8, 1821 - September 22, 1821.
To my 4 granddaus. Margareth, Elizabeth, Catarine and Magdalena, daus. of Philip WOLLEBER, beds, bedsteads, etc.
To my dau. Margareth wife of Philip WOLLEBER all remainder.
Executors to sell plantation in Tulpehocken.
Exr: George SHAFER.
Wit: John LIVENGOOD and Henry GETZ.

ZELLER, FRANCIS, Tulpehocken.
June 21, 1820 - October 24, 1821.
Mentions son Jacob, his share in the plantation conveyed to him.
Balance divided among 11 children: Catharine, John, Benjamin, Peter, Elizabeth wife of Christian HOUTZ, Daniel, Valentine, Anna Maria wife of Frederick KUSTER, Jonathan, Henry and David. Dau. Catharine was unmarried.
Exrs: Sons John and Jacob and dau. Catharine.
Wit: Adam SHEETS and Jacob BAKER.


BRAUN (BROWN), DANIEL, Tulpehocken.
January 28 - March 18, 1822.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Devised to her the farm adjoining the land of Adam BRAUN and John BRAUN, deceased.
Mentions Julianna RIETH widow of John Adam RIETH as her sister, also Catharine SCHAFFER a deceased sister whose husband was Frederick SCHAFFER.
Exrs: Adam RIETH, nephew (a son of Julianna).
Wit: Valentine MAYER and George KEISER.

CROLL, MICHAEL, Greenwich.
August 29, 1818 - November 4, 1822.
Provides for wife Margaretha.
Mentions dau. Maria Eva wife of Peter KERN.
Names Henry HEIST and John SIEGER as appraisers and Adolph HATZFIELD as clerk. Bequeathes to niece Lucinda KERN 20 shares of bank stock in Allentown Bank. To nephew Joseph CROLL KERN his gold watch.
Exrs: Wife Margaret and son-in-law Peter KERN.
Wit: Peter EVERT and Henry RICHARD.

July 18, 1821 - November 16, 1822.
Children: Catharine, Elizabeth, Magdalena, Anna Maria, John, Jacob.
Exrs: Sons John and Jacob.
Wit: John GEIS and Philip FILBERT.
Codicil dated September 13, 1822 directs that executors serve without compensation.

DUBEL, JOHN, Tulpehocken.
April 8, 1822 - September 7, 1822.
Gives estate to wife Catharine.
Mentions but does not name 2 children.
Exrs: Wife Catharine.
Wit: Jonathan ZECHMAN and John POTTEIGER.

February 5, 1810 - August 30, 1822.
Provides for wife Anna Magdalena.
Devises to her the farm for life, afterwards to his father Henry FISHER who was a son of Christian FISHER.
Mentions nephews Christian FISHER and Ludwig FISHER.
Also provides for children of Christian FISHER: Ludwig FISHER and 6 children of Conrad SPATZ, who was the husband of his brother's daughter.
Exrs: Nephews Christian and Ludwig FISHER of Heidelberg.
Wit: John STAHL and Jacob FISHER.

February 20, 1822 - March 12, 1822.
Provides for wife Susanna.
Children: John Adam GRUBER and probably others.
Exrs: Friend Jacob REBER and son John Adam GRUBER.
Wit: Jacob GUTHMAN and Jacob REBER.

HARTZ (HERTZ), JACOB, tanner, Robeson.
June 25, 1822 - July 27, 1822.
Provides for wife Margaret.
Directs that tannery shall be conducted by Henry KLINGER.
Refers to brother Philip.
Exrs: Brother David HERTZ and brother-in-law John GERHART.
Wit: David HERTZ, Jr. and John RHEEM.

June 13, 1818 - May 21, 1822.
Both buried at Grimsville.
Children: Susanna, George, Christian, Frederick, John, Maria HATLER, Catharine SHANKWEILER, Elizabeth HAMMEL, Magdalena SCHMIDT, and Eva HARTMAN.
Exrs: Son Christian.
Wit: Adam DIETRICH and Jacob GEORGE.

HESS, CASPER, Reading.
February 26, 1822 - September 9, 1822.
Children: Margaretha wife of Michael REIFSCHNEIDER, Elizabeth wife of Isaac YOUNG, Catharine wife of Jacob FRITZ, Maria, Sarah and Esther.
Exrs: Michael REIFSCHNEIDER, Isaac YOUNG, and Jacob FRITZ, sons-in-law.
Wit: John S. HANOLD, Henry DIEHL and John WALTER.
The following were selected appraisers: Peter AURAND, John HIESTER, Peter NAGLE, George D. B. KEIM, George BAYER and Simon SEYFERT.

November 4, 1821 - February 1, 1822.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Stepchildren: William SPIES, John SPIES, Henry SPIES, being children of Joseph SPIES.
Exrs: Wife Catharine.
Wit: Jacob HEYER and John MOLLER.

December 25, 1819 - October 12, 1822.
Dau. Elizabeth wife of Werner KLEIN, sons Jacob and Philip, also another son Jonathan.
Exrs: Son Jonathan.
Wit: Simon WERTMAN and Daniel BUCKS.

April 13, 1822 - November 25, 1822.
Provides for wife Eva.
Children: Jacob, Jonathan, Catharine, Susanna, Solomon, George, grandson Daniel being son of Jacob and his 1st wife.
Jacob and Jonathan devised land for £1000 and £1200 respectively.
Exrs: Sons Jacob and Jonathan and son-in-law Henry METZGER (husband of Catharine).
Wit: Jacob HEFNER and Jacob SASSAMAN.

MEINDER, BURKHARD, a free tenant, Rockland.
October 21, 1822 - November 21, 1822.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Children: John, Daniel, Jonathan, Maria, Salome, Maria, Magdalena, Benjamin, Anna Matilda and Sylvia who are all to have equal shares at death of widow or if she remarries.
No executor named.
Wit: Daniel YOUNG and Benjamin MERTZ.
Also attached to this will is will of ELIZA MEINDER of Rockland, widow of above, dated November 13, 1822 in which she states she makes her will as a codicil to will of Burkhard MEINDER because she is authorized to do so by the will of her husband, and directs that the estate shall be sold at her death and proceeds divided as directed in will of her husband, and appoints her brother John CRONRATH and Daniel YOUNG as executors. This will was not proven.
Wit: Wm. CONRATH and William BEIER.
No executors named but a renunciation was filed November 27, 1822 by John MEINDER and Daniel MEINDER, 2 sons, and letters were granted to John CRONRATH and Daniel YOUNG.

November 21, 1822 - December 13, 1822.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children: Susanna, Maria, Catharine and Elizabeth.
Exrs: Wife Catharine and brother-in-law Christian BARTO.
Wit: David DRUMHELLER and Frederick MENNINGER.

PETRY, HENRY, Longswamp.
August 1, 1814 - September 7, 1822.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
Son Jacob to have plantation in Longswamp, he to pay £35 to wife Magdalena.
Exrs: Son Jacob.
Wit: Jacob WALB and John BUTZ.

PREIZ, GEORGE, Ruscomb Manor.
July 3, 1822.
Gives entire estate to wife Hannah.
Exrs: Joseph PREIZ and Daniel BRAUN.

December 4, 1821 - November 1, 1822.
Provides for wife Anna Maria.
To son Gottfried the estate in Tulpehocken and Bethel, he to pay widow her share.
Also to him £200 and 7 shares of Farmers Bank of Reading.
Refers to dau. Anna Maria wife of Martin WALBORN.
Gives to John GROFF, son-in-law of Martin WALBORN, 4 shares of Farmers Bank stock.
Exrs: Son Gottfried, Tulpehocken, and John GROFF, Bethel.
Wit: Frederick MUTH, N. SCHOENER and John GROFF.

April 28, 1813 - April 1, 1822.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children: Jacob, Christina, Margretha, Barbara, Maria, Catharine, Magdalena and John who is devisee of farm and woodland for £500.
Testator directs that wife live with John and if they can't agree, John is to erect a house for her where she desires it to be 24 feet by 18 feet with a cellar and not less than 4 windows, each window to have 12 panes. He also directs John to pay for and erect 3 tombstones for himself and his 2 deceased wives.
Exrs: Sons Jacob and John.
Wit: Jacob Shoemaker and Peter FRIEZ.
Codicil dated April 7, 1821.
Wit: Peter FRIEZ.

August 16, 1817 - June 25, 1822.
Gives all his property to wife Christina.
Should she remarry, then 1/2 of estate to his brother and sister, viz: Maria PEDRI, Susanna HISTER, John RIESER, Henry RIESER, Daniel RIESER and Mollie REDNER.
And the other 1/2 to the widow.
Letters to wife Christina and brother Daniel.
Wit: George SNELL and Henry REESER.

SCHMEHL, ADAM, Ruscomb Manor.
November 17, 1821 - April 26, 1822.
Gives to wife Justina his farm for life and at her death the farm to be rented until children of deceased son Samuel, viz Hannah, Elizabeth, David, Jacob and Sarah, arrive at age.
Mentions Adam SCHMEHL his father.
Exrs: Friends Jost RINGAMAN and Daniel BRAUN.
Wit: Joseph and Jacob ROTHERMEL.

July 2, 1820 - November 5, 1822.
Testator directs that after his death minor children shall select guardians who, together with other heirs, are to name executors who are to sell estate at public sale.
To dau. Salome, a dower.
To sons Daniel, Peter and a dau. £20 each.
To dau. Susanna £30.
Rest to be divided equally.
Letters to sons Daniel and Peter.
Wit: Jacob LONG and Michael SCHEEDT.
The heirs together with John HIESTER guardian of Adam and Susanna STRAUS, chose as executor, in writing, dated November 8, 1822, Daniel and Peter STROUSE. The names of the heirs: Barbara wife of Adam RADEBACH, Sarah, Daniel, Magdalena wife of Peter SMITH, Peter, Adam and Susanna.

SPEICHER, JACOB, widower, Upper Bern.
March 9, 1822 - May 24, 1822,
Children Jacob and Susanna.
Mentions also Barbara a sister who gets £25.
Exrs. and Guardians: Brother Christian SPEICHER and brother-in-law John RENO.
Wit: Stephen KAUFFMAN and Philip FILBERT.

STUMP, JOHN, farmer, Heidelberg.
March 8, 1821 - August 31, 1822.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children: Samuel, Benjamin, John, Molly, Sarah, Behime (Bevy), Catharine, Lydia, and Elizabeth wife of John SCHNEIDER.
Directs that John SCHNEIDER shall not inherit a penny because he does not conduct himself as a proper husband and is addicted to strong drink. Should Elizabeth become a widow she shall have her share absolutely. Appoints John MERKEY, son-in-law, as guardian of minor children.
Exrs: Samuel STUMP, son, and John MERKEY, son-in-law.
Wit: George HAAG and George SCHARFF.

February 22, 1817 - April 24, 1822.
To dau. Elizabeth SCHLABBIG £20.
To her and her dau. Magdalena SCHAFFER furniture in equal shares.
To grandchild Elizabeth SCHAFFER a Bible and Testament.
Residue to children in equal shares: Susanna LICHTY, Elizabeth SCHLABBIG, Flora GOODMAN, Magdalena SCHAEFFER. The share to Flora to be divided among her 6 children.
Exrs: Daniel SCHAFFER, son-in-law.
Wit: Valentine WAGNER and Nicholas WEIAND.

ZIEMER, HENRY, Brecknock.
October 25, 1815 - August 5, 1822.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children: John, Jeremiah, Henry, Peter and Catharine.
Exrs: Henry and John.
Wit: John BOHLER and Andrew GLASS.

October 7, 1820 - February 11, 1822.
Provides for wife Mary.
To son William when 21 my farm in Bern, 150 acres, at valuation.
Land in Schuylkill County and 1/2 interest in farm and tavern in Bern to be sold.
Other children: John and Sarah.
Exrs: Brother Solomon ALBRECHT of Schuylkill County and George WAGNER.
Wit: Jacob KAUMNAN, Philip KLINE, Jr. and James SILLYMAN.

September 4, 1822 - October 9, 1822.
To sister Elizabeth wife of John WEISER housegoods and wearing apparel. To her children all my money and other estate.
Mentions money due from Daniel SELTZER.
Exr: Friend Leonard KREITZER.
Wit: Peter WALBORN and John BATDORFF.

November 16, 1821 - February 8, 1822.
Executor to sell all and divide among 5 children: Sarah wife of David KLINE, Mary wife of Jacob STOUFFER, Elizabeth wife of John HINE, Rachel wife of Mark PHARE (FAIR) and Christina wife of John CLOSE.
Exrs: Son-in-law David KLINE and nephew Daniel EASTERLY.
Wit: Jacob JACKSON and Daniel A. BERTOLET.

BUNN, JACOB, Douglass.
September 3, 1822 - November 18, 1822.
Provides for wife Mary.
To son John farm in Douglas Township, 54 acres, and tract in Union, 8 acres, for £833.13.8.
To be equally divided among my other 5 children, viz: Jacob, Hannah wife of Jacob EGOLFF, Henry, Elizabeth wife of Adam EGOLFF, and William.
Exr: Son John.
Wit: John MOSER and Thomas BOONE.

DETURCK, ELIZABETH, widow of John, Exeter.
November 6, 1820 - March 12, 1822.
To children of dau. Deborah, deceased, who was wife of John HEFFLY £300. Remainder to son John, dau. Elizabeth wife of George GULDIN and legal representative of son Abraham deceased, and dau. Deborah deceased.
Exr: Son John.
Wit: Adam BRAETIGAM and Daniel BERTOLET.

March 5, 1822 - Codicil November 29, 1822 - Probate December 24, 1822.
To son Abraham 20 acres in Exeter.
Remainder of real estate to be sold and divided among children: Susanna and Catharine being named.
Exrs: Sons Abraham and Samuel.
Wit: Thomas LINCOLN and John LINCOLN.

January 14, 1811 - November 11, 1822.
Provides for wife Magdalena during widowhood.
After her decease to be sold and divided among children: Jacob, Daniel, John, Michael, Samuel, Magdalena wife of Job HARVEY, Jr., Elizabeth RAPP wife of Frederick, Catherina and Margaret FIX.
Exr: Son Jacob.
Wit: John HAHN and Henry HAHN.

September 22, 1822 - October 23, 1822.
To wife Catharine all estate during widowhood.
Afterwards to children, not named.
Exr: Friend Benneville KEIM.
Wit: Mathias S. RICHARDS and Andrew FICHTHORN, Sr.

