Berks County Will Abstracts 1811-1815

1733-1760      1761-1765      1766-1770      1771-1775      1776-1780

1781-1785      1786-1790      1791-1795      1796-1800      1801-1805

1806-1810      1811-1815      1816-1820      1821-1825

NOTE: The dates represent the date that the will was written and the date the will was proved. These records are not in chronological order.


May 24, 1810 - January 9, 1811.
Provides for wife Margaret all estate during widowhood.
Afterwards to 4 children of whom Magdalena and Elisabeth are named.
Exrs: Wife Mary and Conrad MEYER.
Wits: Christian MEYER and John DeWALD.

1805 - January 16, 1811.
To wife Magdalena all estate during life.
Afterwards to son Andrew £1.
Remainder to 3 sons, John, Michael and Nicholas and 2 daus. Magdalena BAUMAN and Barbara SEIBERT in equal shares.
Exr: Son Nicholas.
Wits: Daniel RIESER and Jacob STERNER.

May 16, 1805 - January 21, 1811.
To dau. Anna Maria wife of Wm. ALBRECHT £500, that is Jacob GRAIFF'S mortgage. To 2 sons and 3 dau. viz: John, Valentine, Anna Maria, Barbara and Catharine all remaining estate.
Exr: Son John.
Wits: Henry BETZ and Peter NAGLE.

November 15, 1810 - January 26, 1811.
Provides for wife Maria Barbara.
Mentions having given son John possession of plantation.
To son Peter land in Bern adjoining the land I sold to him.
To dau. Maria KERSHNER £200.
To dau. Catharine RIESER £200.
Remainder to 4 children named.
Exrs: Sons John and Peter.
Wits: Jonathan TOBIAS and Christopher SHERRER.

WERNER, CATHARINE, widow of Martin, Manheim.
March 8, 1803 - February 2, 1811.
Mentions all children received their legacies through agreement with son Leonard.
Remainder divided among them as follows: Leonard, Catharine, Henry, Rosina, Adam WEISS husband of dau. Margaret deceased, Martin. Elizabeth and heirs and dau. Susan deceased are excluded.
Exr: Son Leonard.
Wits: George ALSPACH and John MEYER.

January 2, 1811 - February 21, 1811.
All estate to my two sisters Mary and Catharine WISEBERG.
Exrs: Catharine and John SMITH.
Wits: Joseph WALTERS and Evan EVANS.

November 2, 1808 - February 26, 1811.
Oldest dau. Catharine excluded from estate.
To son Henry £25.
To dau. Sara £10.
Remainder divided among 4 children, Henry, Jacob, Sarah and Magdalena.
Exrs: Oldest son Henry and Jacob RENNINGER.
Letters to Henry, the other renouncing.
Wits: Conrad MEYER and William HARTRANFT.

November 3, 1810 - March 6, 1811.
To 2 daus. Christina and Anna Maria my plantation in Bern, 200 acres, when youngest is 18.
They paying to son Daniel £550.
Wife Sarah.
Friend Yost KAUFMAN guardian of children.
Exrs: George SHERTEL and John Nicholas HOLLENBACH.
Wits: George KLAUSER and Peter FRAILEY.

YERGER, MICHAEL, Colebrookdale.
December 17, 1810 - March 11, 1811.
Provides for wife Margaretha.
Son John deceased shall have £50 of my remaining estate besides the £50 he received.
Son Henry shall have the plantation at appraisement and estate equally divided among 5 children yet living viz: John [Henry?], Elizabeth wife of Henry ADAMS, Margaret wife of Daniel GULDIN, Eve wife of Devert HEISER, and Catharine.
Exrs: Son Henry and son-in-law Daniel GULDIN.
Wits: Jacob ALLEBACH and Nicholas JANSEN.

February 14, 1806 - March 15, 1811.
Provides for wife Susanna.
To son Christian my plantation, 180 acres, paying to dau. Catharine wife of Jacob POPPENMEYER £250.
To son Jacob 5 shillings, he having had his share in the land and mill which he sold to his brother Christian.
Remainder to wife and 3 children.
Exrs: Sons Christian and Jacob.
Wits: Jacob YOUNG and John SPYKER.

BROWN, BENJAMIN, Heidelberg.
March 9, 1811 - March 18, 1811.
To brother Henry BROWN all estate including bonds after mother's decease.
Exr: Brother Henry BROWN.
Wits: John VANDERSLICE and Robert McCONNELL.

December 31, 1810 - March 20, 1811.
All estate to wife Maria absolutely.
Exr: Wife Maria.
Wits: Henry DIEHL and James DIEMER.

March 5, 1810 - March 29, 1811.
Mentions wife, but gives no name.
To son John METZGER farm in Longswamp for £1100.
Son Henry farm in Maxatawny for £1200.
Also mentions son John (should be Jacob), dau. Susanna wife of John EVART and Christian.
Exrs: Sons-in-law George SCHLICHER of Macungie, Christian BLOSS and George BLOSS of Heidelberg both in Northampton County, and sons Christian and John.
Wit: John KEYSER and Daniel SIEGFRIED.

EAGLE, HENRY, Douglass.
November 3, 1807 - April 7, 1811.
To son Henry my plantation in Amity, 140 acres, for £700 of which he shall have £300 as his share.
To son Philip the plantation in Douglass, 300 acres, for £900 of which he shall have £300 for his share.
To son Peter the plantation in August County, VA, for £313, paying to his mother £138, the remainder shall be his share.
To son George £300.
To 4 daus. Barbara, Elisabeth, Christina and Susanna £300 each.
Provides for wife Margaret.
Remainder to son George and 4 daus.
Exrs: William KOPP and son Henry.
Codicil mentions Henry, Philip and friend Michael EGOLF as executors, as my son- in-law William KOPP "liveth too inconvenient".
Wits: John WAMBACK and Bartholomew WAMBACK.

POTT, JOHN, Amity.
January 28, 1811 - April 12, 1811.
Provides for wife (not named).
Executor to sell land and divide proceeds among children (none named).
Exrs: Friends John POTT and Philip GEIGER.
Wits: Jacob HILL, Jacob RHOADS and Johannes POTT.

April 8, 1811 - April 26, 1811.
To my 4 children, Maria, Catharine, George and Anna all estate equally divided when 21.
Exr: Friend Peter STICHTER.
Wits: Henry BETZ and Wm. STAHLE.

DENGER, PETER, 'Over the Broad Mountain.'
July 4, 1798 - May 7, 1811.
To son George the plantation where I live, 100 acres, for £120.
To stepdau. Elisabeth ECKENSHID £20.
To sons Jacob and Peter £50 each.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
To son Frederick land adjoining above, 50 acres.
Remainder to 4 sons named above.
Exrs: Sons George and Peter.
Wits: Jacob ARTZ and Valentine BENDER.

December 8, 1809 - May 7, 1811.
Provides for wife Rebecca.
To son Henry 5 shillings.
Remainder to my other 6 children, viz: Abraham, Philip, Jacob, heirs of Michael deceased, Christian and Mary BLANKEBEELER in equal shares.
Exrs: Son Philip and Simon BLANKEBEELER.
Wits: Jacob HUMMEL and John SMITH.

March 22, 1811 - May 13, 1811.
To wife Maria all estate during widowhood.
Afterwards to children, viz: Barbara, John, Eve, Maria, Jacob, Peter, Philip, Catharine, Rebecca, Michael, William and Nancy in equal shares except daus. who are married shall "stand back" £15 for their house furniture.
Exrs: Wife Maria and friend Jacob SEIBERT.
Wits: John HOFFMAN, Jacob KING and John CLINGMAN.

March 23, 1811 - May 20, 1811.
Executors to sell plantation subject to yearly reservation to my father dated December 15, 1802.
To wife Anna Maria 2/3 of estate.
Other 1/2 to adopted son Jacob BERGER when 21.
Exr: Henry STRAUCH.
Wits: Michael BOLICH and John BOGER.

GEIGER, MARIA (late Maria SMITH), Reading.
April 11, 1811 - May 25, 1811.
To sister Elizabeth KAISER clothing, etc.
To children of brother Peter SMITH, deceased, £6 each.
To Wm. SMITH son of brother Philip £20.
Remainder to brothers Baltzer and Philip SMITH.
Directs that tombstone be erected for father, mother and self.
Exrs: Brothers Baltzer and Philip SMITH.
Wits: Henry BETZ and John A. OTTO.

MINNER, PETER, Rockland.
April 16, 1811 - May 25, 1811.
Land in New Hanover, Montgomery County to be sold and divided into 6 portions - to dau. Margaret wife of John LINK, son Conrad, dau. Catharina widow of Philip ACRE, dau. Elizabeth wife of Daniel KISMILLER, dau. Rosina wife of Peter RUMFIELD and 4 grandchildren, viz: Sally, Catharine, Jonas and Jacob, children of son Jacob deceased.
Exr: Jacob BOYER of Montgomery County.
Wits: Jacob BERTOW, John GEISWERT, and William KLAUSER.

February 15, 1811 - May 27, 1811.
Wife Margaret to have use of all estate until youngest child is 14, or during widowhood.
To son Daniel £100 over and above his share.
Remainder to nine children, Margaret wife of Henry HEANIG, Maria, Peter, Daniel, Ester, Magdalena, Catharine, William and Elizabeth.
Exrs: Wife Margaret and John HAAK.
Wits: Jacob LONG and Jacob DRESSLER.

OBERHOLTZER, JACOB, Colebrookdale.
November 28, 1810 - May 27, 1811.
Provides for wife Esther.
To Martin £100 over and above his share.
To dau. Esther £30 over her share.
To dau. Elizabeth £50 over her share.
Son Martin to have plantation at price to be agreed upon except 20 acres which Jacob shall have.
Remainder of estate divided among children, viz: Christian, Jacob, Abraham, Martin, and daus. Eve wife of Abraham STAUFFER, Barbara wife of Jacob STAUFFER, Esther and Elizabeth.
Exrs: Sons Christian and Jacob.
Wits: Nicholas VEGLI and Jacob ALLEBACH.

April 23, 1811 - May 27, 1811.
Plantation to be sold when son Jacob is of age.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Estate divided among 7 children, viz: Jacob, Philip, Samuel, John, Margaretha, Catharina and John Adam.
Exrs: John SCHARF and Philip FUCHS, Jr., and wife.
Wits: John ERNST and Joseph GUTH.

STUB, MARTIN, Heidelberg.
February 23, 1810 - June 4, 1811.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
Land and distillery where I now live to be sold.
After wife is deceased all divided into 4 shares among grandchildren, viz: Elizabeth, John, George, Henry and Maria BRUA, the children of dau. Anna Maria.
Exrs: Philip TRAUTMAN and Christian FISHER.
Letters to Magdalena STUB and Jacob DIEHL, executors named renouncing.

April 24, 1811 - June 5, 1811.
To my 3 sons, John, Abraham and Daniel all my land and farming utensils for £1500 to be paid to my 6 daus., viz: Susanna, Sarah, Margareth, Magdalena, Catharine and Anna Maria in equal shares.
Land to be divided when youngest son Daniel reaches full age, which comes on May 15, 1813.
Exrs: Sons John and Abraham.
Wits: Christian HAAK and Philip KLEIN.

STARR, EUNICE, widow, Maiden Creek.
1808 - June 8, 1811.
To daus. Eunice and Ann STARR my land in Maiden Creek, 29 acres 132 perches, being the land devised to me by my husband John STARR.
Subject to payment of legacies to dau. Debora WRIGHT, son Jeremiah STARR, and grandson John STARR of £20 each, also to said daus. all other estate.
Exr: Son Jeremiah.
Letters to John Starr PEARSON, executor named renouncing.
Wits: Thomas LIGHTFOOT, John STARR and Benjamin H. LIGHTFOOT.

KISSINGER, MICHAEL, Berks County. April 17, 1811 - June 8, 1811.
Provides for wife Sabina including land in Bern and all estate during widowhood. After her decease, land to be divided among my 4 sons, viz: Jacob, Michael, John and Abraham.
They to pay £150 each to 2 daus. Barbara and Catharine.
Exrs: Sons Jacob and Michael.
Wits: Casper WOBENSCHMIDT and Daniel STAUD.

RAUCH, JACOB, Manheim.
May 24, 1811 - June 24, 1811.
Plantation to be sold when youngest son is 21 and estate divided into equal shares among all children.
Provides for wife Gertraut.
Children named are Jonathan, Jacob, Solomon, Daniel, and Christina (May have others). All appear to be minors.
Exrs: Henry KEMMERLING and Michael WOMMER.

HILL, MARIA, Richmond.
February 8, 1811 - June 27, 1811.
Sons Jacob and Frederick £100 each.
Remainder to 3 daus., viz: Maria wife of Abraham DEASHER, Plandina wife of Casper MERKEL, and Susanna wife of Abraham BIEHL.
Exr: Son Jacob.
Wits: Samuel HERBEIN and Jacob SELL.

