Will of Thomas Hawtcliffe of Grimthorpe made 4 Aug 1549.


by David Morley
November 2015


In the name of God Amen The fourthe daie of August.The yeare of our Lorde god,

A thousande five hundreth fortie and nyne; And in the fifte yeare

 of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Edward the Sixte by

the grace of god Kinge of England Frannse and Irelande

defender of the faith And of the churche of England and

also of Ireland the supreme heade. I Thomas Hawtcliffe

of Grimthorpe in the countie of Yorke, hoole of mynde  and as

of good remembrance, praise be to god Do make my testamente

and laste Will in manner and forme following. First I give

and bequeath my soule to Almightie god my onlie saviour and

redeemer, And my bodie to be buried where it shall please god.

Item I give and bequeathe to the mayntenance and upholdinge of

the parishe churche of great Givendaile xl s. And to the vicar

of the same for tythes negligentlie forgotten and witholden,

xiii s iiii d. Item I give to everie householde in great and little

Givendale iii s iiii d. Item I bequeathe to everie householde in

Millington viii d. And to the poorest people of the same towne

ii s. Item I bequeathe to everie householde in Bishopwilton viii d.

And to the poorest people of the same xx s. Item I bequeathe

 to everie household in Yapham and Meltimbie viii d. And to the

poorest people of the same iii s iiii d. Item I bequeathe to the poore

people of Pocklington iii L. Item I bequethe to the pore people

of Kilnewicke ii s. Item I bequethe to the pore people of

Barnbie xx s. Item to the pore people of Allerthorpe and

Waplington x s. To the pore people of Haiton vi s viii d. To the pore

people of Burnbie v s.  to the poore people of Nunburholme

vi s viii d. To the poore people of Warter v s. To the poorest

people in Huggett upon the woulde xx s. To the pore people in

Frydaithorpe iii s iiii d. To the poore people in Fymber xx d.


To everie householde in Raisthorpe xiii d. To the poore people in

Coxtondale xx d. To the poore people of Kirkbie Underdaile

fishinge xiii s iiiid and to the pore people of Bugthorpe v s.

Item I bequethe and give to my sister Beatryce Hansbie vi L

xiii s iiii d. Item I give and bequethe to Annas Longley wife

of Richard Longley fortie pounds of lawfull English money

Item I give and bequethe to Elline Hansbie fiftie pounds

wch I will shall be and remaine in the custodie of Thomas

Dowman unto such tyme the said Elline be married. Item

I give and bequethe to Edward Hansbie fortie pounds of

lawfull English money which I will shalbe and remayne

in the custodie of Richard Longley unto the said Edward come

to the age of xxi yeares. Item I bequethe and give to Robert

Hansbie fortie pounds which I will shalbe and remaine in

the custodie of Anthony Hungate of Catton unto such tyme the

said Robert shall accomplishe and come to the age of xxi

yeares. Item I will that Fr Rowland Backhouse my preiste

shall have occupie and enioye all the tiethe haie of Pocklington

as well in the feildes and medowes there, to him and his assignes

duringe his naturall lyfe without payinge any rent or farme

therefore. Item I give and bequethe to Ralfe Hansbie all

my lease, righte title interest possession and terme of yeares

which I have of and in the tiethe corne of Pocklington

aforesaide, and of and in a Messuage, a Larne cortaine close

garthes lands and medowes in Pocklington aforesaid and all

other comodities and pleasures contayned in the saide lease.

And alsoe the possession of the said tiethe haie of Pock-

lington when it shall happen after the deathe of the said

Fr Rowlande Backhouse to have to him and his assignes

duringe his life naturall. And if yt shall fortune the

said Ralfe to die before the said lease interest and terme


Terme of years be ended, then I will the residewe of the

years, and of the interest and title of the said tiethe corne

and tiethe haie of Pocklington aforesaid shall remaine to

such children or ysshowe of the said Ralfe as he shall name

and appointe in his lyfe to have the same after his deathe

during and to thende of all and so manie years of the

said lease as shalbe then unexpired and unended. And

if it fortune the said Ralfe Hansbie to decease and be

called to the mercie of god before the said lease be ended

and have no children lawfullie begotten Then I will the

residewe and so manye yeares of my saide lease as

shalbe then unexpired and undetermined shall remayne to

Robert Dowman my sister sonne and his assignes , All wch

saide lease and the promises therein contayned by me

granted to the said Ralfe Hansbie. I will that Thomas

Dowman and his assignes shall have thoccupation, the

orderinge and profitts thereof unto such tyme as the said

Ralfe Hansbie shall accomplishe and come to the age of

xxi years, for fyndynge of the said Ralfe without any

accompte makinge. Item I will and bequeath to Isabell

Hungate wife of Anthony Hungate all that my lease of

the parsonage of Catton and all the interest and terme wch

I have in the same parsonage by force of the same Lease

to have to her for the tearme of her naturall life, payinge

therefore yearlie to my Sister Beatrice Hansbye duringe

the lyfe naturall of the said Isabell Hungate vi L xiii s iiii d.