October 22, 1821 - September 24, 1822.
To wife Sarah all estate during widowhood.
Afterwards to legal heirs (does not mention children).
Exrs: George D.B. KEIM and Isaac CHRISTMAN.
Letters to CHRISTMAN, KEIM renouncing.
Wit: Matthias S. RICHARDS and Jacob WEITZELL.

October 2, 1820 - August 30, 1822.
Two farms in Cumru and woodland, also a plantation in Augusta Township, Northumberland County, about 320 acres, to be appraised and children to have right to take them at appraisement according to age.
Estate divided among all children: dau. Elizabeth wife of Christian RITTER, and Catharine wife of Benjamin GICHER to be in trust for their children.
Exrs: Sons John and Nicholas.
Wit: Peter AURAND, Jr. and John SPAYD.
List of children in appraisement file: John, Nicholas, Jacob, Elizabeth RITTER, Catharine GICKER, Mary wife of Jacob KLINE, Sarah wife of John HEHN, and Joseph and Susanna, the last two being minors.

August 25, 1819 - November 22, 1822.
Provides for wife, not named.
Estate divided among all children, not named.
Exrs: Sons John and Abraham.
Wit: George SCHALL and David SCHALL.

HARBER, HENRY, Greenwich.
January 2, 1822 - March 19, 1822.
All estate to wife Elizabeth during life.
After her death divided among children, not named.
Exrs: Son Peter and John KOLLER.
Letters to Peter, the other renouncing.
Wit: Martin ZETTLEMYER and Peter STEIGER.

JONES, MARY, wife of Nicholas, Amity.
September 24, 1813 - July 17, 1822.
To Susanna V. TRUMP of Philadelphia bed, etc.
Remainder of estate to sister Elizabeth V. TRUMP.
Exr: Sister Elizabeth V. TRUMP.
Wit: John ROADERMER and Nicholas JONES, Sr.

KREMER, MARY, widow of Phillip, Reading.
July 1822 - July 29, 1822.
To dau. Elizabeth house and lot in Reading and 2 bonds of Daniel BICHLER of Columbia County, £100 each.
To son Jacob 5 bonds of the same amount.
To dau. Susanna bond of £97.
Refers to son Peter, deceased.
Exrs: Dau. Elizabeth and Daniel KERPER.
Wit: Matthias S. RICHARDS and Peter NAGLE.

KEELY, JOHN, Douglass.
April 13, 1820 - February 25, 1822.
Mentions having conveyed to his children certain real estate, viz: To son Jacob 5 tracts, 22 acres, in Douglass.
To son Henry 4 tracts adjoining in Douglass, 184 acres.
To son-in-law Henry BAKER 2 tracts, 104 acres.
Remainder to Jacob, Henry, and Elizabeth wife of Henry BAKER.
Exrs: Brother Jacob KEELY and son Henry.
Wit: John LAVER and Ludwig WORMAN.

KIDD, JOHN, Reading.
December 14, 1821 - January 29, 1822.
To wife, not named, all property during life.
After her decease to son John my dwelling and 2 lots in Reading.
To dau. Mary my lot of about 5 acres.
Son John to support son Hugh during life.
To dau. Catharine £100.
To daus. Ann, Mary and Lydia £100 each.
Exr: Son John.
Wit: George ZIEBER and Henry BETZ.

August 8, 1819 - June 3, 1822.
Provides for wife Hannah.
Various tracts to sons Samuel, Benjamin W., Jacob, all in Maiden Creek. To son Jacob all surveying instruments, books, etc.
Daus. Sarah HUGHES, Susanna L. GARRIGUES and Esther WILLETS and Hannah and Mary LIGHTFOOT.
Proceeds of sale of lands in Schuylkill County to above named daus.
To grandson David LIGHTFOOT, son of Samuel, £50 when he is 21.
Letters to Hannah, the widow.
Wit: Thomas WRIGHT, John S. PEARSON and Joseph PILKINGTON.

LEVY, MOSES, Hamburg.
April 16, 1822 - May 13, 1822.
Provides for wife Mary.
To son Nathan my 2 shares of bank stock.
Remainder to be sold and divided between children Sarah and Nathan in equal shares when 21.
Exrs: John BAILEY and Wm. FEATHER.
Wit: Andrew SMITH and John BEITEMAN.

July 26, 1822 - September 5, 1822.
Provides for wife Barbara.
To Adam MATZ a tract with gristmill and sawmill in Pike containing 16 acres, paying to my sister Maria STOUT £25 and £350 to Daniel MATZ.
To 4 sons: Henry, Philip, Mathias and David.
To Mathias MATZ after the decease of his father Daniel MATZ, remainder of my plantation in Pike.
To 4 brothers: Adam, Henry, Philip and David £75 each.
Had devised above land to his nephew Daniel MATZ during life.
Exrs: Michael MATZ and Henry REICHEL.
Wit: John SHANE and Joseph HOCH.

March 23, 1821 - March 1, 1822.
To sons Jacob, Abraham and Isaac 5 shillings each.
To son Daniel during life and afterwards to his heirs house and lot in Reading, also tract of 28 acres in Reading.
To sons of my son Abraham, deceased, viz: Jacob, William and John £300 each.
To dau. Ester wife of Jonathan MEE £275.
All remainder to dau. Susanna wife of Abraham KELLER.
Exrs: Jacob GOODMAN, Daniel BOAS and John ULRICH.
Wit: Jacob ULRICH, Michael ULRICH and John ULRICH.

NUSHAG, MICHAEL, Tulpehocken.
June 9, 1820 - September 5, 1822.
To dau. Barbara £200 and household goods in advance.
Remainder to be sold and proceeds divided into 5 shares: To son John, dau. Margaret wife of Peter WOLLEBER, dau. Barbara NUSHAG, the children of son Michael deceased, and children of dau. Magdalena deceased late wife of John NEIN.
Exr: Dau. Barbara.

OSWALD, MATHIAS, Womelsdorf.
July 12, 1822 - August 16, 1822.
To wife Elizabeth dwelling and lot of ground and all other estate.
Exrs: Wife and friend John ERMENTROUT.
Wit: John SMITH, Jr. and Jacob SALLADE.

RESSLER, JOHN, Richmond.
November 22, 1815 - November 8, 1822.
To son-in-law Joseph BARTHOLOMEW tract of 38 acres and also 4 acres of meadow, for £21.
To son Jacob John remainder of my plantation in Richmond for £150.
Also to above named son and son-in-law a tract of woodland in Ruscomb Manor, 48 acres.
Provides for wife Christina.
To dau. Magdalena £50.
To son Peter £100.
To son John 5 shillings.
To dau. Maria 25 shillings.
Exr: Friend John MILLER of Reading.
Letters to Jos. BARTHOLOMEW, February 4, 1823, MILLER renouncing.
Wit: Daniel LEVAN and Henry BETZ.

REESER, HENRY, Richmond.
May 2, 1822 - July 31, 1822.
To son Abraham REESER the plantation where I live in Richmond, 87 acres, also £1200 and farm utensils.
Remainder to dau. Elizabeth REESER when 21, also her home with Abraham while unmarried.
Exrs: Abraham HEFFNER and Jacob HEFFLY.
Wit: John KERSHNER and Benj. Parks.

RAUCH, MARGARET, widow of Christopher, Reading.
August 13, 1822 - October 2, 1822.
House and lot in Reading to be sold.
To granddau. Elizabeth LEVAN, now wife of Christohper BURGER, £54 which I owe to her for services.
To dau. Mary £100, etc.
To dau. Rosanna all remainder.
Exr: Son-in-law Daniel KERPER.
Wit: Henry DIEHL and William FRILL.

SINGER, JOHN, Reading.
January 25, 1819 - January 2, 1822.
To my sister Eve SINGER my undivided half of house and lot in Reading where I live and hold in common with said sister.
To my brother William SINGER and Daniel STROBLE 2 tracts in Northumberland County (late my father's estate).
Remainder to sister Eve.
Exrs: Daniel STROBLE.
Wit: Isaac M. YOUNG and Henry BETZ.

SINGER, EVE, spinster, Reading.
August 24, 1814 - January 29, 1822.
To my son Daniel STROBLE all my real estate and personal property. But should he die under age I give the same to my brother John SINGER, with reversion to brother Wm. SINGER.
Exrs: Brother John SINGER and son Daniel STROBLE.
Letters to STROBLE, SINGER being deceased.
Wit: John HABERACKER and Henry BETZ.

February 23, 1821 - Codicil October 12, 1821 - Probate January 9, 1822.
Provides for wife Maria.
To son Peter my dwelling and 1 acre of land in Reading, also lots in said place for £7000.
All estate to 7 children: Elizabeth wife of Henry BICKLY, Mary wife of George NAGLE, Peter, John, Sarah wife of Lewis PAULEY, children of son Daniel deceased, children of dau. Catharine deceased.
Share of son John to be in trust for his children.
Exrs: Son Peter and son-in-law George NAGLE.
Wit: George D. B. KEIM and Henry HAHN.

June 19, 1819 - Codicil September 6, 1821 - Probate September 28, 1821.
To dau. Anna Mary £100 in advance of others.
Remainder of money standing in hands of said dau. without interest while unmarried, but if she marries or sells her plantation she shall pay the same to my executors to be divided among all children: Dau. Barbara wife of John LICK, Catharina now wife of Daniel BRUNNER, share of latter to her son John HAUTZ.
Exrs: Michael SCHWARTZ.
Wit: Daniel BIXLER and Daniel BIXLER, Sr.

October 25, 1821 - August 30, 1822.
To my son Solomon £600 (he had land conveyed to him).
To son Joseph £1 having received his share.
To son John the farm on which I live, about 130 acres, for £800.
To son David the farm whereon Henry POH now lives, 70 acres, with 5 acres of woodland.
To son Abraham the land I bought from brother Jacob SIEGFRIED and remainder of woodland.
Provides for wife Magadalena.
To 3 daus. Maria METZGER, Elizabeth TROXELL and Catharine BIEBER all remainder of estate.
To son John and friend and neighbor John SIEGFRIED.
Wit: Jonathan GRIM, Daniel LEVAN and James DONAGEN.

SPAYD, JOHN, Reading.
September 22, 1822 - November 15, 1822.
All estate to wife Catherine her heirs and assigns.
Exr: Wife Catherine.
Wit: Daniel H. OTTO, David EVANS and Joseph H. SPAYD.
Adm. C.T.A. April 12, 1849.

August 29, 1821 - September 3, 1822.
Provides for wife, not named.
To son John lot in Reading and blacksmith tools.
Remainder to be sold and divided among 6 children, viz: John, Daniel, George, Peter, Samuel and Susanna wife of Nicholas MADEIRA.
Exrs: Sons John and Daniel.
Wit: Henry BETZ and Daniel KERPER.

October 21, 1822 - October 30, 1822.
To dau. Eleanor DeHAVEN £50.
To dau. Hannah FREED £1 in addition to what her husband owes me.
To dau. Mary COPLIN £1 in addition to the large sum her husband owes me.
To dau. Nancy GEIGER £100.
To dau. Elizabeth DeHAVEN £100.
To dau. Sharlot UMSTEAD £137 when of age.
Provides for wife, not named.
Remainder to be sold and divided between sons Nicholas, John, Harmon and Jacob.
Exrs: Sons Nicholas and John.
Wit: William LONG, Jacob KNABB and Jacob SHOEMAKER.

April 18, 1822 - October 12, 1822.
To Jacob SEITZINGER house and lot during life.
Afterwards to his dau. Margaret ADELIA.
To son Daniel SEITZING 5 shillings.
To Henry SEITZINGER 5 shillings.
To son John TOMPLIN £10.
To son David SEITZINGER house and lot I now occupy and remainder of personal estate.
Exrs: George ZIEBER.
Wit: Jacob WITMAN and Samuel LEVAN.

May 18, 1820 - May 9, 1822 - Probate November 11, 1822.
Provides for wife Sarah.
To son Francis part of plantation in Oley where I live, 121 acres, also tract of 25 acres woodland in Earl.
To son Benjamin part of my plantation where he now lives, 59 acres, and another tract 46 acres and 25 acres of woodland.
To Anna IDEN £4000.
To 4 grandsons, viz: William, Charles, Parvin and Benjamin WRIGHT, sons of son Benjamin, £200 each at 21.
To granddaus. Ann and Elizabeth WRIGHT, dau. of son Francis, £150 each when 21. Remainder to sons Francis and Benjamin, and dau. Ann in equal shares.
Exrs: Sons Francis and Benjamin, and son-in-law Jesse IDEN.
Wit: Thomas PEARSON, Ellis LEE and John LEE.

October 25, 1822 - November 12, 1822.
To James and Samuel, sons of brother Samuel WILLSON, £500 each.
To William, son of brother William WILLSON, £500.
To Caroline OLD, dau. of widow Elizabeth OLD, my stock in Farmer's Bank of Reading.
To children of Michael and George EGE, deceased (grandchildren of George EGE, Esq.), £1000.
Remainder in 27 equal parts, to brother William 8 parts.
To heirs of deceased sister Martha, who was wife of David HAYS, 7 parts. To heirs of deceased sister, Mary who was wife of James TODD, 6 parts. To brother Samuel 3 parts.
To heirs of deceased brother Joseph, Andrew WILLSON 1 part each.
To heir of deceased brother Hugh 1 part.
Exrs: Brother Samuel WILLSON.
Letters C.T.A. to James TODD of Dauphin County, December 8, 1823.
Wit: Wm. WITMAN and Matthias S. RICHARDS.

March 18, 1820 - February 19, 1822.
Provides for wife Catharine (nee BAUM).
Plantation in Cumru and woodland in Alsace to be sold.
To granddau. Sarah DREHER £100 when 21, with reversion to her mother Catharine ROTHERMEL.
Remainder of estate to children: viz: John, Henry, Daniel, Jacob, Helena wife of Peter ROTHERMEL, Catharine wife of Abraham ROTHERMEL, Maria wife of Abraham ROTHERMEL son of Peter, Hannah wife of Daniel BRIGHT, and Sarah wife of Daniel SHIRK.
Exrs: Wife Catharine and friend John GEEHR.
Letters C.T.A. to Matthias S. RICHARDS and Wm. SHIRK.
Wit: Samuel KRAUSER and John KRAUSER.

WEISER, DANIEL, Maxatawny.
October 9, 1820 - May 10, 1821 - Probate January 1-, 1822.
To wife Esther all estate during life.
After her decease to be sold and divided as follows:
To son David £8;
Remainder in 4 equal shares to son William, dau. Maria wife of Isaac DeTURK, dau. Susanna wife of Peter ZIEGLER, and children of son David.
Exrs: Son William and sons-in-law Isaac DeTURK and Peter ZIEGLER.
Wit: Frederick KIEFFER and Andrew ZIEGLER.


