Luzerne County Civil War--- 15th Regiment

This was organized at Camp Curtin May 1st 1861. May 9th the regiment went to Camp Johnson, near Lancaster, where the men were well drilled and disciplined. June 3rd they moved to near Chambersburg, and were assigned to General Negley's brigade of General Keim's division. June 16th the regiment with its brigade marched to the vicinity of Hagerstown. On the 2nd of July it crossed the potomac with the Army and Negley's brigade, which followed a road that diverged from the main line of march, threw forward company I with a company from another regiment as skirmishers. These suddenly came upon a battalion of Ashby's cavalry, disgused as Union troops, and before they suspected their true character Lieutenant John B Huntchison and a portion of Company I were made prisoners, the first sergeant having been shot. They had even obeyed an order from Ashby to let down the fence between them, mistaking the cavalry for friends. Pursuit without cavalry was unvailing, and these men were hurried to Richmond, and thence through the south to New Orleans, where they were kept till that city fell into thte possession of the Federal troops, when they were sent to Salisbury and soon afterward exchanged. SIx of their number, however, had died from exposure and hardship. On the 3rd the regiment reached Martinsburg, where it remained till the 15th; then marched successively to Bunker Hill, Charleston, Hagerstown and Carlisle, where it encamped on the 27th, and was mustered out on the 7th of August.

Field and Staff Officers:

Richard A. Oakford-Colonel
Thomas Briddle-Lieutenant Colonel
Stephen N Bradford-Major
John R Lynch-Adjutant
Jacob Rice-Quartermaster
A.P. Meylert-Surgeon
R.H. Little-Assistant Surgeon

Company A was recruited at Scranton, Companies B and C at Pittston, and D and G at Wilkes Barre. Company A was mustered in on the 26th, B on the 23rd, C on the 27th, and D on the 22nd, of April 1861. The membership of these companies is shown by the following list:

Company A---Officers:

John Bradley-Captain
Sylvester Shively-First Lieutenant
John E Force-Second Lieutenant
Freeman J Coisier-First Sergant
Charles Russell-Second Sergant
William H Miller-Third Sergant
Joseph A Dixon-Fourth Sergant
William H Dixon-First Corporal
Edward G Kichline-Second Corporal
Philip W Cool-Third Corporal
Norman R Coe-Forth Corporal
Rufus Walten-Musician
Bernard Elbert-Musician


Abraham Bittender
Charles W Bitzenberger
Nelson Betron
William Burke
Chauncey Bennett
George Burke
Jeremiah Briggs
Edwin J Burr

Isaac Cornell
Murt Cunningham
Theodore B Combs
Mark Croll
Patrick Cassiday
Michael F Conner
David Carey
Johnson A Cornwall

Samuel Day
John Delacey
William Derr
John Decker
Andrew Dyer
Elijah Detrick

Walter H Ellis
Jacob W Evans

George W Fell

John R Hanyon
Preserved S Hall
James Hinckley
John Hetherby
Stephen Haly
Ulysses W Hutchinson
Nelson Haggarty
Walter R Hopkins
Sylvester Hinckley

Harry L Knoor
George L Kater

Alfred W Leteer
Fletcher Line

Joseph M'Daniels
Irvin M'Mustrie

John m'Cormick
Dennis M'Carty
Patrick Malone
John W Marshall
Conrad Miller
Nicholas Miller

Alexander Neely

Isaac Pierce
Owen Phillips
George Parker
Watkins Powell
Noel B Parker
William Patter
Oliver R Ross
Stephen Remaly
Wesley Remaly
Levi Roushy

Charles Stetler
Samuel Stetler
Barton Senburg
George E Shaffer

Levi D Westfall
George A Wolcott
Hiram White
Rufus Walters

Company B---Officers:

Anthony Brown-Captain
Andreas Frey-First Lieutenant
George Dick-Second Lieutenant
Henry Teufel-First Sergant
Charles Aicher-Second Sergant
Joseph Kaiser-Third Sergant
Leo Steuer-Fourth Sergant
Albert Feist-First Corporal
Joseph Steuer-Second Corporal
John Kolb-Third Corporal
Herman Kasper-Forth Corporal
Anthony Wallinger-Musician
William Eshelman-Musician


Samuel Barry
Lewis Bausher

Ephraim Clauser

Robert Dowd
Ferdinand Durve
Frederick Dresde
Edward Dames

Joseph Eisenstein
William Egensen
Adam Engraff

John N Fass
John Martin Fritz
William H Faethr
Rudolph Feist
Adam Fernekees
Michael Flad
John Filling
Jacob Fisher
Henry Fullmer

Elbridge Gerald
Frederick Gruneberg
Conrad Grab
John Gobel
Peter Gambel

Andreas Hilbert
Frederick Holman
Reinhold Hummel

Jacob Kienzle
Otto Kaiser
Charles Kessler
George Kunzelman
John Keller
Tobias Kelber
Peter Kretz
Valentine Klingler
William Kieffer

Joseph Louse

Isreal Merehenter
Christian Marsh
Irvin Morton
Jacob Matter
Samuel Matter
Nicholas Morse
Philip Mishlash
Joseph H Marshall
Adam Massholder

Henry S.O Neils

Lewis Ott

Noah Parks
George B Parsons

Frederick Roser
John Rader
Joseph Rubble
Jacob Reizel

Daniel Shanz
Jacob Shazle
John Schmidt
John Stark
Frederick Sholl
Jacob M Shmidt
John Sholl
James R Schmidt

