Last Will and Testament of Abraham Becker

Alsace Twp 1871

In the name of God Amen, I Abraham Becker of the Township of Alsace in the County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania, farmer, being weak in body, but of sound mind, memory and understanding considering the uncertainty of this transitory life so make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit.

First: It is my will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral expenses, be duly paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my decease.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Lydia Becker two beds one cow one hog ??? together with such of my house hold furniture and kitchen utensils as she may choose to keep for her own and my daughter Mary Becker use as long as she remains my widow or during her and my daughters natural life and after my death my widow and my daughter as aforesaid is to occupy that part of the stone house where my daughter Esther Becker has now in use as long as my daughter Mary lives or during the natural life as the same as my widow In case my daughter Mary should marry she be deprived of her house rooms with my widow.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Abraham Becker my plantation where I now reside on together with four acres sprout land situate all in Alsace Township and the county aforesaid together with goods and shuttles farming utensils which I now hold and kept thereon such as horses, cattle sheep swine and farming utensils etc. and also direct my son Abraham Becker to pay after my death all debts and funeral expenses free of charges, out of my estate. I order and direct my son A.B. to give unto my widow and my daughter Mary Becker during their natural life the sum of twenty five dollars one cow one hog and furnish twenty five cow and hog each and every year during their natural life. I also order and direct my son Abraham Becker to pay unto my daughters two hundred and fifty dollars each out of my estate as follows first and foremost unto my two grandchildren Matilda Gring and Thomas Trout each one hundred and twenty five dollars two years after my death and my daughter Mary Becker two hundred and fifty dollars the third year after my death and my daughter Ester Becker widow of Jacob Moyer decd two hundred and fifty dollars the fourth year after my death and to my daughter Catherine Becker intermarried with Ephraim Trout tow hundred and fifty dollars the fifth year after my death all without interest.

And lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my son Abraham Becker to be the executor of this my Will hereby revoking all other wills legacies and bequests by me heretofore made and declaring this and no other to be my last Will and Testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenty Third day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy one.

Abraham Becker |SEAL|


J G Leinbach
Amanda Leinbach

Registers Office Berks County SS

On the twenty ninth day of July A.D. 1891 Before me H S Getz Register of Wills personally appeared J G Leinbach and Amanda Leinbach the subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing will, being duly sworn according to Law did dispose and say that they were present and did see and hear Abraham Becker the testator sign, seal, publish and declare the foregoing instrument of writing as and for his Last Will and Testament that at the time of so doing he was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge observation.

H G Getz

Submitted by Michelle.

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