June 14, 1811 - July 1, 1811.
Provides for wife (not named).
Plantation and personal estate to be sold and divided among children, John, Peter and so on according to age.
Children of deceased dau. late wife of Jacob BELLEMAN to have her share.
Exrs: Sons Philip and William.
Wits: Christian REMSCHWENDER and John SPEIGER.

DeYOUNG, ELIAZER JOSEPH, Frederick Township, Montgomery County.
September 5, 1807 - July 11, 1811.
Provides for wife Branco [by son Joseph].
To sons Michael and Isaac a bed each.
Remainder of estate in Europe and America to son Joseph.
Exr: Son Joseph.
Wits: Benjamin MARKLEY and John KELLER.

BROWN, JOHN, Tulpehocken.
June 5, 1811 - June 15, 1811.
Provides for wife Sally.
To son Samuel plantation in Tulpehocken when 21, paying to my 2 daus. Catharine and Liddy £400 each.
Mentions mother Elizabeth.
Exrs: Wife Sally and friend Samuel WEGELY.
Wits: John VANDERSLICE and Daniel BRAUN.

March 5, 1811 - July 20, 1811.
To sister Sibilla STITZEL everything left from our father's will.
Exr: Ludwig STITZEL.
Wits: George HAAS and Abraham HAAS.

GEORGE, SARAH, widow of John, Robeson.
June 7, 1807 - August 3, 1811.
To my daus. Martha LEWIS and Rebecca MILES a bed each, etc.
To son John George all remainder of estate.
Exr: Son John George.
Wits: William HUMPHREY and Christian SHAFFER.

ROTH, SUSANNA, widow, Colebrookdale.
November 13, 1810 - August 5, 1811.
To dau. Elisabeth 2 cows for her faithful services to me.
Following children: Matthias, Henry, John, George, Jacob, Magdalena wife of John ROHRBACH, 5 shillings each.
To the oldest son of son Jacob £3.
Remainder to daus. Elizabeth and Mary widow of Jacob STALLE.
Exr: Friend Abraham EAST.
Wits: Jacob ROCK and George ROTH.

April 20, 1811 - August 5, 1811.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Land and other estate to be sold and money invested, 1/3 for wife and 2/3 for use of my children (not named).
Exrs: Wife and father-in-law Matthias DOTTIRER.
Letters to DOTTIRER.
The widow renouncing.
Wits: Abraham MULDHART and John KOCH.

SCHULTZ, JULIANA, widow, Reading.
September 20, 1810 - August 22, 1811.
To son John, son William, son-in-law Philip ZIEBER, and his children 1 shilling each in full.
To son Daniel my planking kettle and smoothing iron.
To son Christian my wooden shop and dying kettle.
Remainder to sons Daniel and Christian.
Exrs: Sons Daniel and Christian.
Wits: Charles BUSHAR and John SPYKER.

July 12, 1811. Codicil July 24, 1811. Probate September 2, 1811.
Provides for wife Esther.
To son John plantation in Oley, 97 acres and also half interest in 50 acres in Earl for £1000.
To son Abraham 47 acres and gristmill and sawmill in Amity where he now lives for £900.
To son Daniel remainder of plantation where he lives in Oley, 160 acres for £1000.
To dau. Mary wife of Daniel BERTOLET £1000 besides what she has already had. To dau. Catharine GRIESEMER £1000 and residence with her mother as long as she is unmarried.
Remainder to Jacob, Mary and Catharine.
Exrs: Sons John and Daniel.
Wits: Jacob GREESEMER, Sr., Henry DeROLF, and Thos. CHERINGTON.

May 27, 1811 - September 7, 1811.
Provides for wife Hannah.
To son William mansion house, grist mill, sawmill, and 2 tracts of land, 200 acres and 30 acres, when he is 21, subject to payment of £1800.
To son John at 21 all tavern and tract of land purchased of Thomas LEWIS and remainder of present plantation containing about 60 acres, for sum of £400. To son Joshua when 21 my 1/2 interest in tract I hold in common with John BISHOP in Northumberland County containing 700 acres for £100. To my 5 daus., viz: Sarah, Susanna, Ester, Barbara and Mary £500 each. Remainder to 8 children named, 2 youngest daus. mentioned as not married.
Exrs: Friends Moses ROBESON and Elijah GEIGER.
Wits: Henry BETZ and George MERKEL.

BRETZIUS, JACOB, Womelsdorf.
November 24, 1809 - September 19, 1811.
To children of friend Simon AULENBACH £25, to be divided.
To sister of my deceased wife, Maria wife of Alexander LEY £25.
To wife Anna Maria my house and lot in Womelsdorf and all remaining personal estate.
Mentions deceased brother Nicholas.
Exr: Wife Anna Maria.
Wits: Johannes ERMENTROUT and Christopher ERMENTROUT.

ETCHBERGER, ESTHER, widow of Jacob, Tulpehocken.
July 27, 1809 - September 28, 1811.
To dau. Margareth ETCHBERGER household goods.
Estate divided among 2 sons and 5 daus., Philip, Peter, Mary wife of Jacob NEFF, Ester wife of Jacob PEIFER, Barbara wife of John SHULZE, Elizabeth wife of George BECKLEY and Margareth.
Exr: Son Peter.
Wits: Geo. WINTER and Fredredick BRENDEL.

GUECHER, DANIEL, Tulpehocken.
April 24, 1810 - October 10, 1811.
All estate to 2 daus., Catharine, and Susanna.
Exrs: Michael HENNE and dau. Susanna.
Wits: Michael HAAG and John RIEGEL.

LESHER, JOHN, Tulpehocken.
March 20, 1809 - October 11, 1811.
To wife Catharine plantation, 63 acres, during life.
After her decease to son David for £600, £200 of which shall be his share. Remainder to sons Philip, George, Christian, David, and Jacob and daus. Elizabeth wife of Christian WALBORN, Margaret, Elizabeth wife of Henry SHELL, sons-in-law John MILLER and Ludwig SWARTZ, children of son John deceased, children of dau. Margaret deceased. John MILLER was husband of dau. Catharine deceased and Ludwig SWARTZ of dau. Mary Catharine deceased. George WEIDEL and his wife Catharine, she being one of the daus. of son John deceased, shall have no share of my estate.
Philip and his present wife Elizabeth shall have the lot of ground in Tulpehocken, 6 acres, 113 perches, during life.
Afterwards to their children.
Exrs: Wife Catharine and son Christian.
Wits: George ANSPACH and Henry SELL.

July 25, 1804 - October 24, 1811.
Provides for wife Anna Maria.
Sons Hieronymous and Daniel had already received land and bonds.
Hence, other children as follows: Barbara (her share in trust during life of her husband), Elizabeth, Conrad, John, Maria, Eve, and children of deceased son Valentine £50 each.
Son Philip has received his portion.
Exr: Son Daniel.
Wits: Peter FILBERT and Peter AURAND.

MOHR, PETER, District.
October 19, 1811 - October 26, 1811.
All estate to wife Rachel.
Exrs: Wife and father-in-law Moses KAIN.
Wits: Jacob ADAM and Daniel MOHR.

CLEVER, MAGDALENA, widow of Martin, Hereford.
October 21, 1800 - December 23, 1811.
To sons John and George TADISMANN all estate devised to me by my late husband.
Exr: Friend Jacob GEARY, Jr.
Wits: Christopher SHULTZ and Jacob SHULTZ.

November 20, 1805 - December 26, 1811.
Mentions having sold son Christopher tract in Windsor and to son Christopher a tract in Brunswick and tract in Bern whereon I live to son-in-law Valentine SPATZ in which he has the full share of his wife Margaretha. Also, Andrew BENDER has received for his wife Catharine her full share. Remainder as follows:
Andrew BANDER £10.
Valentin SPATZ £5.
Remainder to George SCHNEIDER'S children, Valentine SPATZ'S children and Christopher SCHNEIDER'S children.
Exrs: Valentin MOSSER and Michael SEYDEL.
Wits: John KAUCHER and William HIESTER.


LUDWIG, ADAM, Robeson.
December 26, 1811 - January 13, 1812.
Provides for wife Barbara.
Remainder to children, Catharina, Philip, George, Adam, Susanna, and Elizabeth and my grandchild Sara, Catharina's dau.
Exrs: Wife and son Adam.
Wits: Jacob WICKLINE and Henry LUDWIG.

May 16, 1809 - February 15, 1812.
To Magdalena RIHL all estate.
Exr: Magdalena RIHL.
Wits: Jacob YEAGER and Daniel FESIG.

November 25, 1811 - February 19, 1812.
To wife Mary all estate during life.
After her death to adopted son Jacob whom I have raised from infancy.
Exrs: Wife Mary and brother-in-law Jacob WALTER.
Wits: Jacob BRIGHT and Joseph BRIGHT.

WAHNSCHAP, HENRY, Ruscomb Manor.
January 25, 1812 - February 25, 1812.
To wife Anna Margaret all estate during life.
After her death £25 to son Samuel.
Remainder to children, Susanna wife of John KELLER, Fronica, Elizabeth, Samuel and Anna Margaret.
Exrs: Friends Frederick GULDIN and Peter MILLER.
Wits: Benjamin PARKS and Jacob MARTIN.
November 18, 1835 Frederick GULDIN executor dismissed by Orphan's Court and letters to David KOCH, a grandson.

January 2, 1812 - March 3, 1812.
To son John George my house and lot in Reading subject to life interest of wife Maria Christina.
All personal estate to 2 daus. Maria and Catharine.
Exr: Michael MALOY.
Wits: Frederick PRINTZ and Christian BARRANSTINE.

BECKER, JOHN, Douglas.
May 1, 1803 - March 3, 1812.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To son Henry tract of land on which he lives in Douglass Township, 150 acres for £900.
To son John the plantation whereon I live adjacent to aforesaid, 531/2 acres for £1050. The sum paid by sons to be divided among all my daus., viz: Catharina wife of Samuel KERLIN, Anna Maria wife of Henry MAAGER, Elizabeth wife of Jacob HARTENSTINE, Hannah wife of Sebastian BUCHER and Christina wife of John LIEBENGUTH.
Exrs: Sons Henry and John.
Wits: Michael EGOLF and John LANDIS.

GULDIN, JOHN, Colebrookdale.
August 4, 1803 - March 14, 1812.
To son Daniel my plantation in Colebrookdale, 200 acres, except 20 acres which came to me as heir-at-law of my brother Samuel deceased.
To my 2 daus. Esther wife of Samuel GILBERT and Christina my plantation adjoining the above, 200 acres, reserving out of the same 20 acres adjoining above mentioned 20 acres. To dau. Elizabeth wife of George TROUT, the above mentioned tracts of 20 acres.
To dau. Maria wife of George WERSTLER £450 to be paid by son Daniel.
Said son also to provide for dau. Christina.
Exrs: Son Daniel and son-in-law Samuel GILBERT.
Wits: William DUNDAS and Henry BETZ.

January 20, 1812 - March 16, 1812.
To wife Magdalena Elizabeth all personal estate during life.
After her decease in 5 equal shares to grandchildren, Samuel GARDNER, Elizabeth BOYER child of son George, dau. Catharine BIELER, children of son-in-law Peter WENGERRTT, stepson Thom. STROUB, Elizabeth dau. of stepson Daniel STROUB.
Exrs: Wife and Friend Michael SPATZ.
Wits: John BINGEMAN and Henry SCHWARTZ, Jr.

FISHER, JOHN, Heidelberg.
November 21, 1811 - March 19, 1812.
To son William 5 shillings, he having received a plantation in Heidelberg, 180 acres, for £2700 to be equally divided among all my children, George, Anna Maria wife of John KRICK, Peter, John, Frederick, Michael, Catharine wife of Wm. BEGTEL, and Elizabeth wife of John BOGTEL.
Exrs: Sons George, Peter and Michael.
Wits: Joseph HEHN and Michael FISHER.

February 22, 1812 - March 23, 1812.
Provides for wife Magdalena, house and lots in Reading and woodland in Alsace during life.
Plantation in Windsor and lot in Orwigsburg to be sold and other real estate to be sold and divided among grandchildren, children of son-in-law Abraham PHILIPY. Remaining £150 to children Jacob, Peter, Susanna and Elizabeth in equal shares.
Exrs: Wife Magdalena and friend Michael MADERA.
Wits: Peter NAGLE and Henry HAHN.

August 12, 1811 - April 2, 1812.
To Peter SMITH and Thomas WARREN £100.
To Jacob WARREN and John WARREN £100.
Remainder to brother John WARREN.
Exr: Brother John WARREN.
Wits: Andrew FICHTHORN, Jr. and Henry FILPIE.

