McKean County GenWeb
Bradford, Pa
Oak Hill Cemetery

Oak Hill

Name Deed Number
Waechter, Charles Bernard 2305
Waechter, Flossie 2305
Waechter, Louis 2305
Waechter, Louise 2305
Waertel, Irene 2529
Wagner, Albert MOVED 2415
Wagner, Alma 3156
Wagner, Anna 11
Wagner, Catherine B. 1750
Wagner, Charles 337
Wagner, Charles MOVED 2416
Wagner, Conrad Crypt 36
Wagner, Doris 1750
Wagner, Francis L. 1750
Wagner, Frank 338
Wagner, Frank C. 1750
Wagner, Fred Crypt 100
Wagner, Hannah 3156
Wagner, Hattie 12 1/2
Wagner, Henry 337
Wagner, Inf. 337
Wagner, Jno. 3156
Wagner, Kate Crypt 37
Wagner, Lois M. 1750
Wagner, Margaret 1750
Wagner, Martha MOVED 2415
Wagner, Martin 337
Wagner, Mary D. 337
Wagner, Mary I. 337
Wagner, Ruth E. MOVED 2415
Wagner, Samuel 11
Wagner, Walter M. 1750
Wagner, William E. 11
Wakefield, Martha Crypt 103
Wakely, Purcella 2436
Waklee, Florence 3258
Walborn, Elsie 3241
Walborn, Joseph E. 3241
Walborn, Loura J. 3241
Waldo, Elizabeth 3231
Waldo, Ella 2140
Waldo, Ethel Barbara 3231
Waldo, George 2140
Walers, Iline 2608
Walker, Arthur 3186
Walker, Bertha 2559
Walker, Charles 2137
Walker, Dr. James 2559
Walker, Ellen Margaret 2936
Walker, Flo 3258
Walker, Fred W. Crypt 12
Walker, George A. Maus
Walker, George A. Madison Maus
Walker, Gertrude 253
Walker, Grace E. 3186
Walker, Harry Crypt 13
Walker, Inf. 2914
Walker, Isaac Crypt 15
Walker, Jane 2559
Walker, Joan 1654
Walker, John Rae 2559
Walker, Lillian R. 2559
Walker, Lizzie 2137
Walker, Lurinda 3197
Walker, Lynan Vet S.P.
Walker, Mae Aylea 2637
Walker, Margaret Crypt 14
Walker, Margaret Ellen 2936
Walker, Marshal 1571
Walker, Mary Crypt 53
Walker, May Aylea 2632
Walker, Nettie 2901
Walker, Paul 3282
Walker, Perry P. 2901
Walker, Sabinue 1571
Walker, Sara H. 2094
Walker, Sylvira 1571
Walker, Thomas Crypt 53
Walker, William C. 2559
Walkup, Harriet 2554
Wallace, Carl 3206
Wallace, Charles 3823
Wallace, Charles 2817
Wallace, Charles 3223
Wallace, Earl 3206
Wallace, Elizabeth Cooper 2255
Wallace, Inf. Ed. 2614
Wallace, Joanne 3243
Wallace, Mary 2932
Wallace, Richard 3229
Wallace, Ruby Jane 3207
Wallace, Sylvia M. 3223
Wallace, William 2932
Waller, Arthur 1448
Waller, Laura 1448
Waller, Willie 213
Walrath, Elizabeth 2539
Walroth, Gilbert 2540
Walsh, Mrs. M.H. 2093
Walter John Jacob 2933
Walter, Eral 2933
Walter, Frank 3196
Walter, John Jacob 2933
Walter, Laura Myrtle 2933
Walter, Martha J. 2757
Walters 3196
Walters, Anna 2882
Walters, Carrie 2256
Walters, Craig 2882
Walters, Earl C. 2933
Walters, Edwin 1153
Walters, Ella M 2406
Walters, Francis A. 3196
Walters, Gilmore George 2882
Walters, Henry Edgett Maus
Walters, Horace C. 2757
Walters, James B. 2931
Walters, Jennie 2256
Walters, Jno. 2993
Walters, Jno. 3112
Walters, Lewis C. 2882
Walters, Mabel 351
Walters, Mary B. 3112
Walters, Maude J. 2406
Walters, Philip 3196
Walters, Ruth 2933
Walters, Susie 2932
Walters, W.W. 2256
Walters, W.W. 2255
Wann, Chester L. 2183
Wann, Elizabeth 3183
Wann, Helen 3183
Wann, Infant 3183
Waqrd, Joseph H. MOVED 2774
Ward, Charles 2341
Ward, Clarence W. 1657
Ward, Effie Moor 2702
Ward, Jessie MOVED 2774
Ward, Jno. 1657
Ward, John 2702
Ward, John E. 2774