December 14, 1815 - May 29, 1823.
Gives estate to wife Catharine for life.
Exrs: Wife Catharine and sons Samuel and Solomon.
Wit: Abraham BECKER.
Jacob WENTZEL appointed in place of wife Catharine, who renounced.
Wit: John MILLER.

December 28, 1822 - February 8, 1823.
Provides for wife Margaret.
Children: To Frederick the Bible and to Adam the clock.
At wife's death estate in equal shares to Adam, Frederick, Jacob, John, Eva, Barbara, Margaretha, and Catharine for life and their heirs.
Exrs: Sons Frederick and Adam.
Wit: George LUDWIG and John ZIEMER.

June 3, 1822 - November 22, 1823.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children: Frederick, Philip, Christian, Catharine, Elizabeth, and John Adam. Refers to son-in-law Jacob MIESE and to his father Jacob.
Exrs: Wife Catharine and son Frederick.
Wit: Christian DUNDOR and Philip DUNDOR.

November 17, 1822 - January 10, 1823.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
At her death to children of 2 brothers John and Nicholas DEISINGER.
Exrs: Friend George SCHAEFFER.
Wit: Michael FICHTTHORN and Philip A. GOOD.
Letters granted to Francis BRIGHT.

FIEGEL, MELCHIOR, Tulpehocken.
July 25, 1822 - January 18, 1823.
To wife Maria, nee HAAS, the plantation in Tulpehocken and residence purchased from George SCHERTEL April 21, 1815 for life, and then to heirs. Exrs: Adam REBER and Albecht STRAUSE.
Wit: John HAAG and Sarah HAAG.
August 16, 1822, Jonathan SIEGFRIED filed a caveat, he being son-in-law of deceased, being married to dau. Barbara.
Caveat withdrawn August 24, 1822.

October 4, 1821 - April 7, 1823.
Children: John, Isaac, Ephraim, Gabriel, Anna Maria and Elizabeth.
Son John devised farm and woodland adjoining John FILBERT, John GRUBER, and Matthias MILLER.
Refers to brother John GERHARD with whom he jointly owned the "Batteiger" farm. Appoints brother Martin GERHARD the guardian of his minor children John, Ephraim, Gabriel and Elizabeth, and brother-in-law Adam KALBACH guardian of dau. Anna Maria, and friend David HIMMELBERGER guardian of son Isaac. Provides that when the widow of Martin BATTEIGER dies the dower remaining on his place for her shall be paid by his children.
Exrs: Brother John GERHARD and friend Peter KLOPP.
Wit: Matthias MILLER and Matthias MILLER, Jr.

November 20, 1822 - November 7, 1823.
Provides for wife Susanna.
Children: Frederick, John, Jacob, Anna Maria deceased wife of Jacob EBLING, and Barbara.
Exrs: Sons John, Jacob, and Frederick.
Wit: George BAETZ and Philip SEYLER.
Also refers to a brother Peter.

HOTTENSTINE, MARIA CATHARINE, widow, Kutztown, Maxatawny Township.
October 20, 1810 - November 5, 1823.
To grandson Isaac HOTTENSTINE, a son of Dr. David HOTTENSTINE, £500.
To granddaughter Sarah HOTTENSTINE, dau. of Dr. David HOTTENSTINE, £500. To grandson Henry HOTTENSTINE £500, being a son of aforesaid David HOTTENSTINE. Residue to friend Dr. David HOTTENSTINE.
Exrs and Guardian: Dr. David HOTTENSTINE.
Wit: Mathew WILSON and Philip GEEHR.

June 20, 1821 - March 17, 1823.
To son George 67 cents.
To son Jonathan all carpenter tools as his full share.
To dau. Sybilla wife of Henry HETTINGER 67 cents as her full share.
To son-in-law Adam FISHER'S son Adam £50 in Farmers Bank in Reading.
To Magdalena wife of Leonhard FAUST, Catharine wife of John BACKENSTOSE, and Sarah wife of George BENDER, to children of dau. Elizabeth wife of Adam FISHER, and to Susanna the rest of estate equally.
Exrs: Friend Valentine HIMMELBERGER.
Wit: Jacob MIESSE and Jacob STAM.

November 26, 1822 - August 15, 1823.
Children: Conrad, Catharine wife of Peter STETZLER, Elizabeth wife of George STETZLER and Magdalena wife of Joseph MENGEL.
Appoints son-in-law Joseph MENGEL as guardian of son Conrad.
Refers to Daniel MENGEL as grandson.
Exrs: Sons-in-law Peter STETZLER and Joseph MENGEL.
Wit: Philip BORKY and John BEITEMAN.
Peter STETZLER renounced.
Wit: Pater AURAND.

KERSHNER, JOHN, farmer, Bern.
March 14, 1823 - April 12, 1823.
Provides for wife Christina.
Children not named.
Exrs: Friend Philip FILBERT of Bern and son Peter S. KERSHNER.
Also appoints his brother Philip KERSHNER guardian of his 6 youngest children.
Wit: Abraham KLOPP and Jacob SCHNEIDER.

KESSLER, CHARLES August, Reading.
September 2, 1814 - December 28, 1823.
Provides for wife. Gives her his interest of inheritance he has yet to get from his mother in Germany as long as she remains a widow.
Exr: John SPAYD, Esq., an attorney in Reading.
Wit: None.
Will proven by John RITTER and Jacob SCHNEIDER.
Memo attached to will says "the carding and woolen mill in Alsace near Reading cost me 1st day of May 1813 in the whole £4120, and since then I have paid on its accounts some £250.
My mother, who died some years ago, lived in the village of Keula in the principality of Schwarzburg, Sandershauson by Muhlhausen in Turingen. One of my brothers-in-law is named Carl August HELMKAMPD and one Peter GIESEKE. The first lives in said village of Keula, and the latter two German miles from there in the bailwick of Ebeleben. One of mine (brother?) is named Wilhelm and was at the time I last heard from him a merchant in Hamburg, Germany.
Letters to Daniel RITTER, a brother-in-law, and Wm. SCHOENER, Esq., the executor having died November 12, 1827.

KAUFMAN, CHRISTIAN, farmer, Upper Bern.
January 19, 1821 - October 10, 1823.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
To Jacob £700.
To Frany £500.
To Magdalena £500.
To Elizabeth £500.
To John, Abraham and Christian, the last three to get farm of 400 acres.
Exrs: Sons John and Christian.
Wit: George GEHRIG and Daniel BECKER.

LONG, THOMAS, Tulpehocken.
March 9, 1823 - August 4, 1823.
Children: Philip, Jacob, Christian, Elizabeth deceased, and John.
Exrs: Sons Philip and Jacob.
Wit: Michael SCHET (SHADE) and John RIEGEL, Jr.
Codicil dated March 10, 1823.

MOHN, PETER, Brecknock.
September 29, 1816 - January 24, 1823.
Provides for wife Barbara.
Children: Henry, Ludwig, Daniel, Margaretha, Magdalena and Barbara.
Exrs: Sons Daniel and Ludwig.
Wit: John ARTZ and Cornelius ARTZ.

NAER (NEIVE), JOHN, Windsor.
March 19, 1823 - May 3, 1823.
Provides for wife Maria.
Refers to, but does not name, children.
Exr: Brother-in-law Philip REICHERT.
Wit: Daniel SCHREER and Christian SCHMICK.

October 2, 1821 - September 30, 1823.
To son Conrad the farm at 3750.
To sons John, Peter, Valentine and Conrad the farm in Ohio as tenants in common. To dau. Catharine personal property and 1/2 proceeds of personals, £100, and the benefit of dwelling house during life, and interest of £1000 yearly. Also mentions daus. Magdalena, Anna Maria, Elizabeth and Susanna.
Exrs: Sons John and Conrad and son-in-law Henry VanREED.
Wit: John SPAYD and John WITMAN.

October 3, 1823 - November 11, 1823.
Children: Catharine, Henry, John and Elizabeth.
Also refers to grandchildren Rebecca and Salome, children of Elizabeth deceased.
Exrs: Henry SMITH and John STIREWALT.
Wit: George GERHART and Wm. HENDRIX.

RAHN, JACOB, Maiden Creek.
October 1, 1823 - November 26, 1823.
Provides for wife.
Children: Jacob, John, Polly, Adam, Philip, sons-in-law Jacob WINTER and Henry HEFFNER.
Appoints sons John, Jacob and Adam as guardians of Philip.
Exrs: Jacob, John and Adam.
Wit: John BERNDT and John FORNEY.

SMITH (SCHMIDT), PETER, Tulpehocken.
August 7, 1821 - March 17, 1823.
Provides for wife Barbara, house and lot in Womelsdorf.
Children: Peter, John, Henry, George, C. Elizabeth wife of Nicholas SOHILL, Daniel, Samuel, Philip, Wilhelm, children of deceased son Jacob and Eva.
Exr: Son John.
Wit: Adam WILHELM and Jonathan MILLER.

SCHUCKER, JOHN, Tulpehocken.
May 14, 1807 - July 7, 1823.
Gives his brother Jacob 1/2 interest in farm where he lives, provided he pays to mother her "ausbehalt" (reservation), and gives his 2 brothers, George and Michael £350.
Exrs: Brother Jacob.
Wit: Michael HAHN and John SEAMAN.

July 2, 1823 - August 5, 1823.
Provides for wife Sophia.
Refers to children but does not name them.
Exr: Wife Sophia.
Wit: George SCHALL and Daniel HILBERT.

SOHL, CATHERINE, widow, Cumru.
December 16, 1822 - September 13, 1823.
To John HARTMAN, Elizabeth wife of John RUTH, Catharine wife of Peter FISHER and Barbara wife of David MARSHALL, the house and furniture, etc. The residue in 3 shares:
1 share to sister ---- ZIEMER wife of Henry ZIEMER;
1 share to John and Peter HARTMAN; and
1 share to 4 children of brother John SHARMAN'S children, viz: Peter SHARMAN, Elizabeth RUTH wife of John RUTH, Catharine wife of Peter FISHER and Barbara wife of David MARSHALL.
Exrs: Friend John ZIEMER, Esq. and David MARSHALL.
Wit: Michal RUTH and J. MARSHALL.

TROUTMAN, JOHN, Tulpehocken.
October 30, 1823 - December 24, 1823.
Provides for wife Sybila.
To son Michael farm, 350 acres, adjoining land of John LEISS, John SEYBERT, John RIEGEL, John SCHARFF, Frederick GEHRET and Philip ZERBER, for £2500 which is to be paid to children: Elizabeth, Catharine wife of Frederick WITTMAN, Susanna and Magdalena.
Gives to each of 5 children a walnut board with which to make drop-leaf tables.
Exrs: Son-in-law Frederick WITTMAN and brother-in-law Philip HIMMELBERGER.
Wit: John SEIBERT and Philip SEYLER.
Codicil November 3, 1823.

April 12, 1819 - September 5, 1823.
Provides for wife Margaretha.
Gives son John the farm, 154 acres, where he now lives for £1500 of which he is to retain £600 as his share and pay £900 to other children:
Samuel, Elizabeth wife of Jacob RUBRECHT and Daniel.
Exrs: Sons Samuel and John.
Wit: Jacob MIESSE and Valentine MOGEL.
Codicil dated October 29, 1821.

YOUSE (YAUS), JOHN, Rockland.
February 3, 1823 - March 24, 1823.
Provides for wife Dorothea the entire estate for life.
After her death to son Adam who is to pay other children: Jacob, John, Catharine and Maria one year after widow dies each £10 as their full inheritance.
Exr: Son Adam.
Wit: Henry RUPPERT and John HETH.

March 5, 1817 - December 29, 1823.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Children: Jacob, Abraham and others not named.
The widow renounced.
Letters granted December 6, 1824 in presence of Jacob WANNER and Reuben KLINE. Will proved before Reuben KLINE, Justice of Peace, by John HERBEIN and Gottlieb GETS.
Letters granted to sons Jacob and Abraham.

October 20, 1823 - March 12, 1823.
Provides for wife Rebecca.
Refers to legacies he is to get from father's estate.
To sister Catharine, wife of John VON NEIDA £200.
To sister Maria M. wife of Jacob GERMAN £200.
All remainder to dau. Harrietta with reversion to brother John and sisters above named.
Exrs: Brother-in-law Jacob GERMAN.
Wit: Daniel DIEHL and Leonard SELTZER.

July 21, 1823 - September 11, 1823.
Provides for wife Margaret.
To dau. Mary wife of Jacob ROTH £40.
All real estate to be sold and money divided equally to: Samuel, Henry, David, George, John, Anna and Elizabeth.
Exrs: Sons Samuel and Henry.
Wit: Jacob A. BEYER and Philip GEYER.

March 14, 1818 - January 18, 1823.
To wife Catharine all estate during life.
After her decease to children, viz: Frederick, Elizabeth RIDER, Catherine HERB, and Susanna BECHTOLD.
Exrs: Son Frederick.
Wit: Thomas LEE and Samuel LEE.

April 27, 1822 - September 6, 1823.
Provides for wife Rachel.
Sons Moses and George each 5 shillings, they having been advanced their share. To sons Michael and John £100 each.
To dau. Susanna wife of John DeTURK £50.
To dau. Christina wife of Jacob RHOADS £40.
To dau. Hannah wife of Abraham LUDWIG £40.
To my cousin Catharine WOLLY £40.
To use of New Store (Amityville) Church £5.
To son Jacob all real estate in Amity, he paying above legecies.
Exrs: Son Jacob and also son-in-law Jacob RHOADS.
Wit: Joseph LEVENGUTH and Jacob BOWER.

February 10, 1823 - April 7, 1823.
Provides for wife Esther.
Real estate to be sold.
To dau. Louisa £100.
To son Peter my gold watch when 18.
To son Daniel my other watch and £12 when 18.
Said sons to be put to trades at 14 years.
Remainder divided among 8 children: George, Peter, Daniel, Catharine, Maria, Louisa, Sarah and Esther.
Exrs: Wife Esther and son George.
Letters to son, widow renouncing.
Wit: John A. OTTO and Benjamin PARKS.

July 3, 1823 - August 16, 1823.
To son-in-law John ESTERLY all real estate, two tracts in Exeter, 97 acres and 13 acres, also tract in Alsace 12 acres.
To nephew John QUINTER life interest in tract in Robeson, 11 acres.
Afterwards to his heirs.
To grandson Henry LUDWIG £1300 at 21.
Exrs: Son-in-law John ESTERLY.
Wit: Daniel J. HIESTER and Melchior HAFFE.

