Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb






Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Saturday, August 7, 1880


His Wife Severely and Probably Fatally Injured -The Scene of the Accident Near Frankstown - Other Local News. A Child Run Over and Injured by a Wagon.


Last evening about 7 o'clock an accident happened near Frankstown which resulted in the death of David Robinson and the probable fatal injury of his wife. The venerable pair were driving home in a small open top carriage; when near the residence of Mrs. Hileman, about three miles beyond Frankstown, the horse frightened and both Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were thrown into the road. Some of the persons in the house saw the accident and came out to their assistance. Mr. Robinson was picked up dead and his wife was terribly injured. His body was removed to his late home last night. Mrs. Robinson was carried into Mrs. Hileman's house, where everything possible is being done for her, but our informant states that it is thought she would not live until this morning. Mr. Robinson was an aged and well known citizen. He resided on the pike between Hollidaysburg and Altoona, a short distance from the former place. He was very generally known as 'Squire Robinson, and has for many years been an honored resident of Blair county. Mrs. John Louden, of this city, is a daughter of Mr. Robinson. The loss falls all the heavier on her, as only a few days since her son, a young man, died of consumption. We extend to the afflicted relatives our sympathy in this their great trial.


Edward Pollock; a 6-year-old son of William Pollock, of Mudtown, was the victim of a severe accident which happened to him at Fourth avenue and Fifteenth street yesterday afternoon. The little fellow found some beer which some men working on a new building near there had, and not knowing what it was drank. It was not long until he was under the influence of it. He then climbed on a wagon passing along and in an instant fell out over the side. The wheels ran over his stomach. The poor little fellow was carried home and a physician called. His injuries are thought to be severe, although their extent can not yet be determined.


Financial Condition of the City.


Councilman Casanave makes a statement in another column in regard to the financial condition of the city, particularly with reference to its ability to meet the tax due the State for 1879 on its bonded indebtedness. The TRIBUNE was led into error by the statement of an evening paper, and it is glad to be set right on a matter which is of interest to every citizen. From what we can learn the city will be able to meet its current obligations hereafter promptly and in the course of a couple of years make provision for either the redemption of the water loan or the refunding of it at a lower rate of interest. The first ten years of its existence will have expired, when it can be grappled with, but which the peculiar wording of the law authorizing this loan has hitherto prevented. The TRIBUNE is anxious to see the credit of the city put in the very best shape possible, and, with careful and judicious management, there is no reason why it should not be. With such men as Mr. Casanave in the Council we have reason to believe the burdens on the taxpayers can be materially lessened and the finances of the city kept in such state as to meet every just claim on it shall mature, without the necessity of legal compulsion.


Cross Suits.


Several suits have grown out of a transaction in Logan township which took place on the 30th of July. It appears that at a late hour in the evening David Myers, a boy, and two friends were walking along the road and came opposite a house occupied by a man named Funk. Mrs. Funk was standing in the door and one of the party who was well acquainted with her walked into the house while Myers and his friend waited in the road. In a moment two men who were in the house, Thomas Burkholder and George Brown, rushed out and assaulted the boy Myers and gave him a severe beating. Suit was brought before Alderman O'Toole by Mr. Funk against the three boys for assaulting his wife. They will have a hearing on Monday at 2 o'clock. Suit was also brought before Alderman Rose by David Myers, who charges Burkholder and Brown with assault and battery. There will be a hearing in this case on Monday at 4 o'clock.


Another New Sewer.


There is a prospect of getting the Eighteenth street sewer laid in the near future. The plans and assessments have all been made by the City Engineer and are ready for presentation to Council. It is proposed to build the sewer between Tenth and Thirteenth avenues, to carry off the water of the stream at that place. It will probably be four feet in diameter, either of brick or stone, and will connect with the railroad company's sewer under the railroad at Nineteenth street.


Lawyer Flanigan's Adventure With the Telephone.


Lawyer Jim Flanigan rushed into the Sheriff's office in Hollidaysburg the other day to telephone to an Altoona printing office. Now it appears that this particularly telephone has no connection with the outside world other than the county jail. Jim kept hallooing at Warden Jack Kephart, and the Warden kept yelling back to Jim to know what he wanted. Now, the Warden had never heard of such a newspaper as the Call, and could not make anything out of Flanigan's want. Jim got mad at last, and began to berate Sheriff Bell's worthless telephone, that it wouldn't talk worth a cent with Altoona. When he was informed that it only extended to the jail, he struck out of the office, followed by the hearty roars of laughter uttered by the Sheriff and Deputy Metz, in search of an instrument that would carry his message to Altoona.