Ward, Jos 2774
Ward, Loyal 2341
Ward, Margaret 2020
Ward, Martin MOVED W.D. 2774
Ward, Mrs. Edward 1657
Ward, Mrs. Ella 2577
Ward, Mrs. Jennie 2134
Ward, Robert 2134
Ward, Shirl H. 2418
Ware, Frances 2457
Ware, George 2457
Ware, William F. 2457
Wares, Asher 3210
Wares, Elizabeth 3210
Wares, Elmer 3210
Wares, Hannah 3097
Wares, Ripley 3097
Warmblad, Charles 2051
Warner, Alice Lalene Row 51 GR. #5
Warner, Francis MOVED 3135
Warner, Frank E. 2421
Warner, George H. 2753
Warner, Grace 2753
Warner, Ralph 2703
Warner, William J. 2703
Warren, Clara 1709
Warton, Tom 1655
Washaboaugh, Alice 1582
Washbaugh, Louis 1582
Washburn, William H. 2994
Wassom, Martin 2544
Wassom, Mary P. 2544
Wasson, Dolly 2544
Wasson, Frank 2544
Wasson, William 2544
Waters, Adeline Marie 2719
Waters, William 151
Watkins, Baby 216
Watkins, Edwin 216
Watlers, George Gilmore 2882
Watso, Margaret 2167
Watson, Alex 2065
Watson, Alfred L. 2770
Watson, Ann 2065
Watson, Arabella 2065
Watson, Catherine B. 2557
Watson, Clifford a. 2065
Watson, Elizabeth 3048
Watson, Esther mary 2432
Watson, Gretchen H. 2065
Watson, Herbert 2736
Watson, Hugh 2432
Watson, Inf. 2557
Watson, Isaac 2065
Watson, James 3067
Watson, James 1531
Watson, Jas Baby 1531
Watson, Katherine B. 2557
Watson, Margaret 2167
Watson, Martha 14
Watson, Mary 2065
Watson, Minnie 2554
Watson, Robert D. 2065
Watson, Thomas 2557
Watson, Walter 2557
Watson, William 3048
Watson, William 3287
Watson, Zendera 2557
Watterson, Annie 2845
Watterson, R.S. 2845
Weaver Mrs. 332
Weaver, Catherine 2535
Weaver, Claire R. 2562
Weaver, D.B.Children 1368
Weaver, Dalzell Seth 332
Weaver, David 1638
Weaver, Edith 332
Weaver, Frank J. 2310
Weaver, Fred 2310
Weaver, George B. 2310
Weaver, Helen 2266
Weaver, Jacob 1702 1/2
Weaver, Jos 31
Weaver, Lillian E. 1638
Weaver, Lree Crypt 126
Weaver, Lucy 1664
Weaver, Mary K. 2310
Weaver, Mrs 332
Weaver, Mrs. Lillian E. 1638
Weaver, Robert 2535
Weaver, Samanthia 2310
Weaver, Silas 5 1/2
Weaver, Silas Row 52 -10
Weaver, W.R. 2266
Webb, C. Jno. 1735
Webb, George 1735
Webb, Jno. C. 1733
Webb, Mary Dewey 1735
Weber, Anna 2244
Weber, John Edward VET 2244
Weber, Margaret B. 2244
Weber, S.C. 3131
Weber, Sam 2244
Webster, Arthur 5 1/2
Webster, Donald 5 1/2
Webster, Donna Marie Webster Lot 5/1/2
Webster, Ellen 5 1/2
Webster, Frank M. Webster Lot
Webster, Genevieve 5 1/2
Webster, Meredith Webster Lot
Webster, Philip L. 5 1/2
Webster, Sonna Marie Webster Lot
Wedell Crypt 96
Wedemyer, August 104
Weekley, Marilyn 3258
Weeks, Dorothy 2549
Weeks, Josephine 2549
Weeks, William 2549
Weir, George 3063
Weir, Gordon 3063
Weisenbaler, Anna 1610
Weisenbaler, Children 1610
Weisenbaler, Eva M 3285
Weisenbaler, Florence 1610
Weisenbaler, Fred 1610
Weisenbaler, Irvin 1610
Weisenbaler, Jack 1610
Weisenbaler, Wilford 3285
Weiss, Bertha 2566
Weiss, Carrie 2566
Weiss, Fred 2356
Weiss, Jno. 2566
Weiss, Julius 2566
Weiss, Leopoed 2566
Weiss, Sarah 2356
Weist, Laura 3111
Weitzman, Earl J. 1749
Weitzman, Mabel 1749
Welch, Eugene J. 2643
Welch, Josephine 2968
Welch, Lewis 2968
Welch, Nancy 1503
Welch, Robert Eugene 2643
Weld, Mary D. 2763
Welde, Mary 3439
Weldy, Ada S. 2372
Weldy, Earl 1439