BARR, PAUL, Exeter.
May 9, 1815 - Codicil May 22, 1819 - Probate January 16, 1823.
Provides for wife Dorothea, includes use of house and 7 acres in Exeter during widowhood.
To grandson Paul BARR, son of my son John, my large Bible.
To 2 daus. of deceased dau. Elizabeth, viz Sarah and Susanna CHRIST, my house and 7 acres after wife's decease, also £100 each when 21.
To son John £100.
Remainder to 3 children: John, Dorothea wife of Jacob BRUMBACH, and Susanna wife of Jonathan SEIDEL.
Exrs: Son John and above named son-in-law.
Wit: George Brickly and Jacob R. BRIGHT.

April 19, 1823 - May 26, 1823.
To wife Catharine all real estate in Robeson and Union Townships and all personal estate during life, she keeping and maintaining Rebecca MAN as heretofore during her life.
Afterwards all to be sold.
To dau. Susanna wife of ---- DICKISON £200.
The interest of remainder for support of Rebecca MAN during life and after her decease to my brothers and sisters, viz: Joseph, John, Margaret wife of John EVANS, Else wife of William PHILIPS, Jane wife of Ebenezer BEATY, Ann present wife of said Wm. PHILIPS, or their heirs or assigns. Exr: David HOOFMAN.
Wit: Thomas BOYD and Evan EVANS.

CLEVER, ELIZABETH, wife of Peter, Douglass.
October 3, 1823 - November 1, 1823.
To my nephew Henry HOCKLEY whom I raised from infancy, the plantation in Douglas, containing 100 acres, subject to following legacies:
To sister Magdalena ARMES £200.
To Elizabeth wife of David CLEVER £50.
To my husband Peter CLEVER all estate real and personal during life.
Letters to Peter CLEVER.
Wit: John ZUBER and Thomas BOONE.

COLLER, JOHN, Reading.
October 1, 1823 - October 8, 1823.
To wife Catharine use of all estate until youngest child is 18.
After her decease estate to be sold and divided among children, not named.
Exr: John RITTER.
Executor being deceased, letters granted to oldest son Solomon COLLER, June 8, 1857.
Wit: Samuel ROLAND and Mathias S. RICHARDS.

November 1, 1823 - November 20, 1823.
To sister Sarah FRITZ all my household goods and whatever May be recovered from estate of her late husband Frederick FRITZ.
Remainder of estate to brother Isaac CHRISTMAN.
Exrs: Sister Sarah FRITZ and brother Isaac CHRISTMAN.
Letters to Sarah, the other renouncing.
Wit: John B. OTTO and James SHOEMAKER.

August 1, 1822 - March 15, 1823.
Provides for wife Abigail including rent of house in Frankford during life. After her decease all divided among 4 daus.: Ruth Anna, Sarah LEE, Ann LEE and Emily CHERINGTON.
Exrs: Wife Abigail and brother-in-law Jeremiah LEE.
Wit: Ellis LEE, Jr., James LEE and Thomas Ellis LEE.

DIEHL, MARIA, widow, Reading.
August 12, 1822 - September 6, 1823.
Estate divided into five shares: Son George RITTER; dau. Susanna GOLLIARD; children of dau. Magdalena deceased who was wife of Jacob SCHNEIDER, viz: Benjamin, Joseph, Jeremiah and Anna SCHNEIDER; Elizabeth wife of George REESER; to children of dau. Sarah deceased who was wife of Abraham SHATZ, viz: Sarah wife of Mathias DREHER; and Catharine wife of ---- KERCHER.
Exr: Son-in-law Jacob SCHNEIDER, Esq.
Wit: George SCHLEER and Henry HAHN.

January 12, 1821 - December 8, 1823.
To wife, not named, house and small tract in Cumru during widowhood.
Afterwards to be sold and divided as follows:
To dau. Elizabeth wife of ---- Geret £25.
Remainder to 3 daus., viz: Catharine wife of Michael KLINGER, Mary wife of John LASH, and Elizabeth wife of Michael KISSINGER.
Exrs: Wife Anna Maria and son-in-law John LASH.
Wit: Henry WITMAN and Jonathan WITMAN.

DELCAMP, SUSANNA, widow of Henry, Pike.
April 7, 1819 - March 20, 1823.
All estate to John and dau. Susanna DELCAMP.
The bonds my son Henry DELCAMP owes shall have 10 years for payment.
Exrs: Son John and dau. Susanna.
Letters to John.
Wit: David SCHALL and George SCHALL.

DERR, CATHARINE, widow of John, Earl.
March 28, 1822 - October 29, 1823.
To granddau. Catharine FOOCE bed and bedding, etc. when 18.
Remainder to Henry S. SPANG in trust for use of my dau. Catharine wife of John FOOCE.
Exr: Henry S. SPANG.
Letters to David GRECKE C.T.A.
Wit: George BOONE and Jonathan CLEVER.

EAGLE, MARGARET, widow of Henry, Douglass.
November 15, 1822 - December 8, 1823.
To son Henry EAGLE all my right to dower in the plantation bequeathed him by my husband Henry EAGLE.
To son Philip my right of dower in plantation bequeathed him by my late husband. Remainder to be sold and divided among my 8 children, viz: George, Henry, Peter, Philip, Barbara, Elizabeth, Christiana and Susanna.
Exr: Son Philip.
Wit: Lewis WORMAN and Philip MARQUART.

ELY, MARGARET, widow of Isaac, Reading.
October 1, 1823 - October 6, 1823.
Divides estate among daus. Elizabeth and Fanny, sons Jacob, Samuel, Isaac and George.
Exr: Mathias S. RICHARDS.
Wit: Margaret H. RICHARDS and Conrad FEGER, Jr.

EHST, CHRISTINA, widow, Colebrookdale.
May 6, 1822 - October 8, 1823
To son John £300 to indemnify him for the loss which he sustained by our plantation in White Deer Township, Union County.
Remainder divided equally among all children. The children of son Samuel EHST, deceased, to get his share. Others not named.
Exrs: John EHST and Jacob GABLE.
Wit: Joseph MOYER, William REICHARD and John STAUFFER.

EVANS, MARY, Morgantown.
September 10, 1822 - May 2, 1823.
To George RIGG, son of my Jr. son Evan RIGG, bed and bedding, etc.
To grandsons Hiram RIGG, Samuel RIGG, George RIGG, Rees RIGG and granddaus. Mary Ann and Rachel RIGG articles named.
To Nathan EVANS articles named.
To servant girl, Priscilla, wearing apparel.
Remainder to son George for his children.
Exr: Son George RIGG.
Wit: Robert GOOD and David FINGER.

April 15, 1823 - May 21, 1823.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Remainder to be sold and divided into 8 equal shares, to children Jacob, John, Peter, Philip, Catharine, Salomie, Magdalena in trust for her children, and children of dau. Maria wife of Abraham LONG.
Exrs: Sons John and Peter.
Wit: Philip KISTLER and Philip BROBST.

July 31, 1821 - August 4, 1823.
To son Peter my land in Alsace, 57 acres.
Remainder to children in 6 equal shares: John, Peter, Maria Elizabeth wife of John MATZ, Margaret wife of John DIEHL, Barbara wife of Jacob WIEST, and children of dau. Elizabeth who was wife of Peter ZUBER.
Exrs: Son Peter and Mathias S. RICHARDS.
Wit: Peter RODENBERGER and Adam HAHN.

October 7, 1823.
To wife Elizabeth use of all estate during life, then to be sold and divided among 9 children, viz: John, Philip, Jacob, Daniel, Henry, Barbara wife of Michael BIESHLEIN, Elizabeth wife of Peter SCHULTZ, Catharine wife of Jacob FUHRMAN, Mary wife of John KACHEL.
But if Barbara should die before her husband, her share is to be given to her son Jacob.
Exrs: Sons Henry and Daniel.
Wit: Jacob WICKLEIN and Jacob SEIFERT.

FRY, CATHARINE, widow of Moses, Albany.
January 15, 1820 - April 7, 1823.
All estate to John LEYDECKER of Albany whom I appoint as my executor and universal heir.

GLASS, JOHN, Richmond.
June 12, 1821 - August 5, 1823.
Provides for wife Catharine all estate during widowhood.
Then to grandsons John and Samuel KAUFMAN, sons of my dau. Mary, the plantation where I live in Richmond, 250 acres, when 21, subject to wife's interest and payment of £450 each to their sister Catharine KAUFMAN.
Exrs: Wife Catharine, Samuel KAUFMAN and Peter DUNKLE.
Wit: Jacob GRAFF, Jr. and Benjamin PARKS.

GRIM, GIDEON, Maxatawny.
March 18, 1823 - April 18, 1823.
To son Nathan £25, he having received his share.
To son David my plantation in Maxatawny, 256 acres, except 70 acres, for £1500.
To son Gideon £1100.
To son Benjamin the mill and 50 acres in Weisenberg, Lehigh County, for £1000.
To son Joshua 70 acres to be surveyed from plantation devised to David, also tanyard and 14 acres in Weisenberg Township.
To my two daughters Hannah and Dinah, £700 each.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
To children David, Gideon, Benjamin, Joshua, Hannah and Dinah, a tract of land, 300 acres, in East Penn Township, Northampton County.
Exrs: Sons David and Benjamin.
Wit: Henry GRIM and James DONAGAN.

November 21, 1823 - December 8, 1823.
All my estate in the hands of my friend Conrad SPATZ, if I should die at his house.
To friend Jacob BECKER my large Bible.
Exrs: Conrad SPATZ and Martin ESHLEMAN.
Wit: Henry FLICKINGER and Johannes SPATZ.

October 4, 1821 - November 13, 1823.
To wife Christina income from all estate during widowhood.
Afterwards to be sold and divided among children: John, Jacob, Sarah wife of John JONES, Hannah wife of John MABURY, Mary wife of Daniel REITER, Samuel, David, Christina and Rachel.
Exrs: Wife Christina and son-in-law Daniel REITER.
Wit: Peter EDELMAN and John GULDIN.

October 7, 1823 - October 15, 1823.
All estate to brothers, sister and mother, who are not named.
Exrs: Philip EVANS and John GERNAND.
Wit: Abraham GERNAND and George GERNAND.

HIGH, JOHN, Ruscomb Manor.
July 31, 1823 - November 13, 1823.
To son Benjamin the plantation where I live in Ruscomb Manor, 78 acres, also a plantation of 42 acres, and part of a tract of 153 acres adjoining sufficient to make 160 in all, paying £500 to my daughters hereinafter named. To daughters Sarah wife of Daniel SCHMECK and Esther wife of Jacob KINDT, remainder of tract of land above mentioned and all bonds, notes, etc which I possess.
Exrs: Son Benjamin and son-in-law Daniel SMITH.
Wit: John SLABACH and Benjamin PARK. (Signed name HOCH.)

October 5, 1823 - November 17, 1823.
Provides for wife Anna, including plantation (with son John) for 10 years to maintain and educate minor children.
After which all to be sold and divided among 11 children: John, Samuel, Jacob, Elim, Elizabeth wife of John ENGLE, Maria, Susanna, Ann, Sarah, Rachel, Lydia.
Exrs: Son John and friend Daniel LORAH.
Wit: Jacob RHOADS and Daniel A. BARTOLET.

August 1, 1800 - May 22, 1823.
All estate to wife Catharina to dispose of as she pleases to my children and grand children, but nobody else.
Exrs: Wife Catharina and son Henry.
Letters to Henry.
Wit: Charles LUPOLD and Barth WAMBACH.

August 30, 1823 - October 17, 1823.
Provides for wife Maria.
All real estate devised to children: John, Daniel, Frederick, Elizabeth wife of John HUERT, Esther and Maria.
Exrs: Wife Maria, son John and John HAHN.
Wit: Jacob FUCHS and Henry HAHN.

April 22, 1821 - February 6, 1823.
Provides for wife Eve, including real estate in Union Township, 92 acres, during widowhood, or until her son Peter BROWN is 21, at which time real estate is to be divided between wife's sons George and Peter BROWN.
To Abner CARTRIGHT £300 in bonds of John FREES of Robeson.
To George JONES (son of Peter) £200 in bonds of same.
To George JONES (son of William) £150 in bonds of same.
To youngest son of Catharine wife of Francis BIRD £200 in bonds of same. To wife's dau. Sarah £100 at 18.
To wife and children what remains.
Exrs: Jacob GEIGER and Evan EVANS.
Letters to EVANS.
GEIGER renouncing.
Wit: John McGOWAN and David HUFMAN.

March 14, 1822 - August 11, 1823.
To wife Mary house and lot where I live and all estate during life.
Afterwards to children, not named.
Exrs: Wife Mary together with son-in-law Samuel FESIG.
Wit: Pater STICHTER and Daniel DRENKEL.

KING, HENRY, Bloomfield, NJ.
September 18, 1823 - October 9, 1823.
All estate to wife Betsy during widowhood.
Afterwards divided among children, not named.
Exrs: Ira DODD.
Wit: John McLEOD and John RAUSH.

KEYSER, JOSEPH, Longswamp.
November 7, 1822 - February 18, 1823.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
Estate divided among children: John, Elizabeth, Catharine and Solima.
Also names his 3 sons-in-law: Christian SWEYER, Samuel DRESHER and John MILLER. Exrs: Three sons-in-law.
Wit: Jacob BAST and Benjamin GEEHR.

January 7, 1823 - March 7, 1823.
To wife Margaret all estate during life.
Afterwards to 5 children: Catharine wife of John BUSH, Elizabeth wife of Daniel SHULTZE, children of dau. Molly deceased who was wife of John KERSHNER, Peggy widow of Henry SPENGLER, and Daniel.
Exrs: Son Daniel.
Wit: Mathias S. RICHARDS and George ZIEBER.

December 29, 1812 - August 25, 1823.
Provides for wife Dorothy.
To dau. Susanna wife of Daniel BAUM £600.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of Jacob GRIESEMER £600.
To dau. Catharine wife of Nicholas YOCUM £600.
To son Daniel my plantation in Amity, about 200 acres, for £1800.
To sons John and George all my undivided 1/4 in 406 acres in Brunswick Township. Exrs: Sons George and Daniel.
Wit: Abraham GRIESEMER and Jacob BEYER.

September 22, 1823 - October 17, 1823.
All property to wife, Wilhelmina, during life, except 37 acres in Union and 16 acres of woodland in Union which are to be sold to pay debts.
Remainder to be sold after wife's decease including houses and lots in Orwigsburg.
Dau. Dorothea shall retain dower in tavern tract during life.
Afterwards to her 3 children, viz: Hannah, Richard and Israel.
To son Charles £80 to compensate for services since he was 21.
Mentions dau. Christina and sons-in-law Wm. BUSH and Josiah TEA.
Exrs: Sons Charles and William.
Wit: Henry S. KLINE and Joseph KERNS.