Death of George W. Oatman, Esq.


George W. Oatman, Esq., formerly Register and Recorder of Cambria county, died suddenly at Maul's hotel in Gallitzin, about 5 o'clock yesterday evening. Mr. Oatman left his home in Ebensburg on Thursday in his usual health, and came to the latter place on business. He took quite ill about 4 o'clock yesterday, but nothing serious was anticipated by him; he refused to have his wife sent for but in the brief space of an hour was a corpse. Mr. Oatman was a clever gentleman, and was well-known in this section of the State. For a number of years he was extensively engaged in the real estate business, but latterly in the practice of law. He was between 40 and 45 years of age, and leaves to mourn their loss a wife and four children. His remains were taken to Ebensburg last evening for interment.


The Second Ward School House.


The Second ward school building at the corner of Sixth avenue and Tenth street is getting along finely, and will probably be completed before winter sets in. It is a substantial two-story brick structure, will contain eight rooms, and, when finished, will be the largest school house in the city. Already the bricklayers are above the second floor and the carpenters are keeping pace with them. The foundation walls are not like those of the Fourth ward building, having been sunk in some places four feet below the bottom of the cellar. The brick walls are thirteen inches thick and the courses of brick appear to be well interlapped. Very strong inside walls are being erected, dividing each floor into four rooms. As a whole the structure appears to be strong and well built.


Trouble About the Streets.


In the. Eighth ward the streets are not fixed to suit all the residents. At Fourth street there is an offset of about sixteen feet in Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh avenues, the avenues not running straight. Quite a number of citizens want them straightened now when it can be done at comparatively slight expense, while others desire them to remain as at present. There is a prospect of quite a little fight in the future.


A Disgraceful Row.


On Thursday evening the eastern end of the Eighth ward was the scene of a most disgraceful row. A woman who lives in the township was trying to get her drunken husband home, when he knocked her down, kicked and abused her in a most outrageous manner. Two of the abused wife's brothers came along, when the liege lord and master took to his heels. They run him out of town, but he escaped in the woods.


A Batch of Robbers Wanted.


The Chief of Police, of Altoona, has received a notice from the chief of Pittsburgh offering him fifty dollars reward which he says will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the persons who assaulted and robbed. H. F. Dannals, in Pittsburgh, on the night of July 17, of a gold hunting case watch, Springfield make, No. 44,548.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, August 7, 1880, page 1




The stars for August.


The star gazer of Altoona, whether romantically or scientifically employed, will find much to attract him during these August evenings if the weather should prove favorable. Jupiter will be a superb object to every beholder during this month, as he comes beaming above the horizon like a brilliant young moon. He now rises at 10 o'clock, and at the end of the month will rise about 8. Saturn is the morning star and follows closely in the wake of the more brilliant Jupiter. He is, however, no mean object for observation, as he rises to the northwest of his rival and about a half an hour later. He is now increasing in size and clearness of tint, and well worthy of attention in his present phase. On the 20th inst. there will be a close conjunction between Uranus and Venus, those planets being then forty-five minutes of a degree apart. This phenomenon will afford a splendid opportunity to the telescopic student for a study of the contrast in planetary colors, the delicate tint of Uranus and the inimitable soft, golden hue of Venus being beautifully illustrated. Uranus now sets at about 8:30, and at the end of the month at about sunset. The August moon falls on the 20th. The new moon on the 5th paid her respects in quick succession to four of the planets - to Mercury on the 5th, the day of her birth; to Venus on the 6th, and to Uranus and Mars on the 8th. On the 23d the moon is near Jupiter, and on the24th she is near Saturn.


About Sowing Cloverseed - Improvements at Ore Hill and Sarah Furnace.


A pleasant party from Altoona picnicked here yesterday.


Roaring Spring is the place for picnics. No other place in the county equal to it.


J. C. Aker's, Esq., Republican candidate for Treasurer, has been in Roaring Spring during the past two days. We cannot say he was electioneering in earnest, for we saw him in company with the life insurance agent, Rev. Mr. Deckard, of Altoona, and the Roaring Spring attorney.


Silvester Shoemaker, Esq., returned on Thursday of this week from Hoosierdom with a brand new bride. We congratulate Mr. Shoemaker upon this new venture and wish him a happy sail over the matrimonial sea. Mr. Shoemaker, we have been informed, proposes to go in business with his brother, J. P. Shoemaker, in the flour and grain business.


