Hazleton Obits

Daily Standard, Hazleton, PA, December 11, 1901, Page 2, Col. 3

Died Alone

Being attacked with heart disease during the night, Mrs. Wagner, wife of Charles Wagner, of Third and Vine Streets, was found dead in bed yesterday morning. Deceased was born in this city being a step-daughter of Gottlieb Filler, former chief of police, now coal and iron police officer for G.B. Markle and Co., at Jeddo. She is survived besides her husband by the following children: Edith, Erma, Edna, Mable, Foster, Arthur, and Harold. She was a lady of kind and amiable disposition, and her death will be mourned by a large circle of friends. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Daily Standard, Hazleton, Pa, Dec 11, 1901, Page 2, Col. 5

Wagner - At Hazleton, Tuesday Dec. 10, Amelia, wife of Charles L. Wagner, aged 39 years 11 months 6 days. Funeral Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with services at the home, 654 North Vine Street. Interment in Vine Street Cemetery, E. Bachman Son's funeral directors.

Daily Standard, Hazleton, PA, December 14, 1901, Page 1, Col. 2

Laid to Rest

The funeral of the late Mrs. C. L. Wagner took place from the family residence at the corner of Vine and Third Streets, yesterday afternoon and was attended by a large number of relatives and friends. Services were conducted by Rev. B.C. Krupp in Salem's Evangelical Church on West Broad Street. Interment followed in the Vine Street Cemetery.

Died April 6, 1936

Charles Lincoln Wagner

Charles Lincoln Wagner, aged 74 years, who made his home with his daughter Mrs. William Key, 72 South Cedar Street, died at 1:20 o'clock this morning at the Pottsville Hospital where he was taken yesterday when he suffered a stroke while visiting friends in Cressona. He was born at Cressona November 21, 1861 but resided here for many years. He was formerly employed as a machinist by the A. E. Dick Construction Co. He was a member of Lafayette Council No. 59, Order of Independent Americans. His wife died 35 years ago. He is survived by the following children: Mrs. William Topley of Muskegon, Mich., Mrs. William Key and Harold Wagner of this city. Four brothers, all of Hazleton also survive; Edward Wagner, Chester Wagner, Harry Wagner and John Wagner. Eleven grand children and sever great grandchildren also survive.

The funeral will be private and will be held Thursday at 2:30 p.m. with services at the Key residence in charge of Rev. Dr. F. T. Esterly, pastor of Christ Lutheran church. Interment will be in the Vine Street Cemetery. Friends may call Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.

Daily Standard, Hazleton, PA, June 7, 1908, Page 2

Solomon Nungesser, one of the oldest and best known men in this section of the county, died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Nelson Cauley, a short distance from St. Johns, Saturday morning. Had he lived until August 18, he would have obtained the age of 87 years. He had been a resident of Butler Twp. For the past 20 years and during that time was active and healthy until last fall when his eyesight began to fail and his decline became noticable.

The deceased was born in Germany but came to this country when a young man, beginning his active occupation on the old Hazleton Railroad and became one of the first engineers on that track. After running a locomotive for some years the war broke out and he enlisted in the 8th Cavalry Regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers serving his enlistment, when he returned to this town and was again given his position as engineer on the Lehigh Valley Railroad which position he followed for many years, until his age prevented further service in that direction. His funeral will take place on Tuesday with interment in the cemetery at that place.

Daily Standard, Hazleton, PA, May 2, 1896, Page 1, Col. 2

Death of Mrs. Nungesser

Elisabeth, wife of Solomon Nungesser, a former resident of this city, but now of St. Johns, died at an early hour yesterday morning. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in St. Johns Cemetery.

This List was donated by Jean Corazza.

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