LDS Reels Page 2 Church records for Luzerne County

Bloomingdale Circuit Methodist Church 1671230
West Pittston Methodist Church 1872-1923 1671296
West Pittston Presbyterian Church 1898-1922 1671284
Davis Dimock record of baptisms and marriages 0908142
Rev.Isaac Shelhammer register of marriages and burials 1832-1872 1312861
Thomas Arnold Huber pastoral records 1876-1903 (Evang&Ref) 1305847
SS. Peter & Paul Slovak Lutheran Church Freeland 1889-1943 1671266


Gravestone inscriptions Salem Luthersn & Reformde Church and Presbyterian
congregation of Hazleton 1825-1881 0383512
Cemetery inscriptions, deaths and marriages Lycoming, Clinton and N. Cenmtreal
PA counties inc. New Columbus and Huntington Twp. 0897339

Town histories

History of Huntington Valley 1421822
Wyoming: Its History, stirring incidents and romantic adventures (1858)
History of Hanover twp 1000563
Pioneer Sugarloaf twp 6088788 (microfiche)
History of Wyoming (1830) 1036841
Historical record of Wyoming Valley from the Wilkes Barre Record 1035696
History of Luzerne,Lackawanna & Wyoming counties 0164695,
1093343, 1000563 (three filmings of the same book by Hollister)
Annals of Luzerne county by Stewart Pearce in 1866 0962655

City Directories

Pittston Greater Pittston inc. W.P, and others 1923-1924 1320622
Greater Wilkes Barre 1910

Marriage records of George W. Glessner 1806-1888 (Wilkes Barre and others)

Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Catholic Church 1671291
  film has bapt. 1889-1917
              marr. 1889-1923
              bu. 1889-1924

St. Stephens (WB) b,m, d, conf. about 1865-1915 1671281

Wilkes Barre City directory
     1902-1904 1841755
     1905-1907 1841756
     1908-1909 1841757
     1910-1913 1841758

History of Wilkes Barre by Oscar Jewell Harvey
       Vol. 1 0896874
       Vol. 3-4 0896975
       Vol. 5-6 0896976

Avoca Langcliffe Presbyterian Church records 1870-1915
       1871-1893 1311110
       1893-1899 1311245
       1899-1915 1671285

Wyoming Presbyterian Church 1671289

Samuel L French, reminders of old Plymouth (1915) 6048976 fiche
Nescopeck Reformed church 1871-1914 1888122
History of Hazleton Presbyterain Church 6087375 fiche
St. James Lutheran Church Nanticoke 18710-1929 1312467
History of Luzerne County with bio. selections (1893) 1036606 or 1000564
Families of the Wyoming Valley, bio,, geneal., and hist. with sketches of the
Bench and Bar (1885-1890) 3 vol. 0824312
Wilkes Barre Church of the Covenant members 0468335
First Presbyterian Church (WB) marriages
1828-1861 1671283
1861-1887 1671283
1887-1917 1671284
1887-1917 bapt, m, d 1803-1834 1671283

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© 1997-2010 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors

 Mary Ann Lubinsky

County Coordinator

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