1775. - Prosperity – Revolutionary War – Town Meeting – Patriotic Resolutions – Settlement on West Branch – Charleston and Judea destroyed by Col. Plunkett – Vote of Congress; of Connecticut Council – of Pennsylvania Assembly – Plunkett's invasion of Wyoming – Stirring Scenes – Interposition of Congress – Civil War – Col. Butler – Formidable Breastwork – Battle – Defeat of Plunkett – Painful Incident – Connecticut prohibits further Emigration – Town Meeting – Rivalry between Kingston and Wilkes-Barre – Amusements – Prices of Grain.



Three years of tranquil enjoyment had increased the number of settlers at Wyoming, while unremitted industry upon a prolific soil, had diffused throughout the valley most of the necessaries, many of the conveniences, and some of the luxuries of life.  Abundant food and clothing were enjoyed in every cottage.  Numerous herds of cattle grazed upon the mountains.  Hill and meadow were spotted with flocks of sheep.  The flats, nearly cleared, yielded thirty and forty fold the seed that was sown.  School-houses were erected in every district.  The Sabbath was kept with Puritan strictness.  Congregated in convenient places, the people listened to sermons from their gospel ministers.  Prayer ascended to the Most High for grace in spiritual matters, and his protection in their secular concerns, while


                                               They chant their artless notes in simple guise;

                                               They tune their hearts, by far the noblest aim;

                                               Perhaps 'Dundee's' wild warbling measures rise,

                                               Or plaintive 'Martyrs,' worthy of the name.  


Such was the picture presented by Wyoming at the commencement of 1775.  At the Spring election, John Jenkins, Esq., (the elder,) was elected member of Assembly, to be holden at Hartford, in May.  The dispute between Great Britain and the colonies, now approaching to an open rupture, had already effected a sensible, and so far, not unfavorable influence in the settlement, as, by occupying the attention of the Proprietary Government with more important affairs, the Connecticut people had been left undisturbed to extend and established their possessions.  The battle at Lexington had taken place April 19th.  On the 17th of June, the battle of Bunker's Hill was fought, so glorious to the American arms.  The effect produced at Wyoming, by those soul-stirring events, will be best expressed by the simple record of a “town meeting legally warned.”


                        At a meeting of ye Proprietors and settlers of ye town of Westmoreland, legally warned     and held in Westmoreland, August 1st, 1775, Mr. John Jenkins was chosen Moderator for ye   work of ye day.  Voted that this town does now vote that they will strictly observe and follow ye rules and regulations of ye Honorable Continental Congress, now sitting at Philadelphia.


                        Resolved by this town, that they are willing to make any accommodations with ye Pennsylvania party that shall conduce to ye best good of ye whole, not infringing on the property of any person, and come in common cause of Liberty in ye defense of America, at that we will amicably give them ye offer of joining in ye proposals as soon as may be.


                        Voted – this meeting is adjourned until Tuesday ye 8th day of this instant, August, at one   of the clock in ye afternoon of this place.



                        This meeting is opened and held by an adjournment August the 8th, 1775.


                        Voted – as this town has but of late been incorporated and invested with the privileges of law, both civil and military, and now in a capacity of acting in conjunction with our neighboring towns within this and the other colonies, in opposing ye late measures adopted by the Parliament to enslave America. - Also this town having taken into consideration the late plan adopted by Parliament of enforcing their several oppressive and unconstitutional acts, of depriving us of our property, and of binding us in all cases without exception, whether we consent or not, is considered by us highly injurious to American or English freedom; therefore to consent to and acquiesce in the late proceedings and advise of the Continental Congress, and           do rejoice that those measures are adopted, and so universally received throughout the   Continent; and in conformity to the eleventh article of the association, we do now appoint a Committee to attentively observe the conduct of all persons within this town, touching the rules and regulations prescribed by the Honorable Continental Congress, AND WILL UNANIMOUSLY JOIN OUR BRETHREN IN AMERICA IN THE COMMON CAUSE OF DEFENDING OUR COUNTRY.


                        Voted – That Mr. John Jenkins, Joseph Sluman, Esq., Nathan Denison, Esq., Mr. Obadiah Gore, Jr., and Lieut. William Buck, be chosen a Committee of Correspondence for the town of Westmoreland, etc.


While all the votes of that meeting breathe a spirit of patriotism, the notice of the reader cannot fail to be attracted to the second Resolve, offering the olive-branch to the Pennsylvania party, and proposing a truce of their private and local quarrels – that all hearts and all hands might be united in the general defense of liberty.  Politic, as it was apparently patriotic and fair, both parties well knew, that time gained was greatly important to consolidate the strength of the settlement.

