World War II scrapbook newspaper clippings - typed by Marge German as they appeared.

Ahlbrandt      Breckenridge     Cope        Daluski          Donnell        
Franklin       Gardner          Gaulding    Gearhart         Gensel 
Gregory        Hartman          Hoover      Kittle           Latona 
LeValley       Martin           Michael     Racusin          Rood 
Scott          Sharpe           Stevens     Thomas           Viti 
Vosler         Wilczynski       Worth       Zofcin



Eye-Witness A-Bomb Story (1947)

Broadway Sailor Sees History Made At Bikini Atoll--Was On Ship Near Explosion

(Evan Rood is the son of Mrs. Evana Rood, of Broadway. He enlisted for 3 years in December and took his boot training at Great Lakes, Ill. He is stationed on the USS Panamint, ACG 13, in the supply office.)

Dear Mom and All,

The bomb went off this morning right on time, I imagine you heard everything over the air, probably a much better description than I could ever give you but I will try to tell you what I saw. It was terrific, I have never seen or dreamed so much power could be concentrated in one little bomb, little yes, in comparison to the damage it can cause. Everyone was slightly disappointed in the first bomb, but this was more than my expectation. I was so astonished at the sight I was beholding that I stayed perfectly still, I could not even take a breath for a moment. I was looking directly at the center of the target ships. I heard the voice calling over the public address system: A minus one minute, A minus thirty seconds, and then a loud voice, A minus five seconds. There was a deadly silence, no one spoke a word, just a couple seconds before the A minus five seconds a couple of the fellows close to me tried to say something funny but as soon as the A minus five seconds was announced everyone grew silent and all eyes were turned toward the ships.

We were on the port side of the ship, broadside to the explosion, and then all at once a terrific large mushroom cloud (almost the same shape as last time) stood skyward, this was followed by the Atomic flame which could only be seen for a second. The water rushed high into the air while more of the cloud at the base hung low to the water, while the water that had been blown skyward to where it met the first big mushroom cloud gave the appearance of an ice cream cone for just a few seconds, without any taper to the cone.

Through glasses at the left hand side of the Atomic cloud, we could see a large object falling with black smoke traveling from it, we were only able to get a glimpse of this. At the very top on the right hand side there was another large object seen. Some of the observers thought this to be part of a destroyer. Many objects were in the air but could not be seen without field glasses. These objects were hidden from view by the cloud itself.

We were broadside to the blast and as we all stood there watching history being made, we could feel the ship tremble which was shortly followed by a heat wave. I was so interested in the sight I was beholding that when the sound of the explosion reached us it was a total surprised and startled me for just a moment. It took quite a while for the sound to reach us.

As I recovered from this surprise and once again looked toward the target ships I could see the waves rolling toward us. They were broken up by the island. Several ‘washed’ over the island and the large coral reef to the left of it. It wasn’t long before the water became choppy, while a few minutes before it had been calm. As I noticed these things and thought of the water, clouds and flame shooting skyward, it made me realize what Atomic power really means.

The sight I saw this morning as I stood facing these ships will live in my memory forever. It was like an imaginary picture being created before my eyes very rapidly, without an artist. I’m sure that every man who beheld this sight this 25th day of July will never forget what he saw at Bikini.

Well, Mom, I guess what I tried to explain and what you will see on the screen will give you a good idea of the Atomic Bomb.

I wouldn’t have missed this test for all the things in the world. Our ship was the closest one to the test outside of the McKinley which was only about 200 yards from us.

An ocean full of love,



Sgt. Franklin Visiting Parents

(Date illegible)

Charleston, S. C., Port of Embarkation, July 9--T/Sgt. James T. Franklin, Jr., 23, of Shickshinny, Pa., R.D.2, aerial engineer of a heavy bomber crew with the 15th Army Air Force in Italy, arrived here today by transport plane enroute home for 30 days.

Brigadier General James T. Duke, Commander of this Transportation Corps port, stated he will be on his way by train to a reception center near his home within 24 hours. He will be issued his leave papers there.

While here, he and other Air Forces men who arrived today were processed and then given a luncheon feast. Telephone and telegraph facilities were available for first calls home. After their 30 days home, almost all members of the group will be leaving for overseas again--this time to the Pacific.

Sgt. Franklin was inducted into the Army in July, 1942, and went overseas to a base in Italy in November, 1943. He has been awarded the following decorations: Air Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters, the Presidential Unit Citation and the Good Conduct ribbon.

His parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin, live at Harveyville, Pa.

In The SERVICE – August 11, 1944

Cpl. Hilda Gardner left on Friday to return to Texarkana, Texas, after spending a furlough with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gardner of West Union Street.

3rd Class Petty Officer John Thomas completed his training as a radio operator at Bedford Springs, last week and is spending a few days on delayed orders before reporting to the Texas A&M College to take advanced radio material. He is with his wife and family on West Union street and his parents in Danville.

Two Shickshinny boys are members of the U. S. Hospital personnel in England. They are: Pvt. Robert Daluski, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Daluski, of Glen avenue, and Pvt. Robert Zofcin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Zofcin, of Rockview avenue. The Echo is in receipt of a complete list of the hospital personnel from European Army headquarters.