GROSSCUP, PAUL, Esq., Rockland.
March 2, 1812 - April 7, 1812.
Provides for wife Sibilla.
To son Samuel £1 having advanced him a child's portion and mentions his being for 10 years past lost so that I have no information whether he is alive or not. To his 3 daus. Judith, Elizabeth and Anna £20 when 21. Mentions having kept dau. Salome widow of John BUSH and her three small children Hanna, William and Maria for more then 7 years past and that she was lately married to John PAULUS.
Dwelling to be sold and proceeds divided into 8 equal shares to dau. Margaret wife of Daniel FREY, son Paul, son Jacob, son Abraham, son Jonathan, son Benjamin, dau. Judith and children of dau. Maria ADAM.
Exrs: Sons Abraham and Jonathan and son-in-law Daniel FREY.
Wits: Henry GRIM and David SHEFFER.

GEHRED, ELIZABETH, widow of John, Alsace.
February 3, 1812 - April 11, 1812.
To son George 5 shillings he having received his share.
To dau. Catharine and dau. Susanna £6 in advance.
Remainder to children, John, Jacob, Catharine, Julianna, Anna Margaret, Maria, Barbara, Susanna, Magdalena and Elizabeth.
Exr: Brother John TRINKEL of Reading.
Wits: Henry EBLING and Adam WITMAN.

April 3, 1812 - April 15, 1812.
To son John articles named, plantation in Oley and Earl to be sold, remaining personal estate.
To Mary widow of Daniel BERTOLET £100.
To son Jacob £100.
To dau. Catharine wife of Daniel BERTOLET £100.
To son Jacob £100.
To dau. Catharine wife of John REPPERT £100.
To 7 children of deceased dau. Elizabeth late wife of Matthias RHOADS deceased, viz: Jacob, John, Joseph, Abraham, Catharine, Maria and Esther £100 to be divided.
To dau. Esther CUNIUS £100.
The remainder in 7 equal shares divided among above children, and the children of son Samuel deceased.
Exrs: Son John and friend George YODER.
Wits: John YODER and William YODER.

December 30, 1809 - April 18, 1812.
All estate to 6 children, viz: John Nicholas, John Michael, John George, Henry, Christina and Barbara in equal shares.
Exrs: Sons John Nicholas and Henry.
Wits: John BAR and Abraham ALTER.

March 10, 1812 - April 21, 1812.
Provides for wife Hannah.
After her decease all estate to Elizabeth BARRANSTINE dau. of son John BARRANSTINE.
Exrs: Friends Peter FILBERT, Esq., and Henry HAHN, Esq.
Wits: George WUNDER, Sr. and George WUNDER.

January 11, 1812 - May 7, 1812.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
To son Samuel £50 over and above what he is indebted to me.
Remainder to 4 sons and 2 daus., viz: Jacob, John, Peter, Catharine widow of Peter JONES, and Mary wife of Abraham DEBLER.
Equal shares to my 6 grandchildren, natural children of son Thomas deceased, etc.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law Abr. DEBLER.
Wits: Ludwig WORMAN and Jacob RAWN.

March 14, 1809 - May 11, 1812.
Provides for wife Barbara.
To son George 3 tracts of land.
To dau. Elizabeth interest of £1000 during life.
Afterwards to her heirs.
To her son Peter, my grandson, £400.
To dau. Catharine wife of Jacob KENIG £1000.
Legacies to be paid by son George.
Brother-in-law John KRUM of Dauphin County guardian of grandson Peter.
Exrs: Friends Wm. ADAMS and Henry RUTH.
Wits: John MILLER and William BELL.

December 7, 1796 - May 14, 1812.
Provides for wife Mary.
Remainder to 4 children, Catharine, John, Elizabeth and Rudolph.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law Jacob VonNEDA.
Wits: Josh. SCHONAUER and Philip GROLL.

April 22, 1812 - May 23, 1812.
All estate to be sold and money divided by 7 children, viz: Thomas, George, Margaret Elisabeth wife of John GUNDRUM, Catharine wife of Michael NUSHAG, Anna Maria wife of Henry STUMP, Eve wife of Abraham RIEGEL and Magdalena BENDER. Brother-in-law Jacob ARTZ guardian of Magdalena. Exrs: Friends Godfrey REHRER and Thomas KURR, Sr.
Wits: Jacob ARTZ and Jacob KURR.

December 30, 1811 - May 26, 1812.
Provides for wife Elisabeth.
To dau. Elizabeth £300.
To dau. Maria £500 when 21.
To dau. Leha £500 when 21.
To son Jonas £1200.
To son Jonathan £500.
To dau. Rachel £500, the latter two in trust being non-composmentis.
To dau. Sarah £500 in trust being doubtful if she can act for herself.
Exr: Son Peter.
Wits: George FISTER and Jacob D. BREYFOGEL.

May 22, 1812 - June 8, 1812.
To sister Lydia BARGER £30.
To Esther dau. of Merrick STARR, Sarah wife of Isaac WILEY, Sarah dau. of Elijah THOMSON, Jesse PEARSON, Rebecca wife of Elijah BARGER of Catawissa £10 each. To Jehu and Thomas BARGER and Phebe wife of Abraham YEAGER of Reading £20 each. To Charles COLES of Reading a stove.
To 5 children of Elijah PEARSON of Reading, viz: Morris, Elijah, John, Mary and Davies £10 each when 21.
A note from Mary PARVIN, now Mary TAYLOR, I give to said Mary and her dau. Elizabeth COLES.
Exrs: Joseph WRIGHT and Jesse PEARSON.
Wits: Peter THOMAS and Judah THOMAS.

May 31, 1812 - June 13, 1812.
All estate to wife Elizabeth to do with as she pleases.
Mentions children but does not name them.
Exrs: Wife and son Peter.
Wits: John SMITH and George ULRICH.

EGE, ADAM, Reading.
February 2, 1806 - June 13, 1812.
To children of son Paul, deceased 5 shillings, he having received his portion. To dau. Margaret YEAGER, with whom I now live, all my real and personal estate.
Exr: Dau. Margaret YEAGER.
Wits: Philip MILLER and John SPYKER.

HEIST, JOHN, Reading.
May 19, 1812 - June 23, 1812.
To my 2 brothers George and Jacob HEIST.
To George son of Henry HEIST my watch and saddler's tools.
To Hannah HEIST his dau. my chest.
To aunt Hannah FEHLER 1/2 of remainder.
To Joseph and John, sons of Henry HEIST the other 1/2.
Exr: Uncle Henry HEIST of Kutztown.
Wits: Henry STYLES and Henry HAHN.

November 11, 1808 - July 20, 1812.
Provides for wife Charlotte including house and lot in Reading and brickyard, during widowhood.
Afterwards to be sold and divided among children (not named).
Exr: Friend Henry SETELY.
Letters to Charlotte, the widow.
Wits: Peter AURAND and Henry BETZ.

MORGAN, DAVID, Caenarvon.
May 30, 1812 - July 23, 1812.
Mentions bond or agreement with John JONES, Esq., for the sum of £100 yearly for separate maintenance of wife Margaret.
To son James £800 and 3 lots in Morgantown, subject to the condition that his mother Margaret will not attempt to break out or set aside this will. To my granddau. Rebecca, dau. of John MORGAN, all the clothing of dau. Abigail MORGAN deceased and the diamond ring when 16.
To 4 grandchildren, Hannah, Rebecca, Benjamin and John children of son John £100 each when 21.
To son David all remainder of estate with reversion in case of death without issue to son Jacob.
Exrs: Son David and John SMITH, Esq.
Wits: Frederick LAUDERBRAN and William MORRIS.

May 30, 1809 - July 23, 1812.
To son Henry £10 beforehand.
To son-in-law Henry YOUNG and Catharine his wife £10 and the bond of £40 that he owes me.
Remainder of estate to following children: Michael, Henry, Jacob, Maria wife of Paul LINSEBIGLER, Susanna wife of Jacob BENDER, Margaret wife of John FUCHS, and Elisabeth wife of Peter KIEHN.
£20 being taken from the share of Elizabeth and given to the Lutheran Congregation in Reading.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law Peter KIEHN.
Wits: Frederick HELLER and John SPYKER.

November 1810 - July 27, 1812.
All estate to be sold and divided among heirs, as follows: John, Jacob, Catharina, Margaretha and Christina.
Exr: Son John.
Wits: Jacob KIMMERER and William KISTLER.

March 16, 1809 - August 5, 1812.
To son John my plantation in Bern with all cattle, paying £150 to each of his brothers and sisters, viz: Henry, Elizabeth, Susanna HEMMICH, Catharina, Samuel, and Sarah REISER.
Share to Catharine to be in trust for her children, she was probably wife of Engel STRUNCK.
Exr: Son John.
Wits: Jacob SCHRACK and Jacob REISER.

December 10, 1803 - August 8, 1812.
Provides for wife Hannah, including use of brick house during widowhood. Remainder of estate divided among children (not named).
Share of dau. Elizabeth to be in trust during her husband's lifetime.
Exrs: Sons Peter and John.
Letters to John RAPP the surviving executor.
Wits: Henry STYLES and Wm. GREEN.

1811 - August 31, 1812.
Provides for wife Hannah, including use of all estate during widowhood. Afterwards to be sold and divided equally among 9 children, viz: John, Godfried, Peter, George, Conrad, Catharine wife of Simon SMELTZER, Polly wife of John FOCHT, Betsy of John GROFF and Hannah.
Exrs: Sons John and Godfried.
Wits: John LERCH and Jacob SCHMELTZER.

August 7, 1812 - September 8, 1812.
Provides for wife Dinah, including all estate during widowhood.
Afterwards plantation to sons Samuel and Jacob at valuation, and estate divided among 9 children: Samuel, Jacob, John, William, Mary, Hannah, Susanna, Sarah, and Catharine.
Exrs: Wife Dinah and son Samuel.
Wits: Samuel BOHN and Christian TREAT.

BART, MICHAEL, Rockland.
September 3, 1814 - September 12, 1812.{5?}
Wife Catharina and son John to have the plantation.
To John after wife's decease.
To son Daniel the plantation on which he now lives in Rockland.
Refers to land he got from brother Martin BART.
Exrs: Friend Daniel YODER, and sons John and Daniel.
Wit: Michael MUSSELMAN and Jacob SHITZ.

HUGHES, OWEN, Maiden Creek.
April 27, 1809. Codicil May 11, 1812. Probate October 2, 1812.
To sister, Elizabeth, widow of Mordecai HARRIS £20.
To Abigail MILLARD, dau. of Jonathan HUGHES, deceased £50.
To Jonathan, Benjamin and Isaac, sons of above named Abigail MILLARD, £20 each. To nephew Joseph HUGHES and niece Joyce HUGHES, children of brother Hudson HUGHES, deceased, £100 each.
To brother Edward HUGHES £100 if living and if deceased to his children. To Hugh and Michael, sons of my Uncle Morgan HUGHES and to children of my friend, Joseph PENROSE, Jr., £120 as follows: Isaac £30, Mary PENROSE wife of Ellis LEE £30, Robert REID and his sister, Mary, wife of Mordecai LEE £30. To 4 children of Joseph PENROSE, Jr., viz: Mary wife of Francis WRIGHT, Sarah wife of Edward WILKENSON, Margaret and Samuel £30. To my stepdau. Sarah WILY £200 being a dower bequeathed to my late wife Mary by husband John WILY.
To Jane wife of John BUSH, and granddau. of brother Jonathan deceased £290. To the use and support of Friends School at Maiden Creek and Exeter £300. To use of Friends School at Westtown, Chester County £300. To Mary wife of Mordecai WRIGHT and dau. of PENROSE and Sary WILY my plantation whereon I live in Maiden Creek, 222 acres, also tenement and tract of land in Alsace, 135 acres, she paying £1000 to her brother, John WILY. To said John WILY a tract in Alsace, 89 acres.
Remainder to Mary WRIGHT.
Exrs: Friends Samuel LEE of Oley and Jesse WILLITS.
Codicil reduces legacies to schools to £200.
Wits: Thomas CHERINGTON, Ellis LEE and John LEE.

BRUNNER, PAUL, Douglass.
August 4, 1804 - October 6, 1812.
To wife Christina all estate except 16 bonds amounting to £800 payable from son, George, which I give to him.
Mentions son George, son William and 4 daus. Christina, Elizabeth, Margaret, Maria.
Exrs: Son William and son-in-law Philip ECKEL.
Wits: Michael EGOLF and John SANDS.

September 8, 1812 - October 30, 1812.
To sons Daniel and John my plantation in Bern, 317 acres, also all farm stock, for £800.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of John WIST £175.
To each of 3 daus. Maria, Catharina and Susanna £206.6.8 and household goods, same as Elizabeth has received.
Provides for wife Christina use of plantation until youngest dau.
Susanna is 14. Mentions brother-in-law Wendel BERNHARD.
Exrs: Wife Christina and son Daniel.
Wits: Philip REESER and John SPYKER.

