Berks County Will Abstracts 1796-1800

1733-1760      1761-1765      1766-1770      1771-1775      1776-1780

1781-1785      1786-1790      1791-1795      1796-1800      1801-1805

1806-1810      1811-1815      1816-1820      1821-1825

NOTE: The dates represent the date that the will was written and the date the will was proved. These records are not in chronological order.

WILLS - 1796

December 5, 1795 - January 12, 1796.
Provides for wife Ann, including use of plantation during life.
To deceased son William's two children Jacob and Mary £80.
To son John the tract of land on which he lives, together with the survey on the other side of the Schuylkill.
To son Isaac £250.
To deceased son Jesse's son, William Parvin TOMLINSON £40.
To son Thomas £200.
To dau. Elisabeth DENROSE £100.
To dau. Alice TOMLINSON £300.
To Elenor widow of son Jesse £5.
Exrs: Sons John and Isaac.
Wits: Thomas WRIGHT, Jr., Mary PENROSE and Isaac PENROSE.

November 22, 1795 - January 23, 1796.
Provides for wife Susanna Margaret.
When youngest son Samuel is 15 years old plantation to be sold and all estate to children, viz: John, Christian, Susanna, Jacob, Daniel, Henry, George and Samuel, in equal shares.
Exrs: Wife Susanna Margaret and friend Jacob HEIER.
Wits: Valentine BYER and Jacob BEIER.

MOHN, LUDWIG, Brecknock.
February 26, 1791 - February 2, 1796.
To son Daniel all my land containing about 170 acres in Brecknock, with stock and farming utensils, subject to provisions for wife Ottilia.
To eldest son John £200.
To son Ludwig £50.
To son Henry £50.
To daus. Susanna and Elisabeth £50 each.
Son Peter has had his share, gets no more.
Exrs: Eldest son John and son Ludwig.
Wits: John HEYLL and Balzer FRITZ.

MARX, GEORGE, Berks County.
April 15, 178? - February 4, 1796.
All estate to wife Elisabeth.
Exrs: Wife and son George.
Wits: Martin WITHINGTON and Paul LEBO.

December 30, 1795 - February 13, 1796.
Provides for wife Catharina.
To eldest son Christopher £200.
To 2nd son Jacob £150.
To other son John £150.
To each of 4 daus. £60 and set of furniture.
Exrs: Clementz DUNKELBERGER and Killian DUNKEL.
Wits: John VOGT and Jacob HUMMEL.

September 29, 1791 - February 18, 1796.
To my godson Melchior HOFFA (son of Henry HOFFA), my house and lot in Reading. To my godson Melchior MERTZ (son of John MERTZ, deceased) my large German Bible. To Philip, son of Reverend Philip James MICHAEL, deceased, £10. Remainder in 2 equal shares: one to the German Reformed Congregation and the other to be invested and interest to be used for schooling of poor children.
Exr: Friend Christopher SHEARER.
Wits: Henry HOFFMAN and Paul GROSSCUP.

June 5, 1785 - Codicil May 30, 1793 - Probate February 23, 1796.
To son Daniel all my land and personal estate.
To son George £150.
To my dau. Anna Barbara DUCKMAN £100.
To my dau. Catharine HINCKEL £100.
To dau. Maria £150.
To my dau. Maria Christina ALBRECHT £100.
Son David to provide for wife Maria.
Exr: Wife Maria.
Codicil names David executor instead of wife.
Wits: John ECKERT and George RICK.

February 3, 1796 - February 24, 1796.
Provides for wife Esther.
To dau. Elisabeth all my share of the estate of my father, John MOYER, deceased. Plantation and 2 tracts of land in Bethel to be sold, 113 acres and 21 3/4 acres, and all remainder of estate to be divided between wife Esther and dau. Elisabeth. Exrs: Father-in-law David KLEIN and brother Henry MOYER.
Wits: Peter LESH and Jacob KLEIN.

January 29, 1796 - March 9, 1796.
Provides for wife Maria.
To dau. Catharine all that I have, to wit, the land and remainder of estate when she is 18 years old.
There are £50 due as a legacy from her father to my first wife Susanna. This dau. Catharina shall is also to have.
Exr: Henry KELLER.
Wits: Jacob KEMMERER and Philip MOURER.

November 20, 1793 - March 14, 1796.
Mentions 20 bonds of £20 each given by son Henry and now assigned by me to Andrew BORGERT.
Gives 5 of said bonds to said BORGERT, 5 to child of deceased dau. Christine, and 5 to son Henry.
Remainder to son Henry, son-in-law Andrew BORGERT and children of deceased dau. Christine.
Exr: Son Henry.
Wits: John BEAR and George GEBHARD.

December 23, 1791 - March 15, 1796.
Provides for wife Dorothea.
To only dau. Susanna, wife of Peter CONDER (GANTER) of Lancaster all remainder of estate.
Exr: Wife Dorothea.
Letters to son-in-law Peter GANTER, widow being deceased.
Wits: Wm. FOSIG and Christian MADEIRA.

HIGH, ESTHER, widow of Samuel, Alsace.
January 24, 1796 - March 15, 1796.
Devises sufficient money to build a wall around the burying ground on the plantation of Samuel HIGH, deceased.
Also £10 to the poor.
Remainder to 4 grandchildren, the children of son Isaac, deceased, viz: William, Daniel, Esther and Mary.
Exrs: Friends John BEIDLER and Abraham YOST.
Wits: David BRIGHT and Benjamin SPYKER, Jr.

January 26, 1793 - March 26, 1796.
Sons Peter and Andrew shall have the plantation for paying £600 to sons George and Michael £150 each.
Provides for wife Barbara.
To Barbara, dau of my dau. Margaret £15, and to her dau. Elizabeth £10.
Exrs: Sons Peter and Andrew.
Wits: Frederick BARE and Michael PETERMAN.

KLEIN, MICHAEL, Maxatawny.
March 10, 1796 - April 5, 1796.
Provides for wife Catharina.
Remainder to children, or their heirs.
To George Michael's children by his 1st wife, viz: Elisabeth and George KLEIN, Daniel, Jacob, Philip, Peter, Samuel, John and Frederick, dau. Esther's share to her 3 children, Henry, Ester and Samuel KLEIN.
Exr: Son Philip.
Wits: Daniel BAST and Johannes FINK.

August 11, 1788 - Codicil September 12, 1795 - Probate April 7, 1796.
To son Martin my plantation where I now live in Bethel containing 200 acres, he paying £700 to the other children, viz: George, Leonard, Barbara wife of Christian HOUTZ, Eve wife of Daniel HOFFMAN, Margaret wife of Herman KNEBLER, Catharine wife of Wendel SHOOL, Maria Elizabeth, and to Eve Maria child of son Andrew.
Provides for wife Eve Maria.
To Henry HOLTZMAN who was married to my dau. Magdalena, deceased, 5 shillings.
Exrs: Son Martin and son-in-law Daniel HOFFMAN.
Wits: Jacob DIEFFENBACH and John SWARTZ.

July 21, 1795 - April 8, 1796.
To wife Elisabeth the land and other estate as long as she lives.
After her decease all children shall have equal shares (no children named).
Exr: Andrew SCHMIDT.
Wits: Samuel SCHOCH and Peter GORTNER.

1791 - April 18, 1796.
Provides for wife Anna Catharine.
Youngest son Amich, when 21, to have refusal of tract of land in new purchase containing 666 acres, and all estate to be divided among all children, viz: Margaret, George, Sebastian, Christian, Christopher and Amich.
Exrs: Eldest son George and friend Samuel ROYER.
Wits: Hermanus KNEBEL and Martin SCHUY.

BECKLY, JOHN, Rockland.
February 11, 1796 - April 18, 1796.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
To son Daniel the land in Ruscombmanor containing 61 acres, paying the following legacies:
To dau. Esther BECKLY £200.
To dau. Magdalena BECKLY £200.
Nicholas HEIST executor and guardian for 2 daus.
Wits: Simon LINCK AND Abraham HOCH.

August 6, ---- - Probated April 26, 1796.
Provides for wife Catharina Margaretha, including £80 according to a legacy of her father, George HUFFT, "which came to me by a piece of land from said father- in-law."
Executor to sell all estate and the remainder to be divided in equal shares among 9 children by 2nd wife, and 1 by 1st wife, viz: John (1st wife), Casimir, Herman, Catharine wife of Samuel BACHART, Anna Rosina wife of Henrich GERNER, George, Barbara wife of Frederick KERGER, Susanna wife of Henrich MARSTELLER, Philip, and Salome wife of Henrich MARTIN.
Exrs: Wife Catharina Margaretha and friend David STRAUSS.
Wits: Henrich FEGLIE and George TREIN.

EGIE, JOHN, Reading.
September 9, 1794 - May 3, 1796.
The money for my plantation in Alsace which I sold to Samuel BURKHART, being £3805, to be divided among my 4 children, viz: Joseph, John, Jacob and Catharine wife of Robert COPLAND.
Joseph to have £30 beforehand.
Share to Catharine to be in trust.
Exr: Rev. William BOOS.
Wits: John SPYKER and Jacob DICK.

KUNCKEL, PETER, Colebrookdale.
June 21, 1783 - May 5, 1796.
Provides for wife Anna.
Remainder of estate to be sold and divided among 2 daus. Elisabeth and Catharine when of age or married.
Exrs: Jacob BECHTEL and Abraham STAUFFER, Jr.
Wits: Mathias DOTTERER and George KEISER.

KURTZ, JOHN, Tulpehocken.
November 14, 1795 - May 16, 1796.
To son Adam my plantation whereon I dwell in Tulpehocken containing 101 acres for £1100 of which he shall have £300 for his legacy.
Provides for wife Elisabeth.
To sons Stephen and Adam my plantation in Dauphin County containing 126 acres, paying £450 to the other children: John, Jacob, Magdalena and children of dau. Barbara deceased, in 4 equal shares.
Exrs: Sons John (eldest) and Jacob ----.
Wits: ---- BROWN and Conrad BROWN.

March 10, 1796- May 21, 1796.
To eldest dau. Elisabeth £100.
To 2nd dau. Barbara £100.
Provides for wife Anna.
To eldest son Daniel 2 tracts of land now in his possession, containing 70 acres 30 perches and 14 acres 10 perches both in Hereford.
To 2nd son Abraham plantation bought of Elizabeth BROCKDEN in Hereford containing 1311/2 acres paying £100 to executors.
Plantation where I now live to daus. Elisabeth and Barbara ZIMMERMAN.
Exrs: Son Abraham and friend Abraham BECHTEL (son of John).
Wits: George MOLL and Stephen REICHERT.

March 11, 1785 - May 24, 1796.
Provides for wife Margaret.
Estate to all children, viz: John, Jacob, Catharina wife of George Leonard EMMICH, Michael, Anna Maria wife of Jacob HOUTZ, Daniel, Philip, and the children of son Leonard, John and Catharine, in equal shares.
Exrs: Sons John (eldest) and Daniel.
Wits: John SAMPLE and Christopher ROYER.
Letters to son Jacob, son John being deceased and Daniel renouncing.

DIRK, CATHARINE, widow, Albany.
May 19, 1796 - May 31, 1796.
To son Michael £10.
To daus. Maria Elisabeth and Anna Maria all clothing.
To granddau. Anna Maria STEBLETON £3.
To dau. Maria Elisabeth all remaining cash.
Mentions that she was living with Tobias STABELTON (who was probably a son-in-law).
Exr: John Adam CREUTZ.
Wits: John STABLETON and George CREUTZ.

VOLCK, JOHN, Longswamp.
May 6, 1796 - June 4, 1796.
Wife Anna Maria to hold all estate, real and personal, during life.
After her decease, to son John 5 shillings having paid money for him, to grandchildren Peter and John Nicholas sons of said John, £20 each.Remainder in 3 equal parts to sons Peter, Jacob and dau. Magdalena wife of Benedict POTTS, being my lands in Longswamp containing 300 acres.
Exrs: Friends Samuel BUTZ and Henry FISHER.
Wits: Johannes BRAUN and Peter TREXLER.

KIESLING, WALBURGA, widow, Reading.
January 20, 1796 - June 4, 1796.
Mentions that 4 children, Martin, John, Jacob and Maria Agnes, have received their full shares of their deceased father Jacob KIESLING's estate, therefore devises all remainder to youngest son Sebastian and dau. Maria Barbara wife of Jacob BRECHT.
Exrs: Son Sebastian and son-in-law Jacob BRECHT.
Wits: Jacob WEITZELL and Benjamin SPYKER, Jr.

BOYER, DANIEL, Heidelberg.
April 21, 1796 - June 16, 1796.
Provides for wife Mary.
Executors to sell real estate and proceeds for use of wife.
Exrs: Brothers-in-law George BROWN and Peter ECKERT.
Wits: Christian FISHER and Jacob WINDER.