October 14 - November 12, 1823.
To wife Eve all real estate during life, except what is needed to pay off debts. Personal estate to wife and dau. Elizabeth jointly.
After wife's decease, estate to be sold and divided among heirs (not named). Exrs: Friends William ADDAMS and John REESER.
Wit: Ernst WITMYER and Matthias S. RICHARDS.
Caveat filed October 21, 1823 by Wm. MACHEMER. Withdrawn November 16.

March 19 - September 18, 1823.
Provides for wife Maria including plantation in Cumru where I live and plantation in Cocalico, Lancaster County during widowhood.
Afterwards, to son David the plantation in Cumru.
To son John the plantation in Cocalico.
Remainder to 2 sons.
Exrs: Son David.
Wit: John HAHN and Henry HAHN.

MOHR, JOHN, Robeson.
September 8 - November 26, 1823.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
The plantation where I live, 122 acres, and grist mill, and 17 acres adjoining 100 acres with 10 acres of woodland, valued at £2500, the plantation now occupied by Fred SWITZER valued at £900, formerly occupied by son Daniel near Adamstown, containing 44 acres with grist mill at £2500, in all £5900. Above real estate devised to 5 sons: Jacob, John, George, Peter and Conrad. They to pay certain legecies in my brother Conrad MOHR'S will, amounting to £840 to heirs of son Daniel deceased £540, to heirs of Michael FREES married to dau. Catherine £540. To Frederick SWITZER married to dau. Elizabeth, £540.
£540 each to dau. Hannah and Mary MOHR.
Exrs: Sons Jacob and John.
Wit: Nathaniel DICKINSON and Evan EVANS.
Caveat filed by FREES AND SWITZER September 22, 1823. Withdrawn October 2, 1823.

MAST, JOHN, Upper Bern.
April 24, 1821 - December 23, 1823.
Provides for wife Anna, including farm in Upper Bern during widowhood.
To granddau. Sarah HOCHSTETTER £400 when 18.
Son Henry of Mifflin County to be her guardian.
After wife's decease, all to be sold and divided among 5 children:
Sarah mentioned by name [probably unmarried].
Exrs: Sons Abraham and David.
Wit: John SEIFERT and James SILLYMAN.

April 6, 1822 - April 12, 1823.
Provides for wife during widowhood.
Afterwards to be sold and divided into 8 equal shares.
To oldest son Martin's 2 children, namely Catharine and Abraham the dumb boy 1 share. To sons Jacob and Frederick 1 share each.
One share to each dau.: Elizabeth wife of Robert BRIGHTON, Sarah, and son of dau. Mary NESTON deceased, Martin NESTON, Catharine wife of Samuel RICHARDS, her share to her oldest daus. Catharina and Margaret.
Exrs: Wife Catharine and son Frederick.
Wit: Allen LEWIS, James WARREN and John CARTRIGHT.

March 12, 1821 - October 29, 1823.
To wife Catharine all estate during life.
Also provides for dau. Rachel who has been ailing for a long time.
After wife's decease, divided equally among children.
Mentions that all his daus. except Rachel, Hannah and Mary "have been set out to the value of £200." No sons named.
Exrs: Wife and John STONER, son-in-law.
Wit: George BOONE and Jacob UMSTEAD.

December 22, 1818 - Codicil April 27, 1821 - Probate January 18, 1823.
All estate in 2 equal shares to son Henry REICHEL and to George SCHALL, Esq. In trust for use of dau. Maria, wife of Francis FRANKLIN, and her children.
Exrs: George SCHALL, Esq.
Wit: Daniel YODER and Geo. SCHALL, Jr.

December 28, 1812 - Codicil July 8, 1814 - Probate May 6, 1823.
Provides for wife Susanna.
To dau. Hannah wife of Abraham HILL £300.
To dau. Elizabeth £400.
To son John all farm implements.
To sons Daniel, Jacob and Samuel £1 each, they having received their portions in land.
Exrs: Sons Daniel and John.
Codicil mentions that Susanna is now deceased and names all "my children": Daniel, John, Jacob, Samuel, Hannah and Elizabeth.
Wit: Daniel RHOADS and John RHOADS.

January 17, 1817 - November 30, 1823.
Provides for wife Esther.
To son John £80.
To son Henry "a hive of bees", having heretofore provided for him.
To remainder to 6 children, in equal shares, viz: Christian, Daniel, William, Peter, Barbara wife of Samuel KEIM, Catharine wife of John FAUST.
Exrs: Wife Esther and friend Benjamin PARKS.
Letters to PARKS, surviving executor.
Wit: Henry SCHLEGEL and Johannes FUNG.

December 31, 1822 - December 29, 1823.
Provides for wife Barbara.
To son George part of my plantation in Alsace, 86 acres.
To son Henry remainder of plantation, 46 acres 11 perches, also 13 acres 149 perches.
No other children mentioned.
Exrs: Friend Matthias S. RICHARDS.
Wit: Jacob WEITZEL and Mathias RICHARDS.

January 24, 1815 - April 28, 1823.
To wife Maria my plantation in Alsace, 60 acres, and all personal estate during life.
After her decease to my two daus. Elizabeth STAHL, widow, and Susanna wife of John EBERLING, during their lives.
Afterwards to their children.
Exrs: Wife Maria and friend John BABB, Jr.
Wit: James MORRIS and Henry BETZ.

March 15, 1818 - March 28, 1823.
Son John to pay dau. Eve £200 out of land I conveyed to him.
Son Christian, to whom I have conveyed the rest of my real estate, to pay to daus. Elizabeth and Magdalena £200 each.
Dau. Mary, wife of Martin HORNBERGER, has received her full share.
Exrs: Friend Conrad SPATZ.
Letters C.T.A. to Christian SNIDER, a son. Executor named renouncing.
Wit: Christian WESTLEY and John WESTLEY, Sr.

September 4, 1823 - November 4, 1823.
To wife Susanna all estate during life.
After her decease to Peter all real estate, 50 acres, paying legacies as follows: to son George £100; to children of son John, deceased, viz: Susanna, Polly and Rachel £10 each at 21; to son Samuel £100; to children of dau. Barbara deceased, late wife of John LEOPOLD, viz: Sally, Susanna and Jacob £10 each at 21.
To son Andrew £110.
Exrs: Sons Peter and Samuel.
Wit: Peter NEIMAN and John STAUFFER.

SEIBERT, MICHAEL, Tulpehocken.
May 18, 1820 - February 18, 1823.
Provides for wife Catherine.
To eldest son John my plantation in Tulpehocken, 270 acres, for £2500, paying to my dau. Rebecca £2000.
Mentions having conveyed to son Samuel a large plantation in Virginia out of which he shall pay to dau. Elizabeth £2000.
Provides for father-in-law John RICE who now resides with son Samuel in Virginia.
The 2 daus. are not married.
Exrs: Wife Catharina and son John.
Letters to John. The widow renouncing.
Wit: Joseph WEIDNER and William WOODS.

November 8, 1823 - November 13, 1823.
Twenty-five acres in Richmond where I live to be sold and divided between sons John and Solomon when 21.
Said sons to be put to such trades as they May choose.
Exr: Father-in-law Conrad SCHMEHL.
Wit: Jonas SCHMEHL and Benjamin PARKS.

June 2, 1817 - October 14, 1823.
To dau. Martha SHUNK £1.
To son Eli £1.
To son Samuel £20.
To wife Mary all remainder during life.
What remains at her decease to son Samuel.
Exrs: Wife Mary and son Samuel.
Letters to Samuel, the other being deceased.
Wit: Christian MILLER, Arnold MILLER and Eve MILLER.

VanREED, JOHN, Heidelberg.
July 15 - July 28, 1823.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To son James the paper mill and land belonging thereto, also 85 acres, when he is 21, for £500.
To son Joshua remainder of plantation whereon I live in Heidelberg and Cumru containing 157 acres, when 21, for £1000.
Remainder of estate divided among other children: Mary, Henry, Lewis, John, Jacob and the child wherewith my wife is now pregnant, all minors. Brother-in-law Philip EVANS, brother Henry and friend Samuel ADDAMS named as guardians.
Exrs: William ADDAMS and brother-in-law William HIGH.
Wit: Philip T. EVANS and Jos. SCHMUCKER.

February 13, 1822 - November 3, 1823.
To dau. Mary and Henry, deceased wife's children, the tract of land they now live on.
To son Joseph my plantation I now live on with fulling mill, etc. for £3000, of which £1000 shall be his share.
To dau. Elizabeth's children £1000.
Remainder to son John (has had £1000).
Mentions grandson Joseph and Levi WARNER, the mother, is referred to but not named.
Exrs: John and Joseph WARNER.
Wit: Christian MILLER.

WERHEIM, GEORGE, Heidelberg.
February 1, 1823 - March 17, 1823.
Provides for wife, not named.
Son George and his children shall not have anything more, having had a large share of my estate.
Plantation to be sold and proceeds divided among following children:
To my granddau. Catharine wife of Joseph BICKLE the only dau. of John SOAL who was married to my dau. Eve deceased, but the said John nor his sons shall not have any part of my estate;
To dau. Anna Maria wife of Henry GRUBER, to son Philip, to dau. Catharine wife of Christophel LECHNER, dau. Margaretta wife of John Jacob DUNDORE, dau. Elizabeth wife of John EIRICH, to the children of Henry KLINE who was married to dau. Christiana deceased, in equal shares.
Exrs: Sons-in-law Henry KLINE and John EIRICH.
Wit: Joseph GRUBER and William WOOD.

WRIGHT, SARAH, widow, Oley.
January 2, 1823 - November 11, 1823.
To sister Mary SCARLET £200, etc.
To brother Samuel LEE £100.
To brother Amos LEE £100.
To Francis WRIGHT £100.
Exrs: Brother Samuel LEE and Francis WRIGHT.
Wit: Isaac CHRISMAN and Jacob THOMAS, Jr.


BEAR (BAR), JOHN, Windsor.
March 7, 1813 - April 15, 1824.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
Children: John Jacob, John, Eva Elizabeth wife of John SCHUMACHER, Magdalena wife of John REBER, Barbara wife of George SELTZER, Catharine wife of Jacob PHILIP, Susanna wife of Jacob HOFFMAN, Maria wife of Henry BECKER, Margaret wife of Jacob REBER and Elizabeth wife of John BRENINGER.
Exrs: Sons John Jacob and John.
Wit: Adolph HATZFIELD and Conrad KERSHNER, Jr.

June 5, 1824 - December 1, 1824.
Gives estate to her cousin Henry HUNSPERGER.
Exr: Henry HUNSPERGER, friend.
Wit: Conrad WEIS and Michal NUSS.

May 31, 1824 - August 2, 1824.
Provides for wife.
To son Andreas the farm on which deceased lived.
To George the farm and mill which Jonathan RIEGEL now occupies.
To his wife the house and land now occupied by Peter PFEIFER.
Mentions also Abraham GOOD.
Exrs: Brother John GRAFF, son Andreas and neighbor Jacob KURR.
Wit: Peter WALBORN and Philip A. GOOD.

HIMMELBERGER, JACOB, farmer, Upper Bern.
March 1, 1822 - November 6, 1824.
To son John the farm of 250 acres adjoining KAUFMAN, John BACKENSTOE and others, for £1600, also woodland.
Mentions Peter KERSHNER, as a son of his deceased dau. Susanna, also Elizabeth as dau. of said Susanna.
Other children not mentioned by name.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law Philip KERSHNER.
Wit: George STICHTER and Valentine WAGNER.
Codicil August 1, 1823.

HECKMAN, HENRY, formerly of Tulpehocken.
Non-cupative will, declared October 7, 1818, written and witnessed by George KEISER, George LECHNER and Peter KEISER on October 10, 1818, Proved by October 13, 1824.
To wife the house and lot in Strausstown for life. After her death to be sold and money divided equally among children.
Exr: The widow.

March 21, 1807 - June 8, 1824 - Proved August 3, 1824.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
To son Abraham 194 acres and 22 acres woodland.
To son George the mill and 80 acres.
To son John 176 acres.
To dau. Catharine wife of George RUTH £1500 in gold or silver.
Exrs: Wife Magdalena and son-in-law George RUTH.
Wit: John MILLER and John ECKERT.

KLEIN, JOHN, farmer, Bern.
January 7, 1824 - July 2, 1824.
Provides for wife Margaret.
To son Jos. farm of 170 acres for £2000.
Other children: John, Jacob, Franica (Veronica), Catharine, Elizabeth, Margaretha, Magdalena, Anna Maria, Susanna, Christina, Eva and Sarah.
Exrs: Sons-in-law John MIESSE and John DUNDOR.
Wit: Jacob MIESSE and John KAUFMAN.

February 13, 1824 - March 30, 1824.
Provides for wife Maria.
To sons John, Benjamin, Martin and Samuel the land and buildings for which they shall pay dau. Maria Magdalena, wife of George FEGELY, £700. Exrs: Sons John, Benjamin, Martin and Samuel.
Wit: David DeLONG, shoemaker, and Jonathan HAAS.

August 1, 1823 - April 3, 1824.
Provides for wife Maria estate for life.
At her death to son Peter who is to pay each of other children £25.
Appoints son Peter guardian of youngest child Wilhelm.
Exrs: Son Peter.
Wit: Matthias MEYER and Charles F. EGELMAN.

February 8, 1821 - August 2, 1824.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To son Joshua the farm in Alsace for £150 which he is to pay in yearly payments to his brothers and sisters.
Also mentions a son John.
Exrs: Son Joshua and wife Catharine.
Wit: Joshua PFAFF and Carl F. EGELMAN.

RUTH, CATHARINE, widow of John RUTH, Reading.
November 27, 1818 - Probate July 22, 1824.
Stepsisters Susanna FISHER, Maria Magdalena HEHN, widow, and Anna Maria HEHN, widow.
Stepbrothers Adam RUTH and Daniel RUTH £2000.
£50 to the Reformed Church in Reading.
Residue to her brother Joseph HIESTER.
Exrs: Brother Joseph HIESTER and stepbrother Daniel RUTH.
Wit: John SPAYD and Matthias RICHARDS.

RUTH, ADAM, Heidelberg.
July 19, 1824 - December 29, 1824.
Children: John £300, Magdalena wife of George KALBACH £400, Catharine wife of Adam KALBACH, Susanna wife of John KALBACH who shall sell real estate among themselves but to no stranger.
The proceeds to be divided equally.
To George KALBACH, Jr., £1 and a horse.
To grandson Daniel KALBACH 2 horses and an old wagon.
Executors compensation to be £400 unless lawsuits arise when they are to have what the law allows.
Exrs: Sons-in-law John KALBACH and Adam KALBACH.
Wit: Joseph HILLINGER and John D. GRIES.