MARTIN, PETER, Colebrookdale.
June 10, 1812 - November 2, 1812.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Mentions son-in-law Abraham REITENAUER married to dau. Elizabeth and Peter STELTZ married to Catharine.
Grandson Joseph STELTZ to have my Bible.
Exrs: Sons-in-law Abraham REITENAUER and Peter STELTZ.
Wits: Peter LONG and Mathias RICHARDS, Jr.

February 20, 1812 - November 12, 1812.
Provides for wife Susanna.
To son George plantation, mills, etc. in Exeter, 600 acres, also 75 acres on Penns Mount, also 8 lots in Penns Manor subject of payment and interest on £1000.
Mentions dau. Susanna wife of J.H. KORCHOFF.
Sons Daniel and John all real estate in Reading.
Dau. Sarah SMITH, widow, 200 acres with grist mill and sawmill in Hardy County, Va. where she lives, and another tract, 303 acres, during life. After her death to her dau. Catharine (late GERNANDT) now wife of Rev. Charles HELFENSTINE and tract of 303 acres to her son John SMITH.
To sons John and Jacob all my other lands in Virginia.
All other lands to be sold, altogether about 2000 acres on which Potomac Furnace is erected.
To dau. Catharine wife of Francis GROVE £1000.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of George BOYER £1000.
To dau. Mary £1000.
Exrs: Wife Susanna and sons George and Daniel.
Wits: Frederick HELLER, Thomas B. SMITH and Henry BETZ.
January 2, 1866 letters d.b.N. to Michael T. SEIBERT

LEVAN, JACOB, Maxatawny.
October 15, 1812 - November 16, 1812.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
To sons George and Jacob £100 beforehand.
Remainder divided among my 5 children, viz: Maria BRUNNER, Elizabeth KOCH, Susanna KLEIN, George and Jacob in equal shares, son Benjamin having received his portion.
Exrs: Wife and son Benjamin.
Wits: Jacob METZGER and Nicholas KUTZ.

December 9, 1811 - November 21, 1812.
Provides for wife Susanna during life.
Afterwards divided equally among children, Jacob, Peter, George, Charles, Maria and Sarah when they are 21.
Exrs: Wife Susanna and father-in-law Philip KRAMER.
Letters to widow the other being deceased.
Wits: Peter STECHTER and Henry PHILLIPIE.

May 1, 1812 - December 11, 1812.
Divided farm implements and stock between sons Philip and Ludwig.
To dau. Susanna household goods, etc.
Sons Dewald and Daniel £20 each.
Exr: Friend Daniel WERDMAN.
Wits: Nicholas KLEIN and John KLEIN.

RUTH, JOHN, Heidelberg.
September 19, 1806 - December 12, 1812.
To wife Catharina all property during life.
After her decease 2 plantations to be sold and money divided among the children of George, Henry, Frantz, Maria Catharina ECKERT, Barbara ADAMS, Eve MENGEL, and Magdalena HEHN, and the stepbrothers and sisters of my wife, viz: John Adam RUTH, Susanna FISHER, Molly HELN, Anna Maria HEHN, and Daniel RUTH, etc.

May 23, 1811 - December 22, 1812.
To son Daniel the place in Oley where old father Daniel WENTZEL lives.
To son John, the place in Alsace of which he has bought 1/2 from his father, for £600.
To dau. Catharina, or her husband Matthias BATTER £500.
Provides for wife Margaretha.
Exr: Nicholas BAYER.
Letters to son Daniel the executor named renouncing.
Wits: Nicholas BAYER and Alexander SCHLOTTMAN.

ARNOLD, ANNA ELIZABETH, widow of Philip, Greenwich.
June 24, 1811 - December 26, 1812.
To son John HAAS £10.
To the 2 children of dau. Susanna deceased, viz: Solomon and Elizabeth SCHLAUCK £12.
To stepson Francis ARNOLD £4.
To Esther, dau. of son Philip ARNOLD, £5 in advance of the remainder.
1/2 to the children of Philip ARNOLD, and the other 1/2 to son John
George ARNOLD.
Exr: Son John George ARNOLD.
Wits: Jacob GIFFT and Nicholas FISHER.


June 5, 1809 - January 9, 1813.
To son Daniel 2 tracts 43 acres and 27 acres, for £383.6.8.
To son Abraham 2 tracts 76 acres and 6 acres for £283.6.8.
To son John all remaining real estate in Amity for £283.6.8.
Provides for wife Hannah.
Daus. Catharina wife of Jacob BOYER, Mary £350, and dau. Anna wife of Isaac RITTER £300.
Exrs: Sons Daniel and Abraham.
Wits: Samuel RHOADS, Samuel LUDWIG and Jacob RHOADS.

November 25, 1812 - January 16, 1813.
Provides for wife Catharina, and names children in following order: Michael, Daniel, Benjamin, John, and Elizabeth.
Exrs: Wife and son Michael.
Wit: Frantz BEERKE and George RITZMAN.

KNOLL, JOHN, Tulpehocken.
December 19, 1812 - February 5, 1813.
Provides for wife Anna Maria.
After 6 years plantation to be sold to the son who is the highest bidder and estate divided.
Sons Samuel, George and Daniel, being young.
Exrs: Brother George KNOLL, wife, and son John.
Wits: John Nicholas MOYER and John SCHARF.

December 12, 1812 - February 9, 1813.
To dau. Mary wife of John BOYER, dau. Catharine wife of David KLEIN, dau. Elizabeth wife of Samuel RHOADS, dau. Sarah wife of Daniel RHOADS, £225 each when 30.
To sons Jacob, Samuel, John, Daniel and Abraham £1000 each when 26.
Exrs: Son-in-law John BOYER and son Abraham.
Wits: Ludwig WORMAN and Jacob HILL.

EMRICH, ADAM, Tulpehocken.
January 26, 1806 - February 11, 1813.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Estate into 8 equal parts - to children of deceased son John George, son Casper, son John Nicholas, son John, son Jacob, dau. Anna Maria widow of Christian RIETH, dau. Margaret Elizabeth wife of John Jacob RIETH, and Magdalena wife of John SELL.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law John Jacob RIETH.
Wits: Daniel RIETH and Benjamin RIETH.

GERHARD, PETER, Heidelberg.
August 9, 1808 - March 1, 1813.
To sons Matthias and Peter the place I bought of George KALBACH.
Pay to dau. Catharina £550.
To son Bastian the land I bought of ARMENGAFF AND SCHONFELDER.
Land devised to son John.
The distillery and all belonging thereto to Henry and Dennis.
£250 to dau. Catharina.
Exrs: Sons Peter and John.
Wits: Jacob SHEFFER and Andrew FLEISHER.

November 12, 1812 - March 1, 1813.
Provides for wife Eleanor.
To sons John and Philip my plantation purchased from George HAIN subject to payment of £400 due widow of John LUDWIG and heirs.
Mentions 4 daus., Mary wife of Frederick RUTH, Sarah HAWSE wife of John, Elizabeth wife of Henry SPOON, and Catharine.
To son Philip £116 and to dau. Catharina £100.
Remainder to John and Philip.
Exrs: John and Philip.
Wits: Samuel LUDWIG, John MILLER, Esq., and Samuel ADAMS.

November 30, 1812 - March 2, 1813.
Provides for wife Magdalena all real estate during widowhood.
Afterwards to be sold and 1/4 to son Jonas, remainder divided among other children. Only oldest dau. Maria mentioned by name.
Oldest son Jonas "deficient in senses".
Exrs: Joseph BAUMAN, Jr. and John son of Peter BAUMAN.
Wits: Joseph BAUMAN, Sr. and Samuel HORNIE.

March 1, 1813 - March 23, 1813.
To my mother Margaret FORTMAN £100 out of the money received for the property sold to George HOFFMAN.
To Rev. Paul ERNST £25 for the use of the Catholic Church in Hereford called St. Mary's.
Remainder to sister Bridget SWEETMAN.
Exrs: Friends Joseph REHR and Thomas W. LEONARD.
Wits: James H. HOUSE and Christian KLEMER.

May 20, 1812 - March 23, 1813.
Estate divided among sons Daniel and Jacob.
Exrs: Friends Barnhart McCARTY and Jacob SEIBERT.
Wits: George SEIFERT and John KING.

June 20, 1812 - April 5, 1813.
Provides for wife Rebecca.
To Abraham HOCH, Jr. of Oley and Solomon HOCH of Maiden Creek my tract of land in Westmoreland County, 322 acres.
To Esther wife of Jacob LEVAN and dau. of Abraham HOCH, Sr. the plantation where I live in Oley and all other land for £1000 to be paid to my sister Magdalena (if living) in Germany near the town of Strumberck in the Pfalz. If she is deceased then to her children.
To brother John HEIST all estate in Germany.
Exrs: Friends Abraham HOCH, Jr. and Peter KNABB (son of Peter, deceased).
Letters to Jacob LEVAN.
Wits: Thomas CHERINGTON and Baltzer TROUT.
Caveat filed by widow Rebecca.

RIETH, ANNA MARGARET, widow of John George, Tulpehocken.
August 16, 1808 - April 14, 1813.
To son Peter £300.
All remaining estate to his children, viz: Christian, Anna Margretha, Elizabeth, and John RIETH.
Exr: Son Peter.
Wit: Adam RIETH and Casper LENGEL.
Dau. Anna Margaret was married to John George FOHRER.

OSWALD, JACOB, Rockland.
March 10, 1813 - April 17, 1813.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
To Jacob the weaver's loom and outfit.
Remainder divided among children, not named.
Exrs: Son Christian and son-in-law John PAULUS.
Wits: George BADER and Peter ANGSTADT.

TEXTER, ADAM, Heidelberg.
November 4, 1811 - April 21, 1813.
Real estate to be sold.
To oldest son George Adam, 2nd son Martin.
To dau. Catharine £200 for the care she took of me.
Then 3 daus. Anna Maria, Anna Elizabeth and Catherine shall have what will make them equal to sons.
To eldest son of Elizabeth £50.
To son Martin's 3 children by first wife an equal share with my daus. and granddau. Elizabeth.
Exrs: John PALM and Matthias WENRICH.
Wits: Fred SMITH and Daniel ROSE.
Letters C.T.A. to George ACHENBACK, Jacob SMITH, John SNYDER and Martin TEXTER, November 8, 1817.

June 24, 1812 - April 21, 1813.
To son William my plantation in Bern, 75 acres, for £694.10, of which £400 shall be his share, and £294.10 he shall pay to son William.
Provides for wife Christina.
Bequests to son Jacob £67.18.4, John £94.10, dau. Maria wife of John PHILIPS £244.10, dau. Catharine wife of Philip LEIMEISTER £244.10, dau. Elizabeth wife of John KLEIN £244.10, and Magdalena wife of John SPATZ £244.10.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law John KLEIN.

April 27, 1813 - May 12, 1813.
Provides for wife not named including plantation until Jacob is of age. Then sold and divided among children, not named.
Exrs: Wife and George SHARTEL.
Wits: Benjamin LANG and John STAHL.

March 18, 1812 - June 2, 1813.
To son-in-law Lawrence FIX and wife Magdalena the bonds for £127 which he is indebted to me.
To grandchild Anna dau. of son-in-law Balser MINNICH, who is lame £25 when 21. Remainder to children of 2 sons-in-law and their wives, viz: Lorentz FIX and Balser MINNICH.
Exr: Grandson Jacob FIX.
Wits: Peter WEIMER and Henry HAHN.

June 23, 1804 - June 2, 1813.
To nephew Jacob SWITZER my plantation, 107, in Coventry Township, Chester Co., also tract 45 acres in Coventry.
To brothers Ulrich, Matthias and Rudolph SWITZER and sister Elisabeth STERN and the children of sister Barbara URNER, deceased and the children of sister Catharine BAER £6 each.
To the religious society to which I belong £20.
Exrs: Nephew Jacob SWITZER and John RINEHART of Coventry.
Wits: Simon MEREDITH, Abraham BROWER, and Henry SHINKLE.

October 26, 1811 - June 9, 1813.
All estate to be sold and money divided into 5 equal shares, to dau. Margaret wife of Jacob DRESSLER, Magdalena wife of Adam KLEIN, Barbara wife of Jacob LONG (for her support).
After her death to her daus. Maria, Catharine, Magdalena and Margaret LONG, to Maria wife of Bernhard ZIEGLER, and dau. Elizabeth.
Exrs: Sons-in-law Adam KLEIN and Jacob DRESSLER.
Wits: Christopher KELLER and George HEIST.

December 8, 1807 - June 21, 1813.
To wife Mary all personal estate during life.
What remains after her death to sons and daus., viz: Leonard, Michael, Nicholas, Anna Maria, Barbara, Anthony, Catharine, Elizabeth, and Jacob.
Exr: Son Anthony.
Wits: Henry BETZ and Nicholas MILLER.

