Obit of Bridget Gillespie

From "The Pittston Gazette", Pa., 27 April 1914: "Aged Resident Dead"

After three months of general disability, Mrs. William Gillespie [the former Bridget Langan, daughter of the late Martin and Bridget Weir Langan] succumbed this morning at 1 A.M. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Connors, of South Main Street, Avoca, Pa. Born in Ireland, deceased had been a resident of this town for over 40 years and had a wide circle of friends.

She is survived by her six children as follows: Mrs. Thomas Dougherty [Bolinda], Mrs. Mary Ann McGowan [Mrs. Martin McGowan], Mrs. Frank Connors [Ellen], William, and Thomas Gillespie, all of this place, John Gillespie, of England, and over 30 grandchildren. She was predeceased in death by her husband, William Gillespie, a native of Killala, Co. Mayo, Ireland, who died in 1900, and by her daughter, Mary, and sons Michael, Martin, and Francis who died in January of this year.

The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Connors. Interment will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, Avoca.

From "The Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, Pa., 27 April 1914
"Avoca Death"

The death of Mrs. William Gillespie [the former Bridget Langan, daughter of the late Martin and Bridget Weir Langan, natives of Ireland and immigrants to the U. S.] occurred this Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Connors, 635 Main Street, Avoca, Pennsylvania, following an illness which originated from a fall which injured her hip several months ago. The deceased, born in Ireland, was widely known and a large circle of friends will be grieved to learn of her death.

The following children survive: William, John, Thomas, Mrs. Frank Connors, Mrs. Martin McGowan and Mrs. Thomas Dougherty. The funeral will take place on Wednesday morning with a mass of requiem in St. Mary's R. C. Church, Avoca, at 9:30 o'clock.

Death Certificate of Bridget Langan Gillespie: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, File #35108, Registration District # 635-7, Registered # 19;

Place of death: County of Luzerne, Borough of Avoca.

Personal and Statistical Particulars: "White Female, Widowed,

Occupation: Housewife,

Birthplace: Ireland,

Father: Martin Langan,

Mother: Bridget Weir;

Medical Certificate of Death:

Date of Death: April 27, 1914;

J. J. Dougherty, M.D. certified that he attended Bridget Langan Gillespie from April 15 to April 24, 1914, and that death occurred on April 27 at 1:05 A.M. and that the cause of death was pneumonia with the contributory (secondary) reason due to a fracture of the hip from a fall.

Undertaker: Austin F. O'Malley.

These records were donated by: A. Scott McGowan

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