Weldy, Inf. 1439
Weldy, Jno. 1439
Weldy, Mary A. 1439
Weldy, Sarah 1439
Wells, Gertrude L. 2736
Wells, Grace L. 2264
Wells, James 1749
Wells, LeLia C. 1749
Wells, Martin Jack Boy 2265
Wells, Mary 2712
Wells, Nathaniel 2712
Wells, Sarah 2264
Wells, William 2264
Welsh, James 1503
Welsh, Mabel 2643
Welsh, Ralph Leon 1503
Wentworth, Emily 2261
Wentworth, Frank P. 2361
Wesley, J. Baby 2170
Wesmiller, Clarence G. 1732
Wesmiller, Edith 1733
Wesmiller, George Clarence 1732
Wesmiller, Helen 1732
Wesmiller, Jay 1733
West, A.L. VET Sold Plot 1637
West, Baby 1617
West, Charles B. 3171
West, Ellen 852
West, George 2618
West, Henry 2429
West, Jacob 1617
West, Josephine D. 2618
West, Laura 3171
West, Maria H. 2557
Westcott, George 2397
Westerman, George 953 1/2
Westerman, Nellie 1363
Wharton, Clara 1655
Wharton, Jno. 1655
Wharton, Johanna 1655
Wharton, Mary Ann 1665
Wharton, Thomas 1655
Wharton, Winifred 1655
Whatron, Tom H. 1655
Wheaton, Clistia 1
Wheaton, Edwin 1
Wheeler, Alfred 3260
Wheeler, Charles 1660
Wheeler, Ed. B. 2726
Wheeler, Elizabeth 3220
Wheeler, George M UV-22
Wheeler, Harry 1660
Wheeler, Jno. 1499
Wheeler, John 2910
Wheeler, Julia 2860
Wheeler, Julis 2869
Wheeler, Mary 3260
Wheeler, Mary 2910
Wheeler, Mary H. 3260
Wheeler, O.C. Crypt 156
Wheeler, Ralph E. 2620
Wheeler, Sarah 1660
Wheler, Simon F. 2860
Wherle, Irene 2829
Whie, Milo Vet S.P.
Whieford, Helen 3020
Whieman, Ruth 3124
Whitcomb, Jno. 3000
White 2623
White, Amanda 1528
White, Anna 2623
White, Armida 2601
White, Arthur J. 1528
White, Benjamin Sr. 3025
White, Charles 2132
White, Charles E. 2770
White, Cora Mae 1509
White, David 879
White, Dorothy Mae 3285
White, Dr. Grace 3025
White, Edith A. 1451
White, Edmond C. 2364
White, Eleanor 3222
White, Elizabeth 1501
White, Fred 2854
White, Gerturde 2550
White, Harry 1528
White, Helena 317
White, Henry 1588
White, Inf. 1506
White, Infant 2601
White, James 1451
White, James 1528
White, James Baby 1528
White, James Marvin 1641
White, John 3179
White, John 2601
White, Joseph B. 2884
White, Josephine 879
White, Julia A. 1528
White, Margaret A. 2601
White, Martha 2364
White, Mary 2886
White, Mary 2770
White, Melvin 1505
White, Mile Vet SP
White, Nell Pixley 1505
White, Nellie 2132
White, Pearl 2884
White, Rachel 3179
White, Robert 3285
White, Russell 1601
White, Stuart Russell 3179
White, Thomas 1501
White, Tom G. 2601
White, Wilber 2886
White, Infant 2601
Whiteford, Bernice 2716
Whitehead, 343
Whitehead, C.B. 343
Whitehead, Mary 343
Whitehead, Sarah 343
Whitehead, Waldo M. 343
Whiteman, Claude R 3131
Whiteman, Edward 61
Whiteman, Florence 3131
Whiteman, Frank 60
Whiteman, Grace 3131
Whiteman, Inf. 3131
Whiteman, Ira 3205
Whiteman, Katherine 3131
Whiteman, Louis E. 3131
Whiteman, Mable C. 3131
Whiteman, May 3205
Whiteman, Robert 3131
Whiteman, Ruth Agnes 3114
Whitemand, Edward 61
Whitemand, May 3205
Whitemane, Loran N. 3131
Whiteny, Ellen M. 2733
Whitestine, Mary C. 882
Whitford, Caroline 3020
Whitford, Etta Bell 3020
Whitford, Helen H. 3020
Whitford, Lorine 3020
Whitford, Raymond 3020
Whitling, Anna 60
Whitling, Herbert 60
Whitling, Jno. 60
Whitling, Maud 60
Whitling, Roy 60
Whitman, David S. 3131
