Fayette County Genealogy Project

Please read before you request a lookup!

Lookup Q&A

  • What is a Lookup? A Lookup is when a person volunteers to look in a book or CD that they own for a name or information
  • Who does lookups? Volunteers who own a book or CD they think may be of some help. The volunteer may never have set foot in the location in question.
  • What a lookup is not: Lookup volunteers are not offering to do General Research. The volunteers are making a specific  offer - not a general offer of help. They are not claiming to be experts in the locale. Please don't ask general research questions.

Please don't ask for every possible kind of lookup or our volunteers will run away!


Volunteer Notes
Obit lookups 1920-1977 Norma  only in the Uniontown newspaper.
A History Of Uniontown: the county seat of Fayette Co., Pennsylvania 1913

Biographies and Portrait Cyclopedia of Fayette County Pennsylvania 1889

Fayette County Pennsylvania Genealogy and Personal History Volumes I-II 1912

History of Fayette County Pennsylvania with biographical sketches of
many of its pioneer and prominent men 1882
Norma Please - no wholesale surname lookups. 
Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Originally published in 1912 by Lewis Historical Pub. Co. New York) Keely Deuschle Please - no wholesale surname lookups. 
West Bend Cemetery Listing Barbara Patterson Please - no wholesale surname lookups. 
A History of Mill Run published in 1970 by the Socialite Club. Pam Marietta  Some of the information is taken from the earlier Ellis work, but there is some good, later information about the families. 

We need Lookup Volunteers. Please contact the webmaster if you can help.

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