Rev. J. R. Deckard, special agent for the Brooklyn Life Insurance Company, has been spending this week in Roaring Spring, working up the interests of his company. Mr. Deckard is an affable and agreeable gentleman. The people of Roaring Spring are very much pleased with him, especially for bringing the glad tidings of life insurance to them.




Mrs. Baldwin, wife of Superintendent Baldwin of the Philadelphia and Erie railroad and Charles E. Pugh, Superintendent the Pennsylvania railroad, and family and friends, picnicked at Roaring Spring on Thursday of this week




John McGraw, Esq., agent and manager of Sarah furnace and lower Maria forge property, now owned by G. W. Smith, of Pittsburgh, has been making some valuable improvements on the property. New houses and barns have taken the places of old ones, others have been repaired and fixed up. They all bear the impress of marked changes. Mr. McGraw has an eye for neatness and order. He is the right man in the right place.




The Hollidaysburg and Gap Furnace Company have erected six new houses at Ore Hill for their employes. These houses are first-class tenement houses, and are built with an eye to taste and comfort. They will make pleasant homes for the families of the hard working miners. Too little interest has been manifested by employers for the comfort of employees. Dilapidated houses, too small, and built without any regard to making the home of the hard working laborer pleasant and happy. The disposition on the part of those who employ labor to make the laborer contented and satisfied, by giving him a pleasant home and paying liberally for honest toil will eradicate dissatisfaction and will banish the cause of strikes.




Clover seed is generally sown in the early spring, on land that has been seeded to wheat or rye the autumn previous, but during the past few years the unusual dry weather in May and June has killed the young clover. Farmers are at their wits end now how to get their lands in clover. We have observed a number of farmers recently reseeding the same grounds that they seeded in the spring, by sowing on the stubble after the wheat or rye crop has been removed. From all the information we have learned this is only an experiment yet, and it is not known if it will be a success. If this new process should prove a success it will be a blessing to the farmer. Much has been lost during the past few years by the failure of the clover crops, and farmers are at their wits end to know how to grow clover, for it has been the main dependence in the way of fertilizing the soil after becoming impoverished from raising corn and wheat crops. We think it would be a benefit and an interest to the farming community if farmers would give the public through the medium of the press their views, as well as the result of their experiments, upon the best methods of growing clover, or upon any other topic in the line of farming.


Burglary at Pottsville, Bedford County. Petty Thieving in the Cove.


Through Dr. S. M. Rodger's careful treatment a tapeworm thirty-four feet in length was removed from a female patient this week.


Next Associate Judge, Robert Stewart, interviewed our people this week, and the fact was developed that he has hosts of friends here.


Miss Anna Bloom has returned home from Concord, Franklin county, after a protracted visit among her relatives and friends, looking well.


In the absence of Street Commissioner Stoner, Burgess Blake has recently been engaged cleaning out the sewer, thus affording free passage for the water.


John B. Smith, Esq., has sold to William Spidel, the property containing 27 acres, which he purchased last March from Louis Davis. Consideration, $3,200.


A runaway team, belonging to Dr. F. G. Bloom, created some excitement on Market street yesterday morning, but before any damage was done the horses were stopped.


Frederick Hyle, Esq., is having the flag pavement in front of his residence repaired and relaid. Davis Brumbaugh is doing the work, and it is unnecessary to say that the 'Squire will have a first-class pavement when finished.


The American Union Telegraph Company have opened an office here, using the same room and wires as the Western Union. Miss Jennie Scott presides at the instrument, and a neat, new sign points the way to the office.


Judge John Dean paid our town a flying visit yesterday. His Honor came in on local thinking he would have forty minutes between trains in which to see some of his many friends, but when he found he had only seventeen, concluded to remain at the depot.


Messrs. J. L. Keagy & Co., the merchant princes of Morrison's Cove, report their sales of whortleberries this season at from 90 to 100 bushels, and still a few more left. Fred says that the sales would have been at least ten bushels more but Frank and Albert are very fond of them and have eaten about that many during this season.


Owing to a largely increased business Mr. William Roberts, our wide-awake clothier and shoe merchant, has found it necessary to provide himself with a fire and burglar-proof safe. This new piece of furniture is one of Thomas Barnes, Pittsburgh make, and while thoroughly answering the purpose for which it is intended, is, at the same time, an ornament to the store.


