Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Thursday, August 12, 1858,






Woodberry Circuit and Hollidaysburg and Altoona Stations will hold a Camp Meeting, at Black's Grove, midway between Hollidaysburg and Altoona, commencing on Friday 20th and closing on Thursday, 26th day of August next. Ministers and people of Birmingham, Williamsburg, Huntingdon and other adjoining Circuits, are respectfully invited to join with us. Ministers and members of other denominations are also cordially invited to pitch their tents with us and participate in the exercises of the occasion.




SAM'L A. WILSON      } P. C.
JOHN H. C. DOSH,    }
July 21, 1858


PRESENTATION. - On Thursday last, 4th inst., we attended, by invitation, a meeting of the Employees connected with the maintenance of way department of the Penn'a Railroad, on the division between Hollidaysburg and Huntingdon, held at the National Hotel, in Tyrone, for the purpose of presenting a gold watch, chain and seal, to JONATHAN RHULE, Esq., Supervisor of that division, as a token of their respect and esteem.


The meeting was organized by appointing Capt. James Bell President, and E. B. McCrum, Secretary.


The President stated the object of the meeting, after which GEO. B. CRAMER, Esq., presented the watch with the following




MR. RHULE. - Allow me, on behalf and in the name of the employees of the Pennsylvania Railroad, on the Division under your charge, to present to you the watch and chain which I hold in my hand, as a token of their respect and affection for you. It is extremely gratifying to me, I assure you, to be the means of conveying this gift to you, because I heartily join with them in their esteem for you as a man, and in admiration of the fair, just and able manner in which you have discharged your duties with the road. During your long connection with the Railroad, I have never heard one complaint; and this day shows that the feelings of those around you are as sincere as they are warm. Your strict integrity, and even-handed justice to all alike, have made you a favorite with the men under your charge; and, in this cold, business world, where every one seems striving for selfish ends and purposes - some for gold - some for honor - and some for the pleasures of life - it is charming and refreshing to see the bright sun of affection shine as it does here to-day, by the employees of your Division, for their appreciation of your worth. - They desire by this small token to show this to you, and may its time be as true as their sentiments conveyed, through me, to you to-day are. They hope you will appreciate it - no on account of the value of the gift, but in kindly remembrance of those who gave it; and that as we journey on through life, nothing may ever occur to mar the kind feelings and relations which have always existed among us. It is their wish - all of them - that you may long continued in the service of the great road with which you are now connected, and that their best wishes for prosperity and happiness to attend you - no matter what your duties in life may be, or where they may call you - and most truly do I join my wish with theirs, that such may be the case.


Sir, allow me to hand you this beautiful watch.


The watch bore the following inscription:


by the
Employees Maintenance of Way Department
Huntingdon and Hollidaysburg,
as a token of their respect and esteem.


Mr. Rhule received the watch and replied in the following




GENTLEMEN - I need hardly say to you that this is one of the proudest days of my life. A discharge of one's duty, it is true, always carries with it its own reward, and that consciousness is a man's best and truest happiness - but it is doubly precious when attested by those whose situations enable them to know it and declare any failure in its performance. You have been so situated; and this declaration by you, that I have discharged my duty to my employers and to you, is a far more precious and valuable testimonial than the valued and valuable gift through which you have conveyed it. I will cherish it as a remembrance of duty discharged in the past, and an incentive to fidelity in the future. Permit me to return to you my hearty thanks for the generous display of your regard for me, and feel assured that I cherish for each of you that respect and esteem which it shall ever be my pride to have for men who, like you, continued faithful and worthy in the discharge of every trust that I have committed to you; and while you have thus declared your satisfaction with my conduct towards you, I embrace this opportunity of saying that I return you also my thanks for your cheerful and ready discharge of your duties toward the road and myself; and I express the hope that we may long continue mutually to cherish and entertain those feelings and to live in the respect and esteem for each other, by continuing to deserve it in the future. The high reputation which the road has attained under your charge should not be diminished for want of zeal or promptitude in the discharge of every duty imposed by the General Superintendent or the officers in charge of the sub-departments. The sub-divisions under your charge have been, in a great measure, free from accidents; and the numerous trains that are daily rolling over each of your divisions without any fear of accident or detention, give you all a high reputation for the past and the future. In my farewell address to H. J. Lombaert, Esq., when retiring from the office of the General Superintendence of the Penn'a Railroad, in tendering to him in behalf of the employees under my charge an acknowledgement of the uniform courtesy and kindness in the discharge of your duties and the fidelity which has been approved of should not be diminished under the superintendence of our worthy Superintendent, Thomas Scott, Esq., who holds at heart every good and honest railroad man. Reach every good, and fulfill every duty that lays upon your shoulders; if you do greatly, you shall not deceive yourselves, for we are as yet but at the starting point of human improvements, and when men shall strike up in their souls the light of justice and humanity, and in their hearts open the sleeping fountains of benevolence, then will their love reveal itself in its sweetest enjoyments.