ZWEIER, JULIANA, widow, Rockland.
July 20, 1772 - July 20, 1796.
Bequeaths land to 4 sons, Balthaser, Adam, Anthony and Thomas and personal property to 5 sons, the 4 named above and Joseph, who are to pay Anna Maria ZWEIER £15.
Letters to Joseph the eldest son.
Wits: Michael SIEGFRIED and John STOETZELL.

June 2, 1793 - August 1, 1796.
To son William £30.
To son Mark £65.
To son Isaiah £50.
To son Jesse £30.
To son Ellis £65.
To Rachel wife of John WILLITTS £10.
To dau. Jane HUGHES £50.
Household goods to dau. Margaret HUGHES and £40.
To son Samuel messuage, sawmill and tract of 32 acres 114 perches, also 3 smaller tracts, he paying £140 for the above legacies.
To son Thomas remainder of personal estate and remainder of land in Exeter containing about 137 acres, paying £210 for legacies.
Exrs: Sons Thomas and Samuel.
Wits: Mordecai LEE, Ellis LEE and Thomas CHERINGTON.
Codicil mentions that dau. Jane is deceased and dau. Margaret was married to Thomas JACKSON.

January 23, 1796 - August 3, 1796.
To eldest son John £5.
To dau. Elisabeth STADLER £20.
To son William £20.
To son Henry £20.
To dau. Mary ETZEL £20.
To son Paul £40, also messuage and tract of land in Cumru and all remainder of estate.
Provides for wife Margaret during life.
Exrs: Friends John KACHEL and Philip POXLER.
Wits: John LAUB and John HEINBACH.

April 25, 1796 - August 6, 1796.
To wife (not named) all real estate during life.
Afterwards to be sold and divided into 7 equal shares as follows: To son John, to children of son Jacob deceased, to children of Mary, wife of John SCHRADER, to dau. Eve wife of Benjamin BOONE, to dau. Elisabeth wife of Philip MARQUERT, to dau. Sevella wife of John POTT, and to children of dau. Susanna wife of Henry REMLY.
To granddau. Susanna, dau. of Jacob deceased, £10.
Exrs: Friends Nicholas JONES and John POTT.
Wits: Jacob RHOADS and Jacob HERNER.

SHITZ, ADAM, Tulpehocken.
February 2, 1789 - Codicil March 11, 1796 - Probate August 12, 1796.
To son Adam my plantation in Tulpehocken containing 240 acres, he paying therefor £2100.
To son Jacob my plantation in Dauphin County containing 165 acres, paying £600. To son Peter the plantation whereon I now dwell in Tulpehocken containing 170 acres, paying £600.
Said sons to provide for wife Catharine.
To dau. Elisabeth £700.
To dau. Catharine wife of John LEIN £500 to be paid by Jacob and Peter.
Exrs: Brother Peter and son Adam.
Codicil March 31, 1793 mentions dau. Elisabeth as wife of John WALBORN and names sons Adam and Jacob executors.
Wits: Henry SPYKER, John ANSPACH, and Peter SPYKER, Jr.

MAYER, JOHN, Robeson.
May 17, 1796 - August 13, 1796.
To son John £17 he having received land.
Wife Anna to have all estate during widowhood.
Afterwards to be sold and divided 1/2 to dau. Margretha and her children, and the other half shall be inherited in 8 equal shares by dau. Catharine and her 7 children by her late husband Mark FAIR, deceased. Mentions son-in-law Philip FAIR, also John FAIR son of dau. Catharine.
Exrs: Son-in-law Philip FAIR and friend George HOFFMAN.
Wits: John BAER and Bernard BEELER.

FRY, JACOB, District.
April 10, 1792 - August 15, 1796.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To dau. Elizabeth a cow, etc.
To dau. Christina wife of Lawrence ROHRBACH 7 shillings.
To son Henry 5 shillings.
To son Christopher 5 shillings.
To sons Adam, Daniel and Abraham 5 shillings each.
To dau. Catharine wife of Casper BRENSINGER 5 shillings.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of Henry HESS and dau. Dorothy wife of John WECHT 5 shillings each.
To son Jacob my plantation in District containing 50 acres also stock, etc., he paying to executors £100 to be divided among the children named above.
Exrs: Son Christopher and son-in-law Henry HESS.
Wits: Thomas LEE and Daniel YODER.

July 24, 1796 - August 15, 1796.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Remainder to son-in-law John BIRKINBINE and wife Elisabeth and son John to be divided into 2 equal shares when John is 21.
Son-in-law John BIRKINBINE executor and guardian of son John.
Wits: Henry STYLES and John SPYKER.

August 9, 1796 - September 3, 1796.
All estate to remain in hands of wife Elisabeth until the fall of year 1810, to bring up and educate children, at which time son Henry shall have the refusal of my lands and plantation containing about 75 acres of deeded land and 29 acres of warrant land, at appraisal value.
If none of the children accept, then to be sold.
Other children (not named) appear to have been daus.
Exrs: Friends Wendel BAUMAN and John BEAR.
Wits: Leonard KEPLING and Martin BOWMAN.

August 13, 1796 - September 3, 1796.
Provides for wife Anna Maria.
Remainder to 4 children: Jacob, Susanna, Catharine and Elisabeth (the last 2 named being probably married).
Exrs: wife Anna Maria and friend George WEIDNER.
Wits: John BEAR and Philip HEIL.

GOUGER, LUDWIG, Ruscombmanor.
July 20, 1796 - September 4, 1796.
Wife Elizabeth to have the land and all that is thereon as long as she lives. Afterwards to be sold and divided among the children, viz: John, Henry, Daniel, Gertraut, Maria Elisabeth, Catharine and share of the youngest dau. Hannah FERNER to be divided among her children.
Exrs: Jacob PRICE and Thomas WAGNER.
Letters to WAGNER, the other renouncing.
Wits: Christian SEYTENBRENNER and Peter WANNER.

May 4, 1795 - September 26, 1796.
To brothers and sisters, viz: John, Jacob, Peter, Christian, Anna NEUCOMMET, Maria wife of Daniel LEHMAN and Magdalena wife of Robert OSMAN, all estate to be equally divided.
Exrs: Friend Daniel BICKSLER and brother Peter.
Wits: Frederick SEIBERT and John SALTZER.

September 17, 1796 - September 27, 1796.
To my father Thomas RUNYON £150.
Remainder to brothers George, Reziah and Robert and sisters Polly MILLER, Catharine WAGGONER and Elisabeth REED.
Exr: Friend Joseph BONNEY.
Wits: William WHEELER and Philip STRUBING.

BERLET, PAUL, Reading.
August 20, 1794 - October 3, 1796.
Executors to sell real estate and money divided into 6 equal shares to wife Anna and 5 children, viz: Sebastian, Paul, John, Jacob and Anna Elisabeth wife of William MACHEMER.
Mentions that his wife "lives separate and apart from me" and her trustee is Christian MILLER.
Exr: Rev. William BOOS.
Wits: William FESIG and John SPYKER.

September 16, 1796 - October 17, 1796.
Mentions having settled unto the children their share of the real estate by deeds.
Provides for wife Susanna and directs her to leave £100 to the children of dau. Catharine, wife of Philip SIESHOLTZ. Christian BECHTEL to be their guardian.
Exrs: Wife Susanna and friend Peter FILBERT.
Wits: George ENGLEHART and John BINGAMAN.

July 20, 1794 - October 20, 1796.
To son John Peter rifle and other articles named.
To son Henry 1 shilling having received land.
To son John £8 having had land sold to him.
To dau. Susanna £8.
To son John Peter and daus. Eve Elisabeth wife of Michael HAGENBUCH and Christina wife of Michael SMITH all remainder.
Exrs: Friends Peter SPENGLER and Simon WERTMAN.
Wits: James SCULL and Casper SCULL.

MILLER, JOHN GEORGE, Bethel Township (in probate record). Dauphin County (in will).
May 1, 1789 - October 24, 1796.
To eldest son John George tract of land where I now live, containing 221 acres, for £600, £300 of which is his portion and my wife's maintenance. The remaining £300 to be divided between son John Michael, dau. Elizabeth's children, and dau. Eva in equal shares.
Son-in-law Charles BENNER "May remain on my land at his dwelling house as long as he remains a widower and single."
Exrs: Son John George and son-in-law John BARTH.
Wits: George LENTZ and Jacob RUTTEL.

January 15, 1796 - October 26, 1796.
Provides for wife Catharine.
After her decease estate to be divided among the following children: Jacob, David, Conrad, John, Catharine HORNBERGER, Magdalena, Margaret and Mary. The youngest Mary to have £7 10 shillings more than others.
Sons David and Conrad had probably been deeded the land by the testator.
Exrs: Sons David and Conrad.
Wits: Samuel ADDAMS and Adam KRICH.

HIGH, RUDOLPH, Maidencreek.
September 21, 1793 - November 10, 1796.
Provides for wife Mary.
To son John part of my dwelling plantation containing 92 acres, also a tract in Maidencreek containing 16 acres, and 1/3 of tract in Ruscombmanor, he providing for wife and paying £50 to Samuel.
To son Isaac part of my land in Maiden Creek containing about 70 acres and 1/3 of tract in Ruscombmanor, paying £50 to Samuel.
To son Samuel part of my dwelling plantation containing 8 acres, also tract containing 62 acres and 1/3 of tract in Ruscombmanor.
To son Jacob £300.
To children of son Abraham deceased £300 when 21.
To son Daniel £300.
To 4 daus., viz: Susanna wife of Andrew FEGELY, Esther wife of Daniel YODER, Elizabeth wife of George STITZEL and Maudlin wife of Peter DUNCKEL, £250 each. To children of dau. Mary STEIN, deceased, £100 when 21.
Exrs: Sons John, Samuel and Isaac.
Wits: Owen HUGHES, George WORRALL and Thomas. LIGHTFOOT.

MILLER, JOHN, Tulpehocken.
October 29, 1796 - December 3, 1796.
To son John my plantation in Tulpehocken for £1400, of which he shall have his equal share.
Eldest dau. Catharina and 2nd dau. Justina are mentioned by name.
Mentions his 2 daus. not married to be fitted out equal to those already married.
Provides for wife Justina.
Exrs: Son John and wife Justina.
Wits: Jacob SCHMIDT and Paul GRAF.

October 22, 1791 - December 5, 1796.
To sons Michael and Stephen and daus. Dorothy wife of Conrad KRAFFT, Anna Maria wife of Peter GRAFF and Catharine wife of Philip RUPPERT 5 shillings each. To dau. Anganes DORN my house and lot in Reading and all remainder of estate.
Exr: Dau. Anganes DORN.
Wits: William HEIDELHAM and John SPYKER.

July 12, 1794 - December 10, 1796.
To eldest son Jost all my lands in Bern and Pinegrove Townships and all personal estate, paying legacies and providing for wife Catharina.
To son John £28.
To dau. Ann May £88.
To dau. Elisabeth £54 2 shillings 6 pence.
To dau. Magdalena £86.
Exrs: Friend Nicholas KLEIN and son Jost.
Wits: Philip WAGNER and Frederick PLATT.

May 28, 1785 - December 14, 1796.
To son John all my land and plantation where we both live, he providing for wife Anna and paying to son Mathias, dau. Elizabeth and dau. Anna Maria £35 each. Exrs: Son John and wife Anna.
Letters to John, the wife being deceased.
Wits: Jacob FREITCH and Michael SCHLAUCH.


December 7, 1796 - January 14, 1797.
To wife Eve the plantation whereon I dwell, with stock, etc. during widowhood for support, etc of the children.
Afterward to oldest son at appraised value, paying their equal shares to the other children: John, Catharine, Mary, George and Jacob.
Exrs: Brother Leonard MILLER and Martin EMMERT.
Wits: Leonard STUMP and John REILY.

December 22, 1796 - January 23, 1797
Provides for wife Anna Maria.
Land to be appraised when youngest child is of age and each child shall have its equal share (none named).
Exrs: Friends John RIEDY and John BROSSMAN.
Letters to wife Anna Maria and friend Jacob MILLER, the executors named renouncing.
Wits: Jacob KAUCHER and Johannes MULLER.

BROWER, BARBARA, widow of Henry BROWER, Coventry, Chester County.
January 24, 1791 - February 2, 1797.
Estate divided into five equal shares among sons: Jacob, Daniel, Isaac, John and grandson John URMY (URNER?), son of dau. Elizabeth deceased.
Exrs: Sons Daniel and Isaac.
Letters to Daniel, Isaac being deceased.
Wits: Jonas UMSTAD and Philip SHAMBOUGH.
(NOTE - Many of this family are buried in Oakgrove Cemetery near Parkerford, which originally was the BRAUER family burial ground.)