In no part of the thirteen colonies, neither in Massachusetts nor Connecticut, was there more lively zeal, or more perfect unanimity, in behalf of Independence, than among the settlers under the Connecticut Claim upon the Susquehanna and Delaware purchases.  Among those who had taken the Freeman's Oath, previous to the above resolutions, there proved to be but one solitary tory.  It was charged by the Connecticut people, that the interlopers, the transient persons, sent by the Pennsylvania landholders, to assume the mask of Connecticut settlers, were Tories.  To what extent this charge may have been true, we have now no means of forming an accurate opinion; but justice obliges us to say, in some instances that odious epithet was applied to such intruders, and assigned as a reason for expelling them from the settlement.

In a distribution of lots, two years previous, mention was made of the settlement at Muncy, on the west branch of the Susquehanna.  Two townships had been surveyed including those inviting plains, so early as 1771.  One was named Charleston, the other Judea.  We are not able to designate the actual settlers, but the following is a list of Proprietors of the former, embracing names of some of the most respectable families in Connecticut.

          A List of the Proprietors of the Township of Charleston, in the Susquehanna Purchase,

                                                      on the West Branch, June 1772.


                        David Barber                                     William Buck

                        David Bigelow                                  David Carver

                        John Bigelow, Jr.                                Samuel Carver



                        Nathaniel Clark                                  Israel Kellogg

                        William Clark, Capt.                          John Kellogg

                        John Clemsted                                   Benj. Kibben

                        John Crocker                                      Ebenezer Leech, Capt.

                        Charles Dewey                                  Edward Lester

                        Sam'l Fitch                                         Thos. Loomis, Capt.

                        Charles Foot                                      William Martin

                        Daniel Foot                                        Jonah Porter

                        Joseph Green                                     Jonathan Root

                        Nathaniel Green                                 William Swetland

                        Jonathan Harris' heirs                         Joseph Waters

                        John Hastings                                    Amos Wells

                        Thomas Heath                                               James Wells

                        Daniel Kellogg                                              Eunice White


We also subjoin a List of Proprietors in Judea.


               A List of the Proprietors of the Township of Judea. is as follows: -


                        Elijah Atwood                                               Samuel Jackson

                        Josiah Averit                                      James Kasson

                        Titus Barnes                                       John Leavensworth

                        Josiah Brownson                                Abner Mallory, Capt.

                        Aholiab Buck                                     James Morris

                        William Choate                                  Increase Mosely, Esq.

                        Joseph Easton                                    Thomas Porter

                        James Frisbie                                      Samuel Slater

                        John Gordon                                      Jonathan Smith

                        Obadiah Gore, Capt.                         Deliverance Spalding

                        Peter Guernsey, Lieut.                       Return Strong

                        Asabel Hooker                                   Thomas Walsworth

                        Hezekiah Hooker                               Joseph Waugh

                        Benjamin Hungerford                                   Jesse Weeks

                        Nathan Hurd, Jr., Capt.                     Caleb Wheeler, Ensign


It will be remembered that the General Assembly of Connecticut had not included this settlement in the limits of Westmoreland, the west line of that town extending only fifteen miles beyond the North Branch, not, therefore, reaching within twenty or thirty miles of Muncy.


                        [Editor's note: The following entry is from a Col. Franklin. This is Col. John Franklin, born in Canaan, Litchfield County, Connecticut 15 Sep 1749, died in Athens, Bradford County,    Pennsylvania, 31 Mar 1831. He was a leader in the Connecticut claims movement, served in Sullivan's Campaign and later was imprisoned for his participation in the new-state movement.]



                                                                Colonel John Franklin



                        I will here remark, that, in April 1769 the Susquehanna Company passed a vote to send on, in the whole, 540 settlers, 300 of which to have lands as a gratuity on the West Branch of the Susquehanna river – that several townships were soon after laid out on the West Branch for that purpose.

                        “By a subsequent act (May 1775) the western limits of the town [of Westmoreland] were extended “westward until it meets the line lately settled with the Indians at Fort Stanwix, called       the Stanwix line.” [The West Branch settlements were therefore, included.]

                        “In May, 1775, one John Vincent, then residing on the West Branch, was appointed a       Justice of the Peace for Litchfield county.  The said Vincent, with several others, came to Wyoming in August, and requested a number of people to go on to the West Branch country;       whereupon Maj. William Judd, and Joseph Sluman, Esq., and about 80 others, went on to the   said West Branch in a peaceable manner in the month of September, and on the 20th of that month, immediately on their arrival there, were attacked and fired upon by about 500 Northumberland militia; one man killed, and several wounded – the party all taken prisoners, (etc.)  Messrs. Judd and Sluman sent to Philadelphia Gaol – three remained in Sunbury, and the other dismissed.              



Author's note:  Col. Franklin subsequently states, that Messrs. Judd and Sluman (distinguished men among the Yankees, as will appear in the sequel) were detained several months in prison.


The Council viewed it as having a most dangerous tendency, to break the union of the colonies, and esteemed it a plan, probably concerted by enemies, with that view.  The Governor was desired to address Congress on the subject, and endeavor to have the matter quieted.

