One of the most beloved women in the northern section of the city, Mrs. Anna M. Welteroth, aged 80, wife of Peter Welteroth, well known Civil War veteran, died at 5 o'clock last evenning at the family home, 85 Wyoming street, following illness of complications.

Mrs. Welteroth was born in England and came to this country when a young girl. She was a resident of this city for the past fifty-seven years and through her beautiful christian character, charm of personality and kindly spirit of helpfulness endeared herself to a host of friends throughout the community. Had she lived until Friday, the aged couple would have celebrated their fifty-ninth wedding anniversary.

She was a devout member of Calvary Episcopal Church and for many years was actively affilated with the Woman's Relief Corps, No. 37, auxlilary of Conyngham Post, No 97, G. A. R. Besides her husband, she is survived by three daughters: Mrs. Fred Vollratn, Johnson City, N. Y.; Mrs. Minnie Johnson, at home, and Mrs. Robert W. Jones of Detroit, Mich.

The funeral will be held from home at 1:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon and friends who wish to view the remains may do so until that hour. Services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock in Calvary Episcopal Church. Interment will be in Hollenback Cemetery.

The members of the Woman's Relief Corps will conduct services at the home at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening.

This article was given to me by my grandmother Dorothy Truswell and has been placed here without persmission. There is no author on the article so I have no way of giving credit to anyone for writing it.

Thank you
Tim Morehouse Jr.
These records were donated by people researching in Luzerne County

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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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