September 19, 1796 - February 6, 1797.
To son Joseph the upper half of my plantation in Bern containing 150 acres, paying to his sister Anna Maria £250.
To son Daniel the lower half of the plantation containing 150 acres, paying to his sister Anna Maria £150.
Provides for wife Anna Maria including income of land until sons are 21.
Exrs: Brothers-in-law Christian ALBRECHT and Joseph KAUFMAN.
Wits: Jacob KAUFMAN and Henry GOTTEL.

November 28, 1790 - February 7, 1797.
To son John the place I bought from Mathias MILLER, of 140 acres, for which he shall pay £1600, of which he shall have his share.
To son Valentine the place on which I live, containing 165 acres for £1000. Sons to provide for wife (not named).
Son David and dau. Sibilla the only other children mentioned by name, probably were others.
Exrs: Philip Adam RIEGEL, Valentine and John HIMMELBERGER.
Wits: Frederick GERHARD and John MILLER.

MEYER, JACOB, District.
April 29, 1790 - February 17, 1797.
Provides for wife Anna, including the land which my son-in-law William HARTRANFF purchased together.
Remainder after her death, oldest son Jacob shall have 3 shares, Conrad 2 shares and daus. Eve, Barbara and Christina each 1 share.
Exrs: Sons Jacob and Conrad.
Wit: Berhard GILBERT, Sr.

March 12, 1794 - February 21, 1797.
To dau. Catharine Margaret MINNICH and her child all estate of every description.
Exr: Son-in-law Peter MINNICH.
Wit: Martin GUNDRUM.

July 17, 1796 - February 22, 1797.
Wife Susanna Elizabeth to have all the rents, etc. of the real estate until dau. Susanna is 21, at which time she shall have real estate and provide for her mother during life.
To my sister Sybilla LUTZ £50.
To Susanna, dau. of Frederick OHNMACHT £50.
To brother Conrad LUTZ my weaving loom, etc.
Exrs: Wife Susanna Elizabeth and friend Abraham YOST.
Wits: Adam KERBER and John SPYKER.

WENGER, LAZARUS, Heidelberg.
December 12, 1791 - February 24, 1797.
All estate to wife Catharine.
After her death all to be sold and divided among heirs.
Only Susanna ALBERT is mentioned by name.
Authorizes wife to make a will.
Exrs: Adam KALBACH and Jacob WENGER.
Letters to Jacob, a son, the others renouncing.
Wits: Peter SPANG and Christian FISHER.

January 23, 1792 - March 7, 1797.
Son Jost has had his share in real estate that was sold to him.
Oldest son George has also had his portion as had son Adam.
To son Philip £30.
To dau. Barbara wife of Jacob MILLER £25.
To dau. Anna Elisabeth wife of George FOX £20.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of George LONG £50.
To son John £50.
Testator had sold his plantation in Earl, containing 123 acres 54 perches, to son Jost for £175.
Exrs: Friend Daniel YODER and son ---.
Wits: Jacob FOCHT and Jonas WEAVER.

May 24, 1783 - March 11, 1797.
To wife Catharine Elizabeth and Michael GROFF, my brothers' son-in-law, the use of all real estate during her life.
To brothers' dau. Catharine wife of Michael EGOLF, all real estate after wife's decease.
To my brothers' son, Michael SHADLER, £5.
Exrs: Wife and Michael EGOLF.
Letters to EGOLF, the widow being insane.
Wits: Adam EGOLF and Peter RICHARD.

January 5, 1792 - March 11, 1797.
To wife Susanna 1/2 of my plantation whereon I now live in District Township, containing 136 acres during life.
After her decease to my grandchildren born to my dau. Susanna, viz: Adam, Elizabeth and Maria.
The other 1/2 of plantation to wife absolutely.
To each of my children, viz: Adam, Frederick, Benedict, Daniel, Magdalena, Catharine, Elizabeth and Maria 1 shilling and no more.
Exrs: Friends John GULDIN and Peter RICHARDS.
Letters to RICHARDS, GULDIN renouncing.
Wits: Samuel JAGO and Abraham BAB.

January 27, 1797 - March 28, 1797.
To my --- Magdalena BON £10, etc.
Remainder to brother-in-law William BON and his wife and child for their care and trouble with me.
Letters to William BON.
Wits: George GANTZEL and John FROM.

HILL, JACOB, Windsor.
March 23, 1797 - April 3, 1797.
Provides for wife (not mentioned by name).
To son Jacob my plantation in Windsor Township containing 200 to 300 acres, when he is 21, he to keep his brother John and sisters Rebecca and Catharina as long as they live and pay to his brothers Daniel and George, when 21, £150 each and to his sisters Hanna and Mollie £100 each.
Exrs: Friends Jacob BEYER and Jacob SCHAPPEL.
Wits: Johannes SCHOMO and Eberhart CHAPPEL.

GRAFF, HENRY, Tulpehocken.
June 30, 1794 - April 11, 1797.
To son Wendel £5 for his birthright, in addition to the £70 he has already received.
Mentions having sold to son Paul his land some time ago.
Estate to be divided into equal shares.
Dau. Susanna only one named.
Exrs: Son Paul and Paul WENRICH.
Wits: Mathias MILLER and John RIEGEL.

RADEBACH, HENRY, Tulpehocken.
March 3, 1797 - April 17, 1797.
Wife Elisabeth to keep all estate as long as she lives.
Afterwards the land, about 30 acres in Tulpehocken, to be sold and all money to my nephew and godson Henry WEIGANT. Exr: Henry WEIGANT.
Wits: Frederick DECK and Michael WALBORN.

GAUKER, NICHOLAS, Tulpehocken.
January 15, 1796 - May 2, 1797.
To son John my house and 20 acres of my land in Tulpehocken.
To son Jacob my plantation in Tulpehocken containing 130 acres.
To son Nicholas remainder of plantation whereon I live, containing 293 acres. Provides for wife Elisabeth.
Above lands to be appraised and all estate divided among my children, viz: William, John, Jacob, Nicholas, George son of deceased son George, Catharine, Magdalena, Susanna, Mary Catharine, Elisabeth, Margaret, Christina, Salome and Gertraut in equal shares.
Exrs: Sons William and Nicholas.
Wits: Henry WEBER and John RIETH.

April 2, 1797 - May 15, 1797.
Provides for wife Rosina.
Executors to sell certain described tracts of land.
To son John when 21 my plantations 2 tracts of land in Bethel, containing 113 acres 21 perches, paying executors £900.
To son Christopher, when 21, remainder of my plantation whereon I now live in Bethel containing 170 acres, and a tract of mountain land containing 50 acres, at appraised value.
To dau. Elisabeth £20 in full of her share of my estate.
Remainder to children: Christian, Magdalena, Catharina, Christopher, Eve, Christina, Barbara and George in equal shares.
Exrs: Friends Wendel KOUTZ and John LEHMAN.
Wits: Johannes SMITT and Jacob BAKER.

November 14, 1792 - May 26, 1797.
Provides for wife Barbara.
Mentions having sold his land to son Mathias.
Mentions 8 daus. but not by name.
Exr: Son Peter.
Mentions son Godfried.
Wits: Philip SCHWARTZ and George HUNTZINGER.

April 8, 1797 - May 30, 1797.
To wife Susanna all real and personal estate during life.
To son John the plantation on which he now lives in Colebrookdale, containing about 100 acres, paying to executors £150.
After wife's decease to grandson John YERGER, only son of late dau. Anna deceased, paying appraised value.
Remainder as follows:
To son-in-law John LANDES £50.
To children of dau. Esther £27.
Residue divided into 4 parts, one to the children of Esther, one to the children of son John, one to John YERGER aforesaid, and one to the children of dau. Mary.
Exrs: Wife Susanna and son-in-law John LANDES.
Wits: Abraham MEYER and Peter RICHARDS.

August 28, 1793 - June 1, 1797.
Provides for wife Eve Appolonia, including use of whole estate during life. Afterwards to be equally divided among all children, viz: Barbara RITTER, John SCHNEIDER, Benjamin, Daniel, Peter, Catharine HILL, Elisabeth FEGER, and Jacob. Directs son Peter to pay unto his son Peter £15 when 21, being money owing to testator.
To son Daniel 1/2 interest in tract of woodland containing 28 acres.
Exrs: Wife Eve Appollonia and sons Daniel and Peter.
Letters to sons, the widow being blind and incapable.
Wits: Daniel SCHNEIDER, Benjamin CUSTARD and James BOONE.

GERBER, ANNA MAGDALENA, widow, Colebrookdale.
January 25, 1797 - June 10, 1797.
To brother Adam FORCH's children, John and Mathias FORCH, all my estate to be equally divided.
Mentions having given to sister Anna EMERICH's children their full share.
Exrs: Friends John KOCH and John GULDING.
Wits: Samuel GILBERT and Daniel GULDIN.

ECKEL, JACOB, Heidelberg.
January 30, 1797 - June 10, 1797.
To son John my house and lot in Womelsdorf and 8 acres of land, when 21, paying to the executors £250.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To dau. Sarah £250.
Exr: Brother-in-law Daniel MEYER.
Wits: Daniel GROFF and John GARMAN.

ANSPACH, PAUL, Tulpehocken.
June 15, 1795 - June 21, 1797.
To grandson John MARKEY the stone house wherein I now dwell for £95.
All remainder of estate to daus. Margaret wife of Michael DIEFENBACH, Catharine wife of Nicholas SEYBERT, and the children of dau. Barbara MARKLEY, deceased, in 3 equal shares.
Exrs: Grandson Benjamin DIEFENBACH.
Wits: Henry SHAFFNER and John THOME.

RIETH, DANIEL, Tulpehocken.
March 20, 1797 - July 1, 1797.
To eldest son Christian £50.
To son Benjamin my plantation whereon I now dwell in Tulpehocken containing 101 acres at £1500 of which he shall pay £1350 to the other children, viz: Christian, Daniel, John, Catharina, Christina, Elizabeth, Barbara, Maria and Lydia £150 each.
Provides for wife Eve.
Exrs: Sons John and Benjamin.
Wits: Jacob RIETH and Jacob MILLER.

December 12, 1795 - July 24, 1797.
To wife Barbara all personal estate and rents of plantation in Alsace containing 87 acres, during life.
Afterwards to be sold and money divided into 7 equal shares to children, viz: John, Jacob, Henry, Abraham, Maria Esther, the children of dau. Christina wife of Jacob KLOUSER, the mother to have the interest during life.
Exrs: Wife Barbara and Son Jacob.
Wits: John SPYKER and Jacob YOUNG.

November 23, 1795 - July 24, 1797.
To sons Thomas and David my share of the furnace, grist mill and lands, etc. which I hold in partnership with Solomon MATHEWS and others in Rockingham County, Virginia, also £75 each.
To sons Jesse and Solomon my plantation whereon I live in Amity, containing 200 acres.
To sons Amos and John my tract of land in Northampton County containing 400 acres, also £50 each.
To dau. Susanna, wife of Thomas BOONE £50.
To dau. Sarah BRUMFIELD £150, etc.
To dau. Esther BRUMFIELD £150, etc.
Exrs: Sons Jesse and Solomon.
Wits: Thomas CHERINGTON, Thomas HUGHES and Samuel HUGHES, Jr.

April 30, 1797 - August 7, 1797.
To son John Nicholas the plantation on which I now live containing 150 acres, paying £1430.
Tract of land on Summer Hill on which son-in-law Valentine MOCKEL lives, to be sold and estate divided among following children: John Nicholas, Daniel, George, Valentine, Michael, Peter, Henry and Elisabeth MEYER and Henry WEBER who married dau. Margaret, and 2 shares to Valentine MOCHEL who married dau. Barbara, deceased, and is now married to dau. Catharine. Eldest son Philip had received his portion.
Provides for wife Margaret Barbara.
Exrs: Son John Nicholas and son-in-law Valentine MOCHEL.
Wits: Henry LEISZ and Jacob LINGEL.

FUCHS, ADAM, Colebrookdale.
December 19, 1794 - August 7, 1797.
Plantation in Colebrookdale containing 201 acres and all other estate to be sold.
To son John £5 for his birthright.
To the Lutheran Congregation in New Hanover, Montgomery County, £5.
Remainder in 8 equal shares to son John, Elisabeth widow of Christian ACKER, Eva Mary wife of Peter HASSINGER, Mary Catharina wife of John GUNT, Margaret wife of Henry FRY, Jacob, Anne wife of Abraham HERB, and George.
Exrs: Son-in-law Abraham HERB and deceased brother Mathias' son John FUCHS.
Wits: Joseph UHLEIN and Christian BRYMAN.