On Saturday, the 4th of November, having been apprised of the destruction of Charleston and Judea, Congress came to the following resolution:


                        The Congress, considering that the most perfect union between all the colonies, is essentially necessary for the just rights of North America, and being apprehensive that there is



great danger of hostilities being commenced at, or near Wyoming, between the inhabitants of      the Colony of Pennsylvania and those of Connecticut,

                                   Resolved – That the Assemblies of said colonies be requested to take the most       speedy and effectual steps to prevent such hostilities.

                                   Ordered – That Mr. M'Kean, and Mr. Deane, wait upon the Honourable House of Assembly of Pennsylvania, now sitting, with a copy of the above resolutions.

                                   Ordered – That a copy of the said resolutions be transmitted by express, to the      Magistrates and People of Pennsylvania and Connecticut, on the waters of the Susquehanna.


Unfortunately, the influence of the Continental Congress was not sufficiently powerful to quell the storm.  On the 7th of the month, in reply to the resolutions quoted, an evasive verbal answer was made by the Pennsylvania Assembly, through Mr. Dickenson: “Desiring to know on what evidence the Congress grounded the apprehension therein expressed on hostilities commencing at, or near Wyoming, between the inhabitants of the Colony of Pennsylvania, and those of Connecticut.”

The complete, perhaps easy conquest, and desolation of the Muncy settlement, instead of satisfying, only rendered more eager the Pennsylvania landholders, to strike a decisive blow against Wyoming.  Col. Plunkett had returned, his brow wreathed with victory, and a long line of Yankee prisoners graced his triumphal entry into Sunbury.; while some of his followers, enriched by so much plunder, obtained with scarce a contest, were desirous of trying their fortunes in a new enterprise on a more extended scale, offering to their successful arms an hundred fold more valuable reward.  More elated perhaps, than wisdom would have justified; proud and flattered for what he had already achieved, Col. Plunkett was told by others, and seems not to have doubted himself, that he was the man for whom the honour had been reserved, of rescuing Wyoming (the desired,) from the unprincipled encroachments of the moss trooping Yankees. [Editor's Note:!!]  Had he known of the gallant Ogden, and could he have appreciated half his worth, the Colonel would modestly have judged the task, without undervaluing his own prowess, much more difficult of accomplishment than seems to have been apprehended.  But ample means were promised him, and those promises were fulfilled.  An army, for it may be so termed, of seven hundred men, were placed at his disposal.


                        November 25, 1775 – Gov. Penn's Letter to Wm. Plunkett and his associate Justices of  the Peace, for the county of Northumberland.


                        I have just received a message from the Assembly, founded on a letter addressed to them from the county of Northumberland respecting the Connecticut settlers at Wyoming, etc.,    requesting me to give orders for a due execution of laws of this Province in the counties of Northampton and Northumberland.

                        In consequence thereof I do most cheerily order you, to use your utmost diligence and      activity in putting the laws of this Province in execution throughout the county of        Northumberland; and you may depend on the faith of the House, and my concurrence with them, that every proper and necessary expense that may be incurred on the occasion will be defrayed, etc. 


During the continuance of the first Pennymite and Yankee war, from the commencement of 1769, to the close of 1771, it will be remembered that every expedition against Wyoming was of a civil character.  Sheriff's Jennings and Hacklein being ostensibly the chief officers on duty, merely supported by Capt. Ogden, Capt. Francis, Col. Clayton, Capt. Dick, Captains Morris and Leslie, with their several military companies; the burnished musket, the glittering bayonet, the four pounder – the whole military



array being simply an appurtenant to a peace officer while he should serve a civil process.  The same policy was again assumed.  Col. Plunkett, with his seven hundred armed men, his train of boats, with store of ammunition, the leading and largest one armed with a field-piece ready for action, on board, or to be landed, were the mere accompaniments of William Cook, Esq., the High Sheriff of

Northumberland, whose business at Wyoming was to arrest two or three individuals on civil writs.

A high degree of excitement prevailed on both sides.  Several boats from Wyoming, trading with the settlements below, were seized on passing Fort Augusta, and their cargoes confiscated.  Early in December, his preparations having been completed, Col. Plunkett took up his line of march, the weather then being mild, the river free from ice, a matter extremely unusual at that season of the year.

Justly alarmed at these formidable preparations, the Wyoming people dispatched an agent to state the condition of affairs before Congress, and solicit their friendly interposition.

But while calling on Congress the inhabitants were far too wise to omit placing themselves in the best possible posture of defense.  The military were reviewed.  As there was no public magazine of provisions, every man able to bear arms was directed to hold himself in readiness to march at a moment's warning, his arms in order, with all the ammunition requisite for a week's muster, and provisions for at least three days.

Scouts sent out for the purpose, returned, one every day with information of the advance of the enemy, who were coming up strong, and confident of success.

