Last Will and Testament of John Sell

1853 Reading

In the Name of God Amen, I John Sell of the City of Reading in the County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania being of sound mind good memory and judgment do therefore hereby make my Last Will and Testament in the manner and form following.

Item. It is my will and I do order and direct that my wife Barbara shall have hold enjoy all my Real and personal property which I am possessed of situate in said City on the North side of Penn Street between Ninth and Tenth Street together with all the Buildings thereupon erected on a half Lot of Ground my said wife shall have hold and enjoy all the Rents issues and profits arising there from during her natural life provided nevertheless of she continue to be my widow and does not intermarry.

Item. It is my will and I do order and direct and give full power and authority to y said wife that she may at anytime and at all times after my decease sell at public sale vendue or outcry not private sale dispose of that certain frame dwelling house situate and fronting on Liberty Alley being the extremely north part of my lot together with a small part of the ground running from the front of said frame unto the fence as it now stands in length. And in west and east thirty feet this part so as aforesaid. I give her authority to sell same and the monies there out arising shall go to her own sole use and benefit and desire that the same shall be sold for the best price that can be gotten and my Executor shall execute a good title of the same at the expense of the purchaser.

Item After the decease of my said wife then the residue of my Real Estate shall together with my personal property shall be sold at public sale vendue or outcry as soon as can be done after the decease of my said wife, except the said frame house and the ground aforesaid built fronting on Liberty Alley as that part my wife has received the authority of the said to sell and dispose of the same for her own use and benefit all such honest debts which I may have I desire shall be paid if any.

Item. The Residue balances of all that may remain of Real Estate and personal property which then remain shall be sold by my executor at public sale vendue or outcry for the best price that can be gotten viz after the decease of my said wife.

Item. To my children I give and bequeath unto my children viz my daughters Elizabeth, Maria, Mary Anna, the wife of Heller, each of these share and share alike.

Item. It is my will and do order and direct that my son Isaiah called generally Jesse be hall have fifty dollars more than the other of my children. To my daughter Lovina the wife of Joseph Schmeck here I do desire to be perfectly understood, this Joseph Schmeck is indebted to me the Testator Sixty four dollars and ninety cents for which I hold his note judgment note, under his hand and seal the same amount and the further sum of interest which may be due shall be deduct from his equal share he shall not directly or indirectly claim any benefit of the Statute of Limitation Laws as he gets equal with some of my children. I do therefore caution my Executor to deduct the said principal and the interest from the day and the date of said note so that Justice shall be done. He said Schmeck can not receive any money until the said Note and its interest shall be first deducted from his share. My executor shall sell such real estate as I have directed and to postpone sale as may be requisite so that mo sacrifice shall occur in the sale.

I do nominate and constitute and appoint David Gehry of Reading the Executor of this my Last Will and Testament.

Ratifying and Confirming this as my Last Will and Testament presents and in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, in this, twenty sixth day of May A.D.1851.

John X (his mark) Sell |SEAL|

Signed sealed pronounced and declared by the testator as his Last Will and Testament in presence of us and we are at his request have hereunto signed our names as witnesses

Samuel Levan Anum
John Miller Leek Smith

Submitted by Michelle.

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