February 17, 1793 - August 9, 1797.
To wife Catharine all personal property during life and at her decease to son Michael, he paying to dau. Christina, wife of Jacob FEICK £2 10 shillings. To dau. Catharine wife of John SWIGER £2 10 shillings.
To dau. Eve wife of Christian FEARER 5 shillings.
To dau. Ann Mary, married to George BELLEMAN £2 10 shillings.
To dau. Barbara wife of Nicholas RHEAM £2 10 shillings.
Exr: Son Michael.
Wits: Godfrey RARER and Daniel LUDWIG.

July 21, 1797 - September 13, 1797.
Provides for wife Eve.
Executors to sell real estate in Reading and divided all estate at wife's decease among children, viz: Valentine, Henry, Frederick, Christina wife of Conrad LOOSE, and Catharine wife of Frederick ROTHENBERGER in equal shares.
Exrs: Valentine and Henry and Frederick.
Wits: Henry REITMEYER and John SPYKER.

MAYER, HENRY, Tulpehocken.
September 11, 1793 - October 2, 1797.
To nephew Henry MOYER, son of deceased brother John, my plantation where I now dwell in Tulpehocken, containing 263 acres, paying £200 to wife Ann. Provides for her during life.
Also to said nephew all remainder of estate.
Exr: Henry MOYER.
Wits: Jacob WEYANT and Valentine BENDER.

ZERBE, PETER, Tulpehocken.
February 19, 1797 - October 2, 1797.
To dau. Anna Elisabeth, wife of David BAKER, £100 and to each of her children £50 when 21.
To wife Elisabeth my small plantation in Tulpehocken containing 6 acres 20 perches and all personal estate.
Exr: Wife Elisabeth.
Wits: Valentine BENDER and John ZELLER.

September 14, 1797 - October 10, 1797.
To wife Eve all real and personal estate during widowhood.
Afterwards to be sold and proceeds divided equally among children (not named).
Exrs: Wife Eve and friend Peter STICHTER.
Wits: Jacob JAGER and John SPYKER.

September 6, 1797 - October 23, 1797.
Provides for wife (not named).
Real estate to be sold and divided among children of whom the following are named: Adam, Henry, Godfrey, Maria Barbara, Catharine, and Elisabeth. To dau. Margaret's 4 children by her husband John FROM £160.
Exrs: Brother-in-law Philip SPOHN and Jacob EMPLER.
Wits: Valentine BRAUN, Michael WALTZ and Michael STOUT.

April 17, 1794 - November 8, 1797.
To eldest son Christian £5.
Estate to be sold and the proceeds and the bonds against Joseph SEIFERT divided among all children in equal shares.
Refers to 4 sons and 3 daus. but does not name them.
Exr: Son Jacob.
Wits: Philip LASH and Daniel LUDWIG, Esq.

October 12, 1797 - November 10, 1797.
To wife Catharine my plantation in Bern as long as she lives.
Plantation whereon I yet live to be sold.
Mentions that "my children by both wives shall inherit one like the other" (but none named).
Exrs: Sons Eberhard and John.
Wits: Michael SHOCK and Henry GOTTEL.

ARNOLD, PHILIP, Greenwich.
April 27, 1790 - November 11, 1797.
Provides for wife Anna Elisabeth.
To sons Philip and George my plantation in Greenwich containing 88 acres. Son Jacob has had his inheritance.
To son Frantz £3 in full.
To dau. Elizabeth £5 and no more.
To dau. Catharine £5 and no more.
To dau. Susanna £20 and no more.
Wife to hold land until sons are 21.
Exr: Friend Henry KOHLER.
Wits: Philip OPP and Michael BOLICH.

June 22, 1797 - November 15, 1797.
Provides for wife Margaretta, including use of house in Reading during life. To son Casper £50.
To dau. Anna Mary, wife of Peter HECKERT £275.
To dau. Margaretta wife of Peter SHOEMAKER house and lot in Reading No. 119. To dau. Elisabeth wife of Frederick WEITZEL house and lot in Reading No. 43. After death of wife to dau. Christina, wife of Henry REESER, house and lot in Reading No. 45.
Remainder to Casper, Elizabeth and Christina.
Exrs: Wife Margaretta and brother-in-law John RESHER.
Wits: Henry WOLFF and Jacob BRIGHT.

December 26, 1796 - December 18, 1797.
Wife Mary to keep dwelling plantation containing 138 acres in her possession until son Daniel is 21.
Also plantation in Ruscombmanor containing 116 acres until son Samuel is 21. To son Daniel my dwelling plantation in Oley containing 138 acres and tract of land in Earl Township containing 66 acres, paying to son Samuel £723. To son Samuel my land in Ruscombmanor 116 acres, and tract in Alsace containing 18 acres.
Bonds, notes and money (after wife's bequest) to be divided among 3 daus.: Esther wife of Jacob GERST, Catharine wife of Jonathan GRIM and Charlotte BARTOLET.
Exrs: Wife Mary, son-in-law Jacob GERST and Jonathan GRIM.
Wits: Daniel LINEBACH, John SPYKER and Daniel GULDIN.

November 10, 1797 - December 30, 1797.
Estate to wife Judith as long as she lives.
After her decease to son Peter £10 and remainder to eldest son Valentine and John George.
Exr: Friend Henry MENGER.
Wits: Jacob KUTZ and George AMMA.


BURGER, CATHARINE, Ruscombmanor.
March 31, 1797 - January 1, 1798.
Jacob FREEWITZ sole legatee and administrator.
Exr: None named.
Wits: Daniel ROTHERMEL, Jr., Peter SMITH and Elizabeth MYERS.

February 18, 1788 - January 1, 1798.
All estate real and personal to son-in-law Benjamin LINEBACH.
Exr: Benjamin LINEBACH.
Wits: Christopher SHERRER, Jacob DICK and John SPAYD.

BURGER, CATHARINE, Ruscombmanor.
March 31, 1797 - January 1, 1798.
Jacob FREEWITZ sole legatee and administrator, no executor being named.
Wits: Daniel ROTHERMEL, Jr., Peter SMITH and Elizabeth MYERS.

KETNER, CATHARINE, widow, Tulpehocken.
July 15, 1796 - January 3, 1798.
To eldest son George Michael 7 shillings 6 pence.
To daus. Eve, Elisabeth, Catharine, Barbara and Mary and heirs of dau. Margaret deceased 5 shillings each.
Remainder to be divided among the following 3 children: John, Magdalena and Susanna.
Exr: Son John.
Wits: Dan LUDWIG, Esq. and Henry WEBER.

LADICH, JACOB, Greenwich.
December 9, 1797 - January 25, 1798.
Provides for wife Dorothy.
Executors to sell plantation upon which I live containing 230 acres and pay legacies as follows:
To son-in-law Samuel KISTLER £100.
To son-in-law Frederick FISHER £30.
To grandson Jacob KISTLER son of deceased dau. Maria Elisabeth £20.
Remainder in 7 equal shares, to wife Dorothy and 6 grandchildren.
Three shares to children of deceased dau. Elizabeth who was wife of Samuel KISTLER, Jacob, Samuel and Barbara KISTLER; and 3 shares to 3 children of deceased dau. Anna Maria who was wife of Frederick FISHER, Elisabeth, Catharine and Anna Maria FISHER.
Exrs. and guardians of grandchildren: Wife Dorothy, John KOHLER, Jr. and John BIEBER.
Wits: John Henry JORG (GEORGE) and Henery SCHLENKER.

May 3, 1797 - January 30, 1798.
To brother-in-law Abraham ERNST 5 shillings.
To sister Sarah LESHER articles named.
Remainder to all brothers and sisters, viz: Mary, Susanna, Abraham, Hannah, Barbara, Esther, Elisabeth, Jacob and Sarah.
Exrs: Sister Barbara and brother Jacob.
Wits: Thomas LEE and Daniel GULDIN.

----, Brunswick.
May 8, 17-6 - February 1, 17??.
... my land, 257 acres and all other estate, paying the following legacies: To brother Michael £4 and to his eldest son George Adam £5.
To the bodily heirs of sister Maria Eve SCHMIT £10.
To the Lutheran Congregation at Zion Church, in Brunswick £4.
To the poor and needy £6.
Exr: Michael MOSSER.
Wits: Jacob FAUST and George RAUCH.

WITT, JOHN, Maxatawny.
January 9, 1795 - February 8, 1798.
Provides for wife Margaret.
Appears to have sold his land to son, John Nicholas.
To eldest son, John, £5, having had his portion.
To son Jacob 5 shillings.
Sons Michael and George have also had their share.
Dau. Frederica, wife of Michael SHAFFER, has received £12.
Remainder to Susanna FLICKINGER, Elizabeth KROH, Catharine KAMP and Rosina LIMMER.
Exrs: Wife Margaret and friend Gideon GRIM.
Wits: Michael IHRIG and Philip BENNINGHOFF.

ROTH, SOLOMON, Colebrookdale.
January 31, 1798 - February 15, 1798.
Provides for wife (not named).
To son David all my lands when 21, for which he shall pay £600 to dau. Mary, to be in trust if she should marry a worthless man.
Give £10 to the new church in Amity.
Exrs: Brother Jonathan and cousin Jacob RHOADS.
Wits: Jacob STAUFFER and Conrad SCHWEINHART.

January 26, 1798 - February 20, 1798.
Wife Hanneta Frederica to have all in her possession during life to keep the 2 youngest children.
To son Christian my dwelling plantation in Alsace containing 89 acres, paying to 3 daus. £90.
To Elizabeth, wife of George HEYER, Susanna Margaret, wife of Henry BAKER, and Catharine Elisabeth £30 each.
Exrs: Wife Hanneta Frederica and friend Daniel LEINBACH.

December 16, 1797 - March 2, 1798.
Provides for wife Catharine Elisabeth.
Plantation in Heidelberg to be sold.
These are the names of my children who shall be my lawful heirs, to wit: John George, Wilhelm Johannes, John Jacob, Elisabeth and the "child my wife is now pregnant with."
Mentions his father Samuel BOYER.
Exrs: Friend SCHARF and wife Catharine Elisabeth.
Wits: Jacob SCHMIDT and Abraham BOYER.

October 1, 1791 - April 7, 1798.
To son-in-law Michael SHELL 5 shillings.
Tract of 27 acres of land in Hereford and all other estate and proceeds to go to my grandchildren by only dau. Rosina, wife of Michael SHELL, to be divided when the youngest is 21.
Exr: Stepson George LAHR.
Wits: Martin BECHTEL and John LATSCH(A).

AMAN, PETER, Tulpehocken.
January 18, 1796 - April 7, 1798.
To eldest son Valendin 5 shillings for his birthright and 5 shillings for his portion in full.
Provides for wife Elizabeth Barbara.
To son Philip 10 shillings in full.
To son Peter one part of what remains of estate.
To son Michael one share.
To youngest dau. Susanna Catharine £12 in advance, and then equal share with her brothers.
To dau. Margaret 5 shillings in full.
To dau. Catharine 5 shillings in full.
Remainder at wife's decease to Peter, Michael and Susanna.
Exrs: Friends Christopher WINDER and Jacob FUCH.
Wits: Frederick LEIZEL and Nicholas RIEHM.

REESHER, JOHN, Heidelberg.
March 6, 1798 - April 12, 1798.
Provides for wife Anna Catharina.
To the Reformed Church of Heidelberg £50.
All estate after wife's decease to the heirs of my 2 sisters, Margaret wife of Krafft HEENER, and Maria wife of Yost FILSMYER.
To Henry WERHEIM or his heirs £250 after wife's decease.
Exrs: Neighbors Frederick WEITZEL, Sr. and Adam RUTH.
Wits: John LUDWIG, Esq. and Frantz MAYER.

May 6, 1798 - April 21, 1798.
To my mother Barbara GRIESEMER all real and personal estate.
Exr: Barbara GRIESEMER, mother.
Letters to Thomas LEE, Barbara renouncing.
Wits: John KAIN and Abraham HOCH.

December 9, 1784 - April 21, 1798.
To wife Elisabeth all my lands in Union Township with stock and farming implements during life, and authorize executors to sell the same if necessary.
Exrs: Wife Elisabeth and her brother Owen HUGH.
Letters to HUGH, the widow renouncing.

ROTHERMEL, MAGDALENA, widow, Richmond Township.
June 9, 1787 - April 14, 1798.
All estate in 7 shares, to sons Martin, Peter, dau. Catharina wife of Henry HAFFNER, Sibilla wife of Paul GROSSCUP, Esq., to 2 children of dau. Maria deceased, viz Solomon and George FEGELY, dau. Mary wife of Jacob LONG, and the 6th share to be divided 1/2 thereof to the first born son of my said dau. Mary, Solomon SEIVERT and the other 1/2 to all the children of said dau. Mary, to be divided among them, except Solomon, and the last share to dau. Magdaline wife of Conrad STENGER.
Exrs: Son-in-law Paul GROSSCUP, Esq. and son Martin.
Wits: Conrad FINCK and David KAMP.