June 1813 - August 3, 1813.
To wife all property during life.
Afterwards divided among children, not named.
Exr: Wife.
Wits: Benjamin DAVIES and Isaac THOMAS.

June 18, 1813 - August 3, 1813.
All estate to be sold and given to mother Barbara WITMAN during life.
After her decease to brothers and sisters, viz: Adam, John, Michael, Samuel, Mary, and Elizabeth.
Refers to real estate as yet undivided left by father, Valentine WITMAN, to brothers John, Michael and self.
Exrs: Brother-in-law John BEAM and Christian TREAT.
Wits: John WITMAN and Philip HOFMAN.

May 12, 1812 - August 7, 1813.
All estate to wife Elizabeth during life [which is personal].
What remains after her decease equally divided among all children except Henry and George they being provided for in land sold to them.
Other children not named except Catharine whose children Jacob and Susanna LONGBOY are named.
Exr: Son-in-law George OYSTER.
Wits: George BOONE and David HEID.

June 17, 1813 - August 13, 1813.
To wife Maria all estate during life.
After her decease to heirs of deceased brother Jacob SEIDEL, to Godfrey the son of Johannes SEIDEL.
Exrs: Michael KROLL and John SEIDEL.
Wit: Nicholas HATZFIELD and Ludwig SEMAN.

May 16, 1808. Codicil July 9, 1811. Probate September 8, 1813.
To wife Elizabeth house and lot in Weavertown.
To dau. Elizabeth 2 houses in Weavertown.
To dau. Mary 2 houses and lots in Weavertown.
To sons John Michael and John 5 shillings.
To son-in-law George BABB 5 shillings and to his children John, Sarah, and Margaret the furniture which I bought at constable's sale.
Remainder to dau. Catharine wife of George BABB.
Exrs: Son John and neighbor Daniel LORAH.
Codicil names son-in-law Abraham HAAS in place of above named.
Wits: Jacob MASSER and George LORAH.

July 19, 1813 - September 11, 1813.
To sons Abraham, Jacob, Samuel, Joseph and Daniel and daus. Maria wife of Henry LAMP and Elizabeth wife of Henry MOYER 5 shillings each in full. To grandson Abraham son of Abraham £5.
To sons Peter and John a tract of land in Alsace 8 acres, for £700.
Remainder to be sold and divided 1/3 to wife Christina and 2/3 to three sons Peter, John and Isaac.
Also to Peter and John my share of land brought of brothers in Westmoreland County.
Exrs: Peter and John.
Wits: Jacob EPLER and John SPYKER.

November 7, 1806 - September 20, 1813.
To wife Barbara all estate during life.
After her decease to be sold and money divided between my 2 daus. Nancy and Salome in equal shares.
To son Matthias 5 shillings.
To dau. Mary wife of Isaac PENSCORD, to dau. Barbara wife of Henry LANDIS and dau. Susanna wife of John HIFER 5 shillings each.
To son Daniel 5 shillings.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of Abraham STEEL 5 shillings.
To son John 5 shillings.
Money from real estate to dau. Nancy wife of John LESSER, Esther wife of George FEGELY, and dau. Salome.
Exrs: Sons-in-law George FEGELY and John LESSER.
Wits: John BERKEY and John BERKEY, Sr.

March 30, 1813 - September 22, 1813.
To wife Catharina all except George FREDERICK's debt of £100 which he is by agreement bound to pay to my nephew Henry FILMAN.
Exr: Wife Catharina.
Wits: George BOONE and George FREDERICK.

September 15, 1813 - October 4, 1813.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Names children in order: John, David, Solomon, Jacob, Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, and Susanna.
Exrs: Wife and sons John and David.
Wit: Michael KOENIG and Abraham KOENIG.

LEE, MORDECAI, Maiden Creek.
November 7, 1810 - October 16, 1813.
Provides for wife Mary tract in Maiden Creek, 20 acres and 21 acres adjoining. To Monthly meeting in Exeter £200 for school purposes.
To niece Mary SCARLET, dau. of brother Thomas £50.
£50 to the following, Elizabeth formerly CLENDENON wife of Jonathan WILLIAMS, nephew Samuel LEE son of Thomas, nephew Amos LEE, nephew Isaac LEE, nephew Nathan LEE, nephew Mordecai LEE, nephew Thomas LEE, nephew Ellis LEE, nephew John LEE, and nephew James HUTTON.
To Deborah wife of Thomas LEE, Jr. £100.
To Mordecai son of Jesse LEE £100.
£50 each to Mordecai WRIGHT, Sibilla STARR, and Eleanor WRIGHT, Jr.
£25 to Sarah STARR, Joshua STARR, Eunice dau. of James STARR deceased, John STARR, and Huldah STARR.
To nephews Jesse WILLITS, son of sister Sarah deceased, and Thos. LEE, Jr., son of nephew Samuel LEE, my plantation in Maiden Creek, 300 acres.
Exrs: Wife Mary, James STARR and Jesse WILLITS.
Wits: Thos. LIGHTFOOT, Robert REED and Wm. WILLITS.

FUCHS, PHILIP, Reading, formerly of Bern.
July 26, 1811 - October 16, 1813.
Provides for wife Margaret.
To children: John, Catharine, Adam, Michael, and children of Jacob, viz: Jacob, John and Elizabeth, £500 each.
Son Philip received his share in farm conveyed to him.
Exrs: Son Philip and friend Henry DIEHL.
Wit: George SIEGFRIED and Peter HOMAN.

HARFF, JOHN, Reading.
September 21, 1797 - October 23, 1813.
Provides for wife Maria.
Children, Michael, George, Catharine, Magdalena and Maria.
Exrs: Sons Michael and George.
Wits: John SPYKER and Daniel PHILLIPI.

October 10, 1813 - November 1, 1813.
Names sons Conrad, Jacob, Joseph, John George, John Adam, dau. Margareth STALLER, Maria GRETH, and Catharine SCHWARZ.
Exr: Son John George.
Wit: Michael CROLL and Frantz ARNOLD.

SHALTER, FRANTZ, Maiden Creek.
Probated November 1813.
To wife Elizabeth plantation in Maiden Creek.
To son Michael, subject to other legacies.
Other legacies son Jacob, son-in-law Samuel BERNHART, son-in-law Abraham KISSINGER, Peter ROTHENBERGER, son-in-law Daniel KERSHNER.
This will was never signed, and settlement was by verdict of jury.

HECKROTH, HENRY, Caernarvon.
August 31, 1813 - November 1, 1813.
To wife Elizabeth all estate during life.
Then sold and divided among children (not named) except deceased dau. Elizabeth who was married to Andrew BRAUVENNER and whose dau. is to in inherit her share.
Exrs: Wife Elizabeth and John AMSCHER.
Letters to widow. AMSCHER renouncing.
Wits: Adam STEVIER and George AMMA.

October 7, 1806. Codicil July 24, 1811. Probate November 6, 1813.
To dau. Elizabeth GUICK £225, children of dau. Philippina BRENTZ £225, dau. Christina LORAH £244, children of dau. Rosina SHERRER £184, dau. Susanna HOFFMEISTER £160, dau. Catherine SHATZ £225 having given her son Michael KLINGER £64. To dau. Maria Elizabeth HARRIS the house where she lives and £50 and £100 to her children.
To sons Daniel, George and John £5 each they having received their share. To grandson Christian WICKS, son of George Adam, Christian son of son John, grandson Christian HOFFMEISTER, son Henry and Susanna £10 and their dau. Catherine £5.
To Sarah dau. of son George Adam, granddau. Catherine BRENTZ, and dau. of Henry and Philippina £5 each.
Exrs: Friend Francis RITTER and son-in-law Henry HOFFMEISTER.
Codicil mentions granddau. Catharine BRENTZ, now Catharine SEITZINGER.
Wits: Henry HAHN, Jacob YOUNG and John SCHMEHL.

DeLONG, JOHN, Maxatawny.
September 1, 1807 - December 4, 1813.
To son John my plantation in Northampton County, 150 acres, for £30.
To son Joseph my plantation in Maxatawny, 128 acres whereon I live, for £750. Remainder to be sold and divided among children, viz: Nicholas, Peter, Moses, Maria NIES, Margaret GUD, Elizabeth NIES, Catharine LEINDECKER in equal shares.
Exr: Son Peter.
Wits: Debald BAST and Jacob LEVAN, Jr.

YOUNG, LUDWIG, Ruscomb Manor.
June 5, 1813 - December 6, 1813.
To son Ludwig tract where I now live, with exceptions.
Mentions son John, Daniel, John FRY a natural son of dau. Catharine, daus. Christina wife of Martin CHRISTIE, Catharine wife of George MECK, son George, dau. Barbara wife of Jonathan BECHER, daus. Elizabeth and Magdalena.
Exrs: Peter and Joseph ROTHERMEL.
Wits: Jacob KELLER and John HOCH.

HARP, ABRAHAM, Hereford.
October 20, 1813 - December 13, 1813.
Provides for wife Ann.
Estate divided into 6 shares among children, Elizabeth wife of Peter HAUK, Ann wife of Daniel BOB, Jr., Catharine, Susanna wife of Henry DERR, Mary and Sarah. Share of Elizabeth to be held in trust for her children.
Exrs: Son-in-law Henry DERR and friend Daniel IMBODY.
Wits: John RUSH and John THOMPSON.

October 10, 1813 - December 24, 1813.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Mentions land which wife and he owned jointly with right to survivor.
To son John 30 shillings in full.
Remainder to 2 daus. Maria, wife of Jacob BOLLMAN and Susanna wife of John BECHTEL.
Exrs: Wife Catharine and brother John RIESER.
Wits: John TOBIAS and John SPYKER.


LICHTY, MARX, Maxatawny.
May 7, 1813 - January 10, 1814.
Mentions having sold both plantations to sons - the one on which I live to Abraham, and the 1 in Longswamp to son Peter on which he now lives.
They shall pay the bonds yet due and the money is to be divided among other children, viz: Salome ZIEGLER, Elisabeth DAUBENSPECK, Anna Maria ZIEGLER, Magdalena ZIEGLER, Catharine GINCKMYER, Susanna LICHTY, Barbara LICHTY and deceased son David's children, viz: Susanna, Rachel, Abraham and Hannah LICHTY, in 9 shares.
Exrs: Sons Peter and Abraham and David GINCKMEYER and Benjamin ZIEGLER.
Wits: Michael FISHER and George METZGER.

STAUFFER, ABRAHAM, Colebrookdale.
March 24, 1806 - January 14, 1814.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
To son Jacob the plantation where I live for £700.
To dau. Susanna interest on £300 as long as she keeps from her husband whom she married against my will, otherwise, she shall have nothing.
Remainder to John and his four sisters, Mary, Barbara, Hester and Sarah.
Exrs: Sons John and Jacob.
Wits: Jacob FINCK and Henry PANNEBECKER.

FAUST, JOHN, Heidelberg.
August 18, 1808 - January 16, 1814.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
Mentions children John, Polly, Peter, Margaret, Benjamin.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law Conrad SPATZ.
Wits: George EINCH and John MILLER.

March 4, 1806 - January 17, 1814.
Provides for wife Margaret including rents from Robeson plantation, 80 acres, during life.
After her decease to be sold and estate divided to sons Valentine and Bartholomew, except £5 which goes to Catharine wife of Martin MEYER.
Exrs: Sons Valentine and Christian DONNAHOWER.
Wits: Jacob FRANK and Frederick FRITZ.

July 19, 1796 - January 18, 1814.
Plantation, 100 acres, to wife Anna Maria.
Exr: Wife Anna Maria.
Wits: Christian SCHUEY and Isaac BAKER.

November 13, 1811 - January 24, 1814.
To son-in-law Abraham MERKEL £30 for nursing my deceased wife.
The money son William yet owes me to be divided among children.
To dau. Elizabeth £91.13.4, £60 which is wages for working over her age 21, dau. Rachel £76.13.4 £60 which is wages for working over her age 21, dau. Susanna £111.13.14 £30 which is wages for working over her age 21, son Jacob £73 £30 which is wages for working over his age 21, dau. Maria £60 £20 is wages. To son Peter's children £30, dau. Catharine £10. Son-in-law Philip Jacob SCHELLHAMMER shall keep in his hands the money which comes to his wife until children are 21.
Sons Martin and William have received their portions.
Mentions dau. Elizabeth SCHELLHAMMER and grandson Joseph DONAT, Jacob's oldest son.
Exrs: Friends George FUSSELMAN and John SMITH.
Wits: John BROBST and John BROBST, Jr.

GOODMAN, HENRY, Tulpehocken.
November 27, 1813 - January 24, 1814.
Mentions son-in-law Michael FESSLER'S children: Sons Simon, Henry, George. There evidently were others not named.
Exrs: Sons Benjamin, and Jacob and John MICHAEL.
Wit: John MICHAEL and William MICHAEL.

