Last Will and Testament of Jacob Siegfried

b. 11 Nov 1788 Berks Co, PA
d. 31 Oct 1846 Delaware Co, OH

Typed by Leon F. Borst, Glenmoore, PA, 16 Aug 2002

NOTE: This Will is in the probate file of Jacob's son, Samuel, case #512, Delaware County, Ohio

In the name of the benevolent father of all, I Jacob Siegfried of the County of Delaware and State of Ohio, do make and publish my last will and testament. First: It is my will that any funeral expenses and just debts be paid, and secondly that all my personal and real estate remain under the control of my wife until my youngest son Samuel arrives at the age of twenty one years or she so long lives. If she shall die or marry before that time, then my son William is to have management of the land until Samuel is twenty-one years of age. The following articles will be left in their care for the use of the house and the farm, to wit: Eleven beds and bedding as they now stand, three stoves, two clocks, three fall leaf tables, all the stands and all the chairs, all the kitchen furniture, five tongs and shovels, one bureau, two chests and five trunks, and all the ashales of the barn in use for the farm, two horses and the harnesses for the same, two two-horse wagons, one cart, two ploughs first choice, one hammer (?), two log chains, two grain cradles, all the mowing scythes, all the iron and wooden hay forks, four milk cows, six head of sheep, twenty five head of hogs first choice.

All the above described personal property is to be appraised at my death, and all the property of a personal nature not above specified is to be sold, and all the proceeds of said house and farm together with the personal property left with them and the property not enumerated above will be sold is to be applied to the payments of debts and the support of the family until Samuel becomes of age.

And Said Samuel is to have good schooling in the time of his minority. And if my wife should want to rent out the house and farm when under her care as above she shall give my son William the refusal of the same in all the personal property set off with the house and farm and appraised in the place thereof is to be represented per when my son Samuel becomes of age. together with all the ??? of said house and barn not necessarily appraised for the payment of debt, the support of the family or necessary improvements on the farm … and at the same time that Samuel becomes of age, all my real estate with the improvements made thereon, shall be appraised and the value thereof, together with all the above appraised personal property, property proceeds etc. shall be equally divided among my other children. The real estate after being appraised shall be divided in the following manner, to wit: the lane now running through the farm on which the house stands to be the line, except that the course and staking on the north side of said lane shall be included with the Tavern house in the south side of each land and my son Samuel shall have his choice of each real estate when so divided and my son William after they have made the division as above shall be accountable to and pay to the rest of the children all over and above their equal share contained in said real estate as divided. The one having the land with the Tavern buildings on it is to pay the other Heirs Three Hundred dollars annually until he pays up all over and above his equal share said real estate is worth.

And the one that gets the other part of the above described land is to pay the other Heirs two hundred dollars annually until he pays up all that his part of the real estate is worth more than his equal share.

And there is six or seven acres of land not included in the above that lies north of the stone mark and east of the Sandusky Turnpike which I give to my son Benjamin and of said land should not be appraised to as much as one equal share of all my property. then the balance to make it equal is to be paid by said William as before stated. And the said William and Benjamin are to have the privilege of building there a house on their land before my son Samuel becomes of age if they would want to they shall have the privilege of timber, stone, lime, etc. of the farm to build the same.

At the time my son Samuel arrives at age and the property is divided, I grant my wife to have the choice of any room in the house we now live in for herself and also the privilege of the kitchen to cook for herself.

My three children, to wit: Sarah, Rebecca and Isaac will have the privilege of living with any of their relatives they please and the person taking care of them shall have what remains in the share of the property if any at their death, if they use them well.

Third and last: I do hereby nominate and appoint David High and my son William Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, hereby authorizing and empowering them to compromise, adjust, release and discharge in such manner as they may deem proper, the debts and claims due me. I also authorize and empower to implement and carry out the requests of this my Last Will and Testament.

In testimony, whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this 19 day of Sept 1846

(Signed) Jacob Seigfried

Signed and acknowledged by said Jacob Seigfried as his Last Will and Testament in the presence and signed by us in his presence.

(Signed) Nicholas Lines (?)
Thos Pettibone (?)

Admitted to probate Jany 15th 1847 - approved 18th day of Jany 1847

NOTE by Leon F. Borst, 16 Aug 2002: This Jacob Siegfried was born in Berks County on 11 Nov 1788, the son of Jacob Siegfried and Dorothy Levan. He married Elizabeth Lantz (1790 – 1868) and they had four children before they moved to Ohio in 1827 where they had four more children. Jacob makes special mention of children: Sarah, Margaret “Rebecca” and Isaac because they were blind. The David High mentioned as an Executor is the Husband of his Daughter Angelina. The remaining child not yet mentioned is Catherine,who was married to Ephraim Willey. Jacob died on 31 Oct 1846 and is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery. His Wife Elizabeth died in 1868 and is also buried in Oak Grove Cemetery but under the name of Elizabeth Seigfried and in a different area than her Husband Jacob.

Submitted by Leon.

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