Aunt Maggie Many of my growing up memories are filled with ; thoughts of Aunt Maggie. As a child I did not realize that Aunt Maggie was such a large part of my life. Now I realize , Maggie could easily be the main character in my "once upon a time" story. Maggie was the sister of my grandfather Myles Burke. She was married for a short time to a man named John McMahon. I believe he was from Boston Mass. John was killed in an auto accident in Boston shortly after he and Maggie were married. She never married again.She came back to "the homestead" and remained there until she died. Maggie's bedroom was in the front of the house. It was the largest bedroom. From her bedroom windows Maggie could see both, to the street in front of the house and into the side yard. If you were lucky, Maggie would allow you to come into her bedroom. When you went through the door( both in and out) you had to bless yourself. Maggie had a great 4 poster bed On each of the posts hung Rosary beads. One had belonged to her mother Bridget ( Barrett) Burke, one was her father Michael Burke's, one belonged to her late husband John and the other was hers. She said every one of them every single day. At the foot of her bed was a trunk. It contained quilts that she and her Mother had made. There was an oriental carpet on the floor. The room also contained a sewing machine, a bureau, a wardrobe and a table where she served tea. When I was 7 or 8 years old Maggie invited me into her room. She gave me a beautiful childs china tea set. I immediately wrapped it in many pieces of newspaper, put it in a brown paper bag and hid it in the rafters of the basement so that none of my sisters would break it. Years later when I moved from that house I forgot all about the tea set. What I wouldn't give to have that now. Whenever there was a thunderstorm, Maggie would make the kids( we her nieces) sit on the steps going down to the cellar. She would stand at the top of the steps and sprinkle us with Holy Water so that we would be protected from harm. I think any child who gets "out of hand" would be straightened out in no time if they had an hour with Aunt Maggie. She may not be able to help them but she could scare them into doing as they were told. Some of my favorite things are thunderstorms, tea and antiques. Maggie left her mark on me. Ellen