W. J. Kyle, Esq., of Baltimore, the popular and efficient representative of the firm of D. M. Osborne & Co., manufacturers of reapers and mowers, is in this place looking after the interests of his firm. Now, if report speaks the truth, it is not business alone that draws Mr. K. this way, but the charms of one of our fair ladies. Be that as it may, however, Mr. Kyle is a genial, whole-souled fellow, and we hope he will come oftener and stay longer.




The literary society which was organized at Smith's school house on Saturday evening last has been named "The Magnific" and is officered by the following gentlemen: E. D. Smith, President; H. J. Dilling, Vice President; J. F. Lykens, Secretary; A. M. Lykens, Treasurer. A society literary paper was founded, and it is to be edited by Messrs. J. F. Lykens and I. D. Paul. The paper will bear the name of Free and Easy. We have been unable to learn any of the programme for the evening's entertainment, except the question for debate, which is: "Resolved, That the use of intoxicating beverages is more injurious than tobacco." The question will be argued affirmatively by Messrs. E. D. Smith, A. D. Smith, A. M. Lykens and J. S. Hamilton, while the negative view of the question will be supported by Messrs. H. J. Dilling, J. F. Lykens and I. D. Paul.




In our last communication we mentioned the fact that there has recently been considerable petty thieving in this vicinity, and warned our people to use more earnest endeavors to protect themselves against marauders. After devoting some time to the investigation of the numerous rumors that reached our ears concerning these thefts, we are prepared to report as follows: A short time since Henry Daughenbaugh (a notorious thief who has several times been immured in our county jail for burglary), stole from Samuel and Jacob Rhodes, who live down Piney Creek, about five miles from this place, eleven bushels of wheat, and sold it at Rice's mill. He was suspected of the theft, and when accused of it by a daughter of Samuel Rhodes, confessed that he was one of the guilty parties, and offered to pay for part of the plunder, by way of a settlement. This proposition was refused, and Daughenbaugh left for parts unknown. Some persons report that he has recently been seen in the "barrens" not far from his home. About the time of the occurrence of the foregoing robbery, some meat was stolen from Mr. J. S. Hamilton, who lives about one and a half miles nearer town than the Messrs. Rhodes, and Daughenbaugh is believed to be the guilty party in this case, from the fact that a man named William Merritts, living near Daughenbaugh's home, says that he gave him a ham, which had a piece cut out. This description tallies exactly with one of the pieces of meat that was stolen from Mr. Hamilton. The foregoing statement of facts can be substantiated, and the attention of District Attorney Jackson is respectfully called to the matter with the hope that some action will be taken in the premises.




On Thursday night burglars entered the residence of David Armstrong, a merchant living in Pattonsville, Bedford county, by placing a pole against the side of the house and climbing in through a second-story window, which was open. There was a curtain to the window, however, which was down, and to avoid making any noise by coming in contact with it a long stick was used to push it away, and the stick was then propped against the window frame, thus allowing the thieves to enter without touching the curtain. The room into which the window opened was occupied by Mr. Armstrong's children, and the next one to it by Mr. Armstrong himself, while the door between them stood ajar. The thieves ransacked all the bureau drawers in the children's room, finding two purses containing from three to four dollars each. They then went to an apartment in another part of the house and emptied Mr. Armstrong's wardrobe of its contents, which consisted of three or four suits of clothing. Mr. Armstrong's room was not visited, though his pantaloons were lying on the floor near his bed, and there was quite a large sum of money in the pockets of them. On awaking in the morning, Mr. Armstrong found that his dwelling had been entered during the "wee sma" hours of the night and he at once instituted an investigation. He found a part of his clothing in the parlor, where it had evidently been dropped by the thieves in making a hasty exit. On his porch he found the two purses, rifled of their contents, but no clue to the perpetrators of the theft. Mr. Armstrong has always been accustomed to keep considerable sums of money in his possession, and from the fact that he is a very light sleeper and keeps two revolvers under his pillow, had no fear of being robbed and frequently expressed the opinion that to rob him would be an impossibility. Last night's experience has completely disabused his mind of that impression, however, and he is now in constant terror of a second successful burglary. On the same night the cellar of Daniel Replogle, who lives near Mr. Armstrong, was entered and all his bread and butter stolen. It is generally supposed that the same party is guilty of both robberies.


A Miner Fatally Injured in Frankstown Ore Mine - Personal Notes.


Captain A. M. Lloyd's Bible class will picnic at Eldorado on Thursday.


An enterprising stranger has started a toy balloon manufactory in the old Maitland Hotel at Gaysport.


G. A. Dobyne, Esq., has had a substantial and expensive stone wall placed around the family cemetery on Bell's hill.


John G. Reed is able to impart more useful information to young men who want to start out in the world than the gifted but lamented Horace Greeley, who advised them to go West.