On motion, a vote of thanks was tendered to Geo. B. Cramer, for the manner in which he had discharged his duty, in the matter of purchasing the watch and chain.


On motion, the proceedings were ordered to be published in the Tyrone Star and Altoona Tribune.


The presentation ceremony having been concluded, the watch was handed around for inspection. It is a beautiful piece of mechanism, perfectly water-tight, and resembles, to look at it externally, a solid piece of gold. The watch was valued at $140, the fob chain at $30 and the seal at #8. The internal works are of the latest and most perfect patents, having been approved by a number of railroad men as the most perfect time-keepers. That Mr. Rhule should feel proud of such a present would not be unnatural, although we believe he valued the kind feelings of the donors much more, and felt pride in the possession of their esteem which all the valuable gift and riches they could have laid at his feet would not have outweighed. That he is eminently worthy of this token of approbation from those under him, we need not assert, Mr. R. has ever been regarded as one of the most faithful Supervisors on the road, both to his employers and employees, and all alike join in their kind regards in the token presented to him.


At half-past four o'clock, the company sat down to an excellent repast prepared by the worthy hostess of the National. To say that it was excellent is not sufficient; it was more than we had anticipated, and it would have been better had she but known the precise time at which the affair was to come off. We have not sat down to a better supper than that served up at the National at any hotel in this part of the country. Everything about the house wears an appearance of neatness, and orders are fulfilled with promptness and dispatch, without the noise and bustle usually attendant on such occasions. The National Hotel, Tyrone, we have long known as a popular house, and now we consider it deservedly such.


Shortly before six o'clock the party left for the station, well pleased with the proceedings of the afternoon, themselves, the attention they received and the supper, and vowed that whenever they visited the town again they would stop at the National.


A PROMOTION. - We are always pleased to record the promotion of any of our citizens to post of honor, profit or trust, and we have that pleasure this week, in announcing that our young friend David T. Caldwell, clerk in the Banking House of Bell Johnson, Jack & Co., in this place, was, at the late Convention of Junior Sons of America, at Lancaster, elected President of said Convention. The honor was worthily conferred, as there are few capable of filling such a post with more dignity than our young friend. That he will "bear his blushing honors meekly," we feel sure, and from his known integrity to the cause he has espoused we venture to predict that still higher honors await him in the future.


S. S. PICNIC. - The Union Sunday School, of Allegheny Furnace, held a picnic on Saturday last, in a grove at that place, which was addressed by Rev. Dr. Happer, Rev. S. A. Wilson and others. An account of will be found in the communication of "Purser Hanstobpoy."


LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. - On Saturday evening last, a meeting was held in Mr. Burchinell's office, for the purpose of forming a Library Association. A committee was appointed to draft a Constitution and By-Laws for the Association. A case of valuable books has already been presented, and it is the intention to get suitable books for the use and edification of apprentices to the different trades, Engineers, Firemen and road men. Also literary books of all kinds. We are pleased to announce the formation of such an association, well knowing the benefits that must flow from it. Every young man in the town should contribute liberally for the purpose of purchasing books to be placed in this library. Let each one subscribe, say $5, (and that is less than the majority of them spend monthly for articles that are worse than useless,) and it will purchase one of the best libraries in the country, and the knowledge they will obtain from the use of those books will be worth ten times the amount of their subscription. We venture to say that there is not a young man who works in the shops in this place, who could not spare that amount out of one month's wages in the year; and now let them calculate the amount which could be raised by a subscription like this, and they can form an estimate of the valuable books it will place within their reach. Not only the young but aged men may be benefitted by this library, and we expect to see many of them enrolling their names on the list, and contributing money and books. Enter into it, young men, with willing hearts and open hands; you are the individuals sought to be benefitted. But why need we extenuate; you know your duty and your interest, and we feel sure you will rightly consider the subject and act accordingly.


MAN KILLED. - On Monday morning last, the car inspectors at this place, on examining the Express Train Eastward, discovered portions of a handkerchief and a quantity of hair and blood upon the car wheels and brakes. It was not known to any one connected with the train that an accident had occurred, and conjecture was at fault in reference to the affair, until the arrival of the Mail Train which brought the information that a watchman on the Road, named Murphy, had been run over and killed near the "Pack-saddle," by the Express Train. From the fact that there were no marks upon the wheels of the engine or tender, it is supposed that the unfortunate man had got on the platform of the Express car to ride and by some means fell between the engine tank and car.


THE ENCAMPMENT. - At the military meeting held in this place, on the 3d inst., Gen. Bell appointed Col. Higgins, Majs. Innes and Bell, Capts. Bell and Hoffius and Lieut. Osterloh, a committee to procure the tents and other camp fixtures.


Col. Higgins, Capts. Zink and Morrow and Lieuts. Osterloh and Burley, were appointed a committee of invitation, with instructions to invite the different volunteer companies of adjoining Brigades to attend the Encampment.


The Hollidaysburg Fencibles, Scott Riflemen and Allegheny Cavalry were appointed to prepare the ground and make all necessary arrangements.


ANOTHER INVENTION. - We were shown a few evenings since, a new patent lamp for burning Lunar Oil. It exceeds in brilliancy of light that made from any other oil, burning fluid or gas, and emits no smoke or unpleasant odor. - In point of cheapness of light the Lunar Oil has no equal. It will burn at an average cost of but one cent per night, and emit alight equal to 22 candles. The chief points that recommend the Lunar Oil are the beautiful, steady white light it emits, its cheapness and the impossibility of its explosion. The Lamps can be seen and tested at the store of Mr. John Shoemaker who has purchased the right for the sale of them in this and adjoining counties.




For the Altoona Tribune.
MESSRS. EDITORS: - Many persons attend celebrations for various purposes. Some go to see friends; others go to be seen. Some go to see what great fools they can make of themselves; others go to get something good to eat; few go to be intellectually benefitted. I confess the last reason is the one that induces me to attend them. Things that are said at celebrations are generally so plain and appropriate, that they are more easily understood and remembered than if said on many other occasions. Hence, my penchant for attending them.


I was at the celebration of the Allegheny Furnace Sabbath School last Saturday, the 7th inst. The officers of the school, I am free to say, labor for its good in a manner that reflects much credit upon them.


The school is not a very large one, but is composed of quite a number of small children, whose cheerful faces betokened happy hearts and whose merry laughter made me glad.


After proceeding to the grove, they were addressed in a plain and interesting manner by Rev. Aughe, of Williamsburg; and when they had enjoyed themselves by swinging, etc.., for about an hour, they surrounded a sumptuously laden table which fairly groaned beneath the abundance of good things. When they all had partaken of the rich dinner, the Rev. Dr. Happer, a foreign missionary, exhibited to us some idols of heathen worship, accompanied by lucid explanations and touching appeals. The Doctor's dignified and noble appearance, his clever articulation, his volubility of utterance and his heart- prompted discourse gained for him undivided attention, and were calculated to deeply impress the hearts and command the reverence of all. Rev. S. A. Wilson, of Altoona, followed in a brief but eloquent address, which tended to seal upon the mind still more securely if possible the conviction of the truths which the last speaker uttered.


