Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Thursday, May 31, 1877






The Cambria county Court commences next Monday.


Davis Fagley of Antes township captured alive yesterday a large wild turkey.


On Laurel Hill, west of the mountains, it is said, there was a slight fall of snow on Friday.


The Cambria county alms-house has 75 inmates - more than usual at this season of the year.


Scarlet fever of a very malignant type is devastating the households of White township, Cambria county.


The Sheriff sales at the next court will be few, but at the October term there will be not less than one hundred.


Rumor has it that all is not serene in the Hollidaysburg Fire Department over the election of Chief Engineer.


The seventeenth year locusts have made their appearance along the Blue mountains, twenty miles east of Harrisburg.


A blacksnake was killed along the Ebensburg branch road last week, which measured nine feet one inch in length.


Todd Hutchinson don't go to Edenburg to edit James F. Campbell's weekly. It makes no difference as Toots would say.


The Fourteenth Regiment, N. G. will form an encampment at Cresson on the 9th of August next, to continue to the 20th.


The Democratic primary elections have been fixed for Saturday, June 9, and the County Convention on Monday following, June 11.


It will pay you to go and witness the play of "Sheridan Spy, or The Hero of Libby Prison," at the Opera house this (Wednesday) evening.


Since 1862 there have been upwards of 5,534,395 tons of coal shipped from the Clearfield region. Last week the shipments reached 28,329 tons.


We issue the TRIBUNE one day earlier than usual, in order that those of our employes who wish to participate in the decoration ceremonies may do so.


The Bakers continue to threaten revelations. Nobody should pay any attention to their writhings under bonds and behind prison bars. It is simply for effect.


The father of James F. Campbell, Esq., well-known to our citizens, died at Blairsville, Indiana county, on Thursday last. He was in his 81st year of age.


St. John's (Catholic) Sunday-school held their annual celebration at the City Park on Tuesday. The procession as it moved out to the grove made an imposing display.


An attempt was made to burglarize Wm. H. Glenn's boot and shoe store on Eleventh avenue, Sunday morning. Before affecting an entrance the burglar was frightened away.


Sheriff Stiffler placed in jail on Friday evening Henry Albright, who wanted to run a meeting at Grazierville according to his own notions, and contrary to those of the management.


The quarrel between Conductor Irwin and Hammond did not take place in the cemetery at the funeral of Mr. Igou, as stated last week, but on the public highway, near the residence of Jacob Roat.


Let the crack military company of the Fifth Regiment have a crowded house to-night (Wednesday) on the occasion of the presentation of Sheridan Spy. They deserve it. Let it be a genuine benefit.


The grocery store of H. D. Whitmer, Seventh avenue, between 8th and 9th streets was burglarized on the morning of the 23d, to the amount of $35 or $40 in money, several keys and $400 in notes.


Prof. Thorp, a music teacher, essayed to leave this mundane sphere by a heavy dose of laudanum at Gallitzin on Sunday. The love and laudanum were pumped out of him, and life now sits easier on his stomach than before.


Captain Robert Johnson, who has been engaged in the temperance movement over on the West Branch for several weeks, arrived home on Monday evening. He will now earnestly commence his canvass for the Register and Recorder nomination.


The great suit of the Lingenfelters against the Riddlesburg Coal and Iron Company et al has been finally decided. The Supreme Court has affirmed the judgment of the Court below, which puts the Lingenfelters in possession of an immense amount of property.


Ought a city publisher to succeed who gets a country publisher to notice his journal, and then "cuts" his acquaintance? - Huntingdon Local News. We say no. Yet that is just the way the Philadelphia North American, Pittsburgh Post and Lancaster New Era served us.


We have received the first number of the Oil Times by James F. Campbell, Esq. Typographically it is well gotten up, and editorially, general and local, it is lively and entertaining. Maj. Will. M. Hartzell run's [sic] the local train. Success, friend Campbell.


A pike was caught by a German last Thursday evening over in the Conemaugh river, Rogers' dam, near Nineveh, which measured nearly five feet in length. This huge fish has been taxing the skill of fishermen from the base of the Alleghenies to Derry for some time past.


A party of six or eight Huntingdonians have been arrested on a charge of assault and battery, occasioned by their participation in a mock-Masonic initiation ceremony of a simple-minded man named Stearn, on an island above that village. He alleges injury and abuse at their hands. The next court will sift the true inwardness of the matter.


