McKean County GenWeb
Souvenir Program, Ludlow Old Home Week, July 4-5-6-7, 1935
Organizations from 1919 to 1935

Ludlow Organizations
from 1919 to 1935

The Verdandi Lodge

The Verdandi Lodge No. 5, District 3, of the Scandivanian Fraternity of America, was organized February 18, 1895. There were forty-one members of which the following are still active: A. B. Anderson, C. J. Carlson, Albin Johnson, Gust L. Olson, C.W. Swanson, and Alfred Johnson. The receipts for the forty years total, $50,772. The sick and death benefits paid amount to $34,696.22. The membership in January 1, 1935 was one hundred forty-two members.

Vasa Orden of Amerika

Logen Halland No. 297, Vasa Orden of Amerika, was organized July 11, 1914. This organization had twenty-four charter members, one-half of whom are still members. During the twenty years of its existence, it has paid $17,372.20 in sick and death benefits. The present membership is seventy-nine.

Odd Fellows

The I.O.O.F. Ludlow Lodge, No. 1046, was organized on July 20, 1892. There were twenty charter members of whom only three are living, namely: C.J. Anderson, Otto A. Carlson, and Gust L. Olson. The receipts for the forty-two years total $55,327.79. Sick and death benefits paid to members total $28,995.70. $7,572.20 had been paid for the relief of widows, the support of orphanages, and the upkeep of the homes of the aged. During the World War, the local lodge contributed $106 for the support of hte soldiers across the waters. The total benevolences amount to $36,773.90. The present membership is one hundred forty.

Ludlow Alumni Association

The Alumni Association of the Ludlow High School was organized in 1930. Seventeen classes have graduated and some 185 students have received diplomas from the local schools. Six Annual Banquets have been held dince 1930, with each one being better attended than the last.

American Legion

The James Uber Post No. 489, American Legion, was organized February 1, 1920, with forty charter members. The present membership is thirty.

American Legion Auxiliary

The James Uber Unit, No. 489, American Legion Auxiliary, was organized May 31, 1928. This organization had twenty-five charter members. The present membership is twenty-nine.

Boy Scouts of America

The Boy Scout movement has played an important part in the lives of the boys in Ludlow. Ludlow is extremely interested and active in the scouting program, in fact, the most active Warren County Council, to which it belongs.

The first troop was organized by J.L. Hinaman, a teacher in the public schools. L. Bernal Connelly became the scoutmaster of Troop 41, succeeding Hinaman, who had organized the troop in 1920. Troop 42 was started prior to 1922 when Warren County became a first class council. Troop 43 came into being in February, 1926. All three troops have been registered continuously since their organization.

A large number of the boys attended the camping sessions at Scout Haven, on Crystal Lake, New York, prior to the building of Camp Olmsted. Camp Olmsted is located on the Allegheny River, adjacent to the Cornplanter Indian Reservation, near the New York State Line.

Scoutdale serves our boys as a local camp and had been in use since 1924. It is located about one mile north of Ludlow, and was donated by George W. Olmsted.

In the years of Scouting's organization here, twelve Eagle Scout badges have been awarded. Since 1925, Boy Scout banquets have been held regularly during Boy Scout Anniversary Week. At these banquets the work of the preceding year is reviewed and plans for the coming year are presented.

Contributed By Chris McClelland
Source: Souvenir Program, Ludlow Old Home Week, July 4-5-6-7, 1935