July 14, 1824 - September 4, 1824.
Mentions brothers Frederick REIDNAUER, Abraham REIDNAUER, Daniel REIDNAUER, deceased, sister Susanna wife of John STAUFFER, sister Barbara deceased, who was married to Michael HOFFMAN, and grandson George HOFFMAN, son of Barbara, is disinherited.
Wife of Jacob STAUFFER and sister Susanna to be paid for waiting on decedent. Brother Jacob REIDNAUER is disinherited.
Exrs: Brothers Frederick and Abraham.
Wit: Daniel HERB and Daniel NESTER.

RIETH, JOHN JACOB, Tulpehocken.
September 13, 1823 - October 13, 1824.
To son Michael 25 acres adjoining William BETZ and nephew John Jacob RIETH deceased.
To children: Christian, John, Magdalena wife of Jacob PHILIPI, Barbara wife of Christian PHILIPI, to children of Catharine wife of William BETZ, Jr., who was a sister of another son William RIETH, each 1/5 share. The sons John Jacob RIETH and William RIETH shall inherit nothing.
Exrs: Christian RIETH.
Wit: John VonNIEDA and Leonard SELTZER.

SCHULTZ, HANNAH, widow, Reading.
November 16, 1824 - November 27, 1824.
Provides for colored girl whom she raised, Margaretha.
Should she die the articles bequeathed to her to be sold and proceeds divided between Reformed Church of Reading and Berks County Almshouse.
Gives to said child and Almshouse her house and lot on Queen Street in Reading.
Exr: Henry RIESER, Esq., friend.
Wit: John ROLAND and William PAULI.

STAUDT, ABRAHAM, farmer, Bern.
October 8, 1824 - November 24, 1824.
Children: Abraham, Mathias, Jacob, John, Catharine Elizabeth, Magdalena, Anna Maria and Susanna.
Son Abraham devised the farm.
Others to have equal shares.
Mentions son-in-law John WAGNER.
Exrs: Sons Matthias and Abraham.
Wit: John GEIS and Philip FILBERT.

Probated March 10, 1824.
Provides for wife Barbara including use of forge, mill, house, land, etc. until John is 21.
To each of daus. £100 when 21 (not named).
Remainder of estate to son John when 21, subject to wife's life interest. Payments on account of daughters Lydia and Ann during their minority.
Exrs: Wife Barbara and Benneville KEIM.
Letters to KEIM.
The widow renouncing.
Wit: Samuel BAIRD and Ch. H. WITMAN.

December 13, 1823 - Codicil June 19, 1824 - Probate August 5, 1824.
£500 to be retained in executors hands.
Interest to be paid son William and Mary his wife during their lives.
Afterwards principal to grandson George W. BOONE, son of said William, and George T. and Anne LEONARD, children of Thomas LEONARD and my dau. Elizabeth his wife.
To wife Margaret, in fee, plantation whereon I live with 15 acres, woodland adjoining. All personal estate to son-in-law William GEARHART and Sarah my daughter, his wife.
My plantation in Columbia County and such parts of Jacob FAUST'S plantation as was alotted to me by a late division of his estate for £1500. £1000 shall be his wife's share.
£500 paid to the children of my son Charles when 21, that is, to Franklin and Daniel £125 each, to Rachel and Margaret £100 each, and to Harriet £50. To son-in-law Daniel BERTOLET and Ann his wife my plantation in Rockland, also the lot of woodland.
To son George the plantation on which he now lives, also woodland adjoining. To dau. Julia LINCOLN interest on £300 during life providing the dower from her deceased husband is not sufficient for her maintenance. All remainder to be sold.
To son-in-law Andrew TAYLOR and Elizabeth his wife £950.
To dau. Harriet, wife of Benjamin KLEIN, £900.
To son-in-law Jonathan EVANS and Margaret his wife £850.
To dau. Rachel £900.
To William RUNYON and Mary his wife £900 [probably a dau.].
Codicil forgives all rent due from Mordecai BOONE in MD to April 1, 1825. Also mentions Hezekiah BOONE.
Exrs: Son George, Daniel A. BERTOLET and Andrew TAYLOR, sons-in-law.
Wit: John FRITZ and John HOFF.

August 11, 1824 - October 27, 1824.
Provides for wife Sarah during life.
Her portion afterwards to heirs of son John deceased.
To son William part of plantation where I live.
Remainder to children: Magdalena wife of Peter DUNKELBERGER, Elizabeth wife of William MACHEMER, Christina wife of William SONNON, Adam and Daniel, in equal shares.
Exrs: Matthias S. RICHARDS.
Wit: Joseph REBER and John REBER.

December 5, 1823 - March 6, 1824.
To dau. Mary CLEVENSTINE house and lot, etc. with reversion to Henry WARREN'S children, child of Harmon BEARD and Keziah dau. of Amos BEARD in case of her death before age 21.
Exrs: Jacob GEIGER.
Letters to Paul GEIGER, Jr. Executor named renouncing.
Wit: Paul GEIGER and Paul GEIGER, Jr.

January 31, 1824 - September 14, 1824.
£1000 to children of deceased dau. Elizabeth wife of Henry DECKERT.
Same to children of sister Christina, who was married to George TROUTMAN. Same to sister Anna Maria married to Fred HEHN.
Bequeaths money received of father-in-law Michael MILLER to brother-in-law John MILLER and his sister married to Daniel LUDWIG. Remainder to 3 brothers: Jonas, Conrad and John, and Sarah youngest dau. of brother Valentine, in equal shares. £100 to be taken off Conrad's portion for his dau. Barbara.
Exrs: Peter ECKERT son of Conrad, Peter ECKERT son of Jonas, and Peter ADAMS.
Wit: John VonNEIDA and Daniel DIEHL.

FAUST, HENRY, Heidelberg.
1822 - June 8, 1824.
Small farm and woodland to be sold and divided in equal shares among children. Children named are Henry and Elizabeth wife of Johannes STEIN.
Exrs: Johannes REBER.
Wit: George LAMBERT and Thomas GRIMES.

FOLK, JACOB, no place.
Probate April 15, 1824.
All estate divided between sisters Maria and Magdalena when of age.
Exrs: George OYSTER.
Wit: Ludwig FOLK and Joseph SPECHT.

HOSHAAR, BARBARA, widow, Brecknock.
April 5, 1824 - June 15, 1824.
Estate divided among children: William, Margaret, Catharine, Barbara, Anna, Elizabeth, Peter, Henry and James.
Exrs: John KESSLER, Sr.
Letters C.T.A. to Abraham ZIEGLER.
Executor named renouncing.
Wit: John BECHER and Samuel BOWMAN.

HAIN, DANIEL, Heidelberg.
October 14, 1824 - November 24, 1824.
To son Isaac my plantation, etc. for £600 provides for wife Hannah.
To dau. Anna £200.
To son John £100.
To dau. Hannah VENENICH £200.
Remainder to Isaac, John and Anna.
To grandsons Isaac and Frederick HAIN, sons of dau. Polly, 5 shillings each.
Exrs: Wife and son Isaac.
Letters to Isaac, surviving executor.
Wit: Wm. HAIN and Jacob MILLER.

July 6, 1824 - August 20, 1824.
To niece Mary JONES articles of furniture.
To Susan, dau. of Jonathan JONES, furniture.
To children of James JONES in Northumberland County £100.
To my niece Margaret, wife of Thomas JONES, £60.
To Andrew Jackson JONES, son of Nicholas, my large Bible.
To Mary JONES, dau. of Nicholas, Jr., my looking glass.
To 2 nieces Mary JONES and Margaret, wife of Thomas JONES, all wearing apparel. To Rebecca, dau. of Thos. JONES, my walnut stand.
Exrs: Thomas JONES.
Wit: Mary JONES and Catharine DRY.

KOCH, JOHN, Heidelberg.
August 7, 1823 - August 27, 1823.
Wife to have all estate during life, not named.
Afterwards to be sold and distributed among children, not named.
Exrs: Sons Christofel and John.
Letters to John. The other renouncing.
Wit: Jacob and John LAMBERT.

LEAVER, JACOB, Douglass.
August 10, 1823 - September 10, 1823.
All estate to be sold and income from proceeds to wife Maria Margaret during life.
Afterwards to 6 children: Peter, Maria wife of Jacob FILMAN, John, Maria Magdalena wife of Edward PATZ, Elizabeth wife of Mathias ZIEGLER and Catharine wife of George SEBOLD.
Exrs: Son John.
Wit: Henry BAYER and Samuel SPATZ.

January 9, 1824 - March 5, 1824.
To Sarah L. HUGHES £200.
To Mary LIGHTFOOT of Maiden Creek £200.
To Jacob LIGHTFOOT my riding horse.
To Benjamin W. LIGHTFOOT my colt.
To John S. PEARSON my watch.
Remainder to sister Susanna JACOBS.
Exrs: Susan, Isaac and Joseph JACOBS.
Wit: Joshua STARR and Wm. WILLITS.
Non-cupative will.

LERCH, ROSINA, widow, Heidelberg.
May 8, 1823 - March 11, 1824.
To dau. Catharine, and after her decease to her son, the house wherein I live with certain other land to be surveyed off to dau. Magdalena and her heirs. To dau. Susanna 6 acres of land.
To son Daniel all remaining real estate, paying £200 each to my daughters Elizabeth, Mary, Nelly, and Margaret.
The husband of Margaret was John SWEIGERT.
The others probably married, but husbands unnamed.
Exrs: John MILLER of Sinking Spring.
Wit: Matthias S. RICHARDS and Henry BINKLEY.

MOORE, JAMES, Womelsdorf.
December 6, 1820 - April 22, 1824.
To 3 daus. Frances, Lydia and Rosanna MORE house and lot in Womelsdorf with furniture.
To sons William, John and Charles £200 each.
To Nancy GRAY dau. of my late wife by former husband £100.
Exr: Son William.
Wit: Wm. MOORE, John MOORE and David MOORE.

NEIDLEY, ELIZABETH, widow, Reading.
March 21, 1823 - April 7, 1824.
To dau. Elizabeth the wife of John BIRKENBINE the interest of the amount of my dower due me from the estate of my late husband.
After her decease to my granddau. Henrietta BIRKENBINE.
Remainder to dau. Elizabeth.
Wit: Henry H. MEARS and Matthias S. RICHARDS.

June 3, 1818 - December 6, 1819 - March 4, 1824.
To son Samuel PENROSE 2 tracts in Maiden Creek, 11 acres and 8 acres for £200. To dau. Margaret PENROSE 2 tracts in Maiden Creek, 11 and 8 acres, for £300. To dau. Sarah wife of Edward WILKINSON £800 and articles named. To dau. Mary WRIGHT £200.
Remainder to Samuel and Margaret.
Exrs: Son Samuel and brother John TOMLINSON.
Wit: Isaac PENROSE and Ephriam PENROSE.

October 20 - November 22, 1824.
Dwelling and 3 lots in Reading to be sold and money divided among 6 children: George, Samuel, John, Jacob, Mary wife of Peter HERMAN, Sarah wife of David ROWLAND.
Exrs: Sons George and John.
Wit: John BOYER and Henry BETZ.
(Signed name PREISE.)

September 11, 1822 - February 9, 1824.
Real estate to be appraised and children given option to buy according to their age.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
To dau. Catharine wife of Samuel GRING £200 in trust for her children.
To son Benjamin £300.
Remainder divided into 5 equal shares to children: Sons Jonathan, Benjamin and Nicholas, children of son Henry deceased, daus. Catharine wife of Samuel GRING and Susanna wife of Nicholas YOST, Elizabeth and Polly.
Exrs: Sons Jonathan and Benjamin.
Wit: George STONER and Matthias S. RICHARDS.

February 2 - February 12, 1824.
To my brother John SHEADT his bond for £201. To brother Henry £80, he paying for tombstones on graves of father, mother and myself.
To brother George SHEADT £20.
To brother Daniel SHEADT bed, etc.
Exrs: Brothers John and Henry.
Wit: Daniel H. SCHNEIDER and Benj. PARKS.

SMITH, SUSANNA, widow of Casper, Hereford.
November 14, 1823 - March 16, 1824.
To son John SMITH 1/6 of estate for use of granddau. Mary SHORP when 21. Remainder in 3 shares to son John, dau. Elizabeth wife of George KOONS and dau. Susanna wife of Peter ECK.
Exr: Son John.
Wit: John DALLMAN and Henry KNETZ.

August 2, 1823 - July 14, 1824.
Describes himself as Pastor of the Roman Catholic Church in Reading.
To Ann, dau. of Frantz EICHTHORN, my gold watch and chain for her faithful service to me in my sickness. To Eleanor EICHTHORN, her sister, books, etc.
To Mary C., dau. of Frederick SMITH, Esq., and Frederica, her sister, articles of household furniture.
Remainder to use of St. Peter's Church in Reading in which I officiated as priest.
Exrs: Sebastian ALLGEIER.
Wit: Wm. MINTZER and Joseph ALLGEIER.

THOMAS, EVAN, Robeson.
November 4, 1823 - March 1, 1824.
To children of my sister Mary, deceased wife of Ephraim JACKSON, £40.
To children of sister Sarah, wife of John GEORGE deceased, £40.
Remainder in equal parts to brother Thomas THOMAS, to children of sister Rebecca wife of Robert PENROSE, to children of sisters Mary and Sarah above named.
Exrs: Joseph JACKSON.
Wit: David MORRIS and Evan EVANS.

September 2, 1824 - December 15, 1824.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To son Henry all my real estate in Brecknock, 141 acres, he paying to daus. Catharine and Peggy £100 each.
To dau. Barbara on account of her marriage before full age (amount omitted in copy).
Mentions having given son John his portion in land sold him.
Exrs: Sons John and Henry.
Wit: Conrad SPATZ and Samuel BOWMAN.

February 18, 1823 - Codicil October 18, 1823 - Probate March 13, 1824.
Provides for wife Margaret.
To granddau. Rachel WICKS, dau. of son Christian deceased, £50 when 21. To Diemer STRUBLING, Nicholas LOTT, Jr. and Elizabeth, widow of son Christina, £1 each.
Executor to sell plantation in Alsace and house and 3 lots in Snydersburg, Northumberland County, and house and lot in Danville, Columbia County. Remainder after wife's decease into 6 equal shares to sons John, George, Coller, dau. Maria WICKS, dau. Sarah STRUBING in trust for her children and dau. Margaret wife of William WITMAN in trust. Son-in-law Daniel KOCH, husband of dau. Hannah deceased, had received £400 which shall be his share.
Exrs: Wife and son George.
Letters C.T.A. to Matthias S. RICHARDS.
Executors named renouncing.
Wit: George RUNYON and Henry HAHN.