By a correct measurement taken yesterday by Mr. Frank F. Robb, a practical engineer, the Altoona Park race course is just twenty-six hundred and forty feet, just one-half mile to the inch.


Mr. Michael McGraw, the father-in-law of Mr. John Gardner, who was fatally injured by a fall of slate in the Frankstown slope mine, was killed only a few months ago while working in the same mine.


The employes) at McLanahan, Stone & Bayley's foundry and machine works will picnic at Flowing Spring on next Saturday. The tickets are out and the first one was sold by J. W. Shaver to J. Fitzgerald, the book-keeper of the firm.


Justice Lowry on Friday said the words that made two loving hearts beat as one - one of said parties having but recently been separated from the other by a very solid stone barrier, twenty feet high and four feet thick. Sheriff Bell witnessed the ceremony.


If the Superintendent of the Bell's Gap railroad would build an elevator to hoist weak tourists from the ground on to his cars, the road would be better patronized. Many delicate persons have been severely injured who never complained, by the terrible strain in climbing on the cars at Bellwood.


We were shown a very nice potato as a specimen of the kind that can be raised by setting out the sprout in place of planting the potato. Mr. William Kellerman tried the experiment and to judge from the specimen it was a success. Speaking of potatoes reminds us that James Ingram, the big, jolly Catfish 'Squire, sent us four big mealy ones which are hard to excel for good cooking qualities.




Yesterday we noticed a box on the shelves of an up town grocery that was copiously labeled "Darn Fools." Anxious to know in what form they were condensed for sale, we removed the lid and discovered that darn fools were five cent prize boxes.




On Saturday two old soldiers were engaged in discussing politics near the passenger depot. The Hancock man' proved to have the most tongue, but before the discussion ended it was evident that the Garfield soldier had the best muscle.




On Friday a miner named John Gardner, employed by the Blair Iron and Coal Company and working in what is known as the Frankstown slope, was it is feared fatally injured by a fall of slate. Mr. Gardner was at work in the mine when a heavy piece of slate, weighing about one ton, fell on him, crushing him to the ground, breaking his back and bruising his shoulder. Soon after the accident the suffering man was brought to his home on Juniata street, this place, and received from his physician, Dr. D. S. Hays, all the relief that human skill could give. Fortunately the injured man has an accidental policy for five hundred dollars, which would have expired on the 16th of the present month. Mr. Boyd C. Wilkinson, special agent for the Travelers' Insurance Company, was in our town and appeared to be greatly rejoiced when he discovered that Mr. Gardner's policy had not expired. The company have been rather unfortunate in taking risks in our town, having been required to pay for forty-two accidents in the last year.


Mr. Basal's Colleague Explains.


EDS. TRIBUNE: I notice in your issue this morning the letter of resignation, from Mr. John Basal, declining to serve as a Democratic Committeeman for this place - giving as one of his reasons for so doing, that Mr. Doyle did not appoint a colleague for him that met his approbation. In reply to this I would say that I am sorrow [sic] that I, as Mr. Basal's colleague, am of such a character as to shock his modesty in regards acting as a committeeman with him. I would say to Mr. Basal that I did not aspire to the appointment and neither did I want it. I would rather stand back and give older citizens the preference. In behalf of Mr. Basal, I do say that he had no hand in the appointment nor any person else. I further say that I sent in no appointment, never asked for the appointment. Had I have done so, I would not so hurriedly have sent in my resignation as he did after finding my wishes had not been complied with as desired. If Mr. Basal feels that his character as a Democrat has been so outraged and demoralized by my appointment I am willing to compare records with him at any time. - COLLEAGUE, Bennington, August 6, 1880.




SHOEMAKER - NOLAND - August 3, at Anderson, Ind., by Rev. Mr. Lamport, S. B. Shoemaker, Esq., of Dalesville, Ind., and Miss Nannie Noland, of Anderson, Ind.


McMULLIN - MOOHNEY- In Gaysport, July 31, by C. B. Jones, J. P., John McMullin, of Homer City, Indiana county, and Mrs. Clara Moohney, of Chest Springs, Cambria county.


MULHOLLEM - BURNS - In Hollidaysburg, August 6, by C. G. Lowry, Esq., John Mulhollem and Miss Matilda Burns, all of Antis township, Blair county.