February 5, 1796 - May 16, 1798.
To wife Mary my real estate in Hereford containing about 55 acres during life. After her death to son John, he paying to son Paul £15.
Exr: Wife Maria.
Wits: Jacob LESHER, Timothy MURPHY and Peter RICHARDS.

RIEHM, GEORGE, Heidelberg.
October 26, 1795 - May 16, 1798.
All real estate to be sold and divided among all children.
Nicholas, George, John and Elizabeth are named.
Exrs: Son Nicholas and friend Henry GEIDING.
Letters to Nicholas, the other renouncing.
Wits: Christian BENTZ and Bastian BENTZ.

KOPP, JACOB, Amity Township.
January 14, 1797 - June 1, 1798.
Executor to sell real estate on which I reside.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To grandson Jacob KOPP, son of Fredrick £100 when 21.
To granddau. Mary ISENBERGER £25 when she is married.
To John BERGENTEIN £25 at 21.
To 4 sons Frederick, William, George and Jacob each 1/7 of remainder of estate, to daus. Catharina ALBRIGHT and Susanna CHRIST each 1/7, and the remaining 1/7 to the child of dau. Elizabeth wife of George OX.
Mentions that his son-in-law has a lease on plantation for 3 years from April 1, next.
Exrs: Son Frederick and friend George DOUGLASS, Jr.
Wits: Jacob FISHER and George LEONARD.

MENGEL, NICHOLAS, Maidencreek.
August 23, 1795 -June 4, 1798.
To wife Maria profits of my plantation in Maidencreek, containing about 220 acres, until the 15th of the 4th month 1801, to pay all debts and educate minor child.
Also a small tract on which to build a house at expiration of above time. Real estate to be sold and money divided in equal shares to all children. Son Abraham having £50 beforehand.
No other child named.
Exrs: Wife Maria and brother-in-law Stephen BARNET.
Wits: James STARR, Thomas LIGHTFOOT and Henry ADAMS.

MEYER, PETER, Manheim.
February 25, 1797 - June 25, 1798.
Wife Maria to have all estate during widowhood in order that small children May be educated.
Mentions having sold to oldest son, Peter 100 acres whereon he lives, also sold to 2nd son, William, whereon he lives, he paying to the 4 children of deceased dau. Anna £25 when they are 21.
Also sold to dau. Greta and her husband Philip REINHAR 100 acres of land whereon they live.
To son Daniel 100 acres of land, paying £50 therefor.
To son Conrad my dwelling place containing 150 acres, paying 310, of which £50 shall be his own portion.
To daus. Catharina and Magdalena 100 acres of land where Michael STEP lives. Remainder equally divided after death of mother.
Exrs: Wife Maria and friend Daniel MIESSE.
Wits: Jacob MIESSE and William LEIMEISER.

PEIFFER, JACOB, Tulpehocken.
May 11, 1798 - July 19, 1798.
To wife Margaretha the plantation and all that I have while a widow.
Afterwards the land to be appraised so that one of the children can take it and pay the others their equal shares.
Son Henrich is to have the loom.
Simon RIGEL to be guardian of 2 youngest children Anna Maria and Henrich. Directs that youngest daus. Margaretha and Anna Maria shall have the same as the others have received, to wit, every one a bed and a cow.
Exrs: Sons Philip and George.
Wits: Philip SEYLER and Simon RIGEL.

January 2, 17?? - July 21, 17??.
All estate to wife Philippina to do with as she pleases.
Exr: Wife.
Wits: George HERMANN and Johannes BAB.

BERTOLET, ESTHER, widow of Abraham, Oley.
November 5, 1788 - July 23, 1798.
Estate to be divided into 6 equal parts, to son Daniel, son Samuel, dau. Mary wife of Daniel HOCH, Elisabeth wife of John DeTURK, children of son John deceased, viz Abraham, John and Susanna, and children of dau. Esther deceased wife of George YODER, viz Samuel and Esther YODER, to be paid to grandchildren at 21.
Exr: Samuel HOCH, son of my son-in-law Daniel HOCH.
Letters to Samuel a son and Mary BERTOLET dau.-in-law, the executor named renouncing.
Wits: Samuel GULDIN(G) and John REPPERT.

VERT, JACOB, Robeson.
March 16, 1795 - July 5, 1798.
Provides for wife Catharine.
To dau. Margaret £85.
To my grandson, heir of dau. Mary deceased, £50. The name of this heir is not known to the testator as he lives at a distance.
To dau. Elizabeth GUSLER £50.
To son Philip £50.
To John HOMAN and his wife £14.
To son Samuel of same £14.
To Catharine dau. of wife and wife of Martin VERT £14.
To Abraham HOMAN son of same £14.
To Mary dau. of wife married to Samuel WOLISON £14.
To George son of wife £14.
To Henry son of wife £14.
All remainder real and personal estate to son Jacob.
Exr: Son Jacob.
Wits: Charles CRAMP and William LEWIS.

June 30, 1797 - August 9, 1798.
To son Frederick 100 acres of the upper part of plantation.
To son Peter the remainder of land, including buildings, both tracts to be appraised.
Provides for wife Elisabeth.
Sons above named to have £50 each in advance and then all estate equally divided among all children.
Dau. Barbara, widow of John ZERBE, only one mentioned by name.
Exrs: Friend John BEAR and sons Frederick and Peter.
Wits: Bernhard BEELER and Henry BOHLER.
(This will in wrong year in files.)

BUCHLER, PETER, Pinegrove.
January 9, 1798 - August 20, 1798.
Son Johannes to have the land when he is 21.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
Son to pay £200 to his 3 sisters, Catharine, Barbara and Anna Margaret.
Exrs: Wife Magdalena and friends Johannes HEIN and Jacob ROHRER.
Wits: Leonard REED and Burckhart BOHR.

October 20, 1797 - August 22, 1798.
To wife Barbara all estate real and personal during life.
At her decease to my 7 children: William, Samuel, Henry, George, John, Joseph and Polly in equal shares.
Executors to sell all real estate.
To eldest son, William, my surveying instruments.
Exrs: Wife Barbara and brother-in-law Henry REAM.
Wits: Philip STRUBING and Jacob LEITHEISER.

March 18, 1797 - September 26, 1798.
To Elisabeth dau. of son Joseph articles named.
To son Joseph £20.
To son Jacob £250 in trust. Land to be bought for his children and he to have use of it.
To son Johannes £400.
To son Christian £100.
Remainder to Jacob, Johannes and Christian.
Exrs: Peter KERSCHNER and Christian REYER.
Wits: Conrad CHRIST and John BRIGHT.

May 5, 1798 - October 27, 1798
Codicil June 26, 1797.
Provides for wife Magdalena including use of plantation until son Jacob is 21. Then it May be sold to any of the 3 sons: Abraham, John and Jacob, for £1000. All estate to 3 sons and 7 daus. in equal shares, daus. not named except Esther "who shall have £4 per year from the time she is 21 till decease of wife Magdalena."
Exrs: Magdalena and son John.
Letters to John, the widow renouncing.
Wits: John UMSTEAD, Jr. and Bartholomew WAMBACH.

February 20, 1785 - October 27, 1798.
To sons Mathias, Jacob, John, Daniel and Samuel my home place in Amity containing 183 acres.
All personal estate to dau. Lana wife of Henry BAUM late deceased.
£200 to dau. Elisabeth wife of George LORAH.
£200 to dau. Christine wife of Jacob GRESSMER.
Above legacies to be paid by 5 sons named above.
Exrs: The 5 sons.
Wits: Jacob KLEIN and Jacob WEAVER.

June 29, 1789 - November 10, 1798.
Mentions "as I am willing to enter into holy matrimony with the virtuous Juliana KRAMERIN" "I transmit to her my right and justice to a piece of land in Eastern District Township" bought from Jacob MILLER, containing 50 or 60 acres. To every one of my children £10: Frans, Maria Elisabeth, Johannes Antonius, Jorg Joseph, and, if dau. Maria Cecilia should return and come to us I will give her £10.
If Juliana KRAMER should have no child and none to expect then she shall give all to my children from my first wife £10 more.
Letters to Joseph UHLVIN, a son.
Wits: Peter HELBRON, pastor in Goshenhoppen and Casper SCHMITT.

EBERLE, PETER, Heidelberg.
March 22, 1796 - November 12, 1798.
To son Daniel the upper part of my plantation whereon I now live for the sum of £1400 of which £200 shall be his portion.
Reserves land out of his plantation where wife Elisabeth is buried as graveyard and burial ground for my family.
Other children named are Abraham, Catharine, eldest son Jacob.
Exrs: Sons Jacob and Michael.
Wits: John BEAR and Henry BEAR.

September 2, 1798 - November 14, 1798.
To wife, not named, all real and personal estate during widowhood. Afterwards to son Jacob. If he should die before my wife then all shall be equally divided among grandchildren (not named).
Exrs: Wife Thorothea and nephew John WISE.
Wits: Jacob RHOADS and Henry FISHER.

March 9, 1798 - December 17, 1798.
Children: Christian, Philip, John, Eva Maria, Margretha, Elisabeth and Magdalena.
Exrs: Christian HENRICH, a son, and son-in-law Andreas GRED.
Wit: Peter BERK and Jacob MERKEL.

Will proven December 17, 1798.
Letters to Christian a son and Andrew GRED, son-in-law executor named.
Translation not found.

October 13, 1798 - December 19, 1798.
To wife Margaret the house wherein I now dwell. Also a tract of land in Fayette County containing 1000 acres her heirs and assigns.
To my cousin Christopher RAUCH in Succony £50.
To Catharine DAUMIN £100.
To Rosina wife of Daniel KERPER £25.
To Maria wife of Wm. WITMAN £25.
To Christopher STOHR £25.
To Margareth STOTTZEN £25.
To the Reformed Congregation in Reading £15.
To the Lutheran Congregation in Reading $20.00.
Executors to sell estate in Philadelphia to pay above legacies.
Exrs: Friends Nicholas DICK and Daniel KERPER.
Wits: Christoph STROBEL and George JORGER.


LANG, MICHAEL, Greenwich.
December 17, 1798 - January 8, 1799.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
My children (6) shall have all I leave (none named).
Exrs: Jacob GRUNEWALD and wife Magdalena.
Wits: Philip OPP and Nicholas FISCHER.

December 9, 1798 - January 21, 1799.
To wife Barbara rents, etc. of plantation whereon I now live containing about 80 acres during life and all movables.
Afterwards to be sold and estate divided equally among sons: John, George, Henry, Jacob, children of dau. Katharine, daus. Eve, Barbara Elizabeth, Susanna and Maria.
Exrs: Son John and son-in-law Nicholas CRATE.
Wits: Casper SCHMIDT, Sr., Casper SCHMIDT, Jr. and Thomas LIGHTFOOT.

May 11, 1793 - January 22, 1799.
Provides for wife Anna Maria.
After her death all estate to children, viz: Christian, Jacob, David, Abraham, Sarah SCHWARTZ, Catharine DIETER and Magdalena FIESS.
No references to real estate.
Exrs: Friends Martin GABY and David KLEIN.
The widow and son Abraham having renounced.
Wits: Philip RUPPERT and Benjamin SPYKER, Jr.

LONG, CHRISTIAN, Caernarvon.
June 25, 1796 - January 25, 1799.
To dau. Barbara LANG all movables and immoveable goods.
She to maintain her mother, my wife Barbara, during life and pay to my grandchild Anna dau. of deceased son Johannes £5. Also to said grandchild the land I had measured for my son Johannes but had not given him a deed, but the widow of said son shall have a right to live on the land until my grandchild is 21.
To the 6 children of my deceased dau. Anna, who was married to Jacob ZUCK, £5 each.
Mentions brother Johannes LANG in Holland and cousin Christian STAHLY in Lancaster County.
Exr: Friend Peter PLANCK.
Wits: Mathias KALER and Benjamin SPYKER, Jr.

January 21, 1797 - February 1, 1799.
Provides for wife Juliana Elisabeth.
The remainder to son Balser, he paying to my son Adam 5 shillings and to my daus. Maria FISCHER, Dorothea SUTTER, and Magdalena DAVIS £100 each in the bonds which I have received from my son Balser in their names.
Exrs: Sons Adam and Balser.
Wits: Johannes BIEGEL and Benjamin SPYKER, Jr.

Probated February 12, 1799.
Provides for wife Christina.
Directs that 3 youngest boys shall learn trades when 16 years old.
Estate divided in equal parts among heirs (not named).
Letters to Conrad, eldest son and Andrew Smith, a friend.
Wits: Jacob SCHAPPELL and Johann Georg VOIGT.

