Before Wash n' wear Had an electric ironing machine - a sit-down at ironer - I could iron a man's cotton dress shirt in 10 minutes (following much practice) - this was before the days of wash 'n wear. That ironer was great for ironing sheets, tablecloths, dresser scarves, etc. It cost me about $350.00, but was a great timesaver as I was a working wife and mother. This was about 40 yrs. ago. We had to sprinkle those shirts with a water sprinkler, roll them up, put inside a plastic bag, then tuck them into our refrigerator until they were "damped" through and ready to iron - usually by the next day. I'm not sure we even had steam irons then. My grandparents had a coal stove in which my grandmother baked bread. They also used that stove for heating the bedrooms above.