Whitney, Dana M. 327
Whitney, Eleora 363
Whitney, Ellen M. 2733
Whitney, Floyd C. 363
Whitney, Frank 363
Whitney, Frank 2733
Whitney, Julia 1692
Whitney, Kate 2733
Whitney, Mable 363
Whitney, Walter L. 2733
Wholebern, Charles 2717
Whuler, Mr. Crypt 80
Wick, James 2273
Wick, Joseph C. 2273
Wick, Sina 2273
Wickha, Mrs. Fred S. 1498
Wickham, Cullen 254
Wickham, Earnest 254
Wickham, Fred S. 1498
Wickham, Freddie 254
Wickham, Marvin 254
Wickham, Mary 254
Wickham, Mary 2065
Wickham, Merton 254
Wickham, Mrs. Frank 48
Wickham, Mrs. Fred 1498
Wickham, Shepard 254
Wickham, Smith 254
Wickoff, Margaret E. 3196
Wickwire, Giles 3191
Wickwire, Hannah 3191
Wightman, Elsie C. 1258
Wightman, Fred C. 61
Wightman, Mary 61
Wightman, Napoleon 3096
Wigler, Amelia 3009
Wigler, Edward 3146
Wigler, Emma 3013
Wigler, Harold 3146
Wigler, Joseph 3009
Wigler, Pearl 3146
Wikoff, Margaret 3196
Wilber, Florence 2768
Wilcox, Christina 2083
Wilcox, George E. 3238
Wilcox, George N. 1401
Wilcox, Gilbert 2727
Wilcox, Grace 3238
Wilcox, Lilah 2727
Wilcox, Mary B. 2727
Wilcox, Mildred 2300
Wilcox, Rodney MOVED TO WILLOW DALE 2368
Wile, Charles 2610
Wile, Faral MOVED MOVED 2610
Wile, Susanna 2610
Wiles, Ada 2770
Wiles, Alfred L. 2770
Wiles, William 2770
Wiley, Barbara M. 2431
Wiley, Edward 2868
Wiley, Elizabeth 2431
Wiley, Frank 2341
Wiley, Harry W. 2431
Wiley, Julia Smith 158
Wiley, Lillian B. 2431
Wiley, Ralph 2431
Wiley. Elizabeth 2431
Wilinson, Ernest 2915
Wilkes, C.J. 6
Wilkins, Nathaniel Sold Plot
Wilkinson, Ernest 2915
Wilkir, Lee M. Edgett Maus
Willaims, Mary 209
Willaism, Emma 2363
Willard, Charles 2516
Willard, Frances 2516
Willard, Harold 2516
Willard, Hattie H. 2516
Willard, Margaret Irene 2516
William, George 1411 1/2
William, Lee C. 1653
William, Pearl I. 2630
William, Sam 2093
Williamee, Margaret 2437
Williammee, R.E. 2437
Williams, Abner 1608
Williams, Agnes 366
Williams, Amelia 3147
Williams, Anna 2858
Williams, Anna 2870
Williams, Carla 1653
Williams, Charles 1653
Williams, Clark 1653
Williams, Elizabeth 2093
Williams, Elmer 1411 1/2
Williams, Emma 2363
Williams, Eugene 3197
Williams, Flora 1653
Williams, Frank 2870
Williams, Fred 2093
Williams, George 2093
Williams, H.S. 2363
Williams, Hannah 2017
Williams, Harriet 2303
Williams, Helena 1608
Williams, Inf. 329
Williams, J.W. 366
Williams, James Clay 366
Williams, Kate A. Crypt 49
Williams, Leonard Crypt 50
Williams, Lillian M. 1411 1/2
Williams, Lucy M. 3197
Williams, Mabel G. 366
Williams, Mary 209
Williams, Mary 3083
Williams, Mida 2363
Williams, Robert 3083
Williams, Sam 2870
Williams, Sam 2142
Williamson, David 4
Williamson, F.G. 3075
Williamson, George 34
Williamson, Jas. 1496
Williamson, John 1496
Williamson, John 2388
Williamson, Margaret 4
Williamson, Margaret 3095
Williamson, Margaret C. 3075
Williamson, Mary J. 1496
Williamson, Sam 2388
Williamson, Thomas 3095
Williamson, Thomas G. 3075
Williard, Walter, H. 2516
Willibey, Delrina E. 2718
Willibey, Edwin 2717
Willis, Helen Edgett 2062
Willis, Martin Lee 2062
Willoughby, Norman 2074
Willoughby, Norman Child 2074
Willoughly, Russell 2074
Willrfy, Martin 2718
Willse, Frank Boyd 1705
Wilson 288?