June 12, 1797 - February 28, 1799.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
After her decease my messuage and 9 acres of land and 26 acres of woodland shall be sold and all estate divided into 2 shares, to eldest dau. Catharine and her husband Nicholas MERTZ and to the children of youngest dau. Mary, wife of Martin EISENHOUER.
Exrs: Friends Jacob GEARY, Jr. and Casper YEAKEL.
Exrs: Henry SCHLICHER and Jacob GEARY.

HOPP, JOHN, Pinegrove.
March 24, 1795 - March 4, 1799.
To dau. Dorothea SCHNEIDER the land whereon I live, during life and after her decease all shall come to the heirs of Johannes HOPP, Jr.
Dau. Dorothea shall pay to Johannes HOPP, Jr. £5.
Exr: Dorothea SCHNEIDER.
Wits: Christian ZERBE and Egidius MAYER.

PREISS, CONRAD, Ruscombmanor.
May 17, 1798 - March 14, 1799.
To wife Catharina the plantation on which I live in Ruscombmanor containing 111 acres during life, except to sell plantation adjoining above containing 92 acres.
After wife's decease the plantation to be sold and all estate divided in equal shares among 13 children, viz: Susanna wife of Martin GABY, David, Jacob, Catharina wife of Christian MARTIN, Maria wife of Jacob BRYFOGEL, Daniel, John, Conrad, Margaret wife of Samuel ROTHROCK, children of Abraham deceased, Isaac, Esther wife of John ROTHROCK and Magdalena wife of Jacob ROTHERMEL. Exrs: Friends John POTTS and Daniel PETER.
Wits: Johannes SPECHT and Abraham WAGNER.

December 21, 1790 - March 28, 1799.
Provides for wife Rachel.
Gives to daus. Elizabeth and Mary articles of furniture.
Executor to hold real estate until youngest son, Abraham, is 16, when they shall sell it and divide remainder of estate among children, viz: William, Elizabeth, Margaret, John, Edward and Abraham.
Exrs: Wife Rachel and son William.
Wits: John WRIGHTMAN, Peter UMSTEAD and Thomas PARRY.

RITTER, PAUL, Colebrookdale.
May 6, 1795 - March 29, 1799.
Estate which is all personal to wife Maria Elisabeth during life and at her decease divided as follows:
To dau. Maria Elisabeth £25 in addition to that which she has received. Remainder to son Mathias and dau. Anna Maria, wife of Charles ECKHARD in equal shares.
Mentions having given to son Henry and dau. Catharine, wife of Frederick LEINBACH £400 each their full portion.
Exr: Son Mathias.
Wits: Georg LONG and Daniel GULDIN.

October 18, 1797 - April 1, 1799.
2/3 of estate to Lutheran Church in Macungie Township, Northampton County. 1/3 to Associated Church in Greenwich Township, Berks County.
Exr: Leonard SCHLAUCH.
Wits: Johannes DURR and Daniel MEHS.

June 6, 1796 - Codicil September 2, 1797 - Probated April 6, 1799.
Provides for wife Maria Elisabeth including use of plantation in Tulpehocken 120 acres during lifetime.
Afterwards to be sold and all divided into equal shares among children: Jacob, Henry, Catharine wife of Peter PEIFFER, Elisabeth wife of Jacob BROUS, and Margaret WEIGANT.
Share of dau. Elisabeth to be held in trust.
Exrs: Son Jacob and son-in-law Peter PEIFFER.
Wits: Jacob DIEFFENBACH and Benjamin BATTORFF.

July 20, 1796 - April 9, 1799.
To wife Barbara 1/3 of all estate, remainder to sons and daus. in equal shares. None named except dau. Maria.
Exrs: Son Jacob and wife Barbara.
Letters to Jacob, the widow renouncing.
Wits: Balentin GRIM and Christian KAUFMAN.

March 10, 1799 - April 9, 1799.
To wife Elizabeth £300 during life and all movables.
After her decease estate to be divided among these 6 children, viz: Elizabeth wife of Joseph JODER, John, Catharine, Molly, Peter and Michael. Eldest son Christian to have no more than he has already received.
Exrs: Wife Elizabeth and youngest son Michael.
Wits: Jacob KAUFMAN, David KAUFMAN and John WOLLISON.

August 29, 1794 - April 15, 1799.
To wife Mary all estate real and personal during life.
After her death to be divided equally among all children (not named).
Exr: Daniel LUDWIG.
Wits: Simon RIEGEL and John SHEFFER.

March 31, 1796 - April 18, 1799.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
To son Leonard my home wherein I live in Womelsdorf with lots and about 30 acres of adjoining land and all remainder of personal estate, he paying £630 to children, as follows:
To dau. Catharine wife of Henry HIRSH, dau. Christina wife of Peter KOHL, Susanna wife of Jacob AULEBACH, Maria SELTZER, Elizabeth SELTZER and Justina SELTZER each £100, and to dau. Elizabeth wife of Henrich SCHAUB.
Exrs: Son Leonard and wife Elizabeth.
Wits: John KEISER and Jacob SELTZER.

BRENDEL, HENRY, Brecknock.
December 22, 1795 - April 18, 1799.
Provides for wife Barbara.
To son Abraham my plantation in Brecknock containing 111 acres for £175, to be paid as follows:
To son Henry £50, to dau. Mary wife of Wendel KREMER £50, to dau. Barbara wife of Abraham KERN and to Dorothy wife of Mathias DOCK and to Susanna wife of John HUBER £25 each.
Exrs: Son Henry and son-in-law Wendel KREMER.
Wits: Christopher SCHLEBACH and Samuel ADDAMS.

April 1, 1799 - May 6, 1799.
Provides for wife Elisabeth. To son Philip the sawmill and also 250 acres of land for which he shall pay £1000.
To son Daniel £200 more as one of my daus., the daus. are Susanna, Elisabeth, Clara and Magdalena (1st 3 prob. married).
To son Michael the land whereon he now lives about 200 acres for £250.
Son Valentin has received his portion of £400.
Exrs: Philip and Michael.
Wits: John Conrad WALTER and Henrich GOTTEL.

GRUBER, CUNIGANDA, widow, Tulpehocken.
November 9, 1796 - June 4, 1799.
To daus. Susanna SCHMIDT, Catharina ZUBER, Anna Margaretha GIESSMAN all clothing, household goods, etc.
Mentions children of son John George GRUBER.
Letters to Mathias and Susanna SMITH son-in-law and dau.
Wit: Holfrich KOLB.

October 27, 1797 - June 13, 1799.
To eldest son John £15.
To youngest son Abraham £15.
To 2 daus. Fronica WHISLER and Mary CLEMENS £50 each.
To dau. Esther MILLER £80 and bed and bedding.
To dau. Esther and dau. Magdalena MILLER.
Exrs: Sons John and Abraham.
Wits: Thomas PARRY and George KERST.

May 3, 1799 - June 20, 1799.
Executors to sell plantation in Exeter, containing 151 acres, houses and lots in Reading and tract of 100 acres in Allegheny County, and all estate divided equally among children, eldest son Christopher having £30 in advance, £15 being first paid to the Lutheran Church of Reading and £4 for the poor. Childrens' names are Christopher, John, Henry, Jacob, Maria wife of Abraham GRIFFITH, Elizabeth KRAMER, Charlotte wife of Daniel BOYER, Anna Elizabeth wife of John MEYER and Catharina BOYER.
Exrs: Friends Alexander KLINGER and Jacob GRAUL.
Wits: Nicholas DIEHL and John SPYKER.

August 20, 1797 - June 24, 1799.
All estate to son William SIMONS.
My mother Appolonia to have the care of him as long as she can have him with her to be sent to school, put to a trade when of suitable age.
Exrs: Mother and brother-in-law George SCHWENCK.
Letters to Appolonia BERNHARD SCHWENCK, other renouncing.
Wits: John REICHEL and Michael BERNHARD.

March 15, 1799 - July 6, 1799.
Provides for wife Margaret including use of real estate consisting of 1/2 interest in 60 odd acres of land in Rockland.
After her decease estate divided into 7 equal parts, as follows: 2 daus., Margaret wife of Henry LIES to her children; Philippina wife of Charles SCHEIRER, to son Michael, to son Jacob, to son Peter, to son Godlieb, and to dau. Elisabeth (Barbara) wife of Nicholas HENSINGER, one share to each.
Exrs: Wife Margaret and son Peter.
Letters to Peter, the widow renouncing.
Wits: Johannes DOTTERER and Jacob LONG.

August 4, 1794 - July 19, 1799.
To son Peter the plantation bought from John SHIFFER in Exeter and Oley, containing 114 acres, and also tract of 6 acres 93 perches in Exeter, paying to the legatees £800.
To wife Maria Elizabeth the remainder of real estate in said Townships until son John is 21 when said son is to have it, paying £1000 to legatees. Sons to provide for wife Maria Elizabeth.
To son William £800.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of Isaac HERBEIN £400.
To dau. Susanna £400.
To dau. Hannah £400.
Exrs: Son-in-law Isaac HERBEIN and Peter KNAB (son of Michael, deceased).
Wits: Peter MOHN and Daniel LEINBACH.

MOYER, ANNA, widow of Henry, Tulpehocken.
June 25, 1799 - July 27, 1799.
To sister Elizabeth BRECHBIEL £59.
To brother Christian WOLF £100.
To friends Christian, John, Jacob, Michael, Peter and Rudolph MOYER, Anna LESH, Elizabeth FRANZ, Barbara KLINE and Margareth HUNSECKER £13 4s. each.
Exrs: Friends Christian WOLF and Martin SHREY, Jr.
Wits: Peter PEIFFER and Gottfried HOLTZMAN.

May 8, 1798 - July 31, 1799.
All estate real and personal to be equally divided among 4 children, viz: Bernard WINDLE, John WINDLE, Elizabeth LUDWIG and Mary HOLL.
Exrs: Son Barnard and Adam WICKLINE.
Wits: Christian LINDERMAN and William LEWIS.

May 4, 1793 - August 6, 1799.
Provides for wife Magdalena including use of house and lot in Reading and all personal estate during life.
To eldest son, William £7 10 s.
To dau. Eva EHRMAN same.
To dau. Anna Maria EHRMAN house and lot after decease of wife.
Exrs: Dau. Anna Maria and wife Magdalena.
Wits: Jacob YOUNG and John SPYKER.

December 8, 1793 - August 10, 1799.
Provides for wife Catharine.
Remainder to be sold and money applied to bringing up and educating children until 14 years old. Children not named.
Exrs: Wife Catharina and nephew John MILLER.
Wits: Thomas LEE and John BECHTOLD.

September 25, 1798 - August 10, 1799.
To sons Jacob and John 5 shillings each, they having been advanced.
To dau. Hannah £20 in household goods and house room while unmarried.
Remainder equally divided among following children, viz: Catharine, Esther, Susanna, Mary, Peter, Jonathan, Christian, Hannah and Daniel.
Dau. Mary was married to Daniel NEYN.
Exrs: Sons John and Peter.
Wits: Thomas LEE and Abraham HOCH.

GRAM, ANNA, Cumru.
June 28, 1799 - August 24, 1799.
To 3 nieces: Mary CONNER, Elizabeth GROH and Catharina GROH 7 petticoats and 3 short gowns to be equally divided.
Remainder to Sebastian MILLER.
Exr: Sebastian MILLER.
Wits: Peter PALM and John LUDWIG.

August 21, 1799 - September 9, 1799.
Provides for wife Catharine, including use of house and lots in Reading during life.
Afterwards to be ... and all estate divided among children: Ulrich, George, David SHITZ, Hannah BOYER, Margaret KRUP and Susanna SHITZ in equal shares. Mentions son of dau. Susanna named Jonas BAUM, and dau. of Hannah BOYER named Catharine.
Exr: Son David.
Wits: Jacob GOSSIN and John SPYKER.

April 10, 1792 - September 30, 1799.
Provides for wife Barbara.
To only son George all my land and movables.
To 3 daus. Catharina, Anna Maria and Barbara £18 each to be paid by son George.
Exrs: Son George and George ZERBE.
Wits: Jacob FISCHER and Peter LEHR.

September 17, 1799 - October 8, 1799.
Provides for wife Maria.
To son Johannes my plantation in Bern containing 136 acres for which he shall pay £500, of which he shall have £400 for his portion.
And pay son Conrad, dau. Elizabeth STAUD and Catharina CHRIST £100.
To son Conrad my other plantation in Bern containing 123 acres.
Remainder to 3 children: Conrad, Elizabeth and Catharine.
Friend Johannes BUCKS and son Johannes ....

September 10, 1799 - October 16, 1799.
To eldest son Jacob a tract of land on River Schuylkill containing 178 acres with grist mill, sawmill, etc.
To son George a tract of land called Minnich's Tract on Schuylkill containing about 500 acres.
To son Daniel a tract of land whereon I now dwell containing about 200 acres, also a tract of land in Manheim containing 300 acres with sawmill, etc. To dau. Rebecca and dau. Catharine a tract in Manheim containing 291 acres. Executor to rent above land until sons are 21 years old. To 5 daus.: Rebecca, Catharine, Mary, Elizabeth and Christina £500 each. Provides for wife Catharine.
Exrs: Friends Jeremiah REED and William KOCH.
Wits: John KANTNER and Michael EMRICH.

