The obituaries of MARTIN J. McGOWAN (1866-1927):


>From "The Pittston Gazette", Pa., 12 October 1927:



     Martin J. McGowan, who had been a respected resident of Avoca from his early childhood and who was known to hundreds through his long service as caretaker of No. 3 School, passed away yesterday afternoon [Oct. 11] at his home, 919 South Street, Avoca, Pa., after a week’s

illness of complications.  His death was rather sudden, as he had been in good health up to the time of the fatal attack.

     Mr. McGowan [born November 8, 1866], son of the late Michael and Bridget Jordan McGowan, who had immigrated from Templeboy, Co. Sligo, Ireland to Scotland, came to this country from, Glasgow, Scotland, his birthplace, at the age of seven and the family settled immediately in

this town.  He was employed in the mines before taking his position in the school many years ago.  He was a member of St. Mary’s R.C. Church and of the Holy Name Society of that church.

     He is survived by his wife, formerly Mary Ann Gillespie, and ten sons and daughters:  Leo, Ambrose, Francis, Andrew C., Joseph, Mrs. James Johnson [Agnes], Mrs. Edward Walsh [Loretta], Mabel, Esther and Rose, all of this place, thirteen grandchildren, and two brothers,

Joseph McGowan, of Archbald, and Andrew J. McGowan, foreman at Central Colliery.  He was predeceased by two sons, William and Martin, Jr., a sister, Mrs. Kate Hall, and eight other brothers and sisters who died in childhood in Glasgow, Scotland.

     The funeral will be held Friday, leaving the home at 9 o’clock.  A requiem mass will be sung at 9:30 in St. Mary’s Church and interment will be in St. Mary’s Cemetery



From another local paper (name unknown):


Avoca, 12 October 1927

     Martin J. McGowan, 919 South Street, Avoca, for many years caretaker at No. 3 School, Avoca, died Oct. 11.  He was a brother of Andrew F. McGowan, foreman at Central Colliery.



The obituary of MARY ANN GILLESPIE McGOWAN (MRS. MARTIN J. McGOWAN)  1865-1937:


From "The Scranton Times", Scranton, Pa., 18 July 1937:



                 Sister of Mrs. Thomas Dougherty, Who Passed Away Three Weeks                                                

Ago-Funeral Wednesday Morning.”


     Mrs. Mary Ann Gillespie McGowan, one of the boroughs well known and highly regarded residents, died yesterday morning [July 17, 1937] at 4:30 o’clock at the family home, 919 South Street, Avoca, after several weeks’ illness.  Mrs. McGowan was born [July 18, 1865] in Cork Lane, Pittston Township, daughter of the late William and Bridget Langan Gillespie [natives of Killala and its towns land, Conneal Parish, Co. Mayo, Ireland], but resided most of her life in Avoca.

     She was a member of St. Mary’s Church and the Altar and Rosary Society.  Her husband, Martin J. McGowan, preceded her in death ten years ago.  Her sister, Mrs. Thomas [Bolinda] Dougherty, died three weeks ago. [She was also preceded in death  by two sons, William and

Martin, Jr., two sisters, Mary, who died as a child during the Great Famine in Ireland, and Mrs. Frank Connors (Ellen), and four brothers, Michael, Martin, Francis, and Thomas.]

     She is survived by five daughters, Rose, RN., Esther, Mrs. Agnes Johnson and Mrs. Loretta Walsh, all of this place, and Mrs. Mabel Gannon, Brooklyn, NY.;  five sons, Ambrose, Francis, Andrew, a member of the Avoca High School faculty, and Leo, of this place, and Joseph, New

York City;  two brothers, John Gillespie, of Reading, and William Gillespie, of Avoca, and seventeen grandchildren.

     The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock from the family home.  At 9:30 o’clock, a high mass of requiem will be celebrated in St. Mary’s Church.  Interment will be in the church cemetery.

These Obits were donated by A. Scott McGowan

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