A fisherman (?) that would capture 94 dozen of trout out of a stream at one incursion, should never be allowed to throw a line in trout waters again. Yet a fellow did this, so they say, in one of Clinton county creeks lately. To keep that number of fish without spoiling requires pretty heavy salting, and then the salt and the keeping kills the flavor of a trout.


The Tyrone Herald of last Thursday says that Mr. Samuel Shellenberger was bitten on two fingers of one of his hands by a copperhead snake, while working on the township road near Taylor's sawmill. He was in the act of lifting a plank and as he put his hand under it, the snake bit him. He is getting along as well as can be expected, and it is thought he will fully recover.


It is related of a Huntingdon hotel-keeper that several years ago he made an agreement with his two sons that if they would refrain from the use of liquor until they attained the age of 16 years, he would present them each with a gold watch and chain. One of the lads succumbed; the other maintained his integrity, received his reward, and his name is Harry Leister.


REDUCTION OF WAGES. - We would rather it were not so, but there comes up in the history of corporations, as well as individuals, the necessity of retrenchment, and self-preservation becomes the inexorable governing principle of their business. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has reached that stage of depression in the business of the country, that a reduction of wages is an imperative necessity in order that its credit be not impaired, and its capital imperiled. The continued pressure of the shrinkage of values, the cessation of work in the mining and manufacturing regions, the falling off of merchandise, and the reduced consumption felt in all parts of the country, have affected carrying companies' receipts more seriously than those of any other combination, for the reason that the personal and real property required to conduct such operations involve an amount of capital second only to that which is used to carry on the government, State and National. Of all the roads in the country, the Pennsylvania has been the most liberal and paternal in its action towards its employes of all grades. This company has never had a difficulty of any consequence with its manual labor since its existence, while the employes of other companies have had angry disputes, and destructive collisions with theirs, causing great loss to the stockholders and immense expense to the State, by way of military interference before they were ended. This company, since its existence, has never been compelled to ask the authorities to interfere between it and its employes, and has never had a general "strike" along its line. This is the proper time to adduce such facts; that the employes may be reminded of the past, when the condition of business justified the company in rewarding them liberally for their services, so that they may understand fully that the present reduction is the effect of counter influences, growing out of conditions in business diametrically different from those of ordinary prosperity. Those who know Col. Scott, and particularly the railroaders who have been connected with him for years, will understand how long he has waited, and how reluctant he must have been to recommend a reduction of this kind. He was forced to it by pressures to which men less sympathetic with the industry with which he has been associated for years, would have yielded long since. He only gave way after every test had been tried; after the regions whence freight is usually carried had failed in their production, maintaining his road in the meantime, by economy which did not affect its labor, so that when this reduction came, it was because every business consideration made it necessary, and no human power could longer avert it. This the whole community understands and appreciates, and this those who are directly affected by Col. Scott's last circular, should accept cheerfully as the ruling of inexorable financial condition.


DISREPUTABLE HOUSE PULLED. - For some time past the ranche kept by H. F. Baker and wife on Sixteenth street, above the White Hall, has been an eye sore to the respectable and virtuous people residing in that neighborhood, and anathemas loud and deep have been heaped upon the den. On information made by Constable Shollenberger before the Mayor, the police force of the city on Wednesday night of last week made a descent upon Baker's premises, capturing the proprietor and three inmates, named respectively Mary E. Rodeniser, Lucy Butler and Carrie Evans. Mrs. Baker was not disturbed on account of a sick child. The parties arrested were taken to the lock-up and confined, preliminary to a hearing, which was accorded them on Thursday. Baker in default of $1200 bail was sent to jail, as was Lucy Butler and Carrie Evans, who were now so destitute of friends and admirers that $200 could not be risked for their appearance at court. Mary Ellen Rodeniser was released on her own recognizance to appear at the July session. Since Baker has been landed in prison he threatens revelations unless he is permitted to go "scot free." Let him revelate, rather than justice should not have her perfect work in his case. If there have been persons visiting his infamous abode whose exposure would hurt them in the eyes of the community, it is better they suffer than a whole neighborhood should be poisoned by the impure atmosphere which emanates from houses like Baker's, to say nothing of the depreciation of property occasioned by their location in respectable quarters of the city.


SAD TRAGEDY. - We regret to record the death of Mr. S. S. King of Duncannon, a brother of M. Edgar King of the Radical, which occurred at Danville, on Friday night. The particulars surrounding his death are given in a dispatch, as follows: Some time during Thursday night Mr. King registered himself at the Danville Hotel, and retired to his room. During the right - at what hour is not known - he made an attempt upon his life. Early the next morning he was discovered in an unconscious state with the pistol in his right hand and a bullet hole in his right temple. On the table were found two sealed letters and a note, the latter reading as follows:


"My life has been a failure, and I am tired of it. Please deliver the letters to my friends." Signed, S. S. King.