The cruelty of the contemplated attack was sensibly felt, intended, it was not doubted, like that on the Muncy settlement, to effectuate the entire expulsion of the whole people.  It being in the midst of winter, those least given to despondence, looked to the probable issue with extreme inquietude, for defeat would assuredly devote the Valley to flames, and the inhabitants to famine.  Seven hundred men!  Nearly double the force Westmoreland could bring into the field.  Of those who had taken the Freeman's oath, the whole number amounted to two hundred and eighty-five, and of these several came from the Lackawaxen settlement, forty miles east of Wyoming, a few from Coshutunk, on the Delaware, and many aged men were on the list.  There were probably in the valley twenty or thirty persons, like David Meade, (holding a Connecticut right, yet in heart and hand if need be, being secretly Pennsylvania landholders,) who, if they took no open part, wished success to the enterprise of Plunkett, and at a proper moment would have lent their efficient aid in his behalf.  These of course never took the Freeman's oath.  The young men from fifteen to twenty-one, rallied with spirit on the occasion.

On the 20th December, the invading army was announced as having arrived at the mouth of the Nescopeck Creek, making their way now more slowly as the ice was gathering in the river, and checked the passage of their boats.  Never more did earnest prayers ascend to Heaven for snows of Lapland to impede the march of the army, and ice of the Arctic circle to arrest their voyage.

Again Congress interposed, and on the 20th of December, adopted the following most important proceedings.


                        The Congress taking into consideration, the dispute between the people of Pennsylvania   and Connecticut, on the waters of the Susquehanna, came to the following resolution:

                        Whereas, a dispute subsists between some of the inhabitants of the colony of Connecticut, settled under the claim of the said colony on land near Wyoming, on the Susquehanna river, and in the Delaware county, and the inhabitants settled under the claim of the Proprietors of Pennsylvania, which dispute it is apprehended will, if not suspended during the present troubles in the colonies, be productive of pernicious consequences, which may be very prejudicial to the common interest of the United Colonies, therefore




                        Resolved,  That it is the opinion of this Congress, and it is accordingly recommended, that the contending parties immediately cease all hostilities, and avoid every appearance of force until the dispute can be legally decided.  That all property taken and detained, be    immediately restored to the original owners; that no interruption be given to either party, to the free passing and repassing of persons behaving themselves peaceably, through the disputed   territory, as well land as by water, without molestation of either persons or property; that all persons seized and detained on account of said dispute on either side, be dismissed and   permitted to go to their respective homes, and that things being put in the same situation they were before the late unhappy contest, they continue to behave themselves peaceably on their respective possessions and improvements, until a legal decision can be had on said dispute, or this Congress shall take further order thereon, and nothing herein done, shall be construed in prejudice of the claim of either party.


                        [Author's note: This decisive interposition of Congress, and the acquiescence of  Pennsylvania, it was thought by many, gave to the settlement a legal sanction, though it might  not affect the ultimate question of title.]


But they came too late to arrest the attack of Colonel Plunkett, whose force had arrived on the 23rd , at the southwestern opening of the Valley.  Colonel Zebulon Butler, who commanded the Yankees, by the most strenuous exertions had mustered about three hundred men and boys, but there were not guns enough to arm the whole, and several appeared on the ground with scythes fastened upon handles, projecting straight as possible; a formidable weapon in the hands of an active soldier, if they should be brought to close quarters, but otherwise useless.  These weapons the men sportively called “the end of time.”  On the night of the 23d, he encamped on a flat near the union of Harvey's Creek with the river.  From this point he dispatched Major John Garrett, his second in command, to visit Col. Plunkett with a flag, and desire to know the meaning of his extraordinary movements, and to demand his intentions in approaching Wyoming with so imposing a military array?      The answer given was, that he came peaceably as an attendant on Sheriff Cook, who was authorized to arrest several persons at Wyoming, for violating the laws of Pennsylvania, and he trusted  there would be no opposition to a measure so reasonable and pacific.  Major Garrett reported that the enemy outnumbered the Yankees more than two to one.  “The conflict will be a sharp one, boys,” said he, “I for one am ready to die, if need be, for my country.”  Things wore a different aspect from what they had done formerly.  Men then, were almost the only inhabitants.  Now the Valley abounded with old men, women and children, brought out by the confidence inspired by three years of peace and prosperity.  It was a season of gloomy apprehension.

Col. Butler was humane as he was brave – politic as he was undaunted.  Several positions existed below the Nanticoke falls where the river leaves the Valley, and takes its way for four or five miles between precipitous mountains, where a stand might have been made with almost certain success. It was thought better, however, justifiable as would have been such a course, to wait the attack within the Valley itself.  Orders were also given to this effect – not to take life unless rendered unavoidable in self-defense.  Leaving Ensign Mason Fitch Alden, with eighteen men on the ground where he had bivouacked, Col. Butler retired on the morning of the 23d, and detached Captain Stewart with twenty men across to the east side of the river, above the Nanticoke Falls, with orders to lie in ambush, and prevent any boat's crew from landing on that shore.