December 14, 1813 - January 27, 1814.
To son Abraham the plantation where he now dwells in Exeter, 161 acres, also tract of woodland, 47 acres, in same township.
To son Daniel 120 acres in Ruscomb Manor.
To son Jacob my dwelling plantation, 361 acres, in Exeter, also, 4 tracts of woodland altogether 162 acres. Reverts if he dies without issue to Jacob and Joseph LEVAN sons of my son Abraham.
Provisions for wife and daus., Margaret, Judith wife of Henry LEESE, Susanna wife of John STITZEL, Sarah wife of Adam STITZEL, Elizabeth wife of Samuel KERST, Mary wife of Henry WERNER, Hannah wife of Godfrey KERCHNER and Catharina wife of Jacob GOODMAN.
Exrs: Friend Peter STICHTER and sons Abraham and Jacob.
Wits: Peter HOUSEM and Henry BETZ.

November 16, 1813 - February 4, 1814.
Provides for wife Anna Catharine.
5 children, Susanna wife of Isaac LEVAN £497.17.16, Mary Catharine wife of Henry RADCAY £310.17.6, Mary NEIKERK £747.17.6, 3 children of dau. Sarah deceased, viz: John, Catharine and Mary MOYER £493.7.6.
To my son John my plantation for £2050.
Exr: Son John.
Wits: Joseph BOONE and Mordecai LINCOLN.

May 12, 1813 - February 9, 1814.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Children named: Christophel, Eva wife of Paul ZIEBACH, Catharine wife of John KRASS, Elizabeth widow of John WALKER, Juliana wife of John DECKER and son Samuel whose children inherit his share.
Exrs: Sons Jacob and Wendel.
Wit: Jacob DECKER and John BATDORF.

February 11, 1813 - February 25, 1814.
Wife to have plantation until children are over 18.
Mentions dau. Anna Maria under 18.
Sons Christian and Jacob paying to other children £900 not named.
Exrs: Wife and sons Christian and Jacob.
Wits: Thomas WRIGHT and Thomas WRIGHT, Jr.

PONTZIUS, DANIEL, Tulpehocken.
April 26, 1813 - March 14, 1814.
Provides for wife, name not given.
Mentions 8 children but names only Frederick.
Gives Michael AMAN's dau. Elizabeth £15.
Exrs: James DEGLER and dau. Salome.
Wit: John RIEGEL and John RIEGEL, Jr.

October 25, 1813 - March 14, 1814.
Names 3 children of James LESLIE as legatees, viz: Salome, Lena and Catharine. Directs income of real estate, etc. shall be used to maintain a teacher at the Universal Church schoolhouse in Cumru to teach children of that neighborhood without regard to persons or religion.
Exrs: Friends Henry and John ZIEMER.
Directs at their death the elders and deacons of the Lutheran and Calvinist Churches shall perform their duties as executors.
Wit: Paul HORNING and Jeremiah BERKART.

MUDHARD, JOSEPH, Colebrookdale.
June 18, 1808 - March 28, 1814.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Various sums to children, Maria wife of Matthias DOTTERER, son Abraham, son John, Magdalena wife of Henry ROTH, Elizabeth wife of Abraham HOCH, Catharine wife of Solomon HOCH.
Exrs: Sons Abraham and John.
Wits: Wendel REININGER and George SENSEDERFER.

BABB, GEORGE, Reading.
May 29, 1813 - April 6, 1814.
Wife Ottilia use of house in Reading during widowhood.
Real estate in Alsace, 213 acres, to be sold and money divided among 4 sons Daniel, George, David and Samuel.
Mentions sons-in-law John FICK, Peter SMITH, child of late son-in-law John TRENKEL, children of son-in-law Francis SMITH, viz: Sarah, David, John and Susanna SMITH all minors.
Exrs: Friends Daniel ZACHANUS and Peter KNABB (of Peter).
Wits: John SPYKER and Christopher SCHERRER.

July 5, 1810 - April 7, 1814.
Provides for wife Barbara.
Mentions son Nicholas, 5 children of dau. Mary FICHTTHORN, viz: John, Samuel, Daniel, Jacob and Catharine, dau. Susanna wife of Andrew FICHTTHORN, dau. Catharine wife of John HAHN, dau. Barbara wife of John FRITZ deceased, dau. Hannah wife of Adam KNOWER, dau. Sarah wife of David MEYER, and son Daniel. Remainder into 10 equal shares to Henry, Daniel, Nicholas, dau. Susanna, Catharine, Barbara, Hannah, Sarah, the 5 children of dau. Mary deceased and 6 children of son Abraham deceased, viz: Mary, Elizabeth, John, Catharine, Sarah Ann and Ann.
Exrs: Sons Henry, Daniel and Nicholas.
Wits: George LORAH and Frederick SMITH.
Will contested and settled by verdict of jury.

October 20, 1803 - April 9, 1814.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Remainder of estate to be sold and divided among Christian, Michael, Martin, Christina wife of Peter LEHNIG, Barbara wife of Henry LEHNIG, and Anna Maria WALBORN.
Had conveyed his land to son Henry June 9, 1798.
Exrs: Friends Thomas KURR and Godfrey REHRER.
Wits: Stofel KNEBEL and Hermanus KNEBEL.

April 12, 1813 - April 25, 1814.
Provides for wife Christina.
To son John my plantation in Exeter, 200 acres for £547.10, to be paid to dau. Sarah wife of Daniel SEIGFRIT £47.10.
Remaining to Susanna wife of John HUIT, Christina wife of Jacob REESER, Catharine wife of Jacob HUIT, and Sarah SIEGFRIED in equal shares.
To above 4 daus. my other plantation in Exeter, 150 acres.
To grandson Daniel BECHTEL my blacksmith tools.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law Jacob HUIT.
Codicil directs enlarging the graveyard on the land devised to son John.
Wits: Abraham LEVAN and Adam WEILER.

August 17, 1808 - May 4, 1814.
To dau. Catharine wife of Jacob WEYAND £1 in full.
Remainder to dau. Elizabeth wife of Christian DIEFFEBACH.
Exr: Friend John Frederick DOCK.
Wits: John LEHMAN and John STAUDT.

GRAEFF, CATHARINE, widow, Maiden Creek.
July 3, 1807 - May 10, 1814.
All wearing apparel to three daus.
Remainder into 8 shares of which son Abraham shall have two shares and Sebastian, John, Jacob, Eve, Catharine and Elizabeth one share each.
Exr: Son Abraham.
Wits: Benjamin PARKS and Jacob BLATNER.

April 10, 1814 - May 10, 1814.
Estate to Andreas AULENBACH, husband of dau. Catharine, to Abraham HELM, husband of Catharine, dau. of Elizabeth SAUERWINE, my deceased dau. Mentions Peggy STRAUB and Polly BECHTEL, daus. of Elizabeth SAUERWEIN deceased. Also Jacob and Henry, sons of Andreas AULENBACH, son-in-law.
Exr: Andreas AULENBACH.
Wit: Samuel HOMAN and Christopher SHERRER.

January 9, 1814 - May 14, 1814.
Provides for wife Anna and "afflicted" dau. Esther.
Remainder to wife and 9 children, Elizabeth, Esther, Abraham, Barbara, Veronica, Isaac, Maria, Jacob and Anna.
Exrs: Son Abraham and son-in-law Daniel.
Wits: Philip HOCH, Jacob STAUFFER, and Jacob OBERHOLTZER.

January 8, 1814 - May 16, 1814.
Son Frederick received his portion in land.
To dau. Anna Maria £500 also house as long as she lives, dau. Magdalena wife of Dieter GRIES £112.10, Maria Esther wife of George MACHEMOR £112.10, son William and his wife the house where they live, Susanna wife of Jacob EISENBEIS £121.7.6, son Daniel house where I presently live subject to rights of Anna Maria.
Remainder to be sold and divided between Magdalena Esther and heirs of son Jacob and Susanna. Son Jacob had received £100.
Exr: Son Daniel.
Wits: John HAHN and Henry HAHN.

September 14, 1812 - May 24, 1812.
Provides for wife Susanna.
To David, plantation containing 100 acres at £6 per acre.
To son Jacob 5 shillings in full and to his children £5 each when 21.
To children of sons Edward and Henry 5 shillings each.
To children of son George £5 each.
To grandson, son of son Henry 22 acres for £533.33.
Remainder to 4 children of wife deceased, Hannah wife of Samuel HIGH, Peter, Mary wife of George MILLER and David.
Exrs: Friends Jacob KOCH and Tobias SCHALL.
Wits: Jacob HITTER and George BOONE.

BOHN, FREDERICK, Heidelberg.
April 21, 1814 - May 30, 1814.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To son Frederick part of plantation where I live, 155 acres for £2625.
Son David tract where he now lives, 135 acres for £1950.
Son Philip part of plantation where I live, 30 acres, for £510.
Son John the tract where he now lives in Bern, 81 acres, for £1100, £300 being his share.
Provides for dau. Elizabeth while unmarried.
Remainder to be sold and all estate divided into 6 shares. Son George 2 shares, daus. Elizabeth, Catharine, Anna Maria, and Christina one share each.
Exrs: Sons George, David and Frederick.
Wits: Joseph GUTH and Philip FIDLER.

May 22, 1811 - June 8, 1814.
To son Francis my plantation in Cumru, 230 acres, for 1200.
To other children as follows: Jacob, Maria wife of Wm. BROWN, sons and daus. Adam, John, Philip, George, Margaret wife of Wm. FISHER, Peter, children of dau. Catharine deceased, viz; Catharine wife of Adam WITMAN and John BROWN, Barbara wife of Abraham MOWRER, and Wm. BROWN, in various amounts. The remainder to be divided between them.
Provides for wife Catharine according to marriage contract entered into with her by name of Catharine KERLIN.
Remainder to son Francis.
Exr: Son Francis.
Wits: Jacob LAMBERT and John SPYKER.

April 1, 1808 - June 16, 1814.
All real estate to be sold and divided into 5 parts - son George 1 share, Jacob 1 share, children of dau. Elizabeth deceased (wife of John SHEFFER) 1 share, 1 share to Magdalena wife of Wm. THOMPSON, 1 share to her children in trust, and remaining share to dau. Maria wife of Isaac HAHN in trust for her children.
Exrs: Son George and friend Matthias LUDWIG.
Wits: Isaac ADAMS and George R. NUTZ.

May 2, 1813 - July 2, 1814.
Various amounts to following: dau. Margaretha wife of John KLEIN, stepchildren John and Enoch COLLER, Margaretha WICKS wife of George Adam WICKS, Sara HORFF wife of George HORFF, Catharine DIEHL wife of George DIEHL, stepdau. Hannah COLLER, otherwise Hannah BLOSH, John son of George Adam WICKS, John Rudolph son of John COLLER, John Rudolph son of Enoch COLLER, the oldest son of George DEAL, Elizabeth dau. of John KLINE, Catharine dau. of George HORFF, and dau. Margaret wife of John KLEIN.
Exr: Stepson John COLLER.
Wits: Peter AURAND and Henry HAHN.

February 11, 1814 - July 18, 1814.
All estate to be sold and divided as follows:
Dau. Catharine 2/5.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of Jacob WIRTH 1/5.
To 9 children of dau. Philippina deceased late wife of John REIFF, viz: Philip, Elizabeth, Susanna, John, Maria, Esther, Juley, Jacob and David 1/5. The remaining 1/5 to remain in hands of executors for use of dau. Anna Margaret wife of Daniel POPP.
Exrs: Friend Henry HEIN and dau. Catharine KELCHNER.
Wits: Wm. SCHILER and Samuel HEIN.

TOBIAS, CATHARINE, Bethel Township.
January 4, 1813 - July 21, 1814.
Son Christian TOBIAS, sole legatee.
Exr: Christian TOBIAS.
Wit: George KNOLL and John SEAMAN.

CLAY, CATHARINE, widow of Abraham, Bern.
May 17, 1814 - July 27, 1814.
All her goods to dau. Margaret.
Exrs: Son Jacob PLATT and Daniel CLAY.
Wits: Jacob SCHRACK and Jerome PLATT.

September 13, 1813 - July 30, 1814.
Provides for wife, name not given.
To sons Peter and William the dwelling in Cumru.
Money divided among children, George, John, Peter, William, Benjamin, Jacob, Catharina, Elizabeth, Magdalena and Mary.
Plantation in Tulpehocken 146 acres to be sold and divided among daus. mentioned.
Exrs: Son George and son-in-law David LESHER.
Wits: Henry BETZ and John KRICK.

August 10, 1812 - August 6, 1814.
To wife my plantation, 45 acres, during life.
After her death to my grandson John WEIDNER.
Other heirs, Susanna dau. of Wm. STRUNK, Mary dau. of Jacob ERGUT, Sally dau. of Jacob WERTH, £10 each after wife's decease.
After wife's death to son-in-law Philip WEISE the bond he owes.
Remainder among 3 children, Adam, Maria wife of Philip WEISE and Catharine wife of Jacob WERTH.
Exr: Son Adam.
Wits: Henry BETZ and Susanna STRUNCK.
Caveat filed by Jacob WERTH, son-in-law, July 2, 1814.