Pvt. Bernard Racusin returned to Camp Lee, Va., Monday night after a week end furlough at his home here and with his wife and son in Wilkes-Barre. Bernard is looking swell and wishes to be remembered to all his friends.

Pvt. Charles E. Donnell is stationed at Camp Wolters, Tex., is address is Pvt. Charles E. Donnell, 33884967, Co. A, 57th Inf. Trg. Bn. Camp Wolters, Tex.

Pfc. Claud Rood, 33605577, of the 625th Clearing Co., Camp Breckinridge, Ky., has been enjoying a furlough visiting friends around Broadway. He also went to Pottstown to see his children. He expects to be shipped overseas in the near future.

Pfc. Rolland Viti, of Miami, Fla., has been spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Viti. Rolland is a member of the 518th Army Band.

Edward B. Volser, Jr., S-2/c, who was formerly at Bremerton, Wash., Navy yard, address is now Exec. Office, U.S.S. Munda (CVE 104) via Fleet Post office, San Francisco, Calif.

Mrs. Isla Wilczynski of Vine street, has received work that her husband, Pvt. Frank Wilczynski of the 406th Combat Engineer, has arrived somewhere in France.

Richard B. Gensel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brit Gensel, of 35 Baer St., enlisted in the Navy and is now training at Bainbridge, Maryland.

William Ahlbrandt, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ahlbrandt, of Town Line, is recuperating after a knee operation in a hospital in England.

A/S Hilbert G. Cope returned to Bainbridge, Md., after spending a nine-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cope.

T/S Richard L. Michael A.S.N 33059283, Co. A, MISC, APO 7741, % P M, New York, N.Y., transferred from England now serving in France. He is a grandson of C. W. Dohl, Sweet Valley, RD 1. He has two brothers in the Orlando, service. T/5 James D. Michael in Orlando, Fla., and T/5 Charles O. Michael in the Pacific somewhere.


August 11, 1944

Mrs. Bernadine Hoover, Hunlock Creek, R. D. has received word that her husband, F/O Donald A. Hoover of Hunlock Creek, has arrived in Italy.

He was commissioned a Flight Officer at Blackland Field, Texas, March, 1944. On June 28, he finished a three months period of training as a Co-pilot in a B-26, at Barksdale Field, La., and left for overseas duty.

F/O Hoover also has a brother, Cpl. Sherman D. Hoover stationed with the Infantry at Camp Shelby, Miss.


August 21, 1944

Nine months overseas, is serving as a member of the U. S. Army Engineers, is in the Southwest Pacific. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Martin RD1 Shickshinny.


August 21, 1944

Corporal Robert M. Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevens of Broadway enlisted in the Army Air Corps in Oct. 1942. He received special training in Airplane Mechanics at Glendale, Cal., and is now stationed in England.

Birthday Overseas


August 25, 1944

Cpl. John H. Zofcin, son of … and Mrs. John Zofcin of R… View avenue, celebrated his overseas. His address is Cpl. john J. Zofcin, 33351399, Batt…C. 405th AAA Gun Bn. Apo … c/o PM New York City.

Ens. Carol Sharp Is Navy Nurse (photo)

August 18, 1944

Ensign Carol R. Sharpe, R. N., USNR of Muhlenburg, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac C. Benscoter, will leave for Portsmouth, Va. on Monday, August 21 to report for duty in the Navy Nurse Corps. Ensign Sharp is a graduate of Shickshinny High School, class of ’38. She entered training at the Wilkes-Barre General hospital in September, 1940 and was graduated in May, 1943. She enlisted in the Navy Nurse Corps in February and was accepted in April, with a commission. After leaving Portsmouth, she will be stationed in a hospital at Bainbridge, Md., for six months.

August 18, 1944

Cpl. Charles Michael, of Shickshinny R. D., was wounded in action on Saipan Island on July 18, a telegram to his sister, Mrs. Margaret Hontz, of Shickshinny, revealed. The 28 years old soldier has been overseas with a Marine Corps unit for nine months. He entered the service from West Virginia, where he was employed in a war plant until two years ago. Prior to that time he made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fritz at Benton, R. D. His parents are both dead, and the children of the family were raised in other homes. He has two brothers in the service. Cpl. James Michael, in France, and Cpl. James Michael in Orlando, Fla.


June 22, 1945

Cpl. T/5 Marvin LeValley, is now at a resting camp at the foot of the snow-capped Alps, in Germany. He says he is in good health and this being his first rest period since the start of the European campaign. He has been through it, being with Gen. Geo. S. Patton’s famous 3rd army as a teletype operator. He is the recipient of 5 bronze stars and one silver star; also a presidential citation, a good conduct medal, a first-class machine gunner and an expert rifleman.

He entered the service on March 17, 1943. He arrived overseas March 11, 1944. He is the son of Charles and Ruth LeValley, of Shickshinny RD 2. He is a graduate of Huntington Mills High School, class of 1942. His many friends say good luck and hope for his return home soon.