On the morning of the 24th, about 11 o'clock, Ensign Alden was apprised of the approach of Plunkett and his army, and, retiring slowly and in order, was followed by their van-guard, who came up with martial music playing.  Keeping at a respectful distance, no shot was fired from either side, and Alden joining Col. Butler, reported the approach of the foe.



Displaying his columns on the flat just abandoned by the Yankees, Col. Plunkett directed a spirited advance in pursuit of Alden, not doubting but the main forces of the Yankees were near, and the hour of battle had come.  In less than thirty minutes the advancing line was arrested by the word, Halt!  and Plunkett, who was in the front, a little on the right, observing Col. Butler's position, was heard to exclaim, “My God! what a breastwork!”

Harvey's creek coming in from the north, cuts the high mountain which here approaches the river, deep to its base.  A precipitous ledge of rocks, from near the summit, runs southerly to the river, presenting to the west by south a lofty natural barrier, for a mile along the ravine; and where the defense was not perfect, Col. Butler had made it so by ramparts of logs, so that it would require a powerful, as well as bold enemy, to dislodge him.  Nothing could have been more perfectly military than the selection of the spot, and the whole preparations of defense.  So it was regarded by his soldiers.  Mr. John Carey says in respect to the conduct of Col. Butler, in all that affair “I loved the  man – he was an honour to the human species.”  Such a declaration speaks the merits of Col. Butler in language more impressive than the most laboured eulogium.  To take life was not the object, but orders were given for a general discharge all along the line of defense by platoons, so as to impress Col. Plunkett with a proper idea of the strength and spirit of its defenders.  No one was hurt, but considerable confusion was seen to prevail in his ranks as Plunkett's men recoiled from the formidable breastwork.  A boat was forthwith dispatched by him, with a number of soldiers, to the opposite shore, it being the intention of the invaders to cross over and enter the settlement by a way apparently less obstructed, for Sheriff Cook to serve his civil process.  The passage of the boat and crew was watched by both parties with intense anxiety.   A few minutes decided its fate.  As it approached the shore, Capt. Stewart opened a fire, which wounded one man, and killed a dog that was on board, probably specially aimed at, when instantly pulling their oars with a will, the men gained the suction of the falls, through which they sped among the breakers with the rapid flight of an arrow, fortunately without further injury.

Thus closed the battle for the day.  Col. Plunkett retired, and encamped on the ground occupied by Col. Butler two nights previously.  Early on the ensuing morning the contest was renewed, Col. Plunkett returning to the attack, and determining to out-flank the Yankees, while at the same moment he should storm the breastwork.  His troops displayed; they approached the line of Yankee defense, covering themselves by trees and loose rocks which lay below, and opened a spirited fire all along the line.  While he thus assailed Col. Butler in front, a detachment of his most determined and alert men was sent up the mountains on the left, by a rapid march, concealed as much as possible, to turn the right flank of the Connecticut people.  But this danger having been foreseen, and guarded against, the flanking party was repelled.  During this contest several lives were lost, and a number on both sides wounded, how many, no record has been kept.  A son of Surveyor-General Lukens fell in the engagement; a fine young man, deeply lamented on all sides; but it was the fortune of war.

A circumstance extremely affecting grew out of this battle.  A great portion of the male population on the upper waters of the Susquehanna, it is known, in after times sawed lumber during the winter, and descended with it in rafts to market in the spring.  The most cordial good understanding had for many years subsisted between the Yankee raftsmen and the inhabitants below; the latter being remarkable for their hospitality and kindness.  A person who was in the battle saw one of Plunkett’s men approach with great intrepidity very near the Yankee line, who, taking shelter behind a rock to load, would step out and fire wherever he could bring his rifle to bear.  Already several men had fallen – the blood was up; - it had become a matter of life or death, and the aims became more close and deadly.  The relator watched the opportunity, and as the head of Plunkett’s brave soldier rose above the rock, he fired, and the man fell.  After the battle was decided, going to the place, the relator found a hat band cut by a bullet; the man and the hat were gone.

Being down the river on a raft, many years afterwards, and staying all night with a fine,



hospitable old gentleman, they talked of Wyoming, and the ancient troubles there.  “I lost a beloved son in the Plunkett Invasion,” said the aged father, as a tear fell.  “See here,” producing a hat perforated by a ball, “The bullet must have cut the band.”  The narrator said he never before experienced the depth of the calamities of war – the scene was most painful.  Of course, he did not avow the deed, but most deeply deplored it, although never doubting he was doing right at the time, and under the circumstances, in defending his home from the invaders.

Finding Col. Butler's position too strong to be carried by storm, Col. Plunkett concluded his rash enterprise by a retreat.  On Christmas day he withdrew his troops, they marching as they had come up, on the west side of the river.  In the meantime, a party of the Yankees followed on the east side, with a view to capture one of the boats, but Mr. Harvey, who was a prisoner on board, calling to them not to fire, for they might injure their friends, they returned, and left the retreating army to pass down without further pursuit.