July 11, 1814 - August 8, 1814.
Real estate in Reading, Alsace and Norwegian in Schuylkill County to be appraised to sons Jacob and David.
2 tracts in Columbia County, PA 250 acres and 200 acres to be appraised to dau. Sarah and her husband Leonard RUPPERT.
To granddau. Rebecca SCHERRER 1/2 lot in Reading.
All estate divided into 4 parts, sons Jacob, Michael and David, and dau. Sarah RUPPERT.
Mentions money due him from dower which came to my deceased wife Catharine and directs that it be paid to her children that she begat with Conrad BAUER.
Exrs: Sons Jacob and David.
Wits: John WALTER and Christopher SCHERRER.

July 25, 1814 - August 17, 1814.
To son John the plantation where I now live, etc.
To wife 1/3 of estate.
Estate divided among my 9 children, Catharine, Elizabeth, Mary, Hannah, Margaret, John, George, Samuel and Jacob.
Exr: Jacob KERSH.
Wits: Anna EARGOOD and William LONS.

ADAM, HENRY, Richmond.
June 18, 1814 - September 5, 1814.
All estate to be sold.
Wife living, but makes no provision.
Estate divided into 6 shares, one share to be divided between John MINKER husband of deceased dau. Maria and her children, to dau. Rosina wife of Jacob GRAEFF, to dau. Catharine wife of Michael SHAFFER, to dau. Elizabeth wife of John REMER, son, Jacob, and remaining share to son John ADAM during life and principal to his children.
Exr: Son Jacob.
Wits: Abraham MENGEL and Jacob ROTHERMEL.
[Full will in these archives]

MUTHARD, ADAM, Colebrookdale.
August 9, 1806 - September 30, 1814.
Provides for wife Elizabeth
Mentions children Jacob, Daniel, Peter and John.
Exrs: Sons Peter and John.
Wits: John LUDWIG and Jacob FOCHT.

August 3, 1814 - October 12, 1814.
Devises his interest in forge and furnace and land thereto to son Michael and dau. Elizabeth and her husband James MITCHELL.
Executor to sell his 5 tracts and divide proceeds among his daus. Magdalena MILLER, Maria MILLER, Catharine MERKEL, Susanna LANDIS, and Elizabeth MITCHELL. Son John is disinherited.
Exrs: Son Michael and friend Jacob LEVAN.
Wit: George REASER and Michael HOFFMAN.

June 3, 1813 - October 22, 1814.
All estate to wife during life.
After her death to dau. Ann and 4 other children, viz: Sarah, Ellis, William and Hannah.
Exrs: Wife Alice and son William.
Wits: Isaac MORRIS and Ephriam JACKSON.

September 2, 1811 - November 8, 1814.
Provides for wife Margaret including 20 acres on which I now live.
After her death to sons Jonathan and John, they paying their 7 sisters, viz; Rebecca EATTON, Mary MILLER, Hannah DISKSEY, heirs of Elizabeth WILSON, Tabitha ADAMS, Abigail MORRIS, and Zibeh MERWINE £5 each.
Exr: Son Jonathan.
Wits: Jonathan HUDSON and Amos LEWIS.

October 14, 1814 - November 9, 1814.
To son Samuel tract of land for £200.
To 2 daus. their mother's clothes, Sarah and Catharine.
Exrs: Brother-in-law Henry GOTTEL and brother Jacob LOEB.
Wits: Jacob FISHER.

KOHSER, GEORGE, Greenwich.
January 19, 1813 - November 9, 1814.
Provides for wife and names the following children: Sons George deceased, Jacob, John, Andreas, Christian, daus. Christina KRAFT, Elizabeth KAMP deceased, and Maria WANNER, son Henry, dau. Catharine KERCHER, Maria Barbara, Daniel, Rosina, Regina, Salome.
Of these, George and 6 last named were by 2nd wife, the other 8 by deceased wife.
Exrs: John COLER and Peter DRESSLER.
Wit: Jacob GRIM and John ZIMMER.

October 18, 1814 - November 11, 1814.
Names widow Magdalena.
Mentions children but names only one - John the youngest.
Exrs: Stepbrother Joseph OBOLD and wife.
Wit: John DUNDORE and John SPYKER.

August 6, 1808 - November 15, 1814.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Mentions 3 sons and 4 daus., David, Jonathan, Nicholas, Barbara wife of Benjamin LOWER, Magdalena wife of Andrew KATTERMAN, Elizabeth wife of Valentine ULRICH, and Eve wife of Michael ULRICH.
Exr: Friend Philip THEISS of Lebanon Township, Dauphin County.
Wits: George NOLL and Jacob BAKER.

October 25, 1814 - November 25, 1814.
Provides for wife Maria Catharine.
3 sons, Jacob, Christian and Daniel to have plantation in Cumru at valuation of £00 per acre.
Son George tanyard and 7 acres in Oley for £1550.
Remaining land to be sold.
Grandson Jeremiah LUDWIG son of dau. Sarah deceased to have £700 at 21. Remainder to sons John, Jacob, Christian, Daniel and George and dau. Catharine wife of George YERGER, Jr.
Exrs: Sons John and Christian.
Wits: Frederick RAPP and John MOSSER.

November 20, 1814 - December 31, 1814.
All estate to wife Elizabeth during life.
Then sold and divided among children, John, Joseph, Rebecca all young.
Exrs: Wife and brother-in-law Joseph GUTH.
Wits: Philip A. GOOD and John GERHARD.


BOCKEL, TOBIAS, Heidelberg.
January 22, 1814 - January 16, 1815.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Son Frederick to take plantation, 144 acres, at £1600.
Other children: Tobias, John, Christina, Elizabeth, Anna Maria wife of Lorentz SALLADE and Magdalena.
Mentions servant Susanna HETTINGER.
Exrs: Sons Tobias, Frederick and John.
Wit: Adam DUNDOR and Joseph GOOD.

May 4, 1805 - January 20, 1815.
Provides for wife not named.
Remainder divided among children: John, Jacob, George, Mary widow of John LUTZ, Samuel, Daniel, Ann widow of Samuel CRONRAD, Elizabeth wife of Andrew HAUCK, Charles, David, Abraham, and Catharina wife of John BERTOLET.
Exrs: Sons John and George.
Wits: Jacob RHOADS and John RHOADS.

June 2, 1808 - January 28, 1815.
Names 4 nephews, sons of his brother John, as sole legatees, viz: Henry, George, Jacob and Isaac.
Exrs: George and Jacob FISHER.
Wit: Wendel BERNHART and John BERNHART.

WAGONER, ABALONI, Tulpehocken.
January 17, 1815 - March 1, 1815.
Children: John, Matthias, Susanna deceased, and Elizabeth deceased.
Mentions Elizabeth, wife of son Matthias.
Also mentions Jacob WAGONER, a grandson, of Jacob deceased, and Lovina, dau. of John, whose godfather he is.
Exrs: Son-in-law George HAAK and son Matthias.
Wit: Frederick BRENDEL and Philip SEYLER.

ROTH, MATTHIAS, farmer, Bern.
December 16, 1809 - March 15, 1815.
Jacob, a son, is devisee of farm for £900.
Names other children: Catharine KERSHNER and Magdalena GESCHWIND.
Exrs: Son Jacob.
Wit: Benj. SCHNECK and Matthias SCHUMAN.

March 2, 1815 - March 18, 1815.
Non-cupative will.
All estate during widowhood to wife, but if she should marry again she shall receive the place and a child's portion.
Exr: Wife.
Wits: John KOCH and Daniel HERB.

March 4, 1815 - April 1, 1815.
Executor to sell 2 houses and lots in Reading and land in Northumberland County which I hold with Frederick SPONG.
All estate divided among children, Jacob, John, Elisabeth wife of John BICKEL, Maria wife of George SCHREFFLER, Sara wife of John KENDEL, and children of dau. Catharine wife of Daniel CHRIST, viz: Thomas, Margaret, Elisabeth wife of Henry RINEHART, Hanna, Abalon and Maria CHRIST.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law John KENDEL.
Wits: Joseph HOCH and Henry HAHN.

WOLLEBER, PETER, Tulpehocken.
February 26, 1815 - April 10, 1815.
Plantation in Tulpehocken where I live, 132 acres, to be sold and money divided. To children of son John deceased 5 shillings in full.
To son John Philip £30.
Remainder equally divided among 6 children: Peter, Henry, George, Catharine wife of Peter HETTINGER, Anna Margaret wife of George KROUSE, and Anna Maria. But in case my dau. Anna Maria should marry old Peter HETTINGER then my executor shall keep her share and put it out on interest until the said old Peter HETTINGER should be dead.
Exrs: Friend John BATDORFF and son George.
Wits: Henry SMITH and George HARTMAN.

SMITH, JOHN, Robeson.
April 18, 1814 - April 11, 1815.
To wife Elizabeth all estate until youngest child is 18.
To dau. Ann land now occupied by my brother Robert and all my stock in the Little Conestoga Turnpike.
Sons Thomas, Levi & John £1000.
Remainder to be divided among 9 youngest children, Thomas, Sarah, Mary, Margaret, Elizabeth, Levi, John, Susan and Jane for their education.
Exrs: Brother-in-law Levi BULL and son Thomas.
Wits: Wm. BODLE and Richard TEMPLIN.

December 13, 1814 - April 12, 1815.
Mentions wife, not named.
Names sons Michael and Jacob and 3 grandchildren of dau. Maria, wife of John SOEB.
Mentions also a deceased son Christoph who had 7 children.
Exrs: Son Michael and grandson Valentine WAGNER.
Wit: Henry COTTOL and Jacob FISHER.

December 12, 1810 - April 18, 1815.
To sons James and Curtis the plantation in Cumru where I live, 140 acres for £300.
To son Nehemiah 4 tracts in Cumru on one of which he lives, and 2 outlying tracts in the "Flying Hills" for £1100.
All estate divided into 8 equal shares to son James, children of son William deceased, Richard, John, Curtis, Nehemiah, Abigail wife of Henry LUTZ, and Eleanor wife of Wm. Morris.
Exrs: Sons James, Curtis and Nehemiah.
Wits: Archibald LEWIS and Henry BETZ.

WEBER, HENRY, Tulpehocken.
January 3, 1815 - May 3, 1815.
Son Jacob devised farm in Bethel, 155 acres, for £2200.
Son Peter devised farm, 120 acres in Tulpehocken for £1600.
Mentions Margaretha, dau. of his son Henry.
Names children: Henry, Philip, John, Jacob, Peter, Elizabeth and Catharine.
Exrs: Son John and dau. Catharine, wife of Peter SCHLESSMAN.
Wit: Adam WILHELM and John SEAMAN.

January 22, 1814 - May 9, 1815.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Children mentioned: Conrad, Catharine, Adam, John, Henry, Philip, Christina, Elizabeth, Susanna and Magdalena.
Also mentions Margaret and Elizabeth as children of George BRENNINGER.
Exrs: Son-in-law Henry KLEIN, who renounced.
Letters granted to Adam SCHMEHL and Christian SHILD.
Wit: Jacob TREWITZ and Jacob ROTHERMEL.

April 16, 1815 - May 22, 1815.
To wife Elizabeth income of estate during live.
Then sold and divided between 4 children, Benjamin, Rachel LUDWIG, Catharine WOLF and Elizabeth WENDEL.
Wits: George LUDWIG and Jacob WICKLINE.

LESCHER, CATHARINE, Richmond, widow of Michael LESHER.
March 14, 1805 - May 27, 1815.
Children: Michael, Abraham, Jacob, Hannah ROTHERMEL (wife of Martin ROTHERMEL), Maria SCHNEIDER and Catharine FETHEROLF all 25 cents each.
Exrs: Son-in-law Leonard SCHNEIDER and Philip FETHEROLF.
Wit: John STEIN and Frederick SOUS.

May 21, 1815 - June 1, 1815.
Provides for wife not named.
To grandson Amos YEAGER £350 when 21.
To granddau. Catharine YEAGER, £350 at age 21.
After wife's decease all to be sold and estate divided among legal heirs.
Exrs: Daniel ROSE, Esq. and son-in-law John HOFF. Rose renounced.
Wits: Daniel ROSE and Isaac HEISTER.

KLEIN, PHILIP, Tulpehocken.
April 16, 1814 - June 3, 1815.
Wife not mentioned.
Mentions sons Philip, Joseph and Henry, and dau. Sarah. There were others.
Jonas UMBENHACKER, a grandchild and son of Sarah, received £20.
Exrs: Sons Philip and Henry.
Wit: Nicholas HAAG and John HAAG.