Jacob Wolf
Edward Wedle
David Willard
Felix Wolf

Company C---Officers:

Christian Robinson-Captain
Frederick Weichel-First Lieutenant
Charles Robinson-First Lieutenant William Stein-Second Lieutenant
John R Jones, Jr.-First Sergant
Anthony Ferres-Second Sergant
Charles Crooner-Third Sergant
Adam Pantle-Fourth Sergant
Lewis G Gratz-First Corporal
Joseph Mehlbaum-Second Corporal
William Locher-Third Corporal
Frederick Wagner-Forth Corporal
Frederick Berger-Musician
Jacob Engel-Musician


Matthew Breithaupt
William Bechtold
George Birkel
Frederick Biel
Adam Bon

Robert Campbell

Michael Duvrick

Charles Elm
Frederick Emrich
Charles Emrich

Henry Faller
William Frantz
Henry Frasch
Ellis Futtere

Barnabas Ganther
Frederick Goehrs
Peter Gimnich

John Hatchen
P. and C. Hartman
Peter Hess
John Hoffman
Owen Hancock
Charles Houseman
Sylvester Harrman

Adam Koch
John Kammer
Philip Kleinman
Delos P. Kapp
William Korr
Frederick Kunzelman

Charles Lennich
Frederick Lewis

Charles Miller
Nicholas Miller
George Moser
Griffith Morris

Charles Neuffer
Charles Nessle
John Niemayer
Casper Newcomer

Charles Pontius

Jacob Reipert
Jacob Rosar
William Roehm, 1st
William Roehm, 2nd
Jacob Reper
Gustavus Rifford

Christian Schuter
Philip Schneider
Philip Schweitzer
Joseph Schremson
Henry Stahl
William Schmitt
Peter Schneider
Matthew Schneider
Francis Schmitt

Frederick Teufel
Patrick Thomas

Daniel Weinig
Charles Worth
Frederick Wagner
George Wachtle
Charles Weisgarber

Morris Zwick
Charles Zang

Company D---Officers:

Solomon Strumer-Captain
Daniel Dobra-First Lieutenant
Jacob C Holm-Second Lieutenant
Marcus K Bishop-First Sergant
John Gebhart-Second Sergant
George Schaffer-Third Sergant
Nicholas Smith-Fourth Sergant
Rudolph Smaltz-First Corporal
Theophilus H Stees-Second Corporal
James Evans-Third Corporal
Frantz Gebhart-Forth Corporal
William Fuegline-Musician
Charles Richter-Musician


Alexander Anderson

Lewis Brand
Amos Boyer
Peter Borer
Irving Berry
George Berner
Frederick Badenstelt
John Bfund

Charles Cluss
Christian Capp
John Chatham
Daniel Chubb
Philip Chubb

Michael Dorsh
John Dippre
Jacob Drum
Alexander Dick

Philip Engert
John Engelman

Anthony Fisher
Charles Ferguson

Peter Hushback
Henry Hushback
Ferdinand Hess
Godfried Hither

Peter Kratch
John Konrad

Nicholas Lobshier
Michael Lifler
George T. Leebrick

Cyreneus Murray
David P Miller
Anthony Mindendorfer
William M'Donald

George W Nevels

Stephen Oswald

Charles Phafley

Edward Reman
Charles Rubeck
Julius Rhote
James Ryeon

Christain Schmuck
Jacob Silks
George Specht
Ulrich Spalinger
Frantz Schibel
Edward Scholl
James Smith
Lewis Schweitzer
John Steiner
Dr. John Steiner
Conrad Stouter

John Tritchler

Nebmuke Vollman

Melton Weigner
Hermas Weeke
Jacob Wolf
John E Will
Paul Wentzel

Thomas Young

Jacob Zimmerman

Company G---Officers:

Thomas Magovern-Captain
Thomas A Nichols-First Lieutenant
Alexander Philips-Second Lieutenant
John Eskings-First Sergant
Richard W Jackson-Second Sergant
George S Kilhorn-Third Sergant
David Garbet-Fourth Sergant
John Magar-First Corporal
James Phillips-Second Corporal
Jesse B Scott-Third Corporal
Lewis Woodward-Forth Corporal
Warner W Pins-Musician
Hiram Foster-Musician


William Astings

Josiah Blos
Leonard Bronson
Peter Barber
Patrick Burke
Albert Brown
Henry C Bopst

John Cummingham
William Clave
Paul Cool
Halley Compton
George Chamberlain
Patrick Cahil
Allen Cassidy
Dennis Carannagh
William Carroll

Nelson M Davenport
Richard Dairs
George Deckins
Daid Davis, Jr.

Evan Evans

Luke Gram
John Gratton
William Griffiths
David Griffiths
George Given

Abraham Hantz
Edward Hollern
Isaac Hontz

Ebenezer Jones
Dwight Jones
John Jones
Isaiah Jones
William Jenkins

Edward Kiterick
Samuel M Kaufman

Enoch Lloyd
William Lynch
Asbury Lucas

Michael Mooney
William Morgan
Edward Morgan
James Mickle
Anthony M'Dermott
John M'Gee
Henry Miller
David M'Gahen

Alexander Palmatory

William Reese
Paul Rimple
John Roberts

Edward Smith
John Smith
Andrew Scott
James Smith
Edward Sheldon
Stephen Simes
John Shanghey

Jeremiah Thomas
Dilton Taylor

Thaddeus Wagner
George Walsh
Charles Walker
George Wolff

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