This is a list of occupations and a few other terms that you may see when researching that were once common, but are not as common now.


Baxter - Baker
Bleacher - Works in textile or paper mill (bleaching)
Brazier - Works with brass
Brewster - Beer manufacturer
Candler - Makes and/or sells candles
Carter - Person who carries things in a Cart; Worked with cart on farm or in town
Cartwright - Makes/Repairs horse-drawn carts
Chandler - Dealer or trader
Clerk - Clergyman; Cleric
Combmaker - Makes combs for textiles; Makes combs for hair
Cordwainer - Shoemaker
Crowner - Coroner
Cutter - Cuts cloth for a tailor
Draper - Dry goods dealer; Dealer in fabric and sewing materials
Dresser - Surgeon's assistant
Flesher - Butcher
Glazier - Window glassman
Hacker - Hoe maker
Hatter - Person who makes hats
Holster - Tends to horses, often at an Inn
Huckster - Sells small wares
Jagger - Fish peddler
Kempster - Wool comber
Malster - Brewer
Mason - Bricklayer
Millwright - Mechanic
Nailer - Blacksmith who makes nails
Porter - Baggage carrier; Door keeper
Puddler - Works in a puddling or ball furnace where cast iron is turned into wrought iron
Quarrier - Works in stone quarry
Roper - Maker of rope and/or nets
Saddler - Makes/repairs/sells saddles and other horse accessories
Sawyer - Carpenter
Squire - Farm owner; Justice of Peace
Tanner - One who cures animal hide into leather
Wainwright - Wagon maker
Wheelwright - One who repairs wheels (carriage)
Yeoman - Farmer who owns his land

Other Terms

Esq. or Esqr. - Esquire. Written after the name of those considered entitled to the designation (lawyer and other professionals); a mark of respect
Relict - Widow
Spinster - Unmarried woman