Estate Record for Frederick Weitzel

Family member names included:

Frederick Weitzel - testator
Christian Weitzel - son
Jacob Weitzel - son
Daniel Weitzel - son
Frederick Weitzel - son
John Weitzel - son
Ropiana - wife of John Ream - daughter deceased
Anna Mary - wife of John Wise - daughter deceased
Daniel Weis - grandchild
Peggy Weis - grandchild

Will W 1820
Frederick Weitzel
August the 26th

Letters Testamentary

Letters testamentary in common form under the seal of office on the testament and last will of Frederick Weitzel were granted unto Jacob Weitzel as the executors there in named being duly qualified then to Christian Weitzel the other Executor having renounced

Last Will and Testament

In the name of God, amen, I Frederick Weitzel, of the township of Cumru, in the County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania, widower, being in good health of body and of sound and disposing mind and memory, Praised be God for the same, and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs while I have the strength and capacity to do so, do make and publish this my Last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made, and first and principally I commit my soul to the hands of my Creator who gave it and my body to the Earth to be interred in the burying ground of Hain's Church.

First and principally it is my will and I give and bequest unto my son Daniel, his heirs (unreadable)all my share and shares of grain and grains and benefits of and from all my Lands and plantations that he can (unreadable) there on upon this subject the said son Daniel shall keep me from this day and as long as I shall live in a good and decent like manner as to say he the said son Daniel, shall and (unreadable) for me in my life time all my cloth and clothing, sufficient mead and drink and (unreadable) lodging, washing, and mending, fine wool and all necessary things so that I can live in the house where I am at the present time live in for the above,

2. It is my will that if my son Daniel shall pay, or if any other one of my sons should pay the expenses to the state for the (unreadable) of the land over the Hill now rented to Harp, shall take a receipt for it and bring his charge and (unreadable) from the day and shall be first fully paid out of my estate.

3. I further (unreadable) my son Daniel, so that if I get to be (unreadable) that shall attend to me as father to his son, or a son to his father.

4th. It is my will that all my just debts as shall be me owing at the time of my death, together with my funeral expenses and all charges, shall be fully paid out of the whole of my estate.

5th. It is my will and my herein named and mentioned Executors shall settle my accounts, standing charged against my children or any other person there in named, in manner as the charges are, and in the same as my self might have done in my family book.

6th. I do my self accept for me the yearly rent of and from the house over the hill as long as I shall live for my own use.

7th. It is my will and I think proper to mention that my son Frederick has lent undo my son John the sum of one hundred dollars which sum I think proper that the said Frederick shall received out of the share of my Son John,

8th. It is my will that my here in named Executors shall if possibly in one year after my death shall make public sale of all my real and personal property and after such sale and accounts settled they shall make equal share and share alike unto all my children except as here after except will state, The children of my daughter Ropiana, the wife of John Ream, the said children shall receive and I bequeath unto them, such sum or sums as wood be becoming unto her or him, but while she is deceased the said children shall have her share and the children of my daughter Annamary, the wife of John Wise, the said children shall receive and I bequest unto them, such sum or sums as wood be becoming unto her or him, but while she is deceased the said children shall have her share and

9th the others of my said children shall received share and share a like of all my real and personal property,

10th It is my will and I nominate my two sons, Jacob Weitzel and Christian Weitzel to be my executors in my last will and testament in witness thereof I Frederick Weitzel, the testator have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal this sevens day of June A. D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty

Frederick Weitzel (Seal)

Witnesses present at signing

John Haus
John Lambert

Registers Office, Reading, Berks County August the 26th, 1820. Here appeared John Haus and John Lambert witnesses to the afore written will, who where duly qualified according to the law, did declare and say that they where present and did see and hear Frederick Weitzel, the testator, sign publish pronounce and declare this writing as and for his last will and testament, and at the time of the doing thereof he the said testator was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and as the verily believe and further that the names John Haus and John Lambert are of deponents own hand writing thereto subscribe in the presence of each other and in the presence and at the request of the Testator.


Rhoads Jr. Riggs

Petition for Guardian 1821

Daniel and Peggy Weis

April 6th 1821
Present Robert Porter
Charles Shoemaker

Henry Kein of Lancaster County appointed guardian for the above named minors.

To the honorable the Judges of the Orphans Court of the County Of Berks

The Petition of Daniel Weis and Peggy Weis children of John Weis of the township of Cocalico, Lancaster County.

Respectfully sheweth that in the consequence of the decease of their grandfather, Frederick Weitzel of Berks County they are entitled to part of the estate.

That your petitioners are minors above the age of fourteen years and have no guardian appointed to take care of their person and estate - your petitioners therefore humbly prays your honors to admit them to make choice of a guardian for the purposes aforesaid.

Daniel Wise
Pebby Weis

Henry Kein, Lancaster County appointed.

Submitted by Brenda Buck.

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