January 7, 1812 - June 5, 1815.
Children: Jacob, George, Anna Maria, Hannah and Mary.
Exrs: Son Jacob and friend Jacob MIESSE.
Wit: Daniel MIESSE and Jacob KAUFFMAN.
No mention of widow.

March 9, 1807 - June 8, 1815.
Mentions Henry and George, sons of her deceased brother Peter, to whom she gives £5 each.
Names also Herman REIFSCHNEIDER legatee for 5 shillings.
Also stepbrothers Philip WITZ, John WITZ and stepbrother-in-law William BRUNNER.
Exrs: Friend Christopher SCHEARER of Reading.

March 18, 1815 - June 10, 1815.
Provides for wife Rebecca, children, oldest dau. Esther MASON £85, Mary CONRAD £80.
To Ann, Rebecca and Elizabeth SCARLET, and 2 sons Nathaniel, William and Benjamin, £110 each.
Exrs: Nathaniel and William.
Wits: Thomas JACKSON and Ephraim JACKSON.

March 3, 1808 - July 5, 1815.
No widow or children named.
Sole legatees Daniel RIEST and Jacob RIEST, sons of Conrad RIEST of Oley.
Exrs: Friend Daniel LEINBACH.
Wit: Daniel HOCH and John HOCH.

SCHLOTMAN, ALEXANDER, organ builder, Ruscomb Manor.
July 22, 1814 - July 7, 1815.
Provides for wife Hannah.
Children: John, Daniel, Jacob, Hannah, Maria, Elizabeth and Catharine and probably others.
Exrs: Brother-in-law Daniel ZACHARIAS, Sr. and friend Daniel HOCH, Sr. of Oley.
Wit: Jacob WIRTH and John SPYKER.
Daniel HOCH renounced and letters granted to A.G. GREEN.

SMITH, JOHN, Bethel.
July 2, 1815 - August 7, 1815.
Provides for wife Anna Maria.
Plantation and person property to be sold and divided among children, Martin, John, Magdalena wife of Ludwig SEBOLD, Anna Maria wife of John SCHWARTZ, Elizabeth wife of Daniel RIEGEL, Barbara wife of John LICK, and Catharine SMITH.
Exrs: Son Martin and son-in-law John SCHWARTZ.
Wits: John GERHART and John BICKSLER.

1814 - August 12, 1815.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Bequests of £100 each to dau. Catharine, dau. Barbara with principal to her children, dau. Magdalena, dau. Christina, children of dau. Elizabeth deceased dau. Hannah, dau. Eve, dau. Susanna.
To 4 sons Abraham, Jacob, John and Isaac my plantation in Exeter, 200 acres to be divided as directed.
Exrs: 4 sons.
Wits: Joshua BOONE and John MILLER.

June 13, 1814 - August 17, 1815.
To wife Regenea all estate during life.
What remains after her death to all children, not named.
Exrs: Wife, son Leonard and Jacob TROUT.
Letters to son Leonard the others renouncing.
Wits: John PEIFER and Jacob TROUT.

October 15, 1811 - August 19, 1815.
Provides for wife Juliana.
To son George £15 8 shillings.
Refers to daus. but does not name them.
Exrs: Peter GARDNER, David HEINLY and Isaac MILLER.
Wit: Peter BAUSCHER and Andrew SMITH.

MEYER, EVE [EVA], Tulpehocken.
January 22, 1812 - August 28, 1815.
Mentions deceased husband George MEYER.
Names dau. Sophia BELLEMAN sole legatee in consideration of services rendered during illness.
Disinherits all other children, not named.
Exr: Michael HIX.
Wit: Nicholas GOTTSHALL and Ludwig WERTH.

KINTZER, JACOB, Tulpehocken.
September 24, 1806 - August 28, 1815.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Son John devisee of farms for £2500.
Other children: George, Catharine deceased, Adam, Elizabeth wife of Nicholas MEYER, Magdalena wife of Adam AUSPACH, Anna Maria wife of John RIEGLE, Barbara wife of John FOHRER, Eva, Salome and George, who is disinherited inasmuch as he was the sole legatee of his mother Barbara. Catharine, deceased, was wife of Wilhelm RIETH, who left 3 children: Wilhelm, Eva and Anna Maria RIETH.
George and Adam devisees of farm in Tulpehocken, 344 acres, for £2500.
Mentions deceased father Nicholas KINTZER.
Names Barbara as the mother of his son George, and Elizabeth (a dau. of Valentine UNRUH, deceased) as the mother of his other children who are married in the will of said Valentine UNRUH deceased, as his legatees and devisees. The decedent appoints his son-in-law Adam ANSPACH guardian of his grandchildren Wilhelm, Eva and Anna Maria RIETH.
The decedent was married 3 times.
Exrs: Son-in-law Nicholas MEYER and son John.
Wit: Adam RIETH and George KEISER.

HEHN, JOHN, Heidelberg.
November 11, 1812 - September 6, 1815.
No wife mentioned.
Sons John and Jacob devisees of 102 acre farm in Heidelberg for £700, which deceased purchased from his brother David HEHN on December 26, 1783. Subject to yearly quit rent.
Mentions deceased brother Peter HEHN and names children: Adam, Catharine wife of Jonas TOBIAS, Susanna wife of Philip FUCHS, Eva wife of Jacob DAUTRICH, Elizabeth, Barbara, Sophia and Magdalena wife of John MACHEMER.
Exrs: Son Jacob HEHN and Daniel, son of his deceased brother Frederick.
Wit: Leonard SCHAEFFER and Philip FISHER.

MEYER, DANIEL, Womelsdorf.
August 10, 1808 - September 8, 1815.
Wife Elisabeth is sole legatee.
No children mentioned.
Exr: Wife Elizabeth.
Wit: Samuel WIEGLY and John BRESSLER.

BREHM, JOHN, Rockland.
March 20, 1808 - September 19, 1815.
To wife Maria all estate with exceptions of small bequests of £5 each to children: dau. Christina wife of Matthias MINKER, son John, son Abraham, dau. Elisabeth wife of John BEAVER, dau. Maria wife of George PALSGRAFF.
Exr: Brother-in-law Wm. CONRADT.
Wits: Benj. PARKS and Peter GERHART.
Letters to George PALSGRAFF executor named renouncing, also widow and son John.

July 1, 1815 - September 27, 1815.
Provides for wife Christina.
To son Michael the plantation on which he lives in Bethel, 100 acres, also 2 tracts of mountain land, for £1000, to be paid to 3 sons and 5 dau.: Benjamin, George, Jacob, Mencha, Christina, Elizabeth, Ledey and Catharina.
Exrs: Sons George and Jacob.
Wits: Isaac M. WOODS and James WOODS.

April 15, 1815 - October 7, 1815.
Provides for wife Maria.
Children: Joseph, Elizabeth, Daniel, Maria, Fanny, Anna, Sarah, Catharine, Johanna, Magdalena and John.
Elizabeth recently received £15 as her share of inheritance.
Exrs: Widow Maria and son Joseph.
Wit: Christian KAUFMAN and Jacob ANSPACH.

July 28, 1815 - October 7, 1815.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
Names children Peter and Jacob.
There are others not mentioned by name.
Exrs: Wife Magdalena and friend John ZIEMER.
Wit: George WEITNER and Michael WESTLY, Jr.

September 21, 1815 - October 20, 1815.
To wife Rosina all estate during life maintaining son Joshua.
After her death to sons Robert and William £1 each.
To my 3 daus. Mary STRATTEN, Elizabeth HOOFMAN and Hannah YOCUM £1 each. To dau. Sarah HUDSON £50.
To dau. Anna HUDSON £50.
To dau. Margaret £25.
To son Solomon and son Lewis £100 each.
Remainder to sons Solomon, Lewis, Price, and dau. Abina.
Price to have his share when 21 and Abina at 18.
Exrs: Son-in-law Jonathan HUDSON, Esq. and son Solomon.
Wits: Jonathan McCAMANT and Evan EVANS.

EIRICH, GEORGE, Heidelberg.
August 19, 1812 - November 2, 1815.
Plantation in Heidelberg where I live to be sold, 47 acres.
All personal estate to wife Margaret and 1/3.
Remainder to children, viz: John, George, Daniel, Mary, Margaret, Elisabeth, Catharine, Rebecca and Magdalena.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law Daniel MEIERLY.
Wits: Benjamin HAIN and Joseph HAIN.

KUMLER, JACOB, Brecknock.
November 4, 1810 - November 4, 1815.
Provides for wife Sophia.
Children named: John, Jacob, Henry, Michael, Elizabeth and Catharine.
Exrs: Peter MOHN, Esq.
Wit: Daniel MOHN and Cornelius ARTZ.

EAST, ABRAHAM, Colebrookdale.
February 10, 1813 - November 6, 1815.
Provides for wife Christina.
Bequeaths £100 for building a new meeting house in Colbrookdale.
(Boyertown). To children of son Samuel deceased £100.
Remainder of estate to be sold and divided among children, (not named).
Exrs: Sons John and Nicholas and son-in-law Henry FRIED.
Wits: Ludwig WORMAN and Elias WEAND.

LEBO, CHRISTOPH, Tulpehocken.
January 16, 1815 - November 7, 1815.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Mentions Anna Maria EHLERS, the servant, as a legatee.
Directs that his plantation shall go to youngest son of his brother Philip LEBO after the death of his wife.
At the death of said youngest son to the oldest son forever.
Mentions brothers and sister named Catharine, dau. of Peter HEY, of which he is godfather as an heir.
Exrs: Wife Catharine, Philip LEBO of Upper Paxton Township, Dauphin County, and Jacob GEHRET.

August 5, 1815 - November 13, 1815.
To mother Rosina BABB all my estate and what is coming to me from my father, Matthies BABB'S estate.
Exr: Mother.
Wits: John BABB and Henry HAHN.

August 16, 1815 - November 14, 1815.
Provides for wife Christina.
Dau. Catharina who was the wife of John BROBST £100 having given son-in-law £400.
Remainder to daus. Barbara RAUCH and Elizabeth SIESHOLTZ.
Exrs: Sons-in-law David RAUCH and Jacob SIESHOLTZ.
Wits: Jacob FOX and John THOMPSON.

KOLLER, JOHN, Richmond.
July 13, 1814 - November 30, 1815.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Remainder divided in equal shares among children, viz: Daniel, Peter, John, Jacob, Henry, Jonathan, Magdalena wife of Abraham TREIBELBIS, Christina wife of Joseph RODERMEL, Catharine wife of Samuel REESER, Elisabeth wife of Jacob FEGELY, Susanna wife of Peter HILL, Esther wife of Daniel FEGELY and Hannah wife of Henry MEYER.
Exrs: Friends Jacob RODERMEL and Andrew FEGELY.
Letters to RODERMEL, the other renouncing. Testator had sold his land to John.
Wits: Peter AURAND and H.M. RICHARDS.

PARVIN, JOHN, Reading.
July 14, 1802. Codicil December 6, 1810. Probate December 6, 1815.
To wife, not named, house, lot, and household goods during life.
Other lots to Esther dau. of Solomon COLES, to Mary wife of John THOMPSON of Shamokin £150, to Elizabeth wife of Charles COLES £100, to Elizabeth dau. of Solomon COLES £100, to Susanna and Elizabeth PARVIN daus. of my late brother Francis £25 each, to Ester wife of Solomon COLES £50, to Lydia BARGER and her dau. Lydia £25.
To Pearson PARVIN son of Pearson, to Parvin McCORD son of John, to Wm. Parvin TOMLINSON grandson of Wm. Parvin, to Susanna wife of Francis PARVIN, £20 each. Remainder to Esther dau. of Solomon COLES and Elizabeth wife of Elijah THOMPSON.
Exrs: Joseph WRIGHT and Jesse PEARSON.
Wits: Judah THOMAS and Henry BETZ.
Codicil gives £50 to Ann, wife of Levi PULKINTON.

October 29, 1815 - December 12, 1815.
To wife house and tract of 13 1/2 acres in Rockland and all personal property.
Exr: Friend Jacob MARTZ.
Wits: James SCULL and Gottlieb WEIDA.

July 5, 1815 - December 13, 1815.
Provides for wife Mary.
Bequests to children, Philip £20, Daniel £1000, Jacob £400, Samuel £500, Susanna £500, Hannah £500, and Esther £500.
To son Isaac 3 tracts of land in Oley, one called Moravian School House.
To son Jacob a tract in Alsace.
To Samuel a tract in Alsace.
To John the plantation whereon I live, 177 acres in Ruscomb Manor and tract in Alsace.
Samuel and Esther were minors.
Exrs: Sons John and Isaac.
Wits: Abraham WEISER and Sam D. WEISER.

WOLFORT, MICHAEL, Rohrersburg.
January 31, 1811 - December 21, 1815.
All estate to wife.
Does not make any reference to children.
Exr: Friend Jorst HEY.
Wits: Robert AUCHMUTZ and Samuel KREECH.

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