And after the decease of the said Isabell then the sayde

Lease to remayne to the heirs of her bodie lawfullie

begotten. And for lacke of such ysshewe of the bodie


of the said Isabell lawfullie begotten then I will the saide

Lease shall  remayne to the next heire of the sayd Isabell

paying yearlie unto the said Beatrice my sister durynge

her lyfe naturall vi L xiii s iiii d. as is aforesaid. Item I

bequethe to Annas Longley wiffe of Richard Longley all

that my lease, righte title, Interest and terme of years

which I have of and in the parsonage of Ettone for

terme of her lyffe, and after her decease the said Lease and

other the promisses to remaine to the heirs of her bodie

lawfullie begotten, And for defalte of such yshewe then to

remayne to all the brother and sisters of the saide Annas

equallie amongst theme to be divided. Item I give and

bequest to my brother parson all the Intereste and terme

that I have of, and in the tiethe haie of Bubwithe and

Bubwith parishe to have to him and his assignes for terme

of his life without payinge any route or forme therefore..

Item I bequethe and give to the said Robert Dowman all

that my lease interest and terme of years which I

have of and in the psonage or Rectorie of Bubwithe of

and in the tiethe corne, tiethe haie, tiethe wooll and lambe

of Bubwith and Bubwith parishe, or in any other Efitts

or comodities belonginge to the same and alsoe the rexercon

of the said tiethe haie when it shall happen after the death

of my said brother to have to him and his assignes upon

Condition that he shall not assigne, sell, bargaine, or grante

over his interest of the same parsonage or tiethe, or any

parcell thereof to any parson or parsons, for any longer

terme than thre years, other than to his owne naturall

childe, or brother, or els to the childes of John Sothabie or

Richard Raysinge. And if it fortune the saide Robert Dowman to


To decease and be called to the mercie of god without

childes of his bodie lawfullie begotten, then I will all

his said interest of the promisses shall remaine to Thomas

Dowman and his assignes. Item I give and bequethe unto

my sister Margret Raysinge iii L vi s viii d. Item I give

and bequethe Willm Raysinge Margret Raysinge to everie

of theme Ten pounds of lawfull Englishe money. Item

I give and bequethe to Roger Raisinge all that my lease

and the right, title, interest and terme of years that

I have in the pasture called cote nabbe and thre hundreth

sheepe goinge of the same. And alsoe all my lease, intereste

and terme of yeares that I have in the prebende of Litle

Govydaile. And if it shall fortune the said Roger Raysinge

to decease and be called to the mercie of god before the said

Leases interest and terme be fullie ended Then I will the

said lease interest and terme shall remaine to Thomas

Dowman. Item I bequethe and give all the Interest and terme

of years that I have in Cannon Wrey and in two farme-

houlds in Sherburne upon the Would to Thomas Dowman.

Item I bequethe to my cosen Isabell Appleyarde iii L vi s viiid.

And to my cosen Margret Storkdaile iii L vi s viii d. Item I

give to Willm Harte all the interest and terme of years

that I have of and in the farmehould wherein he dwelleth

upon condition that he the same Willm shall not bargaine

sell nor sett over the same to any parson or parsons other

than to Roger Raysinge, Thomas Dowman or Thomas Sothabie.