June 29, 1945

Kenneth Gearhart, who is serving in the Pacific area, was recently advanced from Sgt. to Staff Sergeant. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gearhart of Muhlenburg, and the husband of Betty Brown Gearhart.

August 24, 1945

T/Sgt. James Franklin, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin, RD2, has reported to Baer Field, Troop Carrier command base, for reassignment.

He went overseas in Nov. 1943, and was stationed in England and France with the 435 T.C.G. 78 T.C.S. where his duty was that of an Aerial Engineer. He returned to the United States on July 5.

He has been awarded the Air Medal and 4 clusters, Presidential Citation, ETO Ribbon with 7 Battle Stars and Good Conduct Medal.

Before entering the armed forces he was employed by the AC&F at Berwick.

Marine Corporal (photo)


May 16, 1942

Promotion of Gaspard F. Culp, 23, son of James Culp of Fairmount Springs, to the rank of corporal in the U. S. Marine Corps has been announced. He lived with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ree Culp, before enlisting in October, 1940. He is stationed at the naval Air Station, Quonset Point, R. I. A brother, Lt. James Culp is with the U. S. Army in Virginia.

Member of Seabees

June (date unclear)


Above is pictured Calvin E. Hartman, a member of the Seabees, who has just arrived in the Hawaiian Islands. Calvin got his boot training at Camp Perry, Va. From there he went to Camp Endicott, R. I. Later he was sent to Gulfport, Miss. He embarked at Port Hueneme, Calif., for the Pacific area of action.

In a recent letter to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hartman of Shickshinny R. D. 1, Calvin says he met George J. Smith, MM 3/c. The latter was raised by Mr. and Mrs. Hartman, and is like a brother to their own son.


Aug 25, 1945

Lt. Howard K. Scott left Saturday for Philadelphia where he will be assigned new duties. Lt. Scott, who has been stationed at Pearl Harbor, spent a 30-day furlough with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Scott.


June 16, 1944

Corporal Gregory, son of Mrs. Caroline Gregory of Shickshinny R. D. 1 (Muhlenburg) is a graduate of Shickshinny High School in class of ’34. He was inducted into the armed forces on September 29, 1942. Received his training at Fort Bliss, Texas; Camp Sutton and Camp Davis, N. C. He arrived overseas on May 23, 1943, and has served in Africa, Italy and is now in Corsica.


June 16, 1944

Dear Mr. Adkins:

I will now write you a few lines to let you know I am alive and still think of the Echo force.

I am in Corsica now, as you probably know by this time. I like it very much, but the old U.S. is much better.

Well, how is everybody at the office. I imagine you all are kept very busy now. How is the weather back home. I suppose the farmers have most of their crops planted. We are beginning to have some warm weather here now.

One of the Kittle boys from Kittle’s store, up at the North Mt., is in my outfit. I can’t think of his first name at the present. He is my age or a little younger. Do you know his parents? He receives the Echo also.

My address has changed again, as you probably know if Dana has told you.

Well, I will have to close now, as it is getting dark. My address is as follows:

A.S.N. 33354065 Btry. A. 409th AAA G. Bn. APO 512 c/o P.M., N.Y.C., N.Y.

Yours as ever,

"Shorty" Hilbert J. Cope.

Shickshinny and Pittston Men Rescued When Shot Down in English Channel

June 10, 1944

Saved by British Destroyer Which Threatened to Ram Them When Their Rubber Boat Was Mistaken for Nazi Vessel

A Shickshinny crew chief and a Pittston radio operator started to France in a glider-towing twin-engined Dakota and came back on a British destroyer which tried to ram them in their rubber boat because they were mistaken for Germans, a dispatch from the Ninth Air Force Troop Carrier Base in Britain revealed last night.

The two men are Sgt. James P. Franklin, Jr., crew chief of Shickshinny, and Sgt. Samuel L. Latona, radio operator of 155 South Main Street, Pittston.

In command of the plane was Lt. Seymour Rutberg, of 28 York Street, Worcester, Mass., who told of the experiences of his crew after they had left England to participate in the big invasion.

Rutberg said a burst of flak caught their plane right under the chin, knocked out one engine, and riddled the gas tank. They made a forced landing in the channel about 10 miles off Cherbourg Peninsula and piled into the dinghy which the crew chief, Sgt. Jack L. Breckenridge, Grove City, Ohio, had in the water by the time they reached the back door. The plane stayed afloat about 20 minutes.

The co-pilot was Lt. Emmett Gaulding of Winter Park, Fla., and the radio operator was Sgt. Harold Worth, Los Angeles.

"The waves were about 20 or 25 feet high and we all go sick after about an hour," Rutberg said. "We radioed our position and sent up flares, but nobody was watching or listening, I guess. About 3 a.m. the black hulk of a warship was sighted. We were so sick and weak and cold it took all our strength to load the flare pistol and pull the trigger. When we did this the ship started to ram us. The commander later told us he thought we were a German E-boat. We shot another flare and shouted ‘ahoy’ and they let down their ladders and took us aboard."

Two other crews first listed as lost in Tuesday night’s glider landings have been rescued in the channel.

These Articles were donated by: Marge

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