Adoption Records

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

The following adoption records came from the Berks County Court House. They were submitted by Judy.

List of adoptees whose surname starts with the letter "F."
Adoptee Given Name Adopting Parents Case# Term. Refer To See
Fasig Florence Wm Hand Annie Gerhardt 16 1914-03 surviving parent Gerhard
Faust Edwin Laverne George and Dollie Faust 104 1921-12 c/o Mrs Claude Shanner Gambler
Faust Edwin Laverne George D and Dolly May Faust 104 1921-02 Mrs Claude Shaner
Fegely Clara Victor F and Geneva E Fegely 79 1911-05 X Hill
Fegely Mary Christy William and Mary Irene Fegely 79 1913-11 X Stone
Fehr Elinor Jerry Hess & Mabel Light Barr 107 1921-02 by parents and childrens home Barr
Fessler Minnie C b12-16-1897 Israel and Emma R Fessler 46 1904-02 Harry and Kate Anspach Anspach
Fick Alice Schaffer Harry and Rosie Seifarth 80 1912-01 X Seifarth
Fick John Tomas Harry W and Laura Fick 268 1920-08 by father mother dec Bowman
Fidler Bernice L X 122 1923-01 c/o William H and Susan Fidler Fidler
Fiehly Annie Elda Samuel and Elda Fiehly 68 1895-01 Thomas and Leah Gouger Gouger
Filangieri Antonia Antonia Filangieri 75 1905-04 by mother Rafaniello
Filbert George Anthony Bessie R. and Clarence J Hiester 87 1919-06 mother deceased to be known as George Anthony Hiester
Filbert George Anthony Charles J and Bessie R Heister 87 1919-09 mother dec Heister
Fink male Thomas F Bailey 94 1896-05 c/o Mary Fink now Bailey Bailey
Fink male Thomas F Bailey 94.5 1896-05 c/o Mary Finn Bailey
Fink Nora May William C McCarthy 68 1904-10 c/o Cyrus C Fink---REVOKED in favor of father X
Fink Nora May William C McCarthy 68 1904-10 father Cyrus C Fink objected-decree revoked McCarthy
Fink Nora May X 103 1905-05 X Breen
Finkbone Esther May John Greth 149 1918-08 surviving parent Greth
Finkbone Henry George John Greth 149 1918-08 surviving parent Greth
Finkbone Leroy Jerome John Greth 149 1918-08 surviving parent Greth
Finkbone Mildred Ethel Jacob and Lillie Finkbone 71 1922-03 c/o Minnie Finkbone Finkbone
Finkbone William Howard John Greth 149 1918-08 surviving parent Greth
Firek Stanley Yakub Firek 70 1923-03 by Dir of Poor Mosdyniewicz
Fisher Charles William Adam Fisher etel 136 1919-04 by surviving Maternal Aunt birth name was Mertz  
Fisher Dorothy R Samuel B Hollenbach 64 1912-09 X Fisher
Fisher Edna Verdella John Weidmeyer 120 1902-05 X child 2y1m Weidmeyer
Fisher Edna Verdella John Weidmyer 120 1902-05 X 5y 1m Weidmyer
Fisher Florence Margaret William and Talara Fisher 146 1920-12 by parents Bricker
Fisher Lillian Catharine Adam Fisher etel 135 1919-04 by surviving Maternal Aunt birth name was Mertz  
Fisher Miriam May John and Irene Missmer 15 1908-08 by mother Missmer
Fister Lester Daniel Fister 53 1902-12 s/o Henry Weam Weam
Fleckner Irvin George and Mary A Fleckner 66 1909-10 c/o WIlliam and Catharine Lerch Lerch
Fleischut Floyd Leroy Henry S and Laura C Keefer Ont tsp 107 1913-05 c/o Ida Fleischut surv parent Keefer
Fleishman Elizabeth Jacob R Herb 170 1923-08 by mother Herb
Flickinger Flora Amelia Walter F and Nellie Fornwald 65 1907-12 X l/w petitioners Fornwald
Flood Carrie George Reider-later revoked 84 1903-05 by aunt mother dec Reider
Flowers Miles Calvin Earl E and Carrie Sieger 215 1922-08 c/o Ray and Jennie Flowers Sieger
Focht Beatrice Dorothy Howard A and Gertrude E Focht 69 1924-06 X X
Fohner Mary Charles E and Sarah Goodrich 33 1916-04 c/o Harry Fohmer Goodrich
Ford Russell Charles and Jennie Miller 92 1917-01 illeg c/o Iowa Ford Miller
Foreman Charles Leroy Irvin D and Mary Alberta Foreman 30 1916-06 no names Trievel
Foreman Isaac Oaks Charles and Anna Foreman 58 1905-10 c/o Ch -Matilda Oaks both dec-by next friend Oaks
Forner Ralph Joseph R Maurer 89 1893-06 X Maurer
Fornwald Flora Amelia Walter F and Nellie Fornwald 65 1907-12 X l/w petitioners Flickinger
Forry Gladys Cora Cyrus Davidson and Annie 81 1914-02 c/o Lloyd Forry and Gladys Cora Presumed dead 3y Davidson
Forster Harvey Herman Forster 72 1890-12 McClusky
Foultz Eugina M Bessie C and McCormick Moore 98 1917-02 Childrens Home Society guardian Moore
Fountain Angeline F Charles and Lillian McDonough 77 1916-12 mother and Child Aid Soc McDonough
Fox Mary E B and Lillian M Murphy 153 1913-08 Phila Dept of Health Murphy
Fox Paul John Benjamin J Fox 80 1919-02 surviving parent-resident poor house Impink
Fox Paul Russell John Fox 71 1909-03 X Ely
Frasher Esther A James and Martha Frasher 81 1907-01 c/o David and Anna Hertzog Hertzog
Frazer Beatrice F Zachary T and Sarah A Ray 219 1919-08 only parent Ray
Fredericks Violet John D Missimer 158 1893-12 by mother Missimer
Freed Wilson Llewellyn Jacob A Freed 97 1905-11 X Neiman
Freese Dorothy - 5 y Geo F Freese and Emma 86 1917-03 dir of poor Levan
Freeze Dorothy May Oscar M and Maude Parrish 143 1920-06 by mother child in cust of D.O.P Parish
Fries Virginia Lawrence S and Gertrude Anderson 99 1922-01 c/o Harold C Fries Anderson
Fritch Ray Austino Fritch 103 1920-03 by mother and Dir of Poor Fritz
Fritz Bessie W Catharine Fritz widow 140 1911-08 by parents Homan
Fritz Elizabeth Elmer M and Anna Fritz 66 1919-06 Elizabeth Wertman c/o Caleb and Kate Stauffer Weidner
Fritz Ray Austin W Fritch 103 1920-03 by mother and D.O.P Fritch
Fromme Emma Emma Malinda Richards 81 1896-06 c/o annie Fromme urchin Richards
Fronheiser Edith Mary Esther Clinton M Fronheiser 61 1901-12 by mother Seidel
Frost Emily Louise John Seeley Ward 211 1920-08 not a minor Ward
Frost Martha Merriam Fannie J and Frederick J Hart-Rdg 68 1887-02 Edwin A and Anna C Frost Nantucket Conn. Hart
Fulmer Leah Fulmer John H and Catharine Fulmer 127 1920-09 c/o William I Graul wife Helen R dec Graul

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