The expedition of Col. Plunkett was, in every aspect in which it could be viewed, rash, and ill-advised. (Author's Note: See Note at the close of this Letter)  After the resistance made in 1771, and the two previous years, when they were comparatively weak, the expulsion of the Wyoming people could not have been rationally calculated on, without a long and bloody contest.  Just at the opening of the war with Great Britain, to commence a civil war, would seem to have been extremely unwise.  In the depth of winter, when the Susquehanna is usually frozen up, to rely on transporting provisions, and the munitions of war in boats, appears to have been setting every precept of prudence at defiance.  We see no reason to doubt the courage of Col. Plunkett, and his men were unquestionably brave.  But however zealous he and some of his troops may have been, the great body of them were extremely indisposed to adopt the harsh measure proposed against the Connecticut people.  Though zealous for the rights of Pennsylvania, an impression prevailed that the Connecticut people, though in error, honestly believed their title good, and it was thought by most of them, that some peaceable mode of settling the controversy would be preferable to a resort to violence and arms.  Had the Northumberland militia pursued the attack with the zeal of their Commander, they would have given the Yankees, brave and determined as they might have been, infinitely more trouble, and occasioned a much heavier mutual loss of life.  It is probable too, that the Resolution of Congress had reached the camp, and rendered many unwilling to pursue the matter further.  In recording the transaction, we cannot refrain from the expression of pleasure, that the consequences were to either, no further disastrous.

While these affairs were in progress, the colony of Connecticut had resolved to prohibit any addition being made to the settlement at Wyoming, unless under special license from the General Assembly.

Situated as the inhabitants of Westmoreland were, on the very borders of the Indian towns which spotted the upper branches of the Susquehanna, several of their villages at Tioga, Sheshequin, and Queen Esther's Flats, being in fact within the town of Westmoreland, and whose conduct already gave strong indications of hostility, this resolution prohibiting any accessions of strength to the colony, they had sent out to assert and maintain their Charter rights west of New York, must appear to every candid reader, as of a very extraordinary character.  Perhaps it may have been done in concert with, and to quiet the apprehensions of Pennsylvania.  The times demanded union.  Patriotism urged the most powerful persuasives that every proper sacrifice should be made to assuage jealousy, and lead to concert in council and action.  Connecticut had previously forbidden any settlement on the disputed ground, except under her authority.  Two years had not elapsed, and now she positively forbids any further settlement whatever, even under her claim, except upon special license of the Assembly, not likely to be easily obtained.  The keeping at home all her able bodied men, and the wealth they might





possess, to aid her in the war just commenced, it must be confessed, might have been a motive deriving some sanction from prudence and policy, but none from justice and good faith to the Wyoming settlement.


                        In addition to the Resolutions of the Connecticut Assembly, we find the following   proceedings of Congress on the subject, passed Dec. 23, 1775.


                        Whereas, the colony of Connecticut has, by a certain Act of their Assembly, “Resolved,    that no further settlements be made on the lands disputed between them and Pennsylvania, without license from the said Assembly.”


                        Resolved, That it be recommended to the Colony of Connecticut not to introduce any settlers on the said lands, till the further order of this Congress, until the said dispute shall be settled.


A town meeting had been held December 6th, 1775, at which among other officers, Simon Spalding was chosen constable.  The fact we quote in illustration of a previous remark, namely, that there was no office so high, or low, demanding the service of any freeman, which was not promptly accepted by the principal and leading men.  Every station where the public was to be served, was a station of honour.  Simon Spalding soon after held a captain's commission with distinguished honour, in the continental army, and was afterwards a general in the militia.  The emoluments of office were a secondary consideration; to serve the country seemed to be, in those patriotic times, a hallowed duty.

            But the meeting not having finished the business on which it had met, adjourned to Wednesday, the 20th of the month.  Then as the reader is aware, the whole valley was in commotion, preparing for the reception of Plunkett.  But a subsequent entry is made by Ebenezer Pierce, the usual Clerk. 


                        This meeting was adjourned until Wednesday, the 20th of December, at 9 of ye o’clock in the forenoon, at ye house of Mr. Jabez Sill.

                        But there was no meeting by reason of ye Pennymites, etc.


Though trifling in itself, yet as we mean to hold the mirror up to nature, and reflect a true picture of those ancient times, the fact must be stated.  A rivalry for power and precedence had sprung up between Kingston, or the Forty, and Wilkes-Barre.  The widely extended and rich bottom lands on the west side of the river, Abraham's Plains and Shawney, had attracted thither a large portion of the settlers.  Why should they cross the river and pay ferriage to attend meetings in Wilkes-Barre?  Aye, but Wilkes-Barre, with its superb town plot, already seeing itself a county town in perspective, thought nothing could be more reasonable and pleasant than that public business should be transacted on her side.  This jealousy had led to a town vote, and it had been decided by a small majority, that a certain tree in Kingston, “ten rods north of the house of Mr. Timothy Ross, shall be the Public sign-post;” repealing thereby, and repudiating the tree north of Mr. Butler's, in Wilkes-Barre.  Several town meetings were held in Kingston, and the prudence of Clerks would not, or failed to, state where they were holden.  At length a compromise was made, as they had excellent precedent from Home, Hartford and New Haven possessing half-share rights in the honour of having the General Assembly meet in their respective cities.  So, too, the County Courts were held alternately at the rival cities of Norwich and New London.