On his person was found $75 in money. Mr. King lingered until Friday night when death closed the scene. He was traveling agent for the Duncannon Iron Company, and was for a number of years Right Worthy Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars of Pennsylvania. No reason is known for his acting other than that given in the above note. The sealed letters may throw some other light on the sad affair, but their contents have not been divulged. We deeply sympathize with those who mourn his sad and untimely death.


THE MURPHY MOVEMENT. - The disciples of Francis Murphy appear to have suspended operations in this city, at least for the present. In other portions of the State the movement progresses with unabated interest. Here, it has been productive of good, and daily we witness it in those who have taken the pledge. Indeed, every one must wish that so salutary a reform may spread all over the country. If hard drinkers see the folly and the danger of their habits, and abandon them, that is a step in the right direction. They may, in many cases, return to their evil courses, but a short experience of sobriety is a good thing for men who have been accustomed to keep themselves about half seas over from one year's end to another. The new temperance movement especially deserves commendation because it seems destitute of cant, and is started, not by professional philanthropists, but by the tipplers themselves, who are banding together to keep sober, a resolution which all men might well take, and stick to it, too. If they do so, they will find that after all there is much more fun to be got with a clear head than with one fuddled with rum.


Personal. - Capt. Robert Johnson is still pushing forward the Murphy boat in Williamsport with good success. At a meeting on Friday evening, Rev. Joseph A. Ross, in a speech which elicited considerable applause, referred to the history of Capt. Johnson, and related how he used to dissipate and resist all the appeals made to him to reform. An interesting daughter of the Captain's had been converted at a camp- meeting. He (Mr. Ross) had asked her to pray constantly for her father which she had promised, with tears, to do. He felt confident the reformation of the Captain had been wrought by prayer.


MUST COME DOWN, TOO. - After to-day the ten per cent. reduction will affect all employes of the railroad company whose wages are above one dollar per day. We have been of the opinion for several years past that the cost of living in this city has been out of all proportion, and bearing too heavily upon the laboring man, the mechanic, and all who have to depend upon their daily toil for a livelihood. The thought has frequently struck us that the quality of the goods delivered was not equal to the price paid. As we have strolled through our very slim market, when we have any, we have been impressed that hucksters in getting up their garden "sass," dairy products, etc., did so regardless of taste, and from the sample of green apples exposed to sale mistook the people of Altoona for swine. The price, however, was high-toned, if not gilt-edged. Rents, too, have been also too high, though there has been a fair reduction in them in some instances, but there is yet room for improvement in this respect. No man should expect more than six per cent. out of his property, after the payment of taxes and necessary repairs. Money goes begging at that rate on good investments, and many are willing to take four per cent. and jump at five. The truth is everything is bound to reach the same level that existed before the rebellion, and consumers and producers may as well make up their minds to that fact. The most rigid economy will have to be the governing principle of every individual in the present stress. "Live within your means," is a maxim that will forcibly come home to all persons in this city directly affected by the present reduction, and it is equally applicable to those who are directly touched by the same cause. Let us all try to make the best of our altered circumstances.


JURY LIST. - The following jurors have been drawn to serve at the July term:




Miles Barnett, W. C. Bayley, Andrew Biddle, James B. Bowman, John Caldwell, G. W. Hill, J. S. P. Harris, Henry Hoenstine, John Isett, George Isenberg, Samuel Lloyd, David Manley, Samuel Moore, Michael McIntosh, Silas Moore, John G. McGraw, Samuel K. Royer, A. R. Traugh. Isaac Thompson, Harry Van Tries, Jr., Julius Weil, Levi Wilt, John Wighaman, Charles Westley.




Hugh C. Allender, J. Brua, Ephraim Burket, Jeremiah Black, John Bollinger, Henry Cassidy, J. F. Carothers, M. G. Crawford, Jacob Deahl, Peter Emfield, Robert Fay, John G. Fouse, Samuel J. Fox, David Garland, James Garvey, Samuel Hare, George Holland, J. H. Isett, O. M. Irvine, C. S. W. Jones, Nicholas Lewis, John Lyman, L. M. Lotz, John Lingafelt, George C. McCahan, Daniel Noel, James H. Patterson, George Rosenberg, William Robertson, Joseph H. Reed, Joseph Ruggles, Jonathan Rhodes, Jacob Shaffer, Paul Shiffler, Peter Vetter, Joseph Wagoner, Jr., Geo. W. Yeager.