The hospitality of the people there was truly commendable. It was not grudgingly bestowed, but, being in the heart, it was trained and strengthened by Religion, and exhibited itself in open-handed generosity and love. Much praise is due those who were the getters-up of the celebration. I am sorry that I do not know the names of all the ladies who made themselves so useful upon that occasion. I would like to speak of them as being worthy of the highest praise, if I only knew their names.


God bless the ladies, say I. - PURSER HANSTOBPOY.


SINKING VALLEY, August 9, 1858.
MESSRS. EDITORS: - A few days since I took my departure from your town, escorted by my friend M. as far as the village over the hill, known by the appropriate name (in rainy weather) of Mudtown. While crossing the ridge, we had the pleasure of meeting der Purser Hanstobpoy, in company with one of the fair sex which adorn this part of our glorious land of liberty, and judging from his conversation, he was evidently on the "lookout" for a Rev. or an Esq., to tie the "everlasting knot." His business, he said, was of such a nature that it would not permit him to tarry, therefore I bid him good by and proceeded on my journey.


Winding my way through the wilds of Brush mountain, I arrived at this place in due season, and found the people in the lively and vigorous pursuit of wealth. Mr. Joseph Crawford & Co., are engaged in digging for lead ore, which I have no doubt will be found in great abundance, should they continue to dig for it, and I know that old Joe is not one of the kind to give up anything he knows there is money to be made at. A shaft some twenty or twenty-five feet in depth has been sunk, and about ten or twelve hundred weight of the ore taken out, which is said to be superior to that of the Galena mines. Upon examination I found it pure enough to be taken from the bank and manufactured into bullets.


Last Spring, the Directors of this township (Tyrone) made provisions for erecting a schoolhouse which is now almost completed. It will be an ornament to this part of the country. It is put up in a grand style and reflects much credit on the builder, Mr. Robert Stewart.


I will "hold off" for the present, promising to give you a line again. - PERIWINKLE


A Voice from Blair County.


The Blair County American Convention having adjourned without giving an expression as to the choice of their constituents for Congress, the Delegates have addressed the following to the Conferees, to wit:


To the Congressional Conferees of Blair County, elected by the American Convention:


GENTLEMEN: - Permit us to recommend to your support, as a suitable candidate for Congress, JOHN BROTHERLINE, Esq. We hope you will bring his name before the Conference, and if possible, secure his nomination by your votes and influence.


Yours respectfully, John H. Stifler, Isaac Hooper, Edward B. Tipton, Allen D. Smith, Archibald Rankin, George Koon, Landon Reeve, Job Barefoot, George Kopp, Samuel Cruse, L. F. Butler, James Malone, Frazer Harlin, Daniel Shock, D. R. Lingenfelter, Jacob Zeth, Jr., Daniel F. Beegle, George P. Kelly, Samuel Furney, John Trout, James Coleman, Douglas McCartney, Abraham Loudon, John Wesly, John McFarland, Wm. R. Plumer, John Tate, George L. Cowen, Jacob L. Martin, John C. Biddle, Samuel R. Shiffler, E. Burket, Isaac Yingling, Theo. A. Stecker, J. L. Reifsneider, Thomas McMinn, William Fox, Daniel Price, Benj. F. Burley, Levi Riling, George F. McCabe, Andrew Green, James R. Patton, James Williams, Wm. C. Kean, Alfred Canan, Jas. A. Freeman, Geo. A. Jacobs, John M. Barbour, Joseph Barr, Francis Henry, Jacob McIntyre, John S. Heffler, Franklin Snyder, M. H. Jolly, A. C. McCartney, Wm. R. Maxwell, Delegates.




On the 5th inst., by Jacob Good, Esq., David Hughs, to Miss Elizabeth Peck, both of Logan township.


On the 10th inst., by J. M. Cherry, Esq., Mr. Samuel Kreighton to Miss Maria Keiger, both of Altoona.




In Logan township, on the 6th inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. Alexander Stewart, aged 54 years, 7 months and 6 days. [Huntingdon papers please copy.]


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 12, 1858, page 3




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