                        Voted – That for the future the Annual town meetings, and Freeman's meetings shall be    held, half the time on the east side of the river, and the other half on the west side of the river, for one year.


On the 29th of December, only four days after Col. Plunkett had retired, we find the whole settlement together, in “TOWN MEETING.”  It was in importance equal to the Wittenagemote of our Saxon ancestors.  The rigid Puritanism of the times allowing few amusements, the town meeting was a matter both of business and recreation.  When met the most athletic threw the bar, rolled the bullet, wrestled, standing face to face, the right hand on each other's collar, the left hold of each other's elbow, the play with the feet, and the expert trip and twitch, affording a fine opportunity to display activity and skill.  Or the parties took each other round the back, seizing by the waistband, the other hands interlocked, and then came the less neat and scientific, but more arduous struggle, the result depending greatly on strength.  A third mode was for two to stand at a few rods distance, and rushing in, seize each other, and wrestle rough and tumble.  Others again ran foot races, especially the lads, while some of the first in activity would run and jump the string.  William Hibberd, it is told with a sort of bold pride by the old men, would cause a twine to be stretched so high that he could pass under it, just touching his hair – then stepping back a rod or two, he would leap like a deer, so light, so airy, as scarcely to touch the earth, and clear it with ease at a bound.

Several votes were passed in consequence of the Plunkett invasion, too important to be omitted.


                        That Mr. Christopher Avery be chosen Agent for this town, to proceed forthwith to his Hon. The Governor of this Colony, and lay our distressed case before him.


Obadiah Gore, Jr., was also appointed to proceed to Philadelphia,


                        ...and lay before the Honorable Continental Congress, the late invasion made by the tory party of the Pennsylvania people.


                        Voted – That Titus Hinman and Perrin Ross, be appointed to collect the charity of the people for the support of the widow Baker, the widow Franklin, and the widow Ensign.


How many single men were slain, or how many more married men whose circumstances were such that their widows would not need the aid of contributions we are not informed.  It is probable six or eight were killed in all, and three times that number wounded.

It is not strange that money should have been scarce at Wyoming, as no market invited and rewarded the transportation of their surplus products, but grain, it is inferred, must have been plenty, from the prices at which it was valued.  A vote was passed that in payment of taxes, corn should be received at two shillings a bushel, rye at three shillings, and wheat at four shillings, that is thirty-four, fifty, and sixty-seven cents.

So ended the memorable Plunkett invasion, and thus closed the eventful year 1775.




                                                         AUTHOR'S NOTES


                        On a recent visit to Northumberland, (May 1845) Mr. McC____ an intelligent       gentleman, whose memory reaches back to Revolutionary times, related to me several characteristic anecdotes of Dr. Plunkett.  He was an Irishman (the name is distinguished in the history of the Emerald Isle,) whose loyalty to his king, neither the blandishments of ambition, the persuasions of interest, nor the terrors of proscription could shake for a moment.  Up to the day of his death he should never take the oath of allegiance, which conceded the demise of royal authority in America.  Not unfrequently assailed, for he was fearless and free-spoken, he     went armed with the loaded but of a riding whip, prepared to defend or chastise.  A Justice of the Peace before the Revolution, if his decisions were just, his manner of inflicting punishment was frequently odd, if not arbitrary and severe.  It would seem that the old English whipping-   post and stocks, was unknown to Northumberland; but the doctor had a stout worm-fence, and sometimes placed the neck of the prisoner between the rails, making them both pillory and      stocks at the same time.  He died at an advanced age, a bachelor, and was buried at Sunbury.     The father of Mr. McC____ was in the Plunkett invasion, and some years afterwards received    from the treasury (he thinks) $250 for his services on the expedition.


                                                           ADDITIONAL NOTE.


                        From Holt's New York Journal and General Advertiser, January 25, 1776.


                        A letter from Westmoreland, dated the 27th of December, mentions that a body of six or     seven hundred Tories, under one PLUNKET, had assembled in arms, with two cannon, threatening destruction to all that opposed them.  They were met on the 21st by Colonel ____      with about two hundred of his regiment, who, after a short but brisk firing, which killed anumber of them, drove one wing into the mountains, and obliged the main body to retreat.  On the 23d, they, the Tories, attempted to cross the river, and destroy the settlements there; but a    party was prepared to receive them, who, when they came near the shore, fired upon, and killed fifty or sixty of them, when all the rest retired precipitately, and will hardly return this winter.  On the other side, there were but three killed and two wounded.