REDUCTION OF WAGES ON THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. - A copy of the following circular was sent out by Colonel Scott to every employe of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company:




To the Officers and Employes of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company:


The following preamble and resolution were adopted by the Board of Directors at its meeting held yesterday:


Whereas, The depression in all business interests of the country continue, thus affecting the usual revenues of railway companies, and render a further reduction of expenditures necessary; therefore be it


Resolved, That a reduction equal to ten per cent. be made in the present compensation of all officers and employes of every grade, in the service of the company, where the amount received exceeds ten cents per hour, to take effect on and after June 1st next.


It is to be hoped and believed that all persons in the service of the company will cordially concur in this action.


The above action of the Board sets forth clearly the necessity for the reduction referred to, in order to meet the exigencies of the times.


But one reduction in compensation has been made by the Company since the panic of 1873, and it was hoped that a revival of business would avoid the necessity of making any further abatement in the compensation of all persons in the service.


As yet, however, no practical improvement has taken place in the business of the country; and while enforcing the most rigid economy in all departments of the service, I am confident that all officers and employes will fully concur in the action of the Board. - THOMAS A. SCOTT, President.


The reduction mentioned in the circular applies to every employe of the Company, from the President down, excepting only those who now receive only one dollar a day or less. All the roads owned or controlled by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company have taken similar action, and the reduction will take place on June 1st on the Northern Central, Allegheny Valley, the roads of the "Pennsylvania Company," including the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago and the entire Northwestern system and the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis and other roads of the Southwestern system.


ACCIDENTS. - Mrs. Rachel McCurdy, a widow lady, residing on Seventh avenue, near 12th street, fell down stairs last winter and injured herself seriously in one of her limbs, disabling her entirely. On Thursday while moving about on crutches, she was again thrown down to the injury of the crippled member, confining her to bed.


William Cromer, an employe of the wheel shop, while running a drill press on Friday, had his clothing caught by the set screw, and he was wound up pretty tightly, but escaped with a slight wound on his hand and arm.


A three-year old son of Mr. Alexander Dobbins was drowned in the Juniata at Gaysport, Friday morning. This is the second child Mr. Dobbins has lost in the same way and place.


Mr. John Anderson, of Logan township, was quite severely injured internally last Thursday evening, by being thrown from his horse at the lower shops, during the false alarm of fire. He was riding homeward when his horse suddenly shied, whether at the engine or some other object, he is not certain which, landing him helpless along the roadside. He was picked up by the firemen and carried into the engine-house, and made comfortable until the arrival of Dr. Fay, who administered to his wants. It was found that his hurts was internal, though one arm was bruised and a hand cut pretty severely. He was unable to mount his horse and proceed homeward, and was compelled to remain at the residence of Mr. A. C. Rickabaugh over night. We hope friend Anderson may speedily recover from his misfortune.


Hayes Tinker, son of Mr. John H. Tinker, residing at 1416 Eighth street, while pushing a wheelbarrow up Eighth street hill on Saturday, slipped and fell, striking his chin against the vehicle with such force as to drive his teeth completely through the tongue. That member is very much swollen from the injury, and the lad has to be fed entirely on fluids for the present. The boy is 13 years old.


George E. Thomas, a five-year-old son of Mr. George S. Thomas, living on Eighth street, above Howard avenue, on Monday morning slipped and fell, and having a stick in his hand at the time, ran it into the left side of his neck. Dr. Ross cut the stick out, it being two inches long by half an inch thick.


On Monday afternoon, while Mr. Samuel S. Rhoads, residing No. 1107 Fourteenth avenue, was engaged between the upper shops in pulling a "bull wagon," which tilts at either side, laden with old scrap iron, he met with quite a painful accident. He was assisted by another employe, pushing the wagon, and while the vehicle was passing over a high place in the way, the tongue thereof gave a sudden lurch, throwing Mr. Rhoades violently to the ground, fracturing a small bone in his right leg, above the ankle. His injury was attended to by Dr. Ross. Mr. Rhoades suffered considerable pain through Monday night. We hope, however, soon to see our old neighbor on his pins again.


A horse which Mr. G. Casanave was driving up Eleventh avenue on Monday afternoon took fright and ran away, throwing that gentleman out of the buggy and wrecking it considerably. Mr. Casanave was not much hurt by his unexpected tumble. A horse attached to George Love's wagon, standing in front of Moore's store, inspired by the exhilarating velocity of the Casanave animal began to put on airs, and succeeded only too well in his efforts, as Mr. Love had reason to know as he picked himself and goods out of the street, and viewed the broken wagon, barked trees and demoralized tree boxes in the vicinity.