Item I give and bequethe to John Somer all my lease

interest and terme of years that I have in a farmehold

in Millington in the tenure of John Hudson. Item I give

and bequethe to Richard Clerke xxtie yewes. And Ambrose


Slinger xl tie yewes. Item to John Somer fortie yewes

and to Willm Turner my servant xl tie yewes. Item I

give and bequest to everie other my houshold servants

men, women and children foure yewes. And to Willm Harte

Jane Stainton daughter of John Stainton and to everie

of my shepards two yewes. Item I will that fortie

marks over and besides the somes above named shalbe

given and distributed to the poore people of Townes

nowe adioyninge. Whereof I will that iii L be distributed

in Huggate by the discretion of my Executors. Item I

will that if yt fortune any of the said parsons unto

whom I have comitted the custodie of the said somes

of money given unto the said children of Richarde

Hansbie to departe and be called to the mercie of

Almightie god before the said somes of money be delivered

forthe of their hands to the said children then I will

my Executors shall appoint such parsons to have the

custodie thereof as they shall thinke most mete and

conveniente. Soe that in no wise the saide Richard

Hansbie be any of them that shalbe appointed to

have the custodie of any of the said somes of money

given to his children. And if it shall fortune any of

the said children of Richard Hansbie to dye and be called

to the mercie of Almightie god before they shall accomplish

and be of the age of xxi yeares. Then I will all such

somes of money as I have given to any of them soe

departing to the mercie of god shall remaine to all the

residewe of their brother and sisters then remayninge

and beinge alyve evenlie amongst theme to be divided

Item I will as much as in me is, that all the children of


Of the said Richard Hansbie shalbe and remaine in the custodie

and governance of such parsons as I have comyssed the custodie

into, and of such somes of money and other thinges as I

have given to the said childes, to they accomplishe and come

to the age of xxi yeares. Item I give and bequethe to

Thomas Sothabie of Nunburnholme all my lease interest

and terme of yeares wch I have in a pasture called

Riggs to have to him and his assignes. Item I give and

bequethe to Thomas Sothabie sonne of Robert Sothabie

xl s. Item I bequethe to Anthony Hungate all my lease

right, title, interest, and terme of years which I

have of and in Burton Feildes upon condytion that Thomas

Dowman shall have the greate hill close and the corne

close duringe all my interest payinge therfore yearlie

vi L vi s viii d. Item I give and bequethe to the saide

to the saide Thomas Dowman all that my lease, right, title,

interest and terme of years which I have, maie have, or

of right ought to have of and in the parsonage of Lunde

upon condition that he shall paie to Ellinor Hansbie thirtie

pounds of lawfull money of England. Item I bequethe and give

to Richard Longley and Agnes his wife all my leases, interest

and terme of years which I have of and in the Towneshippe

and feildes of Owstrope to have to them for terme of

their two lives, Remainder thereof, to the heirs of their

two bodies lawfully begotten, and for lack of such yshewe

Then the said leases to remaine to Thomas Dowman and

his assignes. Item I will that Richard Longley and Agnes

his wyffe shall have occupie and enioye all my landes and

tenements in Birdall for terme of xxi yeares nexte after

his deathe if they so longe do lyve, payinge yearlie therfore


To my heirs or assignes the Rents accustomed. Item I

bequethe my lease of Pottell Brompton to Ambrose Slinger

my servante for paines takinge and his assignes duringe

his liffe, and after his deathe to Robert Hansbie my

nevey. Itme I give and bequethe to Roger Raysinge all

my interest and terme of years wch I have in the

Sitties close at Garrowbie if he live so longe, or els yt

to remayne to Anthony Hungate and to Richard Longley

during all my terme. Item I give and bequethe all my

interest and terme of years in the Brodeynge at Garrobie

aforesaide to Richard Longley and to Agnes his wife. Item

I bequeth to Thomas Dowman all my interest and terme

of years in a close called Roldynge at Garrobie afore-

saide yf he live so longe or els yt to remaine to Anthony

Hungate. Item I bequethe to Anthony Hungate all my

interest and terme of years in a close called the Cowe

Lots at Garrobie afforesaide. Item I give and bequethe

all that my lease interest and terme of years which I

have in a farmeholde called Hortholme to Willm Sothabie

and his assignes, upon condition that he shall paie or cause

to be paide seaven score pounds of lawfull English money

for the same farmehould in manner and forme followinge

that is to paie ) To Fr Rowland Backhouse my preist

twentie pounds, wch I give to him in recompense of

service done to me. To John Hansbie sonne of the said

Richard Hansbie, thre score ponds, which I will shalbe

and remayne in the custodie of the saide Thomas Sothabie

of Burnholme, unto the said John shall accomplish and bee of


of the full age of xxi years. And thre score pounds residewe

of the said seaven score pounds to Ralf Hansbie which I

will shalbe and remaine in the Custodie of the said Thomas

Dowman unto such tyme as the said Ralfe shall accom-

plishe and be of the said age of xxi years. Item I will

that Isabell Hungate and the yshewe of her bodie lawfully

begotten shall have occupie and enioye for term of xxi

years my pasture called Sleights payinge therefore yearly

xxvi s viii d to my heirs. Item I give and bequethe to the

saide Thomas Sothabie of Burneholme all that my

lease interest and terme of years which I have in my

farmeholde in Painestroppe. Item I give and bequethe

to the said Thomas Dowman all my lease interest

and terme of years in the Chappell Lande of Bolton.