                        [Remark.  The fifty or sixty stated to have been killed, was probably an error of the           press.  We have never previously seen the number estimated at half that amount.

                        Opprobrious party names were applied to opponents at that day, with as little regard to    fairness, as they had been for ages before, and have been for half a century since.  Though the           designation was applicable to Col. P., yet there is no reason to doubt but nine-tenths of his followers were as zealous Whigs as their Yankee opponents.]



                                                                 A THIRD NOTE.


                        For the following I am indebted to a literary friend.  It is highly curious and will be read with interest.




                        From the Gentleman's Magazine, of September 1750.


                        Several highway robberies have been committed on various persons on Houslow Heath, among others on Lord Eglinton; on the 27th July, James Maclean, who passed for an Irishman of fortune, was apprehended, who afterwards confessed, he with one Plunkett had committed the robberies.

                        In his defense on trial, he stated “That he had been in trade and had unhappily become   acquainted with Plunkett, an apothecary, who be his account of himself, induced me to believehe had traveled abroad, and was possessed of clothes and other things suitable thereto, and       prevailed on me to employ him in attending on my family, and lend him money to the amount of 100 pounds and upwards.  On giving up trade, I pressed Plunkett for payment, and after receiving by degrees several sums, he proposed to pay me part in goods.

                        “These very clothes, with which I am charged, he brought there and made sale of towards paying my debt.”

                        A MSS leaf states as follows: - Plunkett, the companion of Maclean, escaped, emigrated   to America, reformed and became a very respectable character.  He was for many years one of           the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, of Northumberland county, Pa., and died.

                        “By his own acknowledgment he was concerned with Maclean in the attach upon Lord    Eglinton on Houslow Heath.  They engaged in this scheme to rob him, without the intention of committing murder, knowing that Eglinton had left a gambling house with a large sum of money, and was going to his country seat.  They found him armed, and in self protection, Maclean discharged his blunderbuss into the chariot.

                        “No injury was done, and they meeting with unexpected resistance, made off.

                        “Plunkett was recognized in America by a person who had known him in England, and   who kept his secret.

                        “He regretted this action, as one of his youthful crimes, and afterwards became a very     useful member of society.”


                        Extracted from the 21st volume of bound Magazines in the Library of the Athenaeum.



                                                                  A FOURTH NOTE


                        In the foregoing letter, page 168 (page 116 this transcription), will be found a note signed “Franklin.”  The following explanation is deemed proper.


                        Colonel Franklin's Book. - After the annunciation had been publicly made, that my history was ready for the press, a letter was received from my excellent friend, the Hon. John N. Conyngham, then on a circuit, holding courts in the upper part of his district, stating that Col.       Kingsbury had placed in his hands a manuscript of Col. Franklin, in relation to the Wyoming      claim and history.  All the important papers of Col. Franklin had been, it was supposed, accidentally consumed by fire, occasioning universal regret.  To his journal, obtained through Judge Conynghams' politeness from the kindness of Col. Kingsbury, is now added this manuscript volume, leaving nothing (except personal reminiscences and anecdotes illustrative of individual character) that Col. Franklin knew, or could have though worthy of being related, to be wished for. The book is a quarto of 106 pages, in his own hand writing, and signed with the often seen and well remembered autograph of  JOHN FRANKLIN.



                        It would seem that the first sixty pages were a syllabus of the Connecticut claim and settlement, made to be produced before Congress, or a new court (as petitioned for) if it had been raised, under the confederation, to try the private right of soil.  For it begins with King James's Charter to the Plymouth Company, and runs regularly through all the documents, giving brief, but clear explanations or extracts, and to the marginal notes, or index, is added “a copy;” “we have a copy,” “Charter produced. etc.”   Of the settlement of 1763, the massacre     and expulsion, he says, “Proved by the deposition of Wm. Buck, Parshall Terry, and other witnesses may be had.”  Being intended for some important public purpose, it seems full, and     prepared with great care.

                        The forty subsequent pages contain an epitome of the history of Wyoming, down to the     establishment of Luzerne county, the marginal notes and index being continued, (as in our printed laws) but the remark “a copy,” “we have a copy,” or how proved, not continued.  So that we infer it was intended as a memorandum for himself and friends, of the interesting events of the period he treats of.  It has in no respect the form of a history written out for publication.

                        Having examined the venerable relic, with interest and care, the first remark we have to  make is:  An early possession of the manuscript would have saved us a year of patient labour.  For here is gathered in a single sheaf , a vast variety of valuable facts, which we have been gleaning with solicitude and toil from a wide field, indeed, from almost innumerable sources.     Our second remark is – that we are surprised – pleased, yea, proud – that our researches have    been so successful.  At present it is thought that not a single alteration or addition need be made in the text of our book; and that all proper emendations or additions may be introduced in notes, indicating their source by adding the name of – Franklin.