Last Will and Testament of Veronica Hain (Fronica Heighsen)

1766 Heidelberg Twp

Written the 31st December in the year 1764

Acknowledge I Fronica Heighsen that I my daughter heir promised, “by my understanding” what my daughter Elizabeth shall have before my other children here, that they shall have nothing to such what I have let them in write. Piece for Piece namely the new Great Bible that Casper has in his house. And the women saddle and my Great Copper kettle and my three Marriage Dollars and all my clothes and my shift(?) and my trunk and all what in the trunk is my cap with the box and all what in the box and also the bedstead and my small copper kettle and my round iron pot and all my pewter except the middle sized dish and that dish Catharine shall have and my daughter shall have all the spoon pewter and the yellow ladle (???) and the shimmer and the shoes and stockings and my two pair of spectacles and my spinning wheel and my iron pot rack and my frying pan my two tubs big and little and my butter churn and the two small wooden paddles and my Psalm Book and my Prayer Book called Faberman and another book (title unreadable) and the lantern and my sheep sheers and other sheers and the letter that I have from Casper and that letter my Elizabeth also shall have from the home and that she the money shall have and she shall let the Bond be signed to her while I cannot do it myself and when I am dead so shall my daughter Elizabeth all the things directly fetch without my hindrance.

Fronica X (her mark) Heighsen

George Heckman as Evidence
Ana Margarata as Evidence

Translator unknown

Submitted by Michelle.

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