WERSLER, CHRISTIAN, Colebrookdale.
October 21, 1819 - June 11, 1824.
To son Jacob my plantation in Colebrookdale, 85 acres.
Also stock and farm utensils, he giving to dau. Catharine a good horse or £80. To dau. Catharine wife of Matthias GILBERT a tract of land adjoining above, 17 acres.
Exrs: Friends Jacob ALLEBACH and Nicholas JOHNSON.
Wit: Jacob FINK and Daniel GULDIN.

YOCUM, MOSES, Douglass.
May 20, 1823 - February 28, 1824.
Provides for wife Susanna.
To son Moses £1.
To son Daniel the 2 places he now occupies paying £900.
To son John the place I now live on, after decease of his mother, subject to payment of £1000 to 5 remaining children: Peter, George, Mary, Anna, and Hannah.
Exrs: Son Daniel and son-in-law Jacob FRITZ.
Wit: John and Jacob WAMBACH.


ARTZ, JACOB, farmer, Tulpehocken.
July 7, 1825 - September 10, 1825.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Children: Jacob, Elizabeth, John and Benjamin.
Son Jacob is devised farm adjoining Jacob BONEBERGER, George ANSPACH and others. Son John is devised small farm adjoining Christian LESHER, Jacob KURR and others containing 26 acres, and 6 acres of woodland adjoining Michael TROUTMAN, Matthias FRANTZ and others.
Son Benjamin devised farm where testator now lives adjoining Thomas KURR, Christian LESHER and others, and 10 acres of woodland on Blue Mountain in Bethel Township.
Exrs: Sons Jacob, John and Benjamin.
Wit: Matthias FRANTZ, Peter LEBO and Philip A. GOOD.

CLEMENTZ, NICHOLAS, Womelsdorf, by others called "Middletown".
March 9, 1822 - February 4, 1825.
To sister Elizabeth McWATE, widow of John McWATE, £100 and 1/5 share of the estate.
To widow of his deceased brother Peter CLEMENTZ 1/5 share.
To widow of deceased brother Abraham CLEMENTZ 1/5 share.
To his sister Esther wife of Wm. COLLINS 1/5 share.
To children of his deceased sister Margaret who was wife of Elias FUNK 1/5 share.
Exr: Friend Frederick SCHULTZE.
Wit: John SMITH, Jr. and John BRESSLER.

ERNST, NICHOLAS, farmer, Richmond.
May 10, 1802 - October 26, 1825.
To wife Catharine entire estate absolutely.
Exr: Wife Catharine.
Wit: Peter NAGLE and Adam DRUNKHOUSE.

September 10, 1818 - August 26, 1825.
Children: Catharine wife of George SCHNEIDER, Elizabeth wife of Jacob BATTORF, Margaretha Elizabeth wife of Wm. GOODMAN, and John.
Exr: Son-in-law George SCHNEIDER.
Wit: Sebastian LUTZ and Jacob ROHRER.

GUTMANN (GUTHMANN), GEORGE, Upper Tulpehocken.
January 8, 1825 - March 16, 1825.
Provides for wife Margaretha.
Children: Thomas, Jonathan, George, Henry, Benjamin, Margaretha Elizabeth, Catharine SASSY, and Maria.
Gives son Thomas a house and son Jonathan a roan horse.
Makes both Thomas and Jonathan devisees of the distillery.
Exrs: Sons Thomas and Jonathan.
Wit: Abraham GOOD and Philip A. GOOD.

October 5, 1825 - December 21, 1825.
To son Jacob clock and case.
To dau. Catharine wife of Jacob KREMER £5.
To dau. Polly of son Peter £45.
Residue to son Gottfried.
Other children not named.
Exr: Son Gottfried.
Wit: George KRICHBAUM and John KOBEL.

HOFF, JOHN JACOB, Greenwich.
February 4, 1824 - June 1, 1825.
Children: Margaret, Jacob, Regina wife of Michael BRAUCHER, John deceased whose children inherit his 1/4 share, Catharine STICHTER, deceased, whose children inherit her 1/4 share.
Exr: Son-in-law Michael BRAUCHER.
Wit: John Gottlieb GOCK and Adam DIETRICH.

June 20, 1825 - July 2, 1825.
Provides for wife Elizabeth all estate for life.
Exr: Friend Daniel BERLOT, until son Jacob or son John arrive at the age of 21, when he or they shall take executorship.
Wit: Christian SCHNEIDER and Jacob KEMP.

HOMAN, JOHN, Robeson.
March 21, 1785 - September 26, 1825.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To son John the farm, he to pay other children their shares.
Appoints Samuel HOMAN and Henry TRET as guardian for his children.
Wit: Jacob WALTER and Samuel HOMAN who, being deceased, the will was proved by Christian DONAHOWER and Jacob MAURER.
Adm. to Christian DONAHOWER.

October 23, 1824 - September 10, 1825.
Children: Killian, Rosina and Elizabeth.
Exrs: Peter STEIGER and Philip FISHER.
Wit: Christian DIETRICH and Jacob ADAM.

LEIDECKER, JOHN, farmer and miller, Greenwich.
November 19, 1825 - December 20, 1825.
Provides for wife Maria.
Children: John, George, Maria Anna, Lucy, Anna, and Elizabeth Anna.
Exrs: Wife Maria and brother-in-law Jacob BACHMAN.
Wit: Daniel SCHLENKER and Jacob GEORGE.

LENGEL, STEPHEN, farmer, Heidelberg.
January 3, 1824 - January 3, 1825.
Children: John Adam, John, Philip, Matthias, George, David, Michael, John Jacob, Daniel, and Elizabeth.
Plantation of 200 acres adjoining John WENRICH and Jacob ZERBE, to be sold to one of 3 sons, Matthias, George or Michal, whoever is highest bidder. The farm lying partly in Bethel and partly in Tulpehocken shall be sold to one of his children, if they can agree, otherwise to be sold at public sale. Son David is devised 35 acres for £350.
Provides for wife Susanna.
Exrs: Sons George and Matthias.
Wit: Valentine HIMMELBERGER and John KIRST.

March 12, 1814 - April 28, 1825.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To Catharine SCHOCK and John SCHOCK, children of deceased daughter Elizabeth who was married to John SCHOCK, £50 each.
Residue in 2 parts: One to dau. Catharine wife of George MEYER, the other to Catharine and John children of his two deceased daus.
Exrs: Wife Catharine (since deceased) and son-in-law George MEYER.
Wit: Wm. WALTER and Daniel GULDIN.
Codicil dated March 12, 1814 gives Catharine the dau. of dau. Elizabeth,deceased, his wife's saddle which she shall have in excess of what her stepbrother John receives.
Wit: Wm. WALTER and Daniel GULDIN.

June 1, 1824 - April 16, 1825.
To son Jacob all land for £1000, which is to be divided among 8 children: Elizabeth wife of George MOSHER, Catharine wife of HENRY EMES, Maria Christina wife of Adam DIENER, John, Sarah, David and William.
Exrs: Son Jacob and friend Michael MATZ.
Wit: George SCHALL and Henry DIENER.
Codicil November 7, 1824.

March 25, 1825, - May 25, 1825.
Provides for wife Sibilla.
Children: Anna Maria, Sarah, Jacob, Hannah, Magdalena and Margaret.
Exrs: Son Jacob and son-in-law John ZIEGLER.
Wit: John WILHELM and Philip A. GOOD.

July 18, 1824 - November 24, 1825.
To Daniel GRAFF, bed, quilts, etc.
To Sarah JUNG, dau. of Jacob JUNG, beds, bank notes, etc.
To Catharine NAGEL and Sarah YOUNG, dau. of said Jacob YOUNG, all the clothing, etc.
To Peter NAGLE and wife, the said Catharine, the house and buildings, besides personal property.
Exrs: Friend Peter NAGLE.
Wit: Isaac YOUNG and Henry DIEHL.
Codicil gives Peter NAGLE, son of John NAGLE 1/2 lot of ground adj. Guss SCHWARTZ.

March 9, 1824 - September 24, 1825.
Provides for wife.
Children: Valentine, George, Christian, Hannah wife of Jacob SHILLING, Catharine, Sarah wife of John LAMBERT, Esther wife of John BOYER, Mary wife of Peter HERTZLER, Susanna, and Elizabeth (the latter 2 probably deceased) as their shares go to their children.
To John BOYER, a son-in-law £1000 as the trustee of Valentine, a son, the interst to be paid to him during life and the principal at his death to other heirs.
Son George to receive his share whenever he returns to Berks County.
Exrs: Jacob SHILLING, son-in-law.
Wit: Christian MILLER, Joseph WARNER and Elijah DECKERT.
Letters granted Jacob SHILLING April 10, 1827.
Letters granted to Michael KRAEMER March 18, 1864.

SEIDEL, MARIA SIBILLA, widow, Windsor.
January 19, 1821 - June 8, 1825.
Gives £10 to Church in Hamburg.
To Henry LEWARS, tinsmith, all rest of her estate.
Exrs: Henry LEWARS, tinsmith, a neighbor.
Wit: Peter STEIGER, Jr. and Peter STEIGER.
Caveat filed May 21, 1825. Withdrawn May 30, 1825.

April 12, 1824 - December 15, 1825.
Children: Jonathan, Reuben, Joshua, Polly Katy, Betsy, and Lydia.
Also provides for sons Jonathan, Reuben and Joshua.
The rest of estate to 4 daus. named.
No executor named.
Will not witnessed.
Will was proven on December 16, 1825 by Joseph SMITH and Henry SMITH, acquaintances. Letters granted to son Jonathan, the widow having renounced.

December 25, 1823 - April 18, 1825.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children: John, Daniel, Valentine, Henry, Elizabeth wife of Jacob KINSY, Magdalena wife of Christoph OHNMACHT, Catharine wife of George DeTURK, and Christina.
The last named to receive 1/3 of her share, the other 2/3 to go to her 3 children of Daniel KIEFER, viz: Sally, Wilhelm and Valentine.
Exrs: Sons Daniel and Henry.
Wit: Christian KINTZI and Carl F. EGELMAN.

May 6, 1820 - September 19, 1825.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To Michael UNANGST, Jr., a son of deceased brother Henry, the real and personal property.
Provides for his wife's sister Mrs. WEIDMAN.
Also for 5 children of his brother Henry and for Zion's Church (Grimsville).
Exr: Nephew Michael UNANGST.
Wit: Michael BILLIG and Michael CROLL.

ZIEBER, PHILIP, hatter, Reading.
April 7, 1823 - December 28, 1825.
Children: George, William, Samuel Charles, Sally, Elizabeth, Mary and Catharine.
To son George £1450.
The remainder to other 7 children.
Exrs: Sons William and Samuel.
Wit: Matthias S. RICHARDS and Isaac HIESTER.

BOBP, CATHARINE, widow of Abraham, Amity.
March 15, 1823 - March 16, 1825.
All estate to 4 sons: Daniel, Abraham, Henry and David BOBP.
the latter being a minor.
Exr: Son Henry.
Wit: Daniel RHOADS and William REIDER.

BAUM, JONAS, Alsace.
May 19, 1825 - Codicil June 12, 1825 - Probate December 9, 1825.
To son Daniel plantation where I live, 227 acres, for £1400.
£1100 thereof to daus. Catharine wife of John FISHER, Maria wife of Jonathan FISHER and Sarah BAUM in equal shares.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Also £250 to dau. Sarah out of personal estate to make her equal with others. Exrs: Son Daniel and sons-in-law John and Jonathan FISHER.
Wit: Peter ROTHENBERGER and Henry HAHN.

June 1, 1824 - February 19, 1825.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
To son John land before his door, 55 acres, also 4 acres, for £300.
To son Jacob remainder of land with dwelling for £300.
The aforesaid £600 to be paid my daus. Susanna BOONE, Elizabeth TRENKEL, Catharine FROM and Margaret in equal shares.
Exrs: Sons John and Jacob.
Testator signed: John BECHTEL of Jacob.

BEELER, HENRY, Brecknock.
August 14, 1825.
To brother John all real estate.
He to pay my brother-in-law John GEBHERT £50.
To each of my other brothers and sisters £1.
Remainder to brother John.
Exr: Brother John.
Wit: Conrad GABLE and Peter ZIEMER.

May 2, 1823 - April 2, 1825.
To children of son John deceased £1.
To children of son George deceased £1.
To children of Abraham deceased £1.
To son Jacob £1.
To son Daniel £1.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of Jacob BECHTEL £1.
To dau. Susanna wife of Baltzar ULRICH £1.
To dau. Barbara wife of Jacob BECHTEL £1.
To son Peter all remainder of legacy bequeathed me by my brother George BISHOP in Virginia.
All other estate for keeping and nursing me in my old age.
Exr: Friend John GULDIN, Esq.
Wit: Adam YOUNG and Daniel YOUNG.

July 4 - October 11, 1825.
Provides for wife Mary.
Mentions money bequeathed wife by her brother James WILLIAMS late of Chester County.
To son Isaac the plantation I now occupy, 130 acres, paying to James DICKINSON £1600 and to dau. Mary DICKINSON £600.
To son Benjamin the house and tract he now occupies, about 60 acres and 20 acres of woodland, paying to dau. Mary DICKINSON £400. To son Joseph £200 and 22 acres of land purchased from David JACKSON in Robeson and 5 acres of woodland. To son John 5 shares of Farmers Bank of Reading.
To Isaac, son of Thomas KUTZ, 3 acres and the property he now occupies when 21.
Exrs: Sons Benjamin and James.
Wit: Nathaniel DICKINSON and Evan EVANS.

September 30 - October 11, 1825.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of John MILLER all estate except as hereafter devised. To grandson John Andrew BAUM, son of dau. Catharine deceased who was married to David BAUM, £500 when 21.
Exrs: Son-in-law John MILLER.
Codicil gives 1/2 of legacy of John Andrew BAUM to grandson Francis MILLER for his education.
Wit: John HABERACKER, William DOWLING and David EVANS.

April 6 - May 11, 1825.
All estate to wife (not named) during life, to live with youngest son Joshua. What remains at her decease to said son.
No other children mentioned.
Letters to son Joshua.
Wit: Abraham WILLIAMSON and Adolph HATZFIELD.

