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Mifflin County Genealogy Project


Surname Registry - M Surnames


MARCHMAN, Carol Botteicher Yewcic


MASDEN / MARSDEN, 1778-1884, Linda Masden Vixie


MAYBERRY, 1790, Duella Farmer


MAYES, 1844-1894, Ed Campbell


McAULEY, 1810-1914, Susan Elko


McCALIPS, David Eckert


McCLENAHAN, late 1700s, Richard Aurand Sherer, Bea Rutherford


McCLENAHEN, 1800-1890, Jean Milliken Bruce


McCOOL, 1800s, Donna Oakley Davidson


McCORMICK, Lorena Chalkley


McCRORY, 1795 -, Pat Nicholson


McDOWELL, 1700-1850, Christine Braxmaier; 1700-1830, Dennis McDowell


MCGARY, 1700-1850, Joyce Newton


McGRADY, 1706-1850, Kris Erb


McILWAIN, Jean Eames


McKEE, D. R. McKee


McKILLIP / MCCALIP, bef. 1790-1830, Susan Carney


McKINSTRY, Stan Rutherford


McINTIRE / McINTYRE, 1780's to 1825,  M. K. Lund


McMANIGAL, 1700's, Laurie Evans


McMONIGLE, 1930-1995, Scott McMonigle


McNEAR / MACKNEER, 1800s-, Michele M. Allen


McVEY, Jason McVey Polley


MILLER, 1800-1950, Donna Oakley Davidson


MILLER, 1900-, Shirl Oxenrider


MILLIKEN, Bea Rutherford, Jean Milliken Bruce


MIRTELE, Kelley Keiser


MOIST, Stan Rutherford


MOLSON, 1827 - 1900, Jeannette L. Molson


MONTGOMERY, Joyce Ann Junkin


MORRISON, 1790-1805, Nan Briggs


MURRAY, 1856 Milesburg - 1914 Milroy, Barb Hakanen


MUSSER, 1920-present, Marcia Musser


MYERS, 1810-1870, Dave Roberts


MYERS, 1750-1840, Carol Parrish



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BARNES, 1800-1849, William Barnes,


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Josie Baughman, Mifflin PAGenWeb County Coordinator


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