Item I bequethe to Thomas Gillowe of Kuckbie xxvi s viii d

Item I give and bequethe to Margret Richardson of great

Gevydale iii L vi s viii d. Item I bequethe to Henrie

Geferson or to his wife or children xx s. The resydewe

of my goods not legated nor bequeathed my detts paide

and my funerall expenses and legacies fullie paide and

discharged I give and bequeathe to Thomas Dowman

Roger Raysinge and Thomas Sothabie whom I make

my executors of this my testamente and last will

to bestowe for the welthe of my soule as they shall

think most mete and convenyente And of this my

Testamente and laste will I make ordeyne and constitute

Willm Hungate Esquier and my brother parson my


Supervisors And I give and bequethe to everie of

theme xl s over and besides theire charges to be

susteyned aboute this my testament and last will.

In witness whereof I the said Thomas Hawtclyffe

have putto my seale and subscribed my name with myne

owne hand to this my Testament and Laste will.


Proven January 1553.






Above is the URL for the location of this will. It is part of a legal case which was a Testamentary (Will) dispute between Thomas Hungate and Katherine Constable. Thomas Hungate is the son of Isabella and Anthony Hungate. The case ran from about 1600-1605 so was obviously protracted. Apparently Katherine Constable won the case.


Anthony Hungate died in about 1585, but at the time he was ‘outlawed’ for an unpaid debt. Being ‘outlawed’, he was technically unable to write a will, so at issue was the status of assets passed from Anthony Hungate to his family, including assets received from Thomas Hawtcliff.


The will in full is located on pages 82-87 of the Cause Paper at the above URL.


Summary of Major Beneficiaries.


Name                           Relationship                Legacy

Beatrice Hansbie         Sister                           6L.

                                                                        6L annuity from Isabell

Richard Hansbie         Brother in law             Nothing - excluded.

Isabell Hungate           Niece                           Parsonage at Catton, Sleight’s pasture.

Anthony Hungate       Hub of Isabell             Lease of Burton Fields, Cowe Lots

Agnes Longley            Niece                           40L

                                                                        Parsonage at Etonne.

Richard Longley         Hub of Agnes             Leases in Owsethorpe and Birdsall.

                                                                        Brodeyinge at Garrowby.

Eleanor Hansbie          Niece                           50L, plus 30 L from Thomas Dowman

Edward Hansbie         Nephew                       40L

Robert Hansbie           Nephew                       40L, lease of P. B after death of A.S.

Fr. Rowland Backhouse Priest                       Tithe hay of Pocklington, 20 L from WS.

Ralfe Hansbie             Nephew                       Tithe corne of Pocklington

                                                                        A messuage in Pocklington

                                                                        Tithe hay in P. after death of Fr. R.B.

                                                                        60 L from Wm Sothabie

John Hansbie               Nephew                       60 L from Wm Sothabie

Robert Dowman         My sister’s son            Default of Ralfe H.           

                                                                        Parsonage and tithes of Bubwith.

Thomas Dowman        Brother in law??          Executor: The bulk..

My brother parson       Fellow parson              Supervisor. Tithe hay of Bubwith

Margret Raysinge        Sister                           3L

Margret and Wm Raysinge Her children?      10L each

Roger Raysinge           Brother in law.            Executor -> residue.

                                                                        Pasture with 300 sheep.

                                                                        Prebend of Little Givendale.

                                                                        Sitties’ close at Garrowby.

Isabel Appleyard         Cousin                         3L

Margaret Storkdale     Cousin                         3L

William Harte              Tenant?                       His farm, 2 ewes.

John Somer                 ?                                  Farmhold in Millington, 40 ewes

Richard Clerke            ?                                  40 ewes

Ambrose Slinger         Servant                        Lease of Pottell Brompton, 40 ewes

William Turner            Servant                        40 ewes

Thomas Sothabie of Nunburnholme               Executor -> residue.

Riggs Pasture, farmhold at Painsthorpe

Thomas Sothabie son of Robert S.                 40 s.    

William Sothabie         ?                                  Supervisor

                                                                        Farmhold at Hortholme -> pay 140L.

William Hungate         Father of Anthony      Supervisor.  40s.

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