October 3, 1822 - April 16, 1825.
Estate divided among my 9 children.
Children of dau. Catharine married to Frederick LOBACH, and of Molly married to George CLOUSAR to have their mother's portion.
Other children not named.
Exrs: Son Henry DIEMER and son-in-law John HOCH, Jr.
Wit: John RITER and George SCHALL.

December 25, 1824 - April 29, 1825.
To son John that part of my plantation on which I formerly lived in Augusta Township, Northumberland County, 145 acres.
To friend Sarah LANTZ in trust for use of dau. Catharine wife of Jonathan BOWEN the remainder of plantation in said Township, 76 acres.
Remainder divided among 2 above named children.
Exr: Grandson John ERMENTROUT, Jr.
Wit: J. D. BILES, William ERMENTROUT and Daniel KLAUS.

March 28, 1821 - March 21, 1825.
To Northkill Brick Church £25.
Remainder to wife Elizabeth.
No executor named.
Letters to wife Elizabeth.
Wit: Hill RICHARDS and Henry BETZ.

FEAGLEY, NICHOLAS, Colebrookdale.
December 13, 1824 - October 10, 1825.
To son Peter the plantation on which I live and tract where my son Barney now lives, about 84 acres, at appraised value, of which he shall have £125 in advance to indemnify him for the loss which he sustained by my son George, deceased.
Son George had received his share in his lifetime.
Estate divided into equal shares among children: Conrad, Peter, Barney, Catharina and Polly.
Exrs: Sons Conrad and Peter.
Wit: Samuel TROUT and Henry LANDAS.

GABLE, GEORGE, Ruscomb Manor.
February 16, 1818 - October 7, 1825.
To wife Catharine income of all estate during life.
Afterwards divided among children: Henry, Adam, George, Sarah, Catharine and Susanna.
Exr: Abraham WAGNER.
Wit: Jacob WEISER and Benjamin PARKS.

April 16 - April 30, 1825.
To eldest son Evan £100.
Remainder to wife Esther during life.
Afterwards equally among children: Evan, Samuel, Jonathan, Gerry and Jesse. Exrs: Evan GRIFFITH and Samuel MYERS.
Wit: James EVERHARD and Peter MYERS.

September 6, 1824 - December 8, 1825.
To son Enoch R. following tracts: one in Oley 82 acres, another in Oley 47 acres, another in Oley 12 acres and one in Earl 21 acres, for £3000 of which he shall keep £1000 for his share.
To son John remainder of my old plantation in Oley where I live 136 acres, also tract in same Township 12 acres, tract in Ruscomb Manor 61 acres, and another in same Township 4 acres, for £3000 of which £1000 is his portion.
To son Jacob £500.
To son William £700.
To dau. Sarah wife of Daniel PRUTZMAN £750.
To children of Peter deceased, viz: Frederick, Levi, Peter, Jacob and Henry £500.
To children of son Isaac deceased, viz: Jeremiah, Christina and Maria £750. To children of dau. Barbara deceased who was wife to Joseph LEVAN, viz: Rebecca and Susanna LEVAN £300.
Remaining real estate to be sold.
Exrs: Sons Enoch and John.
Wit: Daniel GRIESEMER and Daniel A. BARTOLET.

June 18, 1810 - Codicil January 4, 1825 - Probate February 11, 1825.
To my brother John KEIM 5 shillings.
To sister Esther SCHLEGEL all wearing apparel, books, etc.
To niece Susanna KAUFFMAN, dau. of brother John KEIM, £100.
To nephew Jacob KEIM, son of John £100.
Remainder to children of sister Esther SCHLEGEL.
Executor to sell real estate.
Exrs: Brother-in-law Henry SCHLEGEL and Jacob BIEBER.
Wit: Thos. LEE and Samuel LEE.

September 6 - November 14, 1825 - December 8, 1825.
Provides for wife Anna.
To son Daniel my dwelling plantation in Oley, 178 acres, also a tract of woodland in Earl 34 acres, subject to legacies hereafter mentioned.
To son Jacob land, gristmill and sawmill in Oley and 24 acres, also 3 other small tracts to be in trust during life and afterwards to his lawful issue if he should get married.
To grandson George WEISNER, son of dau. Mary deceased, £800, when 30 years old. To granddau. Lusiana WEISNER £1000, £200 when 20 and remainder when 30.
Exrs: John GULDIN, Esq.
Wit: Jacob RHOADS and Daniel A. BERTOLET.

HAIN, ABRAHAM, Heidelberg.
February 14, 1824 - August 5, 1825.
To William HAIN, son of brother George all my land and other estate.
Exrs: Brother George.
Wit: Jacob MILLER and Johannes FISHER.

HARNER, JOHN, Tulpehocken.
March 21 - May 25, 1825.
Provides for wife Barbara including house and lot where I now live until son Harrison is of age, when he shall have the same at valuation, paying his equal share to his brother Benneville.
Guardian of Children: Brother George HARNER.
Exrs: Brother George HARNER.
Wit: Philip A. GOOD and John REBER.

HENRY, MARGRETH, wife of Jacob, Rockland.
December 1, 1823 - April 18, 1825.
To heirs of deceased dau. Mary 5 shillings.
To dau. Charlotte wife of John DEANER 5 shillings.
To dau. Anna wife of John OYSTER 5 shillings.
To each of the daus. of my deceased husband by his first wife £5, viz: Elizabeth, Catharine and Susanna.
To my dau. Margaret wife of George DEVESS tract of 25 acres for her own use during life. Afterwards to her children.
Remainder of estate to son Jonathan.
Exr: Son Jonathan HENRY.
Wit: Jacob DIESTER and David MEYER.

October 3, 1824 - March 18, 1825.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Plantation in Douglass, 60 acres, and other estate to be sold and divided among children in equal shares: Son John, daus. Maria widow of Matthias MINKER, Hannah wife of Enoch R. GRIESEMER, and granddau. Mary, dau. of son William deceased. Share of Hannah in trust for her children.
Exr: Daniel A. BERTOLET.
Wit: John WEISS and John HARTRANFT.

HUBLEY, JAMES B., Reading.
September 25, 1823 - September 20, 1825.
All estate to wife Margaret B. HUBLEY for support of herself and little daughters - Sarah, Margaret and Mary.
Exr: Wife Margaret B.
Wit: Jacob HUBLY and Edward B. HUBLY, who proved handwriting of will and signature.

February 14 - October 7, 1825.
To son William £100.
To sons John and George my plantation in Cumru, 170 acres, subject to payment of legacies.
Also all personal property.
To son Jacob £25.
To dau. Elizabeth, son Philip and dau. Catharine £25 each.
To daus. Eve and Polly and son Solomon and daus. Magdalena, Margaret, Sally and Barbara £100 each.
To dau. Susanna £50.
To my 2 grandchildren of John FRITT, deceased, £50.
To dau. Hannah £100.
Exrs: Sons John and George.
Wit: Peter KRICK and Michael SEITZINGER.

January 2, 1815 - July 23, 1825.
To dau. Catharine wife of Jacob SELTZER £5.
To each of my dau. Susanna CLARK's children: Jacob, Peter, John, Abraham, Daniel, Samuel and Hannah £1 each.
Remainder in equal shares to sons Jacob, Peter, John, David, Nicholas and Samuel KAUFFMAN.
The latter not to have any share unless he comes and demands it of executors. Testator does not know whether he is living or not.
Exrs: Sons Jacob and Nicholas.
Letters to Jacob.
Wit: George YODER, John WEIDNER and Philip DETURCK, Jr.

February 15, 1825 - March 18, 1825.
All estate to wife Eve during life.
What remains at her death to children (not named).
Exr: Son Abraham.

MORRIS, JEREMIAH, Philadelphia.
December 20, 1821 - September 5, 1825.
All estate to wife Sarah.
Guardian for children not named.
Will not witnessed.
Exr: Wife Sarah.

November 6, 1824 - February 23, 1825.
Provides for wife Susanna.
Estate to surviving children, viz: Daniel, Ragel, Catharine, Magdalena, Joseph, Benjamin and Sarah.
Executor to sell or divide real estate in Rockland and Oley Townships, also Rush Township, Schuylkill County as May seem best.
Exr: Friend Daniel BURNET. In endorsement on will he is called the father-in-law.
Wit: Jacob U. SNYDER and Jacob H. REIFF.

November 6, 1824 - January 11, 1825.
To my aunt Susanna wife of Francis PARVIN my undivided half in 2 tracts I hold in common in Talbot county, Maryland, as will appear by my grandfather, Benj. PARVIN'S will. Also all other estate.
Exrs: Francis PARVIN.
Wit: Eli BAILY, Thomas PEARSON, Jr. and Joshua STARR.

RIETH, VALENTINE, Tulpehocken.
May 3, 1817 - June 8, 1825.
Mentions having conveyed to son Christophel the plantation on which I live for £1000 subject to provision for wife Eve Catharine.
The above amount to be paid in equal shares to son-in-law Peter SCHOLL and dau. Maria Margaret, wife of Samuel WEGELY.
The latter share to be in trust for her children.
Exrs: Son Christophel.
Wit: Adam RIETH and George KIESER.

May 29, 1823 - April 18, 1825.
To my 7 sons, viz: Jacob, John, Samuel, Daniel, Solomon, Adam and Abraham all property in equal shares.
They to pay legacies to dau. Mary £600 when 26 years of age.
Exrs: Seven sons named.
Wit: Jacob HUNTER and John HUNTER.

August 16, 1824 - Codicil December 9, 1824 - Probate January 15, 1825.
Provides for wife Rebecca including house and 28 acres of land where I live during widowhood.
Plantation in Bern where son Peter lives to be sold after 6 years.
Remainder after wife's decease and all estate divided among children, not named. Some were minors and some of the daus. evidently married.
Exrs: Son Peter and brother Frederick ROTHENBERGER.
Wit: John FISHER and Matthias S. RICHARDS.

RITTER, MATTHIAS, Colebookdale.
April 3, 1806 - April 11, 1825.
Provides for wife Anna Maria.
Son John had received his share in plantation sold to him.
To son Mathias the plantation where I dwell, about 150 acres and tract of 30 acres adjoining woodland, paying £1000 to executors.
To son Henry the plantation where he lives, about 137 acres, and 5 acres of woodland, paying £700 to executors.
Remainder in five equal shares to daughters, viz: Susanna, children of dau. Elizabeth, children of dau. Sally deceased, children of dau. Marichen, she to have part of it if she is in need thereof, and Catharine, evidently not married.
Exrs: Wife Anna Maria and son John. Letters to John.
Wit: Mathias RICHARDS, Jr. and Mathias RICHARDS.

SHEERON, JOHN, Berks County.
September 25, 1825 - September 28, 1825.
Native of Parish of "Donohedy" Ireland, now Berks County contractor on the Union Canal, section 62.
To father and mother, brothers and sisters, viz: Patrick, Sisly, Edward, James, Michael and Mary SHEERON equal shares and the benefits which May accrue from the job on which William JOHNSON and I are in partnership.
Also the £634.621/2 which I have invested in said job.
Letters to Wm. JOHNSON.
Wit: Bernard MCNEIL, James FINIGAN and William JOHNSTON.

SELTZER, JACOB, Womelsdorf.
February 3, 1825 - March 11, 1825.
Provides for wife Catharine who is to provide for son Samuel during her lifetime.
Then he is to be cared for by son Michael.
To son Michael when 21 the house and lots of ground in Womelsdorf which I now occupy as a tavern.
Also tract of meadow at £45 an acres and 50 acres of woodland at £26 an acre. Remainder of real estate to be sold and money divided among children: John, William, David, Anna and Elizabeth.
To the heirs of son Daniel deceased £1.
To the heirs of son Jacob deceased £1.
Exrs: Sons William and David.
Wit: Leonard SELTZER and Peter WOMELSDORF.

SHEETZ, ADAM, Tulpehocken.
June 9, 1824 - August 27, 1825.
To son Jacob the plantation in Tulpehocken where I live, 248 acres, subject to wife's interest and payments to dau.
To son John my plantation in Heidelberg, 280 acres, subject to certain payments. To son Samuel my plantation in Tulpehocken adjacent to that devised to Jacob, 159 acres.
Makes provision for wife Susanna.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of John BREIDENBACH £2400 to be paid by sons Jacob and John.
Exrs: Sons John and Jacob.
Wit: John MILLER and Jacob BAKER.

THOMAS, SAMUEL H., Maiden Creek.
January 8, 1825 - January 24, 1825.
Executor to sell land in Alsace, 18 acres.
Also tract in Rush Township, Schuylkill County, 422 acres.
All personal estate and pay net proceeds to my brother Eli H. THOMAS of Columbia, Lancaster County.
Exrs: Eli H. THOMAS and Thomas McCLELLAND of Alsace.
Wit: Elijah DECKERT and Michael SHALTER.

WEISER, JOHN, Tulpehocken.
October 19, 1825 - November 15, 1825.
Executor to sell plantation on which I live and interest of £2000 to be paid to wife Elizabeth during life.
To 3 daughters: Elizabeth, Caroline and Lavina £200 each when 21 over and above their equal shares.
Remainder divided among all children: Peter, Maria, Catharine, Jonathan, Salome, Thomas, Jacob, Rebecca, John, Elizabeth, Carolina and Lavina.
Share of son Thomas, in trust.
Exrs: Frederick A. SCHULTZ and William HENDEL.
Wit: Jacob Wilhelm and Peter WALBORN.

April 7, 1823 - December 28, 1825.
To son George £1415, for which I have his bond.
Real estate, if not taken by children at appraisement, to be sold and divided into 7 equal shares, viz: William, Samuel, Charles, Sally, Elizabeth, Mary and Catharine.
Exrs: Sons William and Samuel.
Wit: Matthias S. RICHARDS and Isaac HIESTER.

November 20, 1820 - October 27, 1824.
Makes elaborate provisions for wife (not named).
Rest of real estate divided among children.
Directs sale of lands in Maryland held under the will of brother Daniel HIESTER. Also lots in Manheim Township, Lancaster County.
Children named: Gabriel, Jonathan, Elizabeth, Mary wife of Frederick A. SCHULTZ, William, Charles son of deceased son Jacob.
Exrs: Sons Gabriel and Jonathan, and Frederick A. SCHULTZ son-in-law.
Wit: Nathaniel P. HOBART, William HIESTER, Jr. and Daniel J. HIESTER.

FUCHS, MICHAEL, Tulpehocken.
January 25, 1825 - April 11, 1825.
Provides for wife Margaret.
To son Peter his farm, 230 acres.
Other children mentioned: John, Peter and Catharine.
Exrs: Wife Margaret and sons John and Peter.
Wit: John BUCHS and John RIEGEL.

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