Last Will and Testament of Dildrick Youngman

(Also known as Deitrich Youngman, Deitrich Jungmann, Teeder Yonkman)

Source: Phila. Co. Pa. Will Book Vol. H, page 96

In the name of God, Amen. this sixteenth day of March in the years of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred and forty five, I Dildrick Youngman of Oley in the county of Phila. And province of Pennsylvania: cooper, being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God, therefore calling into mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my executors nothing doubting that at the General resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this manner and form

In primus: It is my will and I do order that in the first place all my just debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied.

Item: I will and do order that after my decease my real and personal estate shall be divided in the following manner and form. First I give and bequeath unto my eldest children George Youngman and Eva Apolonia Snider fifteen pounds current lawful money of Pennsylvania to be paid to them before any item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Mary Elizabeth the third part of my whole estate for her use according to laws. The other two parts shall be divided into equal parts between all my children. My plantation and land. In case none of my eldest children should be able or willing to have and maintain my plantation and satisfy my wife and my other children shall be sold and everything upon a public vendue. The boys shall be bound out to learn trades and the girls the same to Christian like and decent manner to be educated in a Christian and good religion, to learn to scribe and to read and their portions of their heritage shall be put out upon interest until their age. But in case my son, George, should remain in the same opinion and Society where he is now at present his part shall not be given unto him .except he alters his mind and he shall be and contented with one English shilling and his part shall be given unto my other children.

I likewise constitute, make, and ordain the following persons to be the executors and trustees of this my last will and testament, viz. Abraham Levan and Peter Snider of Oley, yeomen and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, and disannul all and every former wills and legacies executors by uses in any ways before this time and bequeathed , ratifying, and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Dildrick Youngman, (seal)

signed, sealed pronounced , declared by the said Dildrick Youngman as his last will and testimony in the presence of us, the subscribers:

Jonathon Herpin
Casper Hoy
John Shoemaker

Phila. 18th February 1745 there personally appeared Casper Hoy, and John Shoemaker two of the witnesses to the forgoing will and on their oath did declare they saw and heard Dildrick Youngman, the testator, therein named sign, seal, publish and declare the same will to be his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and that of Jonathon Herpin, the other witness did also subscribe his name as a witness in the presence of and at the request of the testator

Wm. Plumstead, Registrar.

Be it remembered that on the 18th day of February1745 the last will and testament of Dildrick Youngman, decd. was proved in due form of laws and probate and letters testamentary were granted to Abraham Levan and Peter Snider, Executors named being first solemnly affirmed well and truly to minister the said decd. Estates and to bring an inventory into the registrars office at Phila. At or before 18th day of March and render a true account when thereunto lawfully required. Given under the seal of my office:

Wm. Plumstead, registrar


Maria Elizabeth Youngman of Oley had a will which was probated 7 April 1786. Administration went to Thomas Youngman and Elias Youngman, sons.

Thomas Youngman died in Reading, Pa. 7 June 1787. Administration went to his wife, Catherine.

Elias Youngman, born 25 August 1738, married Catherine Nagle on 11 Jan 1756. He was hatter in Sunbury in 1775 (Annals of the Buffalo Valley)

George Youngman, son of Dildrick, was a member of the Moravian Society. He became a missionary to the Indians and died in Bethlehem, Pa. 0n 1808 Eva Apelonia Youngman was married to Peter Schneider (Snider) of Oley.

Other children of Dildrick and Maria Elizabeth Youngman may have been: Mary Elizabeth who married Peter Knabb, Catherine, unmarried, Joseph, unmarried, Susannah, wife of Conrad Shoemaker, Philippina, wife of Michael Platner and Margaret, wife of Peter Ludwig. ( Account of "the Youngman Family" presented by Carolyn Vandergraift Youngman to the Northumberland County Historical Society, September 14, 1945.)

Submitted by Beatrice.

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