Wilson, 2562
Wilson, Adam Vet SP
Wilson, Amanda 2809
Wilson, Berlie W. 3096
Wilson, Betty Joan 3096
Wilson, Celestia Stella 2353
Wilson, Chester 2420
Wilson, David 2562
Wilson, Ed 1553
Wilson, Ed. G. 2364
Wilson, Edward G. 2331
Wilson, Edwin 2420
Wilson, Eleanor Mary 2353
Wilson, Elizabeth 2564
Wilson, Elizabeth 2353
Wilson, Elizabeth A. 2197
Wilson, Elizabeth Sarah 2459
Wilson, Ella M 2459
Wilson, Ellen MOVED 2809
Wilson, Erbin 3096
Wilson, Ethel 2364
Wilson, Ethel L. 2901
Wilson, Eva A. 3153
Wilson, Eva A. 3208
Wilson, Florence 2369
Wilson, Flory 3096
Wilson, Floyd 2880
Wilson, Floyd 3096
Wilson, Frances 2349
Wilson, Gertrude 1676
Wilson, Harriet 2603
Wilson, Howard 2457
Wilson, Howard 2459
Wilson, Inf. 2880
Wilson, James Marvin 1641
Wilson, Jennie G. Inf. 3208
Wilson, John 2197
Wilson, John 2459
Wilson, John S. 2353
Wilson, John W. 2728
Wilson, JohnW. 17??
Wilson, Joseph 1477
Wilson, Joseph Carson 2353
Wilson, Ken 2364
Wilson, Lydia 1477
Wilson, Maggie 1477
Wilson, Margaret E. 2464
Wilson, Martha 2353
Wilson, Mary 2991
Wilson, Mary 2901
Wilson, Mary 2809
Wilson, Mrs. 1553
Wilson, Mrs. R.G. 1460
Wilson, Myrtle 2867
Wilson, Nellie MOVED 2809
Wilson, Noah 1641
Wilson, Orissa 2880
Wilson, Parker R. 2603
Wilson, R.L. 3208
Wilson, Ray 3228
Wilson, Richard E. 2776
Wilson, S.H. 1641
Wilson, Sarah 2509
Wilson, Sarah 1641
Wilson, Sarah Elizabeth 2459
Wilson, Thmas MOVED 2809
Wilson, Thomas 3208
Wilson, Thomas A. 2901
Wilson, Thomas B. 2353
Wilson, Thomas B. 2350
Wilson, W. 1641
Wilson, W. Babies 2464
Wilson, W. Babies 1641
Wilson, Warden E. 2464
Wilson, Wayne 3153
Wilson, William 256
Wilson, William 2563
Wilson, William Waren 2880
Wilson, Zack 2420
Wilt, Evelyn Howe 3051
Wiltse, Frank 2634
Wiltse, Mary L. 2634
Windsor, Franklin D. 3229
Winger, Baby 1651
Winger, Catherine 1651
Winger, Fred 1651
Winger, Nellie 1651
Winsor, Cassie 3229
Winsor, Catherine 2019
Winsor, Gayle 2019
Winsor, J.A.Baby 2233
Winsor, Mable Iona 2605
Winsor, Margaret 2019
Winsor, Samuel 2019
Winsor, William A. 2019
Winsor, William R. 2019
Winter, Catherine 115
Winter, Ester 1207
Winter, Ogden 115
Winters, Alfred 1207
Winters, Samuel D. 1207
Winthrup, Alex 2227
Winthrup, Alex 2827
Wise, B. 3030
Wise, Sarah 3030
Wislon, Elearnor Mary 2353
Wissinger, Robert 2225
Withrop, Celia 2227
Withrop, Lilah 2227
Withrup, Abram 2227
Wixson, Richard U-T
Wlker, Perry P. 2901
Wohlback, Anna R. ????
