June 14, 1944
Who were those 118 men that 181 years ago, came into wyoming Valley to to start new homes ? Who began the first white settlement in the Valley- which now is Wilkes- Barre ? WHOSE VENTURESOME , PIONEERING SPIRIT AND EXPLOITS WILL BE COMMEMORATED THIS MORNING ON THAT SITE BY SIMPLE CEREMONIES AND THE UNVEILING OF A MODEST MARKER? Although in later years- long after many of them have perished- every effort was made to trace the names of the orginal settlers,only 73 authenic names are known today. Many of those unboubtedly died in the Battle of Wyoming; others in defense of their newly possessed lands in the Revolutionary War.That incomplete list is fraught with interest. Countless descendants of the band still live in the Valley.Succeding generations, along with the iflux of new blood, helped to raise the first raw settlement and surrounding territories to a community of prosperity and wealth; and many of the descendants in Wyoming Valley bear those names to day. The Colonial Dames Society, Wyoming Valley Chapter, which is presenting the marker to the community- has invited any persons desiring to pay homage to those men, a partial list which appears below, to participate in the rites this morning at 11. It feels that is is adivsable that these places of historic interest be preserved before another generation. Speakers will be Mayor Con McCole, and Wesley Woodruff, local Historian.Dr. Lovisa I. Blair, secretary of the Colonial Dames Society will unveil the marker and Mrs. Charles P. Elliot, president, will turn over the marker into the keeping of the General Hospital, within whose grounds the site is located. These are the names of the known founding fathjers of Wilkes- Barre; BENJAMINE ASHLEY, JAMES ATHERTON, DANILE BALDWIN, ISAAC BENNETT, THOMAS BENNET, THOMAS BREED, WILLIAM BUCK, NATHANIAL CHAPMEN, DAVID COLTON, JOHN COMSTOCK, JOB COMSTOCK, BENJAMINE DAVIS, EZRA DEAN, JOHN DORRANCE, SIMEON DRAPER, BENJAMINE FOLIET, ELKANAH FULLER, RODOLPHUS FULLER, STEPHEN GARDNER, DANILE GORE, OBIDIAH GORE JR., GRESHAM HINKLEY, ISAAC HOLLISTER, NATHAN HOLLISTER, TIMOTHY HOLLISTER JR, DAVID HONEYWELL, EMANUEL HOWER, AUSTIN HUNT, NATHAN HURLBUT, SIMEON HURLBUT, JOHN JENKINS, JOSHUA JEWETT, OLIVER JEWETT, MOSES KIMBALL, DANIEL LAWERNCE, GIDEON LAWRENCE, NOAH LEE, STEPHEN LEE, THOMAS MARSH. REV. WILLIAM MARSH, DAVID MARVIN, GEORGE MINOR, SILAS PARK, ABLE PIERCE, EZEKIAL PIERCE, SAMUEL RICHARDS, DANILE ROBINS, MINOR ROBINS, EBENEZER SEARL, EPHRAM SEELEY, BENJAMINE SHEPPARD, BENJAMINE SHOEMAKER, JONATHAN SLOCUM, JOHN SMITH, OLIVER SMITH, TIMOTHY SMITH, MATTHEW SMITH, WRIGHT SMITH, AMOS STAFFORD, ELIPHALET STEVENS, URIAH STEVENS, WILLIAM STEVENS, DANIEL STRAIT, NATHANIAL TERRY, PARSHALL TERRY, JOHN TRIPP, EPHRAM TYLER, EPHRAM TYLER JR, ISAAC UNDERWOOD, JONATHAN WEEKS, JONATHAN WEEKS JR., PHILLIP WEEKS
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