Obituary of William Gillespie

14 February 1900 - "The Pittston Gazette" - the Avoca news

The death of William Gillespie, one of Avoca's most esteemed residents, occurred yesterday morning after several years' illness of miner's asthama. Deceased, born in Killala, Co. Mayo, April 13, 1839 spent his boyhood days in Pittston and afterward moved to Crystal farm, Pittston Township, where he resided for many years. While the boys worked the farm, he still remained working in the mines, walking to No. 8 shaft, where he contracted the fatal illness. The family came to Avoca. Mr. Gillespie was an aggreeable neighbor. He always exercised excellent judgment in all his undertakings and his wit was as ready as his humor. Besides his wife [the former Bridget Langan], he is survived by the following sons and daughters: Martin, John, Frank, Thomas and William, Mrs Frank Connor (Ellie), Mrs. Martin McGowan (Mary Ann), and Mrs. Thomas Dougherty (Bolinda), and one sister, Mrs. John McGinnis of Pittston. The funeral arrangements are not yet completed.

Obituary of William Gillespie

"The Pittston Gazette", Friday, 16 February 1900 - the Avoca news

William Gillespie, an aged resident, died on Tuesday [13 February 1900 of asthsma]. Besides his wife [the former Bridget Langan], he is survived by five sons and three daughters, as follows: John, Martin, William, Frank and Thomas and Mrs. Ellen Connors, Mrs. Mary Ann McGowan, and Mrs. Bolinda Dougherty.

These records were donated by: A. Scott McGowan

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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
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