ARREST OF A BEAST. - The Johnstown Tribune chronicles the arrest of William W. Rininger of Taylor township, Cambria county, on the charge of having criminal intercourse with a ten-year old daughter of a man named Keefer, and to whom the child is now enceinte. Upon his crime being discovered and a warrant issued for his arrest, Rininger fled to Bedford county where he has two brothers living. Up until Sunday last he was engaged in peeling bark for a man named Miller, near the village of Pleasantville, but that evening he concluded to visit his home, which is at the upper end of Frog Hollow. He came back on foot, by the road which leads past Ashtola, and into Scalp Level. Chief of Police Harris and Thomas Parfitt of Johnstown, who were at Pleasantville on Saturday, learning that Rininger had gone home to Frog Hollow, went there and arrested him that evening, finding him concealed under a bed-tick in an upper chamber of his house. In conversation about the matter this monster acknowledged to the officer that he was guilty of the crime charged against him, but asserted that she was a willing party. As the law does not recognize a child under ten years of age as being capable of giving consent this plea will not avail him very much, and his chances of being convicted of rape seem very good. Rininger is forty-five years of age, and has been married for a long time.


ELECTION OF OFFICERS. - At an election held on Thursday evening for officers of the Good Will Steam Fire Engine Company, the following gentlemen were chosen for the respective positions: President, George Bowman; Vice President, Edward Maher. Treasurer, A. C. Vauclain, Sr. Secretary, John Cannon. Assistant Secretary, Robert McGraw. Representative Co., A. C. Vauclain, Sr. First Engineer, A. R. Ross. Second Engineer, Wm. Rice. Third Engineer, Jesse Sapp. First Fireman, Lewis Nevin. Second Fireman, George Bowman. Third Fireman, Wm. Enney. Chief Director, Barney Fitzpatrick. Directors, John Cannon, Henry Cornelius, Dave Robertson, D. Lafferty, Dan Donahue, Owen Rice, Wm. McCartney, Ed. Gardner, A. H. O'Neil, David Love, Robt. McGraw.


AN ECONOMY OF TRUTH. - Last week we noticed the injury received by a youth named James Oakes, and of his being turned away by the farmer, in whose employ he was at the time of getting hurt. Mr. William Davis, living near the Y switches, "assumes that pressure," but denies Oakes' plow story. He says Oakes "worked for me three days, planted corn, and when he left he told me he was offered work in a mill in your city. I was anxious for him to stay, but he left without supper, and before I could return from Hollidaysburg. He never had hold of a plow while with me, and on Friday, when he left, was as sound as he ever was in his life. I believe he received his hurt by the cars, in trying to get free transportation. I have plenty of proof that he was not hurt when he left." Other parties, however, affirm that Oakes' story is substantially correct, notwithstanding Mr. Davis' sweeping denial. The whole matter is now a question of veracity, and we leave the parties to settle it between themselves.


FIVE YOUNG WOLVES CAPTURED. - William Long - more familiarly known as "Old Uncle Billy Long" - of Pennfield, Clearfield county, who is one of the pioneers, and has always made his living by hunting, while out a mile or two from that place recently, came across a gray wolf with five young ones. In the evening he returned and captured all the young ones while the old wolves were away hunting food. He has them in his possession now, and is highly delighted with the brood.


SUPREME COURT. - The following Blair county cases were heard in the Supreme Court at Harrisburg on Monday:


Robertson vs. Sherry - Blair county. Argued. Judgment of non pros.


Wise vs. Rhodes - Blair county. Argued. S. S. Blair for plaintiff in error; H. M. Baldrige for defendant in error.


F. P. Tierney, Esq., was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court.




BRUMBAUGH - COWEN - May 24, at the house of the bride's parents, by Rev. D. Stock, D. S. Brumbaugh, Esq., and Miss F. Louisa Cowen, both of Roaring Springs, this county.




JONES - In this city, May 22, Mrs. Sarah Jones, aged 59 years.


KERR - In this city, on the 27th, Harry Lytle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kerr, aged 3 years, 8 months and 5 days. May. 28, John Edgar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kerr, aged 1 year, 3 months and 10 days.


VALENTINE - In this city, May 28, Mrs. Jane E. Valentine, aged 52 years.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, May 31, 1877, page 3




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