Wohlback, Anna R. ???
Wolbaugh, George 2974
Wolcott, Charles 2704
Wolcott, Florence E. 2704
Wolcott, Gard 2703
Wolcott, George 2704
Wolcott, Otis 347
Wolcott, Ruby Grace 2704
Wolf, Carl Inf. 3059
Wolf, Mary 2287
Wolf, Mary 5
Wolfe, Inf. 2287
Wolfe, John R. 2287
Womeck, Inf. 2247
Womer, Issac Neuton 1750
Wood, A.B. 1422
Wood, A.P. 1422
Wood, Ben J. 1631
Wood, Carrie Bell MOVED W.D. 4003
Wood, Eunice 1422
Wood, Frank 1422
Wood, Harry B. 1631
Wood, Julia 2438
Wood, Katy M. 1632
Wood, Levi 2438
Wood, Mary 1632
Woodard, Charles A. 2581
Woodard, Charles G. 2581
Woodard, Charles Inf. 1723
Woodard, Edith 2029
Woodard, Emma L. 2029
Woodard, Frank 2719
Woodard, George 2581
Woodard, George Henry 2029
Woodard, Grace 2753
Woodard, Henry May 2719
Woodard, Ida 2719
Woodard, Inf. 2581
Woodard, Inf. Charles 1735
Woodard, J.A. 1602
Woodard, Luella (Baby) 1602
Woodard, May H. 2719
Woodard, Paul E. 1733
Woodford, Shirley 1410
Woodruff, Charles C. 2477
Woodruff, E. Jno. 2477
Woodruff, John Forrest 2477
Woodruff, Mrs. Ella 2477
Woods, Kelly Marie UV_ Row 10
Woods, Laura 2530
Woodward, Dr. E.G. 2829
Woodward, Elzina L. 2581
Woodward, Francis 2829
Woodward, George 2829
Woodward, John 1602
Woodward, Luella Baby 1602
Woodward, Ruby 2029
Woodward, William Vet S.P.
Woolcott, Mary J. 347
Woolcott, Minnie 347
Wooley, Mary 27
Woolley, Moses 27
Woomack, Gene 2248
Wooser, John 3186
Wooster, Gewndell E. 3185
Wooster, Gewndell E. Child 3185
Wooster, Jno. 2639
Wooster, Leon R. 3185
Wooster, Zella 3185
Wooster, Zella M. 3185
Worden, Jno. 2613
Wormuth, William H. 3126
Worseley, Pardon 1053
Wortham, Gabriel 2761
Worthman, Isobel 2761
Wrieff, Mary Ann 2467
Wright, Alfred 3022
Wright, Allen Claude 2440
Wright, Bertha 2624
Wright, Charles W. 2440
Wright, Delno W. 3228
Wright, Edwin 336
Wright, Eleanor D. 3222
Wright, Emma 2440
Wright, Ida 3228
Wright, Inf 3022
Wright, Jacob 3022
Wright, John 2440
Wright, Kittie 2440
Wright, Lula D. 2897
Wright, Marion B. 336
Wright, Martin 2223
Wright, Maynard 3022
Wright, Richard 2624
Wright, Robert 2440
Wrightman, Estelle 61
Wrightman, Fred C. 61
Wrightman, Mary 61
Wrum, Baby 3044
Wurm, Jack 2850
Wyatt, Mrs. Jessice 1457
Wyckoff, Children 2931
Wymer, Infant Boy 3223
Wyncoop, Byron 2520
Wynkoop, Clara 2520
Wynkoop, Frederick P. 2520
Wynkoop, Harriet 2520
Wynkoop, Lincoln M. 2520
Wythe, George 2345
Wythe, Mary H. 2345


Compiled by Barb Steinhauer of Wright Monumental Works