October 12, 1797 - October 19, 1799.
To my 4 brothers: Philip, Jacob, Michael and Albright STRAUSS all my estate. Philip STRAUSS, son of Albright STRAUSS shall have £8.
Exr: Brother Philip.
Wits: Johannes REBER and Sebastian RUBSAMEN.

October 11, 1799 - October 19, 1799.
Provides for wife Anneke but mentions no children or other legatees.
Exrs: Wife Anneke and friends John STONER and John WISTLER.
Letters to widow and WISTLER, Stoner renouncing.
Wits: George KERST and Thomas PARRY.

July 4, 1799 - October 23, 1799.
Provides for wife Barbara.
After her decease all estate to children, viz: Catharine wife of Henry KUHN, Jacob, John, Christina wife of Jacob HARMANY, Frederick, Matthias, Philip, Daniel and Magdalena wife of John KEMMERER.
Testator had probably sold the land to his son Jacob.
Exrs: Sons Matthias and Frederick.
Wits: Paul GROSSCUP and Daniel SIEGFRIED.

REDINGER, MICHAEL, Ruscombmanor.
December 16, 1795 - November 6, 1799.
Provides for wife Anna Margaret.
To son Henry my plantation I now live on in Ruscombmanor containing 100 acres and pay legacies to son Andrew £100, to daus. Anna Margaret wife of Henry HATERMAR £15 and Sophia wife of Jacob LAUTENSHLAGER £15.
Exrs: Son Henry and friend Jacob ROTHERMEL.
Adm. to John ZERBY and Hannah ZERBY.

October 3, 1799 - November 11, 1799.
Provides for wife Sophia and divides estate among 8 children of whom Jacob, George, Susanna and Magdalena are mentioned by name.
Exrs: Wife Sophia and son Jacob.
Wits: Jacob FUHRMAN and Henry FISTER.

KEIM, JACOB, Rockland.
January 21, 1789 - November 16, 1799.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
To son John my 3 adjoining tract of land containing 50, 51 and 23 A. 95 P. in Rockland Township, he paying after wife's decease £400 to children John, Barbara GRIESMER widow, and Ester KEIM.
To dau. Barbara GRIESMER tract of land where son John now lives in Rockland containing 72 acres 78 perches for £150.
Remainder to be divided, daus. portions to £500.
Exrs: Son John and friend Thomas LEE, Jr.
Wits: Abraham HOCH and Jacob WEIDNER.

September 6, 1799 - November 19, 1799.
Wife Catharine to hold my dwelling plantation in Robeson and all personal estate during life.
At her decease estate to be sold and divided in 3 equal shares, one to such persons as wife Catharine shall by will designate, one part to Catharine wife of John ERNS and the other part to my sister Catharine wife of Valentine SEYBILL.
Exrs: Brother-in-law Valentine SEYBELL and John YOST, both of Montgomery County.
Wits: John SPYKER and George HAUS.

August 23, 1799 - November 27, 1799.
To son Nicholas the lower part of my plantation including sawmill, etc. bought of Elias RADCAY.
To son Andrew the remainder of said land which I have not sold to son Henry. To son Jeremiah remainder of land bought of Samuel OBERHOLTZER and the land bought of Jeremiah ZIEMER whereon I live, the above tracts to be valued at £7, £6, and £10 per acre.
Provides for wife Barbara.
Refers to 5 oldest children and 2 younger children who probably were Andrew and Elizabeth who were under 18. The others not named.
Exrs: Son Henry and son-in-law Frederick SCHWEIGER.
Wits: John BAER and Henry ZEIMER.

SHOEN, PETER, Colebrookdale.
July 26, 1794 - December 14, 1799.
Provides for wife Juliana.
To son George £25 because he is my oldest son.
To son William the plantation in Colebrookdale whereon he lives containing 148 acres for £400.
To son Peter when 21, 3 tracts of land, one whereon I now live containing 101 acres 141 perches, another containing 27 acres 30 perches, to be taken from son William's plantation for £700.
Estate divided among all children, viz: Elizabeth widow of John FREDERICK, and sons George, William, Jacob and Peter, the last being a minor.
Exrs: Wife Juliana and son William.
Letter to William, the widow renouncing.
Wits: George ROTH and Daniel GULDIN.

April 27, 1792 - December 16, 1799.
Provides for wife magdalena.
To son George Michael £5 for his 2nd portion.
Estate divided among all children of whom dau. Margaretha and children of dau. Barbara, deceased, are mentioned.
Exrs: Son George Michael and wife.
Letter to son, the widow renouncing.
Wits: Daniel GLUCK and Peter HESMAN.

September 9, 1799 - December 24, 1799.
To Reinhart SCHNEB £6 and what he owes me.
Those who do good to me in my last sickness shall have the whole of what I leave and all that belongs to me.
Exr: William MEYER.
Wits: Daniel MEYER and Nicholaus MUHLHAUSS.

FOHRER, ANNA CATHARINE, widow of Michael, Tulpehocken.
October 16, 1798 - December 28, 1799.
To the remaining son of deceased dau. Anna Barbara who was the wife of Jacob KINSER, John George KINSER £3 when 21 years.
Remainder to son John George FOHRER and dau. Catharine, wife of Andreas ZELLER in 2 equal shares.
Exr: Son John George.
Wits: John Dieter GRIESZ and Leonard RIETH.


September 2, 1799 - January 4, 1800.
All estate to wife, name not given, except a chest of drawers to dau. Hannah.
Exrs: Brother Othniel SANDS and son Joseph.
Wits: Philip GRINER and Henry AUMAN.

CARL, THOEBALD, Longswamp.
February 25, 1799 - February 3, 1800.
All estate to wife Anna Maria during life. After her decease the land shall be sold and estate divided among children in equal parts.
Children of deceased Elizabeth to have her share.
Other children not named.
Exrs: Son George and Samuel BUTZ.
Wits: Michael DRESS and Adam HELWIG.

February 13, 1800 - February 26, 1800.
Son Martin shall have the old place and support his mother (not named) and keep the 4 children at his table and pay £800 for all the land except what belongs to Henrich.
There were daus. not named.
Exrs: Bastian WAGNER and Henrich VALENTINE.
Wits: Jacob ROHRER and Jacob STEIN.

December 31, 1799 - March 5, 1800.
To Anna Maria STEBELTON £5.
To Lisabeth STEBELTON the bed, etc.
Remainder to children of Robert STEBELTON.
Exr: Robert STEBELTON, Jr.
Wits: John Adam CREUTZ and John STEBELTON.

December 18, 1799 - March 10, 1800.
To 3 sons, Valentin, Samuel and Thomas, the plantation I now own with grist and sawmills, also 1000 acres of land over the mountains.
To dau. Elizabeth £300.
Provides for wife Christina.
Sons named above were minors.
Exrs: Brothers Christopher and Michael WAGNER and friend Jacob HIMMELBERGER.
Wits: Johannes SALMAN and Henrich GETTEL.

STAUFFER, ABRAHAM, Colebrookdale.
August 4, 1799 - March 11, 1800.
Provides for wife Susanna.
To son Henry my plantation where I now live containing about 150 acres, except a part devised to son Jacob, at appraised value.
To son Jacob a part of the plantation at appraised value.
Estate divided among all children, viz: John, Samuel, Margaret wife of John KINDIG, Jacob, Elizabeth wife of Jacob MEYER, Maria and Henry.
Exrs: Sons John and Jacob.
Wits: Jacob BAUMAN, Isaac BAUMAN and Peter RICHARDSON.

January 27, 1800 - March 14, 1800.
Provides for wife Susanna.
To sons John 2 tracts of land, one in Earl where I now live containing 120 acres and the other containing 1 acre, for £400. Remainder to be sold and estate divided among all children, viz: John HIETER heir of dau. Catharine deceased, Jacob, George, Daniel, Henry and David, share and share alike. Dau. Susanna, wife of Adam KLINE, to have £5 as her full share. Some of children were minors.
Exrs: Brother-in-law Erhard WISE and friend Fredrich REITENOUER.
Wits: Daniel GULDIN, John WEISS and Jacob KOCH.

August 26, 1798 - March 17, 1800.
Provides for wife Elizabeth.
Eldest son Martin £1 besides what he has already received.
2nd son Bernhard £20, have already paid him £158.
The other 1/2 at decease of wife.
Exrs: Wife Elizabeth and Mathias KALER.
Wits: James O'NEAL and John DELZELL.

February 27, 1800 - March 19, 1800.
Provides for wife Henrietta Sophia.
To son Andrew my dwelling plantation in Rockland and Longswamp, except about 9 acres, containing 192 acres, paying for same £1600.
To sons John Adam and Jacob my tract of 131 acres whereon they now live in Longswamp, paying £200 to son Daniel, tract of about 9 acres whereon he now lives and has his tanyard, also an acre of woodland.
Estate to be divided among all children, viz: Daniel, John, Adam, Andrew, Jacob, Frederich, Abraham, Isaac, Peter, George, John, Margaret wife of Jacob BERNHARD, and Catharine ZIGLER.
Younger children to live with son Andrew until they are fit to put to trades.
Exrs: Sons Andrew and Daniel.
Wits: Henry HOFFMAN and Ch....

ROBESON, CHRISTINA, widow, Robeson Township.
February 5, 1800 - March 20, 1800 - Codicil March 3, 1800.
To granddau. Christina JACOBS my saddle and bridle.
All remainder to daus. Mary GEIGER, Hannah JACOBS, Christina THOMPSON, Elizabeth BROOMFIELD, Elinor THOMPSON and Sarah BROOMFIELD in equal shares. If there are any monies in hands of sons Moses and Samuel due me under their father's will, it is not to be demanded of them.
Exrs: Sons Moses and Samuel.
Testator signed C.
Wits: Samuel UMSTEAD and William LEWIS.

WALN, CHRISTINA, widow, Reading.
February 18, 1799 - March 28, 1800.
Executor to sell all real and personal estate and apply money for use and support of son Jacob WALN with reservation.
In case of his death, to the poor householders of Reading at discretion of executor and oldest acting magistrate of Reading.
Exr: Philip KREMER, Esq.
Wits: John OTTO and Henry BETZ.

SHARP, MARGARET, widow of Thomas, Brecknock.
June 4, 1793 - March 31, 1800.
John MOSSER husband of Elizabeth KLEINGING who are living with me shall have all my personal estate, also my plantation in Brecknock which my husband Thomas SHARP bequeathed to me, containing 100 acres, they paying to Elizabeth, dau. of Christian RICHARD of Virginia £50, it being the same £50 which my husband bequeathed to her.
Exr: John MOSSER.
Wits: Michael SCHLAUCH and John BEAR.

JONES, THOMAS, Heidelberg.
December 31, 1799 - April 2, 1800.
Provides for wife Mary.
To daus. Martha, Susanna, Sarah and Mary £500 each, to be paid by son Samuel, also to said daus. £250 each.
To Samuel my plantation in Heidelberg, containing about 400 acres and all personal estate.
Exr: Son Samuel.
Son-in-law Llewelly- DAVIS, trustee, to see that son Samuel, executor, performs his duties.
Wits: John LUDWIG and Isaac ADAMS.

March 6, 1800 - April 8, 1800.
Son John shall have my plantation and give to my daus. Mariet ? and Elizabeth £125 each when they are 21.
Exrs: Son John and friend Jacob OX.
Wits: Cornelius ARTZ and Lorentz MATZ.

July 1, 1799 - April 8, 1800.
Provides for wife Elizabeth including the place until eldest son is of age. The other children shall remain with mother until they are 14.
The 2 oldest shall divide the place, etc. No child named.
Exr: Egidius MEYER.
Wits: Jacob SHELL and Andrew GRAMMES.

April 22, 1795 - April 19, 1800.
Provides for wife Margaret, including present dwelling house in Reading and all personal estate during life.
At her death to stepson George Michael BROBST my share of the land in Reading which I hold in common with John PRINTZ containing 3 acres 53 perches, also my tract in Alsace containing 24 A. 113 P. and pay to executor £50. Remainder in 5 equal shares, 1 to wife's dau. Anna Maria wife of Martin BROBST, wife's sons Peter and George Michael each 1 share, and remaining 2 parts to nephews John and Frederick, sons of John PRINTZ.
Exrs: George Michael BROBST and John PRINTZ, Sr.
Wits: John SPYKER and Henry HOMAN.

October 19, 1797 - May 12, 1800.
To my father John Michael SCHNEIDER house and lot and out land in Northumberland County. Also tract of land 18 acres in said county and all other estate. Mentions mother Dorothea.
Letters to George HAAK and Michael GEISS.
Wits: Peter FUHRER and Abraham STOUT.

March 5, 1800 - May 12, 1800.
To dau. Magdalena £15 and articles named "because she has kept house for me." My plantation in Heidelberg, containing 90 acres, to be sold and estate divided among children, viz: Maria Elisabeth wife of Casper HIMLING, dau. Catharine wife of Michael SCHWINCK, dau. Barbara widow, dau. Magdalena unmarried, sons Frederick and Philip, in equal shares, the last 2 were minors. To son Fred house and lot in Northumberland County. To son Philip tract of land in said county containing 18 acres.
Exrs: Friends Georg HAAG and Michael GEISS.
Wits: George SHARFF and Abraham STOUT.

October 27, 1799 - May 13, 1800.
Provides for wife Barbara.
To son John £3 in full, his inheritance having been advanced.
To son Peter the plantation bought of Samuel HOTTENSTEIN in Cumru, containing 150 acres, also remainder of another tract of land containing 36 acres and tract of woodland in same Township containing 100 acres, also farm utensils, subject to payments hereafter mentioned. To dau. Maria, wife of John SPOHN, £310.
To dau. Elisabeth, wife of Adam SPOHN, £550 to be paid by son Peter.
Mentions that Mark BIRD, Esq. became insolvent and left this state much in my debt.
Exrs: Sons John and Peter.
Wits: John GARNER, John SPYKER and Abraham MURTZ.

February -7, 1971 - May 15, 1800.
To wife Maria tract of land 36 acres in Rockland whereon I dwell, her heirs and assigns.
To sons Peter and Conrad my plantation in Rockland containing 183 acres, also 30 acres of woodland.
Exr: Friend Paul GROSSCUP, Esq.
Wits: Henry HOFFMAN and John HILBERT.

June 10, 1799 - June 12, 1800.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
The plantation on which he now lives to son Michael, containing 200 acres "as also the man which he got of me and the old wagon" for £450, besides the £200 he is to pay to his mother.
To son John George the piece of land for which I gave him a deed this day, containing 100 acres, for £220.
To son Philip the piece of land for which I gave him a deed this day containing 200 acres for £150.
To sons Jacob, Christopher, John and Jost £200 each.
To daus. Anna Maria, wife of William EIENWERT, Margaret wife of George RENTCHLER and Magdalena wife of Godfrey LEITZEL £100 each.
Remainder to be divided among 10 children.
Exrs: Sons Michael and John George.
Wits: Henry GOTTEL and Conrad WALTER.

LEVAN, ISAAC, Reading.
May 31, 1800 - June 14, 1800.
To son Isaac the 100 acres on banks of Schuylkill in borough of Reading during life and afterwards to his children.
To grandsons Jacob and Isaac HOTTENSTEIN 6 acres of land in Reading, also my tract of 1161/2 acres of land in Alsace known by the name of King Solomon. To my niece Polly FEATHER the house and lot in Reading No. 295. To son Daniel 3 lots in Reading with buildings, etc.
To Elizabeth LEIBRAND house and lot in Reading #312 during life, also 10 bushels of wheat yearly.
Exrs: Friends Peter FEATHER, Jr. and Peter FRAILY.
Letters to FEATHER, the other renouncing.
Caveat filed by Isaac LEVAN.
Wits: William TILL, Jacob BRIGHT and Geo. Shitz.

November 5, 1796 - June 16, 1800.
Wife Anna Maria.
All estate real and personal to wife during life.
Afterward to be sold and divided as follows:
To nephew Jacob, son of brother Peter KRICK £225, to niece Barbara dau. of said brother £25 and remainder to brother Peter.
Exrs: Wife Anna Maria, brother Peter and friend Abraham WITMAN.
Wits: Sebastian MORSHEIMER and Samuel BAYERLE.

September 30, 1799 - June 23, 1800.
To son Henry my plantation and 2 tracts of land 100 acres and 50 acres in Alsace for £1000.
To sons John and George and dau. Eve SENGER house, lot in Reading and 2 acres of meadow in Cumru.
To children Henry, John, George, William and Eve my land in Northumberland County which I hold in common with Jacob GRAUL.
To dau. Catharine 5 shillings.
Estate divided among 5 children first named, dau. Catharine to have interest on £200 during life.
Exrs: Sons Henry and George and friend Peter FILBERT.
Wits: Jacob YOUNG and John SPYKER.

BATZ, ADAM, Greenwich.
June 15, 1800 - July 1, 1800.
Provides for wife Maria Eve.
Grist mill and about 30 acres of land to be sold.
Remainder of land about 154 acres in Greenwich to wife during life to bring up and educate the children.
After her decease to be sold and estate divided among children, viz: John, Eve GERINGER, Catharine, Elizabeth, Barbara, Sarah, Sibilla BATZ and John LINDENMUTH, son of dau. Susanna deceased.
Exrs: Wife Maria Eve and brother-in-law Christopher KREMER.
Wits: John LAUH and George SCHYRE.

Probated July 8, 1800.
Letters to Michael NUSHAAG son, the executor named.
Will dated September 2, 1793.
To son Charles William 1/2 of all my shirts.
To dau. Catharine Dorothea 1 shilling.
To son Michael's dau.Anna Barbara NUSHAAG bed and bedding, etc.
To his 3 daus. Anna Margaret, Magdalena and Anna Barbara my spinning wheel.
To his son John my little Bible.
Mentions bonds due me from son Michael dated May 7, 1768, probably for land sold to him.
Remainder to son Michael.
Exr: Son Michael.
Wits: George EWINGER and Adam BESHAAR.
Translation found at a later date.

May 16, 1800 - July 16, 1800.
Provides for wife Margaret.
After wife's decease plantation to be sold and all estate divided in equal shares among 7 children, viz: Philip John, Jacob, Elizabeth wife of Peter STEFFY, Margaret wife of Christian ZIMMERMAN, Christina wife of Marks CARNER, and Catharine wife of Frederick KUHN.
Mentions that Margaret his dau. has no legal issue.
Exr: Son John.
Wits: Peter LESS and John LUDWIG.

December 10, 1796 - July 28, 1800.
Divide plantation in Bern containing 413 acres 145 perches into 2 parts. To son Philip the northern part.
To son Daniel the southern part.
Provides for wife Catharina.
To son-in-law George HANNY and his wife, my dau. Catharina £250.
To son John £250.
To son Bernard £256.
To son Jonas £256.
Exrs: Sons Daniel and Philip.
Wits: Jacob LANG and Jacob SHERTEL.

June 18, 1800 - July 28, 1800.
To son Christian my plantation and several tracts of land adjoining in Bern where I now dwell for £600 to be paid to the other children, viz: Barbara, Jacob, Anna, Michael, John Peter and Magdalena in equal shares.
Exrs: Son Christian and brother Peter.
Wits: Christian STUTLMAN and Stephen KAUFMAN.

December 19, 1796 - August 2, 1800.
Provides for wife Barbara, including use of real estate during life.
To eldest son Peter £12.
To heirs of deceased dau. who was wife of Jacob FENSTERMACHER £90.
To dau. Catharine wife of Henry FISHER £88.
To dau. Barbara wife of Henry HOWERYHER £100.
To deceased son Jonathan's dau. Catharine £100 at 18 years.
After wife's decease real estate to son-in-law Henry HOWERTHER about 46 acres and a fulling mill and everything belonging thereto for £350, to be paid to heirs, viz: Peter, Philip, son-in-law Jacob FENSTERMACHER, son-in-law Henry FISHER, son-in-law Charles SHAFFER married to dau. Charlotte and dau. of son Jonathan deceased 1 s. 6 d.
Exrs: Henry HOWETHER and Henry FISHER.
Wits: Adam HELWIG and John BERGER.

September 17, 1795 - August 6, 1800.
Directs that a tombstone be put on his grave.
Land on Little Schuylkill and in Albany Township to be sold, adjoining Blue Mountain.
To 5 daus. £20 in advance and afterwards inherit same as sons, of whom Henry mentioned be name.
Exrs: Simon WERTMAN and son Michael.
Wits: Christian BRAUCHER and Frany FREY.

ROHRER, GODFREY, Tulpehocken.
March 22, 1800 - September 11, 1800.
Directs that the bonds due from sons Jacob and Godfrey for the lands sold to them shall be divided among 6 daus., viz: Elizabeth wife of George SNYDER, Catharine wife of Joseph GEASLER, Julianna wife of Jacob KURR, Mary wife of Leonard STUP, Magdalena wife of Peter BASHORE and Hannah wife of Jacob BROWN, in equal shares.
Provides for wife Magdalena.
Remainder to be divided equally among 8 children.
Exrs: Sons Jacob and Godfrey.
Wits: Gottfried GIESSLER and Daniel LUDWIG.

OHLINGER, GEORGE, Ruscombmanor.
November 10, 1798 - September 4, 1800.
To son John the plantation whereon he now lives in Ruscombmanor, except 6 acres. To son Frederick 6 acres of my land whereon a house stands.
To sons Jacob, George and Frederick £15 each.
To daus. Maria Magdalena and Catharine £10 each to be paid by son John. Personal property to remain in wife's hands until her decease.
Exrs: Son John and Jacob HOCH, Sr.
Letters to John, the other renouncing.
Wits: Jacob HOCH and Jacob MILLER.

September 1, 1800 - September 17, 1800.
To wife Molly all estate real and personal.
Exr: Wife Molly.
Wits: Adam KRAUSER and Jacob BRIGHT.

GROSS, JOSEPH, Maxatawny.
July 9, 1800 - October 24, 1800.
Mentions being in his 68th year.
To sons Daniel and Joseph all land in Maxatawny and Longswamp for £1600, of which they shall have £400 each for their portion.
To daus. Sarah, Catharina and Elizabeth, £300 each.
Provides for wife Catharine including 200 acres of land in Northumberland County.
Exrs: Son Joseph and wife Catharine.

BECHTOL, JACOB, Heidelberg.
September 22, 1786 - November 4, 1800.
Provides for wife Barbara.
To dau. Catharina wife of Adam HOUSEHOLDER £200.
Remainder to be equally divided between son Frederick and Catharina, dau. To son Christian 1 English shilling.
Exrs: Wife Barbara and son Frederick.
Letters to Frederick surviving executor.
Wits: Conrad ECKERT and John ECKERT.

HIRST, JOSPEH, Maxatawny.
October 15, 1800 - November 4, 1800.
All estate to be sold and to wife Hannah the interest of 1/3 thereof.
The remaining 2/3 to son James "and those with whom my said wife May now be pregnant", reverting in case of death of said child to my 3 sisters, viz: Polly HABOR, Elizabeth PAINTON and Lydia HOETH.
Exr: Friend M. WILSON.
Wits: Henry HIRST and Paul GROSSCUP.

MAUNTZ, GEORGE, the elder, Heidelberg.
May 10, 1800 - November 15, 1800.
Children: John, Christian, Catharine wife of Frederick SPATZ, Magdalena wife of Adam RIETH, and Anna Maria.
John George not to receive anything as he received his portion when farm was sold to him.
Exr: Son John George MAUNTZ.
Wit: Joseph MAUNTZ and Christian FISCHER.

July 5, 1791 - November 27, 1800.
To eldest son Sylvester £5 and my clock.
To son Daniel 5 shillings, having received of his father £30 which he refuses to be accountable for to me.
To dau. Maria, wife of Jacob MINER, bed, bedding, etc.
To 5 daus. Maria, Catharina, Susanna, Barbara and Elizabeth all wearing apparel.
Remainder to children, viz: Sylvester, Maria MINER, Catharina MINER, Susanna LEINBACH, Barbara SCHWARTZ, Elizabeth SCHWARTZ wife of George.
Exrs: Sons Sylvester and Daniel.
Letters to Sylvester, Daniel renouncing.
Wits: James BOONE, Moses BOONE and Sarah BOONE.

RUSSELL, HANNAH, widow, Reading.
March 2, 1792 - December 10, 1800.
All estate real and personal to nephew William DANDAE, son of Thomas MERCHANT of Reading.
Exr: Thomas DUNDAE.
Wit: Philip ZIEBER.

MARTIN, MARY, Maidencreek.
March 21, 1787 - December 26, 1800.
To kinsman John STARR of Maidencreek £20.
To kinsman James STARR all remaining estate.
Mentions Sarah STARR dau. of said James.
Exrs: John and James STARR.
Wits: Francis PARVIN and Francis PARVIN, Jr.

December 2, 1790 - December 29, 1800.
To dau. Elizabeth wife of Henry FEGER £400.
To son George £550.
Provides for wife Anna Elizabeth.
To son Daniel all remainder of personal estate.
Exr: Son Daniel.
Wits: Philip MILLER and John SPYKER.

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