KUNSMAN - CLAAR - At Newry, August 5, by Rev. S. McHenry, Jonathan Neff Kunsman and Miss Sarah Ellen Claar, both of the vicinity of Duncansville, Blair county.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, August 7, 1880, page 3




Things Briefly Told.


It takes General Kilpatrick to make the Democrats howl, just as he did the rebels.


The Democrats of Spruce Creek will raise a Hancock pole this evening. It will be 135 feet in length.


The Tyrone Times will cease to be a semi-weekly publication, but will hereafter make its visits weekly.


The Silver Greys will hold their picnic at Lloydsville on the 24th of this month. They will spend the day in the woods.


Frank Tierney, Esq., and family will today start for Cambria county. Mrs. Tierney intends spending a month among the hills.


On Tuesday 450 guests were registered at the Mountain House, Cresson. On Sunday 500 persons took dinner at that celebrated hotel.


A Philadelphia drummer was yesterday captured by Officer Whittle and made to fork over $10 and costs for violating Ordinance No. 44.


The fronts of Messrs. John Hurd's and Godfrey Wolf's places of business have been handsomely painted and grained under the artistic brush of Griffith.


Miss Emmie Power, one of the teachers of the Irving Female College of Mechanicsburg, yesterday arrived in Altoona, the guest of the family of Rev. Dr. Hamlin.


A boy named Woodring killed a snake at Blair Furnace a few days since. On opening it thirty-two young snakes crawled out, of all sizes from six to twelve inches long.


The mare, Little Nell, formerly owned by Reuben Myers, of this city, trotted in a race at Harrisburg on Thursday in which there were four entries, and took first money.


Officer Myers arrested a pair of drunks yesterday that were making a fuss in the vicinity of the depot. One of these had just been released from Jail. They were placed in the cooler.


Rev. Dr. Hamlin will speak at the Newton Hamilton camp meeting on Sunday morning, the 13th inst. Dr. Guard, of Baltimore, and Dr. Tiffany, of Philadelphia, will also be present.


The TRIBUNE acknowledge the courtesy of an invitation to the third annual picnic of the Keystone Literary Society to be held in William Smith's grove, Scotch valley, Thursday, August 12, 1880.


Notice has been received in this city on Thursday a boy named Jacob Wheatley, son of a prominent lawyer in Greensburg, had run away from home and had come in this direction. He was about 12 years of age.


Chairman Good, on his arrival home yesterday morning, with an eye to the beautiful, had the sick Hancock and English flag taken down. It is to be replaced, we understand, by a new one, which it is supposed will be able to float in the presence of the Garfield banner.


Fannie Hoover was yesterday arrested for using profane language and taken before Recorder Greevy. After the testimony had been heard Fannie brought a cross-suit against the prosecutor, whose name we did not learn. As a result both cases were settled.


An enthusiastic Tyrone Democrat, yclept Ward, made a speech in which he says the TRIBUNE said "that no Democrat ever wrote anything in favor of protecting our industries by tariff." Will this Ward or wart on the body politic tell us in which issue words like the above were printed?


The members of the Second Baptist Church will hold a bush meeting in the grove near McCauley's shops on Sunday, August 8. Rev. G. W. Jackson, of Pittsburgh, and Rev. William Robeson, of Cumberland, Md., will be in attendance.


Election of Teachers.


County Superintendent Stephens held the examination of teachers for Logan township on Thursday in the Collinsville school house. The following are the persons selected for teachers and their assignment: Fairmount, W. H. Stephens; Grace, Allegheny, W. F. D. Noble; Primary, Allegheny, Mrs. Brenner; Millville, George Empfield; Pleasant Hill, J. D. Weyandt; Logan, R. B. Owens; Fairview, D. D. Coleman; Blair, John Markley; Eldorado, J. M. Kyle; Point, D. B. Yingling; Hamilton, Thomas S. Anderson; Pleasantville, L. W. Owens; Collinsville, Miss Patterson; Glen White, John Curfman; Baker's Mines, T. S. Davis. School term will commence second Monday of September. Salaries, $30, $35 and $38.


The Logan House Concerts.


Below will be found the programme prepared by the Logan House quartette under the leadership of Mr. Praetorious. Exercises will begin at 11:30 A. M.:


March - "En Avant, Gungl
Overture - "Night in Granada," Kreutzer
Selection - "Trovatore," Verdi
Gavotte - "Secret Love," Resch
Waltz - "Troubadours," Lanner
Selection - "Stradella," Flotow
'Cello Solo - "Standchen," Schubert
Invitation a la Valse, C. M